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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5112395 No.5112395 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5113215

Give it time

>> No.5113230

Is 25c a stable buy point? it's been stuck there for ages.

>> No.5113236

>all alts start bleeding
>"why is my unique special snowflake coin not mooning uhh*

>> No.5113242

> moons from 5 cents to 25 cents in 2 weeks

you should just sell you stupid panic pajeet.

>> No.5113327
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>> No.5113374

REQ will hit $1 eventually

>> No.5113552

I think this is the dead cat bounce after a pump. Should we sell now and buy back later?

>> No.5113560

Did he really say dad cat bounce?


>> No.5113565
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Buying at the ATH when it was shilled here at 4-5 cents, bahahahaha.

>> No.5113570

I think it's time to sell.

>> No.5113581

I think you're fucking braindead.

>> No.5113585

Yeah selling my 450k stack right now, because a random anon doesn't even know the basic TAs

Once again.


>> No.5113672

when will it move again? is there an event coming?

>> No.5113710

When will this reach $10

>> No.5113720


ths coin has been absolute GOLD last weeks and you shitheaps say it should do something?

This coin will make tou literally stinking rich and yet you fuckers don't have the patience to hold 1 week

boy there are retarded people on biz

>> No.5113780

Colossus Q4 2017

>> No.5113790

They are mad because they bought ATH and it slightly dipped.

>> No.5113800

You have no idea that we could be swing trading and increasing our stacks

You're just a bagholder who bought in at 4 cents so of course you won't even try.

>> No.5113820

Do you even know the definition of a bagholder?

This will be the last time.


>> No.5113822

>4-5x profit


>> No.5113911

Okay stackholder or whatever.

>> No.5113993
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Colosuss is coming by the next update friday the 22nd. It will be a green Christmas.

>> No.5114076
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>all alts are bleeding

*points and laughs at your face*

>> No.5114146
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Feel's good to be the king of alts.

>> No.5114219

Let us rise to where we belong.

>> No.5114234

Just give it time you faggot. Slow healthy growth and stableness is good for long-term gainz.

>> No.5114259

Thx for the info man
I gotta stop daytrading it like a madman right now.

Too bad I managed to get just extra 500REQ on swings. And I completely missed this dip, thinking .00037 ETH was the absolute support now.

I wonder, how much these 500 REQ gonna be in a year

>> No.5114347



>> No.5114405

Meh, I lost more neurons worrying bout the dip never coming back
Hope it works out better than this

>> No.5114431

If you are lucky you will see $1

Nope sorry, this will not happen any time

>> No.5114469


That's only 10x gains in a year. If the mainnet release goes well and the product works as they've said, it could become a payment method that's used on webshops all around, which is what we've been needing for a long time now. I don't see how 10x in a year wouldn't happen if all that goes well.

>> No.5114493

this guy has ended every post in this thread with KYS, don't waste your breath

>> No.5114518

fuck off newfag, you're not welcome here

>> No.5114601
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Colossos is next week

>> No.5114642

Just check out who i replied to. If you have to reply to a 60IQ human, then a KYS advice is appropriate. Disgusting that someone like him lives on this planet and furthermore is using this board.

That would lead to a 2B mcap, excluded the unkown burned tokens.

Never denied that it's not possible, especially with the over all growth in the crypto world. But adoption and they have to get over a lot of barries...tax modules...auditing. Half of the use cases are a fucking torture. We will see how this turns out. In the end i am still bullish on the project, but i prefer a more realistic prediction, than a 2B mcap.

>> No.5114760

REQ is great, but the damage is already done. We're full of pajeets and weak handed faggots. This drops any day to .2 cents and it will be the apocalypse, a bazar of pink wojaks.

Crypto is kill. We're in full greed mode now.

>> No.5114992

nice try pajeet. we know you sold at 1000 sats.
you aen't getting back in bro. sorry.

>> No.5115051


Do you even understand the white paper behind this?

>> No.5115390

Nice projection. I shilled REQ since ICO, which I got. Aldo bought most of my stack at .04

>> No.5115397

REQ is literally accumulating hard at the 1300-1400 range. That means the next pump might push it to 2000 satoshi with a floor of 1600.

>> No.5115865


CPA/Auditor here and this is the only crypto I'm looking to get into.

You're gonna get a lot of cop out answers like "read the white paper" (which you should), but to inform you more directly, what REQ is trying to accomplish is like venmo, yet significantly bigger. REQ is a platform on which a venmo-for-cryptocurrencies could be built but goes far beyond just sending money to a friend. You can send money to your landlord, a business, a charity, etc and it would automatically update a general accounting ledger for both sides. This can be done automatically for frequent payments, so essentially it's A.I. corresponding with another A.I. to pay each other and automatically update the accounting records and this is all backed up through blockchain. If you don't know what a general ledger is in accounting, look it up.

This gives birth to the implementation of tripple entry accounting. Each journal entry will be linked between businesses using the blockchain. With so much fraud (which goes undetected more that you think) and "book cooking" in today's double entry system, this is revolutionary.

>> No.5115888


As a result, the regular financial audit will change dramatically. As a CPA that's fairly new to the public accounting profession, what the general public doesn't realize is that Auditors rarely catch fraud, sadly it's around 3% of all fraud is caught with a financial audit. Req is set to bring smart audits to the table which mean the accounting records are Audited internally through the blockchain network. This is huge. No more accounts receivable confirmations, no more intercompany transaction reconcilations, no more cash confirmations, no more debt confirmations, no more accounts payable confirmations, no more investment confirmations. These are all standard Auditing procedures that take time, cost money and are going to become archaic. Smart audits will be done internally which will save time and money. Auditors will be in more of a consultant role helping eliminate control deficiencies in internal control and how to improve operation processes.

Don't sell Req, this is going to change the accounting profession as we know it.

>> No.5115922

KYS, you CPA faggot.

Anybody who writes such a wall of text is
A) a broke nigger
B) a paid shill

>> No.5115932
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You really are a new faggot aren't you?
Lurk more you cock slurper and learn your memes

>> No.5115933

nice. thank you anon for the information.

>> No.5116039

I love how every single REQ thread just happens to have an accountant who starts going on about how REQ is the second coming of Jesus. Try harder, shills.

>> No.5116041


Im not broke or a paid shill. Im the rare breed thats both informed in three things people don't know much about. Auditing, tripple entry accounting, and blockchain.

This is all just information from my profession. Do whatever the fuck you want to do.

>> No.5116079

>2nd coming of Jesus

Hello. I am CPA partner at BIG 4. I make 1+ million/year. I come to /biz/ to tell you about REQ which is the future in accounting. Heheheheeh.

>> No.5116116

They don't even have a working "pay" button yet. Neither with ETH nor with BTC.

Nonetheless you faggot talk about how REQ is the future of bookkeeping. KYS.

>> No.5116146


Most partner's are old as fuck and have no clue what blockchain is, nevermind req.

>> No.5116183

>tripple entry accounting

If you want to larp as a highly educated professional you should probably learn English.

pajeet pls go

>> No.5116194

what else in in your blockfolio just curious

>> No.5116301


The team has to deliver, time will tell.

Here's a article from a reputable accounting magazine so you know I'm not full of shit.


I'm on the clover app and I text fast. I'll work on it.

Nothing yet

>> No.5116326

Idiots complaining now will be the same idiots who will complain about not having bought on this dip. Have fun buying my trading stack in a couple days for a 10-20% premium faggots xoxo

>> No.5116718

You invest in 1 coin and it's already THE FUTURE.

You are not a visionary - you are a sheep who noticed crypto literally at its peak.

>> No.5116990


Ive know about cryptos for years. You're obtuse.

Go pick up an accounting book for once, it will help you. Everytime there's a change in accounting, from single entry to double and now triple, there's been a huge massive uptick in human societal complexity and innovation.

Req team might fail with implementation, who knows, but they have the right idea.

>> No.5117998

Dead cat bounce.

>> No.5118018

fr this is one of the easiest things to daytrade.

>> No.5118028

>I think this is the dead cat bounce after a pump. Should we sell now and buy back later?

>Dead cat bounce.


>> No.5118047

req i long term hodl don't panic you fuckers

>> No.5118132

>Colossus next week
>req dropping

pick one fagot

>> No.5118136
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That’s a bingo

>> No.5118144

You're saying accounting drives human innovation? Bahaha. It's Tesla, Ford's etc

>> No.5118217


>> No.5118254

Jesus you're a brainlet, just shut up you got destroyed

>> No.5118284

Dead cat bounce

>> No.5118306

wish I fucking knew these things i just bought some more at 1277

>> No.5118387

You are the one that can't follow 4chin post IDs

>> No.5118778

You sound envious we make massive gains and you just make fractions for your "gains".
4 cents is amazing, I bought at 6 cents.

>> No.5118878

My two cents, but I went to the same school as the CTO, and it's a pretty damn solid CS school.

Its full of smart yet very humble guys, in the sense that the teaching is technically solid, yet most of the engineers usually stay in the geographical area, which pissed me off at time of graduation because I thought they lacked ambition.

Also,my sister went to the same business school as the CEO, but business schools are a joke and everyone knows that. Although in France this school has a solid admission threshold. So the CEO Im not entirely sure.

>> No.5118924



>> No.5119019

business schools aren't jokes. you're a literal dumbass

>> No.5119043


>> No.5119090

They kinda are. In France good business schools are all about the selection. The best students prepare a "concours" for 2 years, and based on the result they get into business schools (same for public engineering schools).

Once in biz schools, students party, network and have some classes I guess, but all the biz students I know told me they didnt learn much.

>> No.5119101


>> No.5119149

No matter where req threads go, they ne
Judge business school alumnus here and can confirm, business schools in the general context of a university, esp a university like Cambridge, are a joke. But they're so relevant & connect so directly with so much power in the world, that they're probably the most influential department of any uni today

>> No.5119216

in the US a decent business school typically accepts a small percentage of applicants (mine only accepts 50 new students per semester with a student population of 26,000). So a solid A average is needed, along with prereqs such as accounting i, accounting ii, calculus etc. if you go to a good school with a good business program you can't be retarded and get in. at least here

>> No.5119236

EXTREMELY aggressive.

>> No.5119302

If it drops to .2 fucking cents I'll buy 2,000,000.

>> No.5119382

dip on my paycheck not now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.5119643

Will req suffer the same fate as linkies with a stagnant coin/token price?

>> No.5119705

absolutely, considering both situations are identical. Sergey fell off the face of the earth and it seems as if REQ team has done the same

no you fucking retard

>> No.5119728

No. Because the fundamental different between those 2 projects is communication. And communication is key.

Sergey might be dead and nobody would know it.

>> No.5119771

2020. If Great Wall goes well, you might see 10 dollars sometime in 2019.

>> No.5119837

/biz/ really went to shit this last couple weeks...

>> No.5119917

I'm a DGB bagholder. Why do you call me a newfag

>> No.5119936


Hodl for longer than a week you impatient fuck.

This is a year long investment.

>> No.5119988

>DGB bagholder
Sorry about that. Seriously

>> No.5120357

what marketcap could it reach?
Can you disrupt all the big4 and accounting companies and suck up their value in this coin?

>> No.5120444
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>> No.5120550

You know, it should tell you something when a coin strikes through an ATH and more or less stays there. REQ is pretty rock solid anon. If you're looking for big emotional swings trade something else.

People swing trade to acquire more BTC. I plow my profits back into my REQ stack because firmly believe in it and the team

Go buy TRON or MANA if you want to have heart palpitations. We comfy here

>> No.5120917


Public companies pay millions for financial audits. I think Googles audit was like 70 million. The PCAOB requires an audit for all public companies. So Google has to pay 70 million each year for an audit. This will definitely rock the boat for all accounting firms especially big 4.

Deloitte has been proactive with blockchain tech though and it's been reported they achieved their first audit using blockchain. I'd be curious to see that audit file.
