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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 1901x896, butbutmyaftermarkets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27786173 No.27786173 [Reply] [Original]

all the GME tards have left. they all bankrupted themselves because of their own stupidity. i predict only one week more of them coming in and ruining the board. i just want the board back, /biz/. but we will have it. they are dead ducks.

also thread for noobs and fools or soemthing, tell us about your losses. you wanted to play with us and the big boys and got REKT. i'd love to hear your stories. did you learn anything or no?

>> No.27786478

bought 1 gme share for 100, currently still holding it, might sell idk

>> No.27786520

I was happy to get more stock market threads finally and the constant shilling of shitcoins getting drowned out.

>> No.27786606

I bought $3k in GME at average price of $260, still bagholding

>> No.27786696

Still holding 20 shares. I got my initial cost covered by 600%

Treating these as lottery tickets that at best will cause some guy to have to write in some report "q1 growth was slightly slower than predicted"

Fuck it yolo

>> No.27786725

it was never yours goyim

>> No.27786875

Bought 1.5 shares of GME at 249 held for 24hrs sold the next morning at market open made 101 dollars profit thanks for taking my bag for me Reddit

>> No.27787136

yeah, me too. i'm super sick of shitcoin shilling. we had a fun ride though the last week or so.

>> No.27787287

this is you, isn't it?


>> No.27787482


>> No.27787571

>might sell idk
keep it. it'll only be a 95 dollar loss.

power to the players baby

>> No.27787757

I was laughing at all the redditors correcting anon for saying nigger.


>> No.27787844

they can hold our bags.

toppest fucking kek.

>> No.27787926
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Bought 2 GME at $300, not sure if I should even bother selling or hold on for memes.
>What I learned
Get off robinhood, find a broker that isn't slime (tips?)
Use binance for crypto shit I guess?
That's about it, I'm a retard and just gonna watch all the khan academy vids and try to just scroll down investopedia dictionary and soak up as much as I can

>> No.27787934

Just a fool here:

Had a baby stack of GRT I had been throwing money at for a few months - pulled 1k out to bet on meme stocks, wiped myself out to the tune of -600 bucks. Rolled it back into crypto and now working on making my money back. Never buy hype rofl, stupidest fucking move I’ve made - however it was fun

>> No.27788032
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hello sirs may i ask whether you have heard of the coin DONUT?

if no can you please invest a ticket to the moon?

let us goooooooooo

>> No.27788232

This id rather them than the shit show this sub normally is. HUR LITECOIN NO XRP NO BBXCOIN.

>> No.27788241

I bought it at around 1 hundred too when it hovered there earlier in the week. I out 5 shares down for it. Still not entirely sure what happened. Did redditors just start selling because they had to pay rent? Did hedgies know if they could pull Jewish tricks until the first of the month they would btfo of REDDITORS that owed rent? Holy kek.
I haven’t payed rent in 2 months because there are bats hibernating in my basement that wake up on warm days. I’m literally charging my landlords for house sitting

>> No.27788317

and now we are back to the constant scam coin threads

>> No.27788336
File: 40 KB, 333x428, 5d71559501[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get off robinhood, find a broker that isn't slime (tips?)
I hear Fidelity didn't throttle Gamestop. I know Schwab did, I'm in the process of getting out of them now. Can any Fidelityfags confirm?

How is the Fidelity mobile app and widget? I want something comparable to Robinhood's widget. It's simple, effective, and lets me at a glance know how my portfolio is doing. That's what I want.

>> No.27788500

Fidelity app is cancer. I downloaded webull although they also stopped trades but RH CEO straight up lied lul

>> No.27788639

Webull only did temporarily though I think it was back up on a couple hours. They are even smaller than RH and managed to give full access the same day. That's how you know RH is full of shit.

>> No.27788792
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Goddamnit. I don't want Schwab because their app is shit, I don't want Robinnigger because they're cucked, and I don't want Webull because they're chinks. What's a man to do?

>> No.27788970

>we will soon be rid of gme redditors
When will we be rid of linkies? Why cant they just go to reddit and leave us alone

>> No.27789089

>all the GME tards have left
Not till you get the fuck out of here OP

>> No.27789098

I bought 33 shares of amc for 4.80 cents and immediately sold for 19 the next day.

>> No.27789184

Lol, no. We're still here.

>> No.27789262


>> No.27789354


>> No.27789423

>wait to february 9th if you haven't sold at a loss yet, it's 50/50 that they covered shorts. with all the demoralization of the panic sellers it's very likely that they're cocky and still have doubled down with SI%, this probably fed into their ego even more

>> No.27789469

that's an age old question, they spam and shill thir 0.0000000000000001 coins non stop then brag that it went to 0.000000000000000002

i don't know my dude. just know that all us oldschool people are still here.

>> No.27789479

I feel bad for them but not that bad, I’ve been pumped and dumped enough times where I was able to say “hey not this time schlomo”

>> No.27789489

Nice work

>> No.27789505

Made about $5.5k all said and done while watching reddit have a meltdown so that was pretty fucking cool. I'm going to put the rest of my earnings into ETH and also by a Winchester deluxe case hardened 1886 in 45-70 for $1600 because I have wanted one for a year and this money literally fell into my lap this last week

>> No.27789527

laughing at idiots getting rekt is more fun than scrolling past thousand pajeet shill threads

>> No.27789599

topkek hurr hurr trust the plan, two more weeks, we'll all have lambo's

ahahahahaha, these dopes really thought they'd make millions overnight. but to be fair some of us made bank. i know i did. but fucking wow.

>> No.27789647

I dunno the fact there is still a shitload of active shilling to sell make me think someone is still worried. Im holding too fren.

>> No.27789704

woohoo that's a nice sushi dinner. if you eat sushi.

>> No.27789769

>sold 25% of my luckin coffee shares to buy AMC
>lost 80k
>but was able to buy back most of my shares in luckin
It's an embarrassing failure, but knowing I've only lost about 10% of what I had makes it sting a little less. Call it an expensive learning experience I suppose. I thought there was a few more days for the bubble and I FOMO'd

>> No.27789777

>Get off robinhood, find a broker that isn't slime (tips?)
I used JPM and TD without issues.

>> No.27789807

still got some amc turds who can't smell the shit sandwich

>> No.27789857

LNK is up like fuck you retard.

>> No.27789888

Nigga anyone who held since the gamestop DD was being parroted around two months back straight up might be millionaires now.

The thing of it is though, I still can't tell if there was anything to the DD on the short squeeze, or if the "DD" just triggered a buying frenzy that made the bubble we saw. Either way, just by volume it's pretty clear that the shorters are out by now.

Baggies be mad, baggies be sad.

>> No.27789910

i know, guilty pleasure here. the funniest thing is that these redditard retards are the one who came up with the shit in the first place, we came in, did our biz, got the fuck out cause we knew it was a bad deal, we stacked, they got left holding the bags, it's the cherry on top .

again for the record, i wish no suffereing or anything on anyone, but to have these insufferable literal faggots with walls of funko pops betting their entire life savings and going broke, wow. just fucking wow.

>> No.27789977

>redditard retards
You new around here?

>> No.27789985

I don’t think Vanguard stopped GME purchases, but their UI is awful and they don’t have pretty graphs like Robinhood.

>> No.27790046

nice trips. but what? yes, soon as it hit 350 all us OG's sold. we knew better.

at least... i hope you also knew better.

>> No.27790071

Bought 300 shares at 430. But I have faith Ryan cohen will team up with Elon musk like captain america and iron man and turn this company around.

>> No.27790201
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no faggot, not new. who are you?

>> No.27790310

>rfw Elon and Ryan betrayed us just like Snape did if Harry Potter instead of Melvin selling out all of his Hedgie buddies like Hux did in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (objectively the best Star Wars film of all time)

>> No.27790350
File: 158 KB, 600x442, 4chanstockx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek!!! yeah, they do seem to keep doing that, don't they. it's as bad as the faggots who keep referencing harry potter for politicial shit, hahhahaha,


imaginary fantasy land. if nothing else, they're learning the hard way. some of them might come back to be beasts because of this. and i hope so.

>> No.27790442

My name is Samuel D. Hyde. Who are you friend?

>> No.27790454
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i think its very based that the melvin employees have integrated nicely

the underpaid interns. their boomer shitpost supervisors. all of them paid to say nigger, kike, and faggot. it might have been a little out of their comfort zone at first, but they quickly realized that they are paid to say nigger, kike, and faggot


>> No.27790510

And of course... They are here forever.

>> No.27790605
File: 872 KB, 1024x1024, COOKIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i've been here for a long, long time. nice to see you all again. but it's me. i've had it all and lost it all and i'm just rebuilding. but i'm still here.