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27010467 No.27010467 [Reply] [Original]

The world would change forever

>> No.27010687
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I bought 2k worth of silver 3 days ago. Glad to see niggers pumping it.

>> No.27010858

bought PSLV just now

>> No.27011069

it should be 1000!

>> No.27011137

Bought 10 oz from my coin shop yesterday. Feel good to be in the century club

>> No.27011148


sad, sad boy.

>> No.27011410

I don’t know but I bought a kilo yesterday.

>> No.27011888

I bought some too yesterday. Cheers lad

>> No.27012082
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Where is the best place to buy silver? I'm thinking of picking up a few ounces.

>> No.27012165

pslv is fully backed

>> No.27012265

Silver will go to 100 on its own once the economies start collapsing

>> No.27012547

My AG calls are literally printing me money and it’s easier to place trades on it right now because the volume is only now starting to kick up because R*ddit is catching on. Get in while you can then cash out next week and put into physical

>> No.27012738
File: 21 KB, 296x280, agagagag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been holding AG since 2014

>> No.27012930
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133$/oz is the normal ag/au ratio

1873 was a crime!

>> No.27013049

Same here. Makes my stack close to 100oz. Feels good

>> No.27013594

I made a bunch of money when it hit $40 years ago. It's because I had a jar full of silver quarters. I cashed them in and bought a new computer to start a business and then made a bunch more money. Was a good time

>> No.27013620


>> No.27013826

What's wrong with 80% silver coins?

For some reason i can get them under spot whereas for pure silver I have to pay way over spot. What is the catch?

>> No.27014140

YES, we are short-squeezing silver mining stocks, get into AG

>> No.27014180

Just picked up 80 shares of PSLV and have 20 oz’s of silver bar in my home safe. Start buying like mad. Fuck blackrock

>> No.27014378

MUX is a very shorted mining stock that mines lots of silver

>> No.27014482

we are short squeezing silver, we ride the mining train as they ramp up to meet demand

>> No.27014959
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They hold physical silver for $SLV right?

>> No.27015002

Don't worry. the Fed will do that on it's own sooner or later.

>> No.27015107

i used to work in a jewelry store so i got a couple of oz of silver bars. Silver and Gold is comfy

>> No.27015213


>> No.27015267

Imma meme this one to the normies

>> No.27015355

What is AG expected to rise to and when?

>> No.27015410


>> No.27015649

it is. idk when

>> No.27015693

I rarely condone parting with precious metals except in the case of inheritance, ransom, or GTFOuttaDodge, but it should like you made a good trade, anon.


>> No.27015879


>> No.27015887


>> No.27015986

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.27016170

I was looking it up and it seems like it does, you just can't directly redeem it unless you have 50k shares. Can you explain?

>> No.27016579


>> No.27016790

What is 80% of 100

>> No.27017790

"They" realized some time ago that people truly vote with their money, so "they" tried to rig it so that all of our money combined didn't add up to as much money (and power) as a small number of "them" possessed.
WE are now waking up to the facts that people truly vote with their money, that there are more of us than "them", and if we can band together and control more money (and power) than "they" do... then "THEY" LOSE.
>We shall take from "them" in every way possible -- until the scales are balanced.

>> No.27018369

What is the chance of a "Scamwick" (for lack of a better word) if I use leverage on silver?

>> No.27018522

Yesterday friend, still not late at all however
it's only the beginning you're here early
enjoy the climb

>> No.27018742

So what will be the point of selling?
If silver rises now, would it be like that forever or when will the short squeeze stop? Im new to all of this, i only trust physical assets.

>> No.27018866

just bought some with ETH. let's break these faggots.

>> No.27018878

it means that if you dont have 50k shares they dont have physical to back it up, and even if you do they probably still dont have it fully for everyone with 50k+

>> No.27019008

don't be an paper scam enabler. buy and possess physical. if you can't rub your dick on it, you don't own it.

>> No.27019131

sell at 1000

>> No.27019198

if the average citizen bought and held one ounce, it would bring (((them))) down

>> No.27019280

Yes, but the physical supply would need to be mostly bought up first. Then go after the paper traders.

>> No.27019504

silver has "HISTORICALLY" been about 15 times less expensive than gold, so it should be $125 EASY

>> No.27019531

i have one (1oz) of silver AMA

>> No.27019580

First majestic silver (AG) is in a 30% short position and people are already accumulating

this is going to be insane for silver

>> No.27019764

this. have a blue dick now. highly recommend.

>> No.27019879

Okay but wouldnt it just eventually rise more?
I know m8, but how long to hold on to it?

>> No.27020018

>I know m8, but how long to hold on to it?
what is generational wealth

>> No.27020051

why only 1oz

>> No.27020088

I found this older article that said if everyone wanted to buy a tube of 20 silver eagles it would take 12 years at current production levels. Crazy huh? Not sure if still accurate at todays prod levels

>> No.27020205

the big fucks have massive shorts positions on AG because the CEO wont sell silver to ((them))

they wanted to punish AG for not toeing the line, there is a 30% short position on AG, would of been no skin off their backs, until WSB. And now they are going to reap what they sow.

>> No.27020290

i don't see why it can't go higher, but if you wanna hold it that high I salute you

>> No.27020428

Shit i need to invest in wife and kids, stocks are pretty shortened though.

>> No.27020446

Stop shagging Smurfs

>> No.27020506

Anon, this is why people on CNBC refer to you as an unsophisticated investor.

>> No.27020537

any link you can share that I can take a look at on this? I can do a quick search myself too.

>> No.27020834

i plan to sell my dirty synthetic eurocalls on ag relativley early into the bullmarket for that reason

>> No.27020987
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Silver is already starting to rise.

>> No.27021520

I think only a few here can really grasp what would happen if the GME winners put their profits into physical silver. Because if silver moonshots the current market manipulators would not stand a chance, the fallout would be delicious and you'd walk away from it with a nice shiny asset that will preserve wealth forever. Even if the net/power goes down.

>> No.27021526

12kg physical here
Been expecting this for a while. Never would've guessed Reddit would be the catalyst

>> No.27022520

>how long
pass it on to my sons

>> No.27022682

i bought gold they basicly go hand in hand

>> No.27022937

Silver is undervalued compared to gold right now though. But yeah, they both have room to run.

>> No.27022996
File: 272 KB, 500x667, funny-memes-golden-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to buy silver and gold is there anyway i can buy gold or silver irl keep it under my bed and then sell it to a broker or something so i can sell it for a market price?

>> No.27023038

the key is to get the normies to buy and hold physical. not daytrade/paper/digital bullshit.

>> No.27023086

100 is fud

>> No.27023193

This, you don't officially own it unless you're cum is on lady liberties gown.

>> No.27023457

I was considering increasing my investment position, taking out the profits and exchanging that for physical metal, then re-investing my original amount.


>> No.27023512

>is there anyway i can buy gold or silver irl
Yes, buy at a store that sells silver and gold
>keep it under my bed
>and then sell it to a broker or something so i can sell it for a market price?
Sell at a place that buys silver and gold.

If you can't google these things and find out a shop in your town you don't deserve having things in the first place

>> No.27023520

is this where we need to target our efforts on? crypto whale looking to make silber skyrocket.

>> No.27023552

why should i buy AG and not some other mining company.

>> No.27023571

PSLV is better if you can get it they actually hold It and you can withdraw silver without being a bank

>> No.27023694

>It's free real estate
But you can put it in your pocket

>> No.27023763

For the record I bought silver predicting a silver run.
>Looks like I was right again.

>> No.27023852

Like bullion and bars right i dont want to have to buy a bunch of jewelry or something

>> No.27023871


>> No.27023942

Personally I would just dump it all into PMs, but I'm a paranoid fuck that doesn't trust inflation. If you think your investment will stay stable then go for it. Just remember to jerk off on your stack. The orgasm itself is almost as satisfying as the stack I cum on daily.

>> No.27024048

Buy $AG or physical

>> No.27024218

Where can I buy silver?

>> No.27024308

I already told you retard. GOOGLE " GOLD STORE (insert your city)"


>> No.27024348

AG is a set target but get physical taking it out of the market is more effective it will decouple the paper price verses the physical price that is the long play

>> No.27024409
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You can't redeem it even if you have 50k shares unless your name is plastered on a Wall St. building

>> No.27024486

online or your local coin dealer

>> No.27024513

The charts have actually diverged in the last day or so because the pump is on.

>> No.27024545

I think silver is the final boss. People should be buying it in general to hedge against inflation.

As far as a GME type event, it would be similar but 100x bigger. There is also trillions more in short interests.

>> No.27024684

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.27025124

There's a limited amount of silver on the planet and mining companies are potentially infinite.

>> No.27025337

so we're told
and for now

>> No.27025553
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No need to get mad lol im just asking go

>> No.27025782

show nose

>> No.27026084

Buy physical or AG. Almost 25% short interest

>> No.27026423
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>> No.27026616

wow, who told you about these alts? This is shit dude, don’t believe those assholes
if you wanna get pump use your brains and follow yield farming
I participated in metalex and they made a new model, a guarantee of 300% APY

>> No.27026776

check the pmg thread

>> No.27027784

So on short term the companies gonna pump.

>> No.27027956

Theyll just mine more u faget. its too common. Im not buying semi precious

>> No.27028072


>> No.27028244
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"A rock will stand upon 7 hills."
Ummm bros is this it?

>> No.27028281

Mining is quite energy intensive, and energy is going up.
Most silver comes as a byproduct of other metals. If they stop getting mined (Say due to a lack of demand due to the economy being in ruins), there goes a large supply.

>> No.27028312

All in since yesterday

>> No.27029837

you need 10000 oz worth on pslv to demand delivery

>> No.27029959

~250k USD
Yeah it's a bit of a stretch

>> No.27030311

Rock on 7 hills obviously refers to the Vatican because peter means rock and Rome was built on 7 hills