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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 1600x900, 669FA445-DECE-499B-B539-E0F3313BD62B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27380753 No.27380753 [Reply] [Original]

You fuckers said it was going to hit $100. I put in 80k at $19! Fucking 19. I fucking hate you all. All those meme threads did nothing. I hope you fucking die soon. I really just lost all the money I've ever made.

>> No.27380753,1 [INTERNAL] 

you haven't lost anything if you haven't sold yet. just fucking hodl faggot

>> No.27380850
File: 338 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210201-124100_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retard you are

Could of had $CLF. I suggest putting what remainder you have in Steel dude

>> No.27380962

>Held for less than a month
Just sell bro. You don't deserve to make it with that mentality.

>> No.27381012

>could of

>> No.27381134

It will. They can't restrict trading forever. As soon as people can buy, they will. Look at how it's staying at near $14 even with jews trying their hardest to destroy it.

>> No.27381195

same thing is going to happen to doge

You idiots never learn

>> No.27381202

>I take financial advice from anonymous internet incels
You’re a fucking retard.

>> No.27381270

Larping is definitely muktse, be careful.

>> No.27381271

You’re down 400k

>> No.27381513
File: 2.81 MB, 300x225, itsme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you ever buy at peak? On anything? Ever?

>> No.27381966


>> No.27381979

>suicide stack
a lot of memes are half joking or 100% joking
but taking jokes as advice makes you a fool

>> No.27382098

just hold you massive pussies they're trying to bore us with the straight line

>> No.27382287

I actually think AMC could get back on its feet depending on pent up demand for movie theaters. I think it's reasonable that it'll be up to ≈$25 by EOY

>> No.27382289

This relies on two things:
>the price is being sabotaged
>they will suddenly stop sabotaging it for whatever reason, even though it benefits them

>> No.27382408

NFLX AMZN DIS all ripping up right now

>> No.27382461

Im looking to get in. Yeah I know im late but whatever. Should I buy or not? If so, at what price and when?

>> No.27382523

Listen, i'm gonna tell you the /biz/ cheat code: If someone is telling you something which seems like it might be hugely beneficial to you- they probably have an ulterior motive.

>> No.27382605

don't fomo

>> No.27382612

you think this is over you cuckold?

>> No.27382857

Don't care, still holding

>> No.27382905

Out of all the meme stocks, AMC actually has legs. Theaters are gonna be raking it in once pandemic restrictions lift.

Sure, muh streaming video wins out long-term, but there’s gonna be a real period where everyone in the US is just desperate to leave the house for recreation.

>> No.27382953

>they will suddenly stop sabotaging it for whatever reason
Lawsuits lol
Read the news for once

>> No.27383007

>Theaters are gonna be raking it in once pandemic restrictions lift.
this is such a fucking meme I really hope you don't believe this

>> No.27383058

it's all time high was around $35 in 2015 retard and it's been bleeding ever since. when was the last time anybody you know actually went to a movie theater....it was a dying business model even before corona. who the fuck pays $12 to go watch a movie in a crowded theater with sticky floors? you take a date to the movies and it's $12 x 2.... +$10 popcorn +$10 drinks...etc. $50 easy to go watch a movie with one person? kek.... or you can just rent and stream it on amazon in the comfort of your own home where you can smoke/drink etc. and fuck your date without an audience. the only people who go do movies are retiree's and kids during matinee. you bought a meme stock anon, and it got a meme pump. you'd have to be retarded to hold this shit though.

>> No.27383094

you got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em.

>> No.27383230

kek, dude seriously, have you even been to the theaters in the last 5 years? notice anything while you were there? been a dying industry for at least a decade

>> No.27383238

AMC now available at 75 shares and options contracts

>> No.27383281
File: 109 KB, 1073x1080, 1611781168716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too much of a basement dwelling NEET to understand that there is going to be a social renaissance once people are free to gather and socialize again.

>> No.27383369

Only if they go roofless

>> No.27383468

I unironically love the movies.

>> No.27383505

movie theaters aren't social outings retard. nobody want's to pay $20 to see a movie anymore

>> No.27383626

I already watch good movies at home with my friends, why would I pay $30 to see capeshit in a theater with a mask on?

>> No.27383636

so you know what I'm saying is true. the only other people there at evening showings are retiree's.

>> No.27383640

You have no idea how terrible AMC's actual finances are, do you

>> No.27383790

yawn... another falseflag thread

>> No.27383804

It takes a special kind of stupid to invest in movie theaters during a pandemic.

>> No.27383960

Nurphy's law: It is not funny to pretend to be a retard pretending to put in exorbitant amount of money into memecoins or memestocks

>> No.27384070

also...imo this last week is a very clear market top signal. I'm selling everything and entering a few strategic puts cause I really think the whole market is about to nuke again

>> No.27384106

Yes, believe me, if theaters screen old halloween movies around halloween they will do well. People just want to get the fuck out of their houses

>> No.27384242

I would pay $20 just to have the ability to socialize.

>> No.27384285
File: 34 KB, 640x360, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I love this place. No bull shit. Since the movies are the only thing I have ever looked forward to I may be out of touch. I don't do "social outings". I still can't believe that the theaters will go away.

>> No.27384359

fuck off poo

>> No.27384427

I think $19 at close is reasonable. No one said this was goong to make it to $100

>> No.27384432
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>he fell for it.

>> No.27384500
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hodl hodl hodl

>> No.27384603

Honestly anything could happen. Its crabbing but could get a big spike at anytime if shorts do start covering by thursday. Volume alone is insane

>> No.27384660

What is netflix

>> No.27384677
File: 178 KB, 958x900, You've got my goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I suppose it's good that I bought back in March then. I do really think that theatres reopening will cause a boost for around 6 months, which should kick up the prices a good deal. Common sense would be to sell now due to this artificial pump, but I'd rather hold out to see if my original predictions were true. To be clear, I don't think that the stock will hold at above $20 for any extended length of time, but that's my target price. Like all things, time will tell if I'm delusional or not.

>> No.27384858


The Jews needed AMC to drop to $6 today. It hasn’t and it never will. Hold and once this restricted trading is lifted, this will skyrocket. Be patient.

>> No.27385053

Did you do due diligence and conduct technical analysis of the stock before investing 80K or did you put your entire savings into a stock you knew nothing about because autists on a mongolian basket weaving forum told you to?

>> No.27385146

Did you really think that memes are a guarantee to make you money?
Are you retarded?
Yeah, memes can make you money, but only put money in memes that you can afford to loose!
t. bought some silver stocks this morning and already down 20%

>> No.27385217
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It't not much but i'm going to hold!

>> No.27385238

I only put 100 bucks in because he was a complete gamble. Still holding 700 shares of Nokia though

>> No.27385452

>could of

>> No.27385584

What reddit retards don't realize is that for someone to make money someone has to sell so everyone in the big nig ape group still gets fucked out of gains for someone to be a winner and.... well you you cuck you lost

>> No.27385746

>Dying industry
So we’re just going to act like every normie doesn’t go out to see the latest marvel film? You’re either retarded or a sheltered loser, feel free to decide which is applicable.

>> No.27387268

why is AMC stock completely leveled today, its not moving above or below $14 much

>> No.27388752

No one is selling, everyone is trying to buy but are being restricted.
Meanwhile hedgies try to ladder short with eachother to get people to panic selling.

>> No.27389292
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>> No.27389346

this gives me hope

>> No.27390077

At the absolute best many smaller positions are closing out at a massive lose from 3-4 back in at 13-14.
These people were trying to coordinate the company into absolute failures to pick off it like vultures, and are too prideful to ever eat a lose.
With the boom of restrictions lifting, and AMC using it to close out some debts the natural price should be at least in the upper teens or around 20 without manipulation at least for a good while.

>> No.27390222


>> No.27390425

>once people are free to gather and socialize again
>he actually, unironically, truly believes that the corona social distancing measures are ever going away
Such a grand and intoxicating innocence

>> No.27390583

The ones that demanded and dictated it are now demanded to open back up despite a new strain spreading, so they will push for it unless they get the actual pandemic they acted was there last year.

>> No.27390649

thats not how stocks work LOL

>> No.27390704

Unlike GameStop, which is a dying business in a dying market, AMC has value. In a year, the vaccine will have been distributed far enough that theaters will begin operating again in earnest and, when that happens, consumer confidence will drive the stock price up. Just be patient.


>> No.27390865

Nah, they'll just "loosen" them, they'll never remove them completely ever again, it's just too useful a tool to corral the goyim cattle to be discarded now that it's been revealed how cattle-like goyim normie masses actually are.

>> No.27390959

It's interesting you're only showing your $10 calls now tranny... what happened to the rest of them?
Did you sell because they got too heavy?
Or are you just scared we'll mock you because they're in the red?

>> No.27390997

>Got in at 11$
>Sold at 13$

Dont worry Anon, you'll learn. Never go all in.

>> No.27391024 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 1024x576, 1611822385162m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip, it will make you rich! You'll be kicking yourself very soon if you don't. You can buy GME on webull. You can also get 2 free stocks if you sign up under my link:


>> No.27391195

If there was ever a truth of the stock market, is that we can't all be winners.

Congratulations in discovering that you're a loser, now what are you gonna do with that knowledge?

>> No.27391346

this if OP isnt larp

>> No.27391449

>>the price is being sabotaged
That is a fact
>>they will suddenly stop sabotaging it for whatever reason, even though it benefits them
They will not suddenly stop trying but retail investors are leaving Robinhood and waiting on funds to clear/transfer which has helped to keep the price low. Once the reinforcements arrive it’s on. Just wait. Those kikes have 30 days to fullfill Friday’s obligations, this is far from over

>> No.27391476

>AMC actually has legs
lol no. AMC was on its last gasp of breath before you retards came in and allowed it to swap its debt for stock.
Look at the 2yr, AMC was sinking before Corona.
Or if you prefer, compare AMC with CNK. CNK has recovered (mostly) while AMC's only pump is retard hype that will be gone in < 6 weeks.

>> No.27391545


>> No.27391687

Avengers Endgame, famously low box office

>> No.27391750

So do a lot of people, so you know what they do? they go to a bar. And pay $20 for some meme fashionable drink like a chocolate martini.

Unless you're 13, the movies shouldn't be that big a deal to you. The movie theatre industry is done. And the good thing about it is that some local theatres will survive while this piece of shit company goes down under.

>> No.27391819


>> No.27392118

I hope the retards that used margin to buy these stocks get raped ubber hard.

>> No.27392198

all I'm seeing here is that banks got screwed for denbts and got memestock instead

how is that a bad thing? any chance to make banking jews lose money is one well worth taking, and from what you're saying they're gonna lose out on this one

>> No.27392336

If you are blindly investing 80k you have more problems than the people on the forum

>> No.27392482

You're assuming that they held the stock and didn't sell it at the top like most people with IQs above room temperature did

>> No.27392544

I'm buying AMC when this bottoms out, they have decent fundamentals I'll pick shares up once this sinks down >.05

>> No.27392562

movie theaters have bars and restaurants now, fucknut
it's the whole 'dinner and a movie' experience all in one place
AMC is gonna fuckin boom this year and next
eliminating their debt, consolidating locations, continuing to give jewlywood the middle finger
even going with a 'boutique' theater model wouldn't be a bad idea
sky's the limit, except for doomers like you

>> No.27392653

>they have decent fundamentals

>> No.27392745




>> No.27393049

Yeah yeah yeah, show us how much money you made on AMC then.

Don't tell me you're just like this fag and bought when it was at almost $20.

>> No.27393364

>you bought around 4,200 shares
>current $19 calls for Feb 5 are selling for $200 each
>sell 42 covered calls, make $8,400 off the bat
>if stock goes above $19 you make your money back plus the $8k
>if it doesnt, sell 42 calls again next week

>> No.27393817
File: 2.90 MB, 478x482, מסורתית.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your speaking to intelligentially for the majority of mouth breathers on here, these retards are mostly rich coin tards who are now no longer rich.

>> No.27393875

You could not be more wrong. You have got to be underage. Theaters that went all in on selling alcohol and food beyond just candy and popcorn actually fucked themselves. It added the full overhead costs and regulations of a bar and restaurant on top of their already low profit margins, which come almost entirely from the snack sales. Ticket sales have not been what a theater makes money on in decades, they use that money merely to cover the costs of renting the films from Hollywood studios. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, how theaters operate, or how business in general works. Dear God, I hope no one here is listening to you for their financial decisions.

>> No.27394113

>pissed he lost money
I still don’t see the issue here

>> No.27394246

oh god man, lmaaao Rich from ReviewTechUSA was going all out on this.

Once a fat fuck always a fat fuck

>> No.27394771

thast not what makes him retarded, thinking anyone can predict a stock indefeinetely is what makes him retarded, gambling what he cant lose makes him retarded

>> No.27394806
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>He doesn't go to theaters to flex on the wagies and make them clean up messes

Never gonna make it

>> No.27395113
File: 142 KB, 1817x841, 1612207411171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're unironically retarded if you sell this legendary breakout

>> No.27395211

Just dumped my bb and Nokia once I made a profit. Dumped it into amc to lower my average share. Not got 21 shares around $14

Suck my cock hedgie I'm going to fuck your wife in front of your kids

>> No.27395853
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The only reason AMC tabked last year was because of a once in a 100 years freak catastrophe. It wasn a bsuiness on the decline like fucming Gamestop you morons. Once the oandemic starts to go away theaters will slowly begin to recover and their value will begin to rise again.

GME is the dumbest inversion for holding since right as of now it is quite literally just being propped up by sheer will and memes. Theres nothing substancial to hold it up. Once we all get bored and start to sell our shares there will be nothing for gamestop to defend itself with.

You wanna be part of the memes? Cool hold all you want.

Do you have 2 or more neurons in your brain? Fucking sell now even if it is at a loss.Theres no other way gamestop is going than straight to the fucking ground.

>> No.27396030
File: 266 KB, 521x937, 1584632797330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's for you king

>> No.27396089

what happened in 2017?

>> No.27396222

That's literally all financial advice.

>> No.27396406

You only lose if you sell.

It will go back to $20 after GME is over. You fucks have money but no patience.

>> No.27396421

>Taking advice from biz

>> No.27396465

There is also a large amount of share dilution going on as AMC sells shares to pay off their debt.

>> No.27396657

covids not going anywhere either. vaccines won't magically make it to away

>> No.27396894
File: 139 KB, 1374x773, 1612203048493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try shlomo, hope you like poverty

I already set my Sell orders $500+

>> No.27396918

Why? There's no reason why it would

>> No.27397067

no one cares about cinema in the age of Netflix. AMC is dead unless they pivot into something else.

>> No.27397101
File: 36 KB, 720x765, 1610644971432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking financial advice from anonymous strangers

>> No.27397342

AMC was already below this level before covid restrictions were put into place. Why would it exceed pre-quarantine price after the pump and dump is over?

>> No.27397423

>I turned 80k into a million. You guys lied to me

>> No.27397678

People were shopping at Lowes just because they wanted something to do

>> No.27397701


Didn't they already do this on Wednesday?

A flatline around $14 with very little movement one way or another is strange.

>> No.27397705
File: 263 KB, 618x298, 1565728432377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those meme threads did nothing

>> No.27397787

Hedgies are paying their bills for them, and they will get a temp boost from Hollyjew blowing their load.

>> No.27397806

Don't buy with market orders. Always use limit orders so you can buy at your preferred price. And if I remembered right you should always buy when the marlet opens, never buy at closing time. So you can avoid buying high fren.

>> No.27397944

It's just the /biz/ way.


>> No.27398032

>Uses money he would miss
How is this anyone's fault but your own? Why would you put in THAT much if you didn't actually believe in it?

>> No.27398061

I absolutely love this board. I lost a lot of money over the last week buying everything that was shilled to me - GME, BB, AMC and even fucking XRP. All of the buys were at the peak and it all just came down. I am schizo now thank you

>> No.27399089

>dying business model
The reason why they make so many capeshit films is because it got nomies to go back to the theaters, Capshite is boring on your shitty sound bar and 55in TV, that shit is only good with gigantic sound systems.

>> No.27399120
File: 27 KB, 526x398, Dimond Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for the shill distraction to get your attention away from GME.

Silver is a scam too.

I have Dimond Hands

>> No.27399534

>why would I pay $30 to see capeshit in a theater with a mask on?

Imagine keeping your cuck muzzle on in a dark ass theater.

>> No.27399623

>There's no reason why it would
>Dumps 90k into it
Nice LARP faggot

>> No.27399931

The did this already- imagine the next earnings report, “ yea we deleted 6gorillion in debt”

>> No.27400158
File: 12 KB, 254x354, 546536857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on

>> No.27400219

tons of fat retarded third worlders are imported into america every day and they love taking their little goblins to the movies

>> No.27400319

Hedgies pulling desperate tricks

>> No.27400532


They're most likely gonna get the charges dropped here in the very near future. It will go back up, just leave in what you're comfortable forgetting about. Plus XRP general on here is called schizo general for a reason.

>> No.27400667


>> No.27400935

What's that a screenshot of?

>> No.27400941

13.46 to 14.27
Might but another dip tho ngl

>> No.27401129

>Loses 30%
>Cries about financially ruined
You still have the majority of your money left, quit moaning you faggot.

>> No.27401325

actual basement dweller detected

especially with capeshit , moviegoing was still such a popular pastime before COVID it was honestly baffling to me. R-rated Joker made a billion dollars at the box office, everyone saw that movie. Even sonic did well. If you think theatres were dead before this, you're actually retarded.

>> No.27401349
File: 40 KB, 374x374, 1482382325738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market sentiment vs price range, high demands with no sellers yet the stock value is fluctuating around $13 dollars, I'm a newbie retard but shouldn't demand cause a surge in price?

>> No.27401695

Someone on Reddit said that AMC is only shorted 20% and that it's going to tank? I got 70 shares up in this bitch, someone who knows what they're talking about tell me why AMC is gonna rip soon

>> No.27401748

I keep making all my money in rash emotion driven trading. Thanks /biz/

>> No.27401799
File: 253 KB, 562x340, silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit is fake news

>> No.27401843

Movie theaters are doomed. Corona isn't going away, ever. It's a seasonal virus now. The only thing that might change this is the fluke mutations that might knock the current versions out. But that's not very likely. It's more likely that you can win back money lost on amc by selling cheap and investing everything in gme.

>> No.27402598

>once people are free to gather and socialize again
It might take years before the civilized world collapses into full out civil war and chaos. And then you will have the standard mass depression, starvation and struggle for survival before humanity can start to form civilized nations again. I don't think AMC or even the stock market will be around to see that happening.

>> No.27403389

apps are restricting the number of shares you can hold at any time. This prevents a large number of normies from investing