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File: 149 KB, 1420x845, Gold_Coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27976341 No.27976341 [Reply] [Original]


>Total supply
188,000 tons
>Circulating supply
130,000 tons
>Dev allocation at launch
0. This amazing shitcoin has been 100% decentralized for the past 7.99 billion years!
>Mint function
Contract has been audited by millions of independent alchemists and has been confirmed impossible to mint more
>Type of ledger
100% private. Nobody can follow your transactions and there is no ability for governments to see who sent $GOLD to whom.
>Transaction fees
0. You read that right. The devs have created this shitcoin with absolutely 0 gas fees. You can give $GOLD to your neighbour and he can give it back to you every day for the next trillion years and you won't have to pay a dime.
>How do I know the contract hasn't been exploited?
Revolutionary proof-of-gold byzantine fault tolerant prevents double spending by having $GOLD in your hand. Once you've given it to someone else in exchange for goods and services, it is impossible to then give that $GOLD to a third party and create a double spend transaction. Anyone can audit the ledger at any time by checking their physical $GOLD tokens - if it's shining, the ledger is secure.
>Where to buy?
This gem is so exclusive it hasn't even been released on uniswap. The privacy function is so strong it prevents your transactions being visible on a blockchain. Instead, you walk to a physical store and buy your $GOLD tokens. Success! You can now check your $GOLD wallet at any time by putting those tokens into your physical wallet, or keep an 'offline wallet' by burying those tokens in your yard and leaving a note revealing where they are, in case you die or forget where you buried it, just like any other seed phrase!


>> No.27976442
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1595393146896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this on coinbase?

>> No.27976463
File: 217 KB, 306x315, 1602621671900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead, you walk to a physical store and buy your $GOLD tokens.

CCTVs will kill this project in the water, sorry anon. Shitcoin looked promising but I'm afraid it won't gain traction especially when it's this unpractical. good idea though

>> No.27976518

where is this i cant find it on binance

>> No.27976526
File: 1.99 MB, 395x313, 1612197160438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit coin

>> No.27976631


gold isn't going to pump.

>> No.27976635

>Say it's a limited supply but an unlimited amount exists in space
It's shit

>> No.27976638

based and goldpilled

>> No.27976682

same can be said for gold in the ocean, but every attempt to get it has failed.

>> No.27976934

Theres a massive supply on earth as well
Just how economical is it to mine?
Not like space mining will be any easier

Supply in space just ensures Gold can continue to be useful as a medium of transaction forever

>> No.27977568

Sir how do I buy this in india? I can't find it on Binance, Uniswap or Kraken!

>> No.27978007

Produce a good or service that your neighbours want, and trade them for their gold, sir.


>> No.27979392

$GOLD is going to the moon pump my thread fellow discord shills

>> No.27979423

lol this is dumb. buy $SCAT instead, it's deflationary, has locked liquidity and a epic sad cat meme coin. get in early and ride it to the moon.
