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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 254 KB, 1030x1200, trannies = muted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27199241 No.27199241 [Reply] [Original]

>What is XPb?
Transmute is an on-chain alchemy game which provides provably fair games where you have the opportunity to win FAT STACKS if you have the balls to back it up. It uses Chainlink's VRF random number generator too, not only that, it has been ENDORSED by Chainlink. Read that carefully, that doesn't mean some shitcoin using their API and claiming some kind of bullshit in-depth partnership, no, Chainlink tweeted to express their support and excitement for the project themselves. There will also be a staking game that allows you to gain the right to burn 1 XPb for every 1000 XPb you hold for an amount of USDC every day. The amount of USDC you get changes every day and is always at least $1 and often much higher. For reference, 1 Xpb sells for ~$0.60 right now so make your own mind up about that.

Oh I almost forgot to mention, the game releases this Monday 12 UTC and the current marketcap is literally 1.2m. I hope you have been accumulating.

>Chainlink endorses Transmute Protocol
>Based game website
>Token Contract
>Dextools link
>Uniswap link
>Telegram link - Beware trannies, you WILL be muted

>> No.27199862

I was there during the first beta games, game and team are great. There was actually a bunch of winners during the beta rounds with some people doubling or more their bets!

>> No.27200000

FOH with this piece of shit coin.

>launched game
>dumps to 50 cents

Seethe bagholder seethe

>> No.27200217
File: 133 KB, 592x901, 1611707365681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came to say

>> No.27200220


>> No.27200310

And you think it's going to stay there once chainlink tweets about it again? How about when a big youtuber starts to talk about this.

These are the deals the team has made, join the telegram.

>> No.27200327

Stupid people leaving their bags because the game was only in beta two days after release. Hurrr Durr

>> No.27200413
File: 583 KB, 600x600, checkem album.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>launched game
wtf are you talking about? The game releases on Monday at 12. You sound like you FOMO'd in at the top and are seething about the money you lost and you're too ADHD with no patience to wait for the actual game to be released. At least you have some pretty wicked digits.

>> No.27200532
File: 216 KB, 302x453, Screen-Shot-2015-04-27-at-6.55.17-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27200861

trannies back to mute for real this time?

>> No.27200970

Are we pretending it didn't already launch last week and then stop working, now?

>> No.27201311

technically they launched alpha test :)

>> No.27201345

Jesus Christ I don't know how you people are able to breathe.
Launch last week -> The BETA TEST PHASE launched last week
Stopped working -> The devs shut it down since the TEST PHASE HAD ENDED

>> No.27202018

Honestly, the chart looks fairly bottomed out but why are people actually going to play this game?

People go to the casino because they think they can beat the odds, or they're ignorant of the odds. This is targeted towards people who use crypto and advertises the math.

Anyone in position to play this game knows it's a bad bet for them. Normies aren't going to buy xpb or play the game. And for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.27202025

your terribly put together sentence aside your point of how it stopped working, what exactly didn’t work when you were using it?

>> No.27202042

bump, ez money.

>>27200000 wont age well

>> No.27202468

So far, in the 9 rounds of the beta about 50 won over 150 participants. Way better than a traditional gambling game and you can always increase or decrease your odds by adjusting the amount of played XPBs.

>> No.27203282

Well personally I plan on playing the 1st game where you slowly get to burn tokens for a variable amount of USDC but that's just me. I think it's easy to dismiss stuff you wouldn't personally do as something nobody would do but not everyone is like us. I think there are plenty of people around who would want to gamble a bit. You're assuming that everyone who knows that the odds aren't in their favour absolutely avoids gambling which just isn't true. I know plenty of people who know they will lose out in the long run but do it anyway. Why do you think gambling is as popular as it is? You surely can't say it's ALL down to ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.27203419

Top wallets are accumulating, I’m sorry you’re poor.

>> No.27205115

im all in, with the small cap it will pump like crazy

>> No.27206588

Everything seems to be running smoothly, the devs are active and helpful in the telegram and since the system has already been tested the game literally cannot have a bad launch. This feels like something that will explode. I doubled down in this dip so I'm pretty freakin excited for the next few days.

>> No.27207837
File: 332 KB, 600x488, 0 ApNglod9e48WWpGd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are we guys?