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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23752599 No.23752599 [Reply] [Original]

> Study hard and enter a "Grande Ecole"
> Graduate as Mechanical Engineer Msc
> Earn €300 more than a plumber
> Earn €700 more than a disabled person who doesn't work
> Earn less than an african mother with 5 children who doesn't work



>> No.23752665


Same in the Netherlands bro. The Europoor meme is true. My brother who is in the army and never went to school makes the same as a big4 accountant starter because he doesn't pay tax.

>> No.23752681

>be german
>lazy pothead, total fuck up
>get worthless degree in sociology
>joke about becoming a taxi driver
>study online marketing
>land remote gig for US company
>now make comfy 80k a year working from home while even engineers make less in my country
hahaha thank you based ameribros and fuck all the shitty yurop countries, first chance I get Im moving to the US fulltime to make even more money

>> No.23752703

i'm african, engineer, worked in usa and France, and trust me between France and usa, France still the better choice (better healthcare, better lifestyle.....).
right now i live in France and i'm going to leave it for the same reason you cited among others, i'm going east this time

>> No.23752717

Arnt you people happier than us by every possible metric?

>> No.23752742

french are the biggest cucks in the world, of course they would be happy with high taxes, high immigration, terror attacks etc.

>> No.23752769
File: 1.90 MB, 498x280, fugggg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be argentinean
>Study with "free education"
>End university
>Start working
>Earn 100 usd per month.

>> No.23752770


They only question liberals in the cities when they do these surveys.

>> No.23752795


>> No.23752816

Yeah children are free right?

>> No.23752848

>tfw studied and still only earn 37k before taxes.
>can't afford a house
>can't afford renting

I fucking hate this

>> No.23752852

>complain how women should home and raise the kids
>complain about women staying at home raising the kids

>> No.23752869
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Just got a notification for a new cuckshed.

>> No.23752891


The worst part is normies actually think this is a good deal because they get to live in the city.

>> No.23752937

Back to the cotton fields, nigger. You ruralcucks aren't even important to our nation's anymore and all your gibs should be recinded

>> No.23752967

Come here illegally then if mexcians can do it so can you dont be a pussy

>> No.23753010

Wow and I already feel incredibly cucked paying 240k for a new one bedroom apartment (70m2) in a big city...

However I’m balls deep in crypto and times are a changin’. We’re so close bro’s I can feel it...

>> No.23753043

you seriously don't know shit if you actually think they raise their kids

>> No.23753050

Eh ouais mon negrito
centrale ici, meme combat
Le problème c'est que les salaires ont complètement fondu (ou plutot n'ont pas été augmentés pendant 20 ans). Du coup les professions libérales s'en sortent 3 fois mieux

Ingé, pas de bol, c'est ce qu'il y a d eplus dur, de plus exigeant et contre les meilleurs candidats. Et ça paye deux fois moins que n'importe quelle ESC de merde

>> No.23753069
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Anons come over I am willing to help you guys in exchange for a europoor gf preferably a dutch one.

>> No.23753076

Fuck off

>> No.23753080
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lmao kill yourself you pinko commie scum
I don't want to buy for some nigger mama in any way or form
our governments hate us and they deserve to burn for this, every single one of them

>> No.23753082
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Its not only mexicans a lot of Africans take a trip to mexico and then also illegally attempt to enter the US. I remember a year ago in the news that there was a large group of illegal migrants form the DRC who got smuggled into El Paso.

>> No.23753094

literally just move to the french speaking part of switzerland

>> No.23753103

How can you feel cucked for that price Paris is the same around 10k€/sqm. What a fucking joke.

>> No.23753112

you know its bad when even the negros are fleeing your country lol

>> No.23753143


>> No.23753193

Thats not too bad in the netherlands. I studied tax law and earn even less

>> No.23753215

I am software engineer and I am from Poland. I once got a job in Utrecht paying 5k eur before tax, which with the expat tax rulling was about 4k net.
When I saw the housing prices I just laughed at you poor fucks and stayed Poland working for the same money.

Also no goatfuckers here.

>> No.23753246

lmao based
fuck western europe

>> No.23753264

Yes houses are very expensive in the big cities. Renting is even worse

>> No.23753307

Dude, but come one. First - Utrecht is no big city. Second what kind of choice is this - either spend 60% of your over average salary or live in an Arab/Eastern European ghetto.

Now I stay in Portugal because its cheap and I started following the news. Yesterday they legalied 250k fucking immigrants that came on a boats. What the fuck!?

>> No.23753316

Had a Polish colleague like this. Used to harvest strawberries for peanuts before, went back to Poland and studied, now back as expat and earning tons. Expats get huge benefits.

>> No.23753347

Clearly society is the one raising the kid.

>> No.23753350

Yeah, on the one hand, you have this great immigrant policy that rewards skilled immigrants, but on the other you just give free money to sand niggers, which is fucking off putting.

>> No.23753379

Yes and now the 4 mayor cities are 50% or less Dutch.
So even if you can find an affordable home it will be next to Muhammad who pays €300 p month thanks to benefits

>> No.23753396

dont you ahve super high taxes too?
imagine unironically being dutch lmao

>> No.23753415

Land gewoon een baantje bij de overheid. Comfy 50k start voor jullie plebs.

P.s. kanker op met je steden. Stelletje mongolen. Get comfy in a dorpje.

>> No.23753424

>Anonymous (ID: yR0qtXgK) 11/06/20(Fri)09:04:49 No.23
I feel you bro, same story in belgistan.

>Study 5 years hard as balls engineering bach+msc
>Get a soul-crushing 50h+ week shit work
>1950€ after taxes
>Get let go after one year
>Qualify for unemployement money
>First check comes in : 1780€

Two years later I'm still unemployed, fuck this system if you're going to pay me to enjoy life than I sure will.

To be fair the payement is supposed to decrease with time but I'm still at 1600€ at the moment. What a joke

>> No.23753447

and at the some moment, software eng freelancers are offered 800 eur per day in Belgium

>> No.23753473

>software eng freelancers are offered 800 eur per day in Belgium
and they dont even pay social security lmao youre unironically retarded if youer a wagie in western europe

>> No.23753483

Not him.
Freelancer is my goal when I have a couple of years more expierence in my field. Being a wagie sucks.

>> No.23753493

Welk dorp buiten Friesland, Groningen, Limburg is wel betaalbaar dan? Lekker 1.5u woon-werkverkeer.
Ik kijk vaak naar banen bij de overheid, alleen niet binnen mijn specifieke vakgebied.

>> No.23753501

protip: get a retainer so you get a comfy monthly paycheque its like a job but without paying social security, youre gonna dab on all the wagies

>> No.23753583
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>To be fair the payement is supposed to decrease with time but I'm still at 1600€ at the moment. What a joke
woah that sounds supercomfy enjoy it lad u deserve it

>> No.23753589

Yes we do, at least in Sweden.

>> No.23753671

try going south nigger

>> No.23753697

I know someone who is still payed like 70% of her original salary from easily over 10+ years ago because shes declared not fit to work. She would basically get stressed super fast and got it declared a mental illness.
Never, ever lifting a finger. Could even buy a house which tripled in value.
Now living a rich life, all payed by wagies.

I want of this clown ride. I just don't know what the best options are right now.

>> No.23753711

holy fuck this looks amazing. where/what is it?

>> No.23753715

wtf no, we all want to die asap.

>> No.23753717

Estonia seems to be the best place to go if you want to stay within the EU. No corporate tax (only 20% applied on any dividends), flat 20% personal income tax etc.

Otherwise Singapore imo. Maybe South America if Argentina goes full pinochet and purges the commies.

>> No.23753729

Also Latvia, which seems to have adopted the same model as Estonia.

Estonia is better though as it is essentially a first-world Scandinavian country without the robbery taxes and without the niggers.

>> No.23753736

>Maybe South America if Argentina goes full pinochet and purges the commies
not happening

>> No.23753764

> Senior Software Engineer
> Working as a contractor in the UK
> £575 daily rate

I don't understand why people don't move to the UK. Best option for high flyers in Europe.

>> No.23753777
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What about Lithuania?

>> No.23753806

Before the end of the coronashoah they will ban people like you from leaving the country. You'll be stuck with hostile diversity managers and used up nihilistic 40-50 women, for life.

>> No.23753807

don't forget you also signed up for hard difficult work, while the office stacies just sit around in adult day care getting paychecks.

>> No.23753814

what the fuck I literally have zero stress tolerance, probably a damaged amygdala that would even show on a brain scan. how can I get my shit paid for by wagies?

>> No.23753817
File: 472 KB, 2387x1527, 1C2A29D9-269E-48A6-8059-6EC167629880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ba grateful you wasn’t born a pajeet or a slavnigger you fucking frog monkey.

>> No.23753822

Can’t type this in an Internet cafe in case a nigger musrat looks over your shoulder and beheads you

>> No.23753829

Koop het en verhuur het. Passief inkomen yo

>> No.23753839

Not bad you can eat your bugs by the window

>> No.23753845

this chart is a lie, the MEDIAN net income in germany is 1,600 euro, nobody saves 1000 euro off that.

>> No.23753852

>get a DUT then bachelor from a shit university in banlieue (93) in software dev
>grind my way to become a product manager at a tech company in under 2 years
>earn more than you
You just suck at career management buddy

>> No.23753866

This is fucking ridiculous. Stop believing your local human trafficker.

>> No.23753880

french riot police officer here

2,800 euros per month + 3,000 bonus per year during the first 3 years + owner + 7 BTC

I'm 26 btw

I don't have any degree
My "engineers" friends make less and live with roommates

>> No.23753891

kek you fell for the mech eng meme though.
>140 IQ legit
>do classes prepa
>study at polytechnique (l'X not the faggot polytech 1 dime a dozen)
>code trading bots
>make money while there
>finish studying
>neet at parents house
>everything I have or had or my bots made me is on link
>300k link stack
I already made it but frens think I went crazy because I have a degree from the best school here but I'm a neet, told them I make more money on crypto so some of them started buying books to learn about trading etc
kek mfw I learned everything from memes on /biz/

>> No.23753892
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>be mutt
>break your leg

It will be 754,000$ + tip

>> No.23753899

larping is not healthy for your health, eat at least 5 fruist everyday

>> No.23753900

tfw you live the comfy life, being a riot officer while your frens study hard and break their heads everyday for shekelsteins plant. engineering things. stressed out, hard deadlines, difficult calculations.

engineering has become a meme.

>> No.23753904

But you deserve to die though for protecting the zogs from us.
I'm an officier de reserve and would never side with the zogs if it came to that, so goodluck hiding behind your shield when we come for you and your master shekelberg

>> No.23753919
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>officer de reserve
>will never side with the zogs

you won't have the choice dumbfuck, you literally surrendered to them FOR FREE

>> No.23753922

> Study Physics Major, graduate with Physics MSc, top 10% of physicists of my year
> Work in shitty software engineering job
> Only get offered average salary options

The new term started this week and there are now more CS students then mechanical engineering students. CS is getting overrun by normies, the wages are gonna shrink further. You can't earn great salaries as a developer here in Europe. However, I don't have to live in a shitty working shared apartment like in California. But the situation is quite fucked. Studying for a long time and earning degrees doesn't get you ahead in this fucked society

>> No.23753924
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Ca paye bien d'être un petit sbire on dirait.
Je te souhaite de crever petite flicaille de merde.

>> No.23753945

Europe is a meme
I am a student and work 4 days a month. I get gibs and I have left over 1100€ a month
If I would work full time (25days a month )besides studying I literally make the same amount of money, bc I have to pay taxes, health insurance etc etc

>> No.23753971
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>didnt study
>drop out of school age 15
>age 21
>work '''construction'''
>get paid the equivalent of $30 usd/hour

>> No.23753976

les concours sont ouverts même aux cassos comme toi, loupe pas le train

>> No.23753991

German Median/Average Ratio is worse than Saudi Arabia stop kidding yourself and listen to

>> No.23754011
File: 68 KB, 514x357, 1593102757138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sale pute de merde, le jour de la corde arrive, et les traitres dans ton genre, prêts à vendre leur pays et leur race pour un salaire d'éboueur, vont y passer en premiers, avec les juifs et les politicards. Amuse toi bien une fois arrivé au 9em cercle de l'enfer, tu sais, celui reservé aux traitres à la patrie.
Rappelle toi bien tous les matins que ta vie et en sursis, sac à foutre.

>> No.23754034

>26 years old
>CS degree in a great university (which is worthless anyway)
>got a dream job as a software engineer in a big tech company
>only make 14k usd a year

fuck being a third-worlder
at least I'm accumulating btc since 2017 (almost have 1 btc) and this is probably gonna carry me

>> No.23754053
File: 350 KB, 1674x432, Capture d’écran 2018-04-04 à 22.07.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N'aies pas la haine contre lui, mais contre les cons qui votent avec leurs pieds. Il est juste la pour protéger ceux qu'on a élu, avec un certain sadisme effectivement.

>> No.23754075

15% flat tax for gains

>> No.23754083

do you get hard when you beat those yellow cuck vests losers?

>> No.23754105

>Je ne suis pas responsable de mes actes parce qu'on ma dit de le faire
Raisonnement d'esclave.
Preparez vous à sucer des bites de bicot.
Moi je suis plus en France je m'en bas les couilles, ce pays est fini.
Les flics sont des petite putes, sans exceptions.

>> No.23754120

why is this board so much racist? even /r9k/ is more progressive than this place, let alone /b/

>> No.23754122

>masters degree in mechanical engineering
Emigrate somewhere silly, france is gone your insane politicians won't be happy until 100% ethnic replacement has been achieved

>> No.23754124

study hard and go DUN

>> No.23754136

And I might add, to further explain the situation :

>Learn about programs financed by state to get new skills/learn new languages
>Have been learning a new language last year, paid by the state
>Have funding to do internship abroad, 600€/month for 3 months + unemployement
>Have funding to practice foreign language abroad after that, 600€/month for 3 months + unemployement
>Have funding to work in a NGO to build experience, 600€/month for 3 months + unemployement

So, I am paid more than my former engineer salary just do travel for 9 months and dick around. Pretty comfy. I would highly encourage everyone to learn how to use the system to your better advantage. You have only one life, if the gov pays you to enjoy it then do it.

Regarding my travels, I wanted to move 3 months to Norway to check it out, I can apply for intership at any companies. Still hesitating between Trondheim and Bergen, since I like to be around university people.

>> No.23754137

I never hit anyone, I enlisted two years ago

I have 1 white kid, how much have you done? Planning to get 3 and to retire in eastern europe

of course France is fucked

>> No.23754138

Look here France bro. You come over, get a job and pay half the rent, I'll sign a marriage certificate, and we can be partners. Not spouses though, that's gay. Only caveat is when Paris falls, we return to fight.

>> No.23754145

>I never hit anyone

>> No.23754174

It gets somewhat better if you contract/freelance. I earn roughly 130,000€ a year while living in Europe and working remotely, but I have 5-6 years experience and that is immensely valuable for companies. Most of these turbonormies getting into CS can't code for shit (I also niched into a language/tech-stack that is in extremely high demand).

With that being said, despite the seemingly high salary I still get raped by taxes and it still pisses me off. I pay roughly 60% in just payroll and income taxes, and then let's not forget the 25% VAT on everything. Trust me, it doesn't get good even if you have a fairly high salary for wagie standards. The taxes make it impossible to put aside a sizeable sum of money to buy a place of your own, and knowing this fucking country I'd probably be shot or raped by a pack of refugees before I can afford buying an apartment in central Stockholm which retails nowadays for 300-400k EUR and that's a shoebox apartment where you can barely fit in more than a kitchen and a bed.

>> No.23754198

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much fun was it to let off steam on a yellow vest?

>> No.23754203

Tu réalises qu'en votant correctement c'est toi qui lui dit quoi faire ? On nous l'a bien mis profond avec Mr révolution uber 35 ans, vote pour Mélenchon ou même Marine et ça ira mieux a la prochaine

>> No.23754210

because why live in an immigrant infested country, with bad weather and worst food I have ever tasted, when you are skilled enough to live where you want? I can live in SE Asia and work remotely for UK company

I personally like the UK and love London, I stayed 2 months there now during the pandemic just for fun and I had enough bangladeshis and other niggers just after 2 weeks.

If you want nice white neighborhood, you need to be fucking loaded.

>> No.23754214

You must work more to help those who have less.
You must help those people who flee war and poverty, give them a leg up.
Thos 5 children born of an african mother you talk about, they are the future Montaigne.
You had a chance to succeed in life. Now it's time for you to give it back.

>> No.23754240 [DELETED] 

> be me
> scandifag
> my country has one of the highest tax rates in the world
> am (semi-)retired professional poker player
> tax on poker is 0%
> millionaire
> now getting a free degree
Feels good desu.
Scandinavia is pretty amazing if you're upper middleclass or lower. Everyone gets 5 weeks of paid vacation, some of the shortest work hours in the world, wages are very high (e.g. wagies at Mcdonald's make like $22/ hour), comfy public pensions, "free" education, "free" school/ university, gibs for people with children, gibs for students ($900/ month), taxes aren't THAT bad if you aren't in the highest income bracket, very little crime, good culture etc.
BUT if you make $200k+/ year then you will get completely raped by taxes. If I was high income wagie then I would get the fuck out of here ASAP.

>> No.23754243

I'd say the realistic maximum of money you can earn as a competent software freelancer in Europe is around 200-250k EUR. If you're extremely top-tier and a rich company can find literally no one else that can do the job you can likely reach 300k EUR a year but that's extremely rare and I only know one other guy who charges that much.

Europe is a meme because while these numbers sound like much they don't mean anything because everything is so fucking expensive. I suspect the based thing to do is either live in eastern Europe and pay nothing to have a comfortable life while still earning the big bucks or just fuck off to America or Singapore where you can earn much more (but not that much more, unfortunately software engineers and CS professionals aren't nearly as respected as doctors or lawyers and the compensation reflects that).

>> No.23754247

>Most of these turbonormies getting into CS can't code for shit
This is a false assumption IMO
Actually graduating with a CS degree is hard and like 2/3 fail in the math and programming classes and drop out. Yeah you hear a lot of fuzz about CS and you all hear them enrolling but not when they fail and move on. There are still a lot of demand for skilled IT specialists and companies in Europe still outsource a lot.

>> No.23754256

I'm hoping the housing bubble will pop soon nice prices aren't rising anymore, buyers are priced out. Corona also showed many people that they can work remotely so they don't need to buy expensive houses in crowded areas.
I'm looking for a new branch since I think IT is fucked and freelancing would be the only option to not get assfucked when I have enough experience in 3-4 years. I can change the field since I have also expertise besides software engineering. Also if you wage in IT you will only write code for 5-6 years and then get promoted to consulting or IT strategy which is complete bullshit.

>> No.23754263

> be me
> scandifag
> my country has one of the highest tax rates in the world
> am (semi-)retired professional poker player
> tax on poker is 0%
> millionaire
> now getting a free degree
Feels good desu.
Scandinavia is pretty amazing if you're upper middleclass or lower. Everyone gets 5 weeks of paid vacation, some of the shortest work hours in the world, wages are very high (e.g. wagies at Mcdonald's make like $22/ hour), comfy public pensions, "free" healthcare, "free" school/ university, gibs for people with children, gibs for students ($900/ month), taxes aren't THAT bad if you aren't in the highest income bracket, very little crime, good culture etc.
BUT if you make $200k+/ year then you will get completely raped by taxes. If I was high income wagie then I would get the fuck out of here ASAP.

>> No.23754265

Just to elaborate -- I walked/biked hundreds of kms in London during my time there and you can clearly see, where niggers leave, because
-coffe shops are replaced by kebabs
-turkish barbers on every corner
-fried chicken everywhere
-trash on the street
-no pubs
-street signs in fucking sanskrit
-white ppl are minority

>> No.23754269

There is no high demand for IT specialists. There is high demand for cheap IT specialists. That's a difference. You will get it, sooner or later. Even if you are a skilled expert in your field of IT, you won't get well-paid job since you are too expensive and there are too many options to choose from.

>> No.23754277

Je suis un ancap je m'en bas les couilles de ton système de merde.
C'est pas MélenCuck le communiste ou LePen la gauchiste qui va changer quoi que ce soit.
Le Français de base est un socialiste suceur de queues d'arabe, les impôts et les contrôles ne vont jamais cesser d'augmenter, donc casse toi de la ou crève (Ou deviens un petit sbire comme l'autre bougnoule du thread).
Le logique du "sauveur" c'est vraiment pathétique.

>> No.23754281

yeah, average european CS slary makes you top 5% richest in Poland, lol
bitches and cars are yours to have

>> No.23754282

See my post up, want to check out Scandinavia, especially Norway for ~3-5 months. Any recommandation to mingle with locals + learn the language ?

>> No.23754283

never hit one, I don't do this job to let off steam my frustration I just don't have degree so couldn't hope for such a salary and security of employment somewhere else

I spent my youth travelling to SEA, LATAM and EasternEurope

ça fait barrage à la haine puis ça vient chialer auprès des CRS
rien que pour ça j'ai envie de déboiter un PNJ mais bon je suis en congés

>> No.23754298

tu as l'air bien frustré pour un type qui en a rien à foutre

on a pas tous la capacité de vivre à l'étranger durablement

continue de rager alors que tu fais pas d'enfants blancs

tu peux disposax

>> No.23754303
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La France, on l'aime, ou on la quitte, monsieur !
>mfw need just five years to get anoher citizenship and renounce my french one

>> No.23754308

> There is high demand for cheap ** specialists
Tell me an industry where this isn’t the case. Because of academic immigration and lower barriers to go into Uni everything is competitive nowadays

>> No.23754315

100% agree with this. Scandinavia is paradise on Earth if you are completely average and thoroughly mediocre. It's shit if you actually want to earn a lot of money and that's not due to the culture because it really is supremely comfy to live here, it's mostly due to our government who seems to want to attract low-IQ refugees with gibs and scare away entrepreneurs and others who create value with the highest tax rates in the world.

I keep hearing this but the smart companies know that quality software engineering will cost you. Outsourcing to Indians is fine if you're building a generic address book app or something, but it is extremely retarded to do that for business critical software as Boeing recently learned with their 737MAX failure.

With that being said, I do agree that IT sucks in general but it's really the best wagie/skilled work you can do in 2020 clownworld. Nothing pays as much for the amount of work you actually do. Bankers need to work 14 hour days and be on the verge of an heroing just to be satisfactory to their equally suicidal bosses and MDs.

>> No.23754319

What makes you think you're so special. You have a bit more skill than most people but that's it

>> No.23754326

I was just larping faggot, I have a software engineer degree from a grande ecole but not l'X and only did a master 2 in polytechnique and failed it since it was 2018 and I was 24/7 on /biz/ buying stinkies.
Do you really think a polytechnicien would shitpost here kek?

>> No.23754337

Go to Sweden since we are completely open and have no lockdowns. I'd recommend Stockholm but since all the bars are less active as they usually are it may be difficult to meet locals seeing as we are Autism: The Country.

>> No.23754352

80k after tax?

>> No.23754361

Okay, I should have thought before writing. By the way, let's usefully point out that the yellow vests only lasted a month.

>> No.23754366

Norway is top tier. It's very expensive to live there but wages are high.
Don't bother trying to learn the language unless you want to stay there for life. Norwegian is very difficult to learn and everyone speaks English at a very high level anyway.
Scandis might seem a bit... cold.. at first glance/ in public, but once you get to know people and/or are in a social setting (bar, party, get-together, univeristy, work etc.) people are very friendly and welcoming. I'm almost 100% sure you would enjoy Norway. Especially if covid goes away.

>> No.23754371

What can be done about this? Why are hardworking middle class people destroyed in order to give money to immigrants and NEETS.

>> No.23754375
File: 61 KB, 944x711, 29026149_2062991983970164_6663599699129270272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>né en france dans le système français et ayant bénéficié de celui ci
T'es aussi taré que les cocos mais de l'autre coté

>> No.23754390

Isn't Stockholm super enriched ? I think I'm less racist than the average 4chan user, but after one year in Paris and one year in Brussels I want a peaceful area if you catch my drift.

I heard it was very hard to make native friends in Scandinavia, maye you have a very effective pro-tip or some kind of activity to get to know local more ? Like volunteering somewhere ? From my travels I know that engaging people in their native tongue will make them super open to get to knows you

>> No.23754409

>Tu réalises qu'en veau-tant correctement c'est toi qui lui dit quoi faire ?
Lol il y a encore des gens qui croient au vote en 2020?
Tu as arreté de croire au père noel à 12 ans dis moi?
Le système est totalement, totalement verrouilé, et le peut qui est pas vérrouillé est sous contrôle.
Le reste, c'est entièrement de la pseudo réforme allant dans le sens du Capital. Carlyle CIA lepen, Franc maçon du 33ème degré Mélanchon, Mk ultra Macron. Même soral et dieudonné qui servent à jouer l'épouvantail du fascisme pour justifier un antifascisme mais qui n'ont strictement rien fait depuis 15 ans.
La seule lueur non contrôlée dans ce pays est les gilet jaunes. Le reste est totalement bidon.

>> No.23754412

Same question :

Any tips on how to disarm scandi autism and be integrated ?

DESU I want to learn one scandi language because I autistically enjoy learning weird languages. I've learned 5 so far and I learned Dutch FOR FUN so you get my autism level

>> No.23754428
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x960, Capture d’écran 2018-05-01 à 14.20.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a complete chronology in the world of rich people trying to exploit poor people.
slavery, serfdom, again slavery, then cheap uneducated labor from the countryside, then immigration, then delocalisation of production

>> No.23754439

The enriched areas in Stockholm are outside the city and fairly isolated, you generally never venture out there. Inner-city Stockholm is extremely comfy and NOTHING like Brussels or London. Trust me on this and ignore the /pol/ memes.

With that being said, I don't know how things have changed seeing as I haven't lived there for a few years now, but inner-city Stockholm is essentially 99% white and extremely safe.

As for meeting people, being foreign helps but Swedes modify their extroversion depending on the social context. If you approach someone at the bus stop and start chatting with them they'll think you're crazy, but if you do that at the bar then there is usually no problem at all seeing as it is a situation where being social is expected. The best way to meet actual friends and not just drinking buddies is to go to the various associations and clubs that exist, volunteering is a great start but there usually is something for everyone in every major Swedish city. Sports is also a good place.

Just don't be too pushy as we are a very shy people.

>> No.23754443

i fucked a polytechnician whose father works at banque de france at a high rank level

polytechnician are normal people

i also know one who deserted after 2 months because he did not like the army side

>> No.23754447

What did you trade with your bots to get this link stack?
How did you report it to the taxes?

>> No.23754449
File: 576 KB, 1280x640, stockholm-stad-vy_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, average city district

>> No.23754457

Next step: massive robotization and the obligation for the masses to participate in "social works" (i.e. to work on their own replacement) to earn social credit points in order to survive.

>> No.23754458

>fallacie du juste milieu
Ah ok, el famoso gauchiste de merde qui s'ignore.
Bénéficié de ? Ah oui le système scolaire socaliste obligatoire qui produit que des bons à rien de 18 ans ?
Ou bénéficié de se faire dilater le cul par 70% de taxes pour nourrir boubacar quand j'ai lancé ma boite il y a plusieurs années en france (pour finir par se casser parce que fuck off) ?
J'ai pas encore entendu dire de ta bouche que "lE sYsTèMe dE séCu fRaNçAiS c'EsT lE mEiLleur dU mOnDe" si jamais tu peu me le repeter.
Allez va payer 5000 € pour une appendicite "rembourser par la sécu" mdr.
Oublie pas de glisser le petit papier dans la boi-boite pour voter opposition contrôlé surtout.

>> No.23754465

It's super easy to meet new people at bars in Scandinavia. A few beers and scandis go from shut-ins to some of the most open, friendly and welcoming people in the world.
You could learn a few simple sentences for fun if you feel like. I'm sure you would get some smiles if you can order a beer or food in Norwegian/ Swedish/ Danish. But as I said, there's no need to learn the language, everyone can speak English. Unlike in a country like France, people won't treat you any worse if you don't speak the language. If anything, people will be more interested to talk to you because you're a foreginer.

>> No.23754472

If you learn one you'll understand them all except Danish, so probably learn Norwegian, they're not difficult especially if you know a few languages with germanic roots like english and dutch, Swedes and Danes will understand you no problems I think.
Also you can't disarm scandi autism if you're autistic yourself, it'll just be a ping pong game of ...you too...'s.
Just move to Spain or something where it's always sunny, who gives a shit about the wagecuck salary anyway if you hold shitcoins.

>> No.23754483

Same in Belgium. 4 years uni will net you 2100€ a month. Plumbers earn more and start working at 17 so they have years advantage

>> No.23754495


>> No.23754526

On t'appelle pour fracasser du gilet jaune blanc et pour raquetter des petits vieux qui ont pas mis leurs masque pour sortir dehors, donc enfile ton cuckstume et casse toi

>> No.23754530

to all the people in this thread claiming you can make 200k+ in earnings from freelance coding in europe
these are larps? or can you provide a clear roadmap on how to acquire such lofty positions
for that money is aristocrat level in most of western europe
i am having a hard time believing companies would fork over that much money when they can hire 5 wagies with the same potential from uni, and then i am talking local white fully competent people not outsourcing to india

i did the eng meme and its shit all around everywhere
interviews are the hunger games just so you can get a 100€ net a month more, totally not worth it

>> No.23754538

> Any tips on how to disarm scandi autism
As I (and the Swedish anon >>23754439)
said, it all depends on the situation. If you approach people in a situation where being social is expected (bar, university, sports, work, volunteer work, clubs etc.) then it's very easy to meet people.
Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are VERY similar languages. We understand each other most of the time. If you learn one of the languagues then it will be very easy for you to learn one of the other later.

>> No.23754540

>should have put 25% of paycheck into AAVE 2019
>could have then found out about PNK
he never wins

>> No.23754553

>implying being a Mechanical Engineer is harder than being a plumber or mother of five or parapalegic
>implying you should be remunerated more for less effort

top kek dicklicker

>> No.23754586

>these are larps? or can you provide a clear roadmap on how to acquire such lofty positions
>for that money is aristocrat level in most of western europe

It's not a larp and it's not aristocrat level money. Like I said, it sounds like a lot but after all the fucking taxes it's really. Maybe if you earn 1 million EUR a year we can talk about being in the upper-tiers.

>i am having a hard time believing companies would fork over that much money when they can hire 5 wagies with the same potential from uni

This doesn't work with software due to the nature of how work is done in this field. More often than not 5 mediocre devs would be significantly slower and would produce worse quality than one excellent developer.

>> No.23754587

Tu as oublié Asselineau et Charles Gave.

>> No.23754599

Well in my master there were a few who finished the cycle d'ingénieur and did the master, they were different fren, they worked 24/7 I once heard one bragging to another for watching 1 hour of television the day before, meanwhile I'm on /tv/ and can watch seasons in 1 day, and they can focus for a looooong time, we had a class of networking taught by a faggot from telecom paris who taught us from 14h to 20h, 6 hours with no break, I was on /biz/ at 15h watching charts the only ones who stayed focused for 6 hours are the polytechnicians.
But they were retards in other areas, whenever you talk to one of them they have 0 ambition except work for thales or dassault and philosophically speaking they're empty as fuck, they're basically just super smart NPCs, npcs with a i9-10900k or the latest ryzen 5000.
Made me happy I was in shitcoins and feel ok about being a lazy fuck because well I'd rather be a lazy fuck in link than a high speed npc, also only have 50k link was only larping about th 300k obviously.

>> No.23754606


Looks really nice !
Sometimes thing get twisted on the internet, I wish I would have time to hop on a handful of scandi cities and pick my favourite one for 3-5 months, unfortunatly I can't do that due to Corona. I will make a pick this weekend thank you for your imput !

What do Scandi do in winter ? I'm supposed to move mid-january/February, I'm scared I won't be able to socialise outside of the work I pick.

Spain is great, I've lived there one year for my ersmus, the weather is amazing but oh god the people are lazy. And they are too extravert actually, it get really tiring in the long go. I think I might be slighlty more extravert than Scandi but not soo much. I would still recommand Spain, amazing place full of good people.

>> No.23754615

Okay, qu'est ce que tu conseilles comme pays alors de moins pire ?
L'élection de trump était elle programmée selon toi ?
Au lieu de taper sur boubacar tapes sur les bouygues des 30 glorieuses qui se sont enrichi a exploiter boubacar sans l'intégrer correctement pour faire du dumping de salaires. Réfléchis bien a qui profite le crime.

>> No.23754624

That's historical materialism for you. What's astonishing is not that owners exploit those who have nothing, but that those who have nothing still haven't figure it out. The fact that they are exploited.

>> No.23754627

after all the fucking taxes it's really nothing*

Also, I cannot emphasise this enough, even though 200k eur sounds like a lot, it's REALLY NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. There are a lot of people walking around in Europe who are pulling millions of EUR a year but the difference is that they never talk about it or show off so what happens is that wageslaves on 60k a year think they are rich as fuck when they really are poorfags compared to the real high rollers in this continent.

>> No.23754645

>they're basically just super smart NPCs, npcs with a i9-10900k or the latest ryzen 5000.

Excellent way of putting it. This is my experience interacting with students at so-called elite schools as well. Cambridge/Oxford, the Ivy League, and Polytechnique is a meme in 2020.

>> No.23754647

Thats the difference between an entrepreneur and manager/technician. You are more of a entrepreneur type and they are more manager/technician type

>> No.23754651

kek I agree, it's basically just an illusion of choice, central banks need one of their to profit them and the companies they bought shares in with the money they printed, so they invest in them, plus they control the media too so they control the people, I think Jacques Attali predicted a Macron win many years before anyone had heard of him, he also predicted a female president after Macron.
I don't know if he was talking about marine or someone else.

>> No.23754662

Le système des classes préparatoires crée des adulescents qui resteront lycéens mentaux jusqu'à 30-35 ans (et quelques psychopathes) . Ils servent de chair à canon pour les grandes entreprises.
Les commerciaux sont mieux payés parce que ce sont des trous de balle sachant négocier, pas des geeks voûtés.

Force à vous d'avoir survécu à l'enfer des prépas et courage

>> No.23754693

while I agree that 60k a year is nothing, Ive yet to see a yurofag whos legit balling. I have a family member who pulls in 300k a year (own company) and some guys from my school who started a cmpany that is now probably worth 7-8 figures on paper. but the legit millionaires and 7 figure / year earners I now all have one thing in commong: tehyre americans. I dont know a single person that gets close to these levels whos a yuropoor

>> No.23754700

Tout est sous contrôle. Tout. Everything. Même les juges sont sous contrôle, même les avocat et les profs d'université.
Si tu passe des oraux aux concours et qu'ils sentent que tu n'est pas conforme à la logique maçonnique, tu es ejecté. Il peut y avoir des raté à leur processus de sélection par la soumission idéologique, mais c'est très rare. La moindre phrase non conformiste, même le fait que tu ne connaisse pas une référence maçonnique des droits de l'homme ou des grands francs maçon de l'histoire, peut te valoir ta place à un concours.
On ne juge pas le talent, mais la capacité de soumission à un système. Les élements forts de caractère sont éliminés, sauf s'ils sont fort de caractère mais d'appartenance et d'obédience maçonnique ou judaique.
Le rebel au système, même light, est éjecté. Le religieux tradi, sauf s'il est vraiment brillant, est ejecté.

>> No.23754731

It's really strange when looking back on it but I left this because I couldn't stomach it and hated it and went to study to a standard university which was like a paradise.
The prépa and écolé d'ingénieur are built like a prison to make you memorize things without understanding them which I couldn't do.
Also constantly punishing you unfairly with overwork and bad grades for no reason because it's supposed to make you study more...

The university system is great for a free thinker, because you have freedom and time to pursue your own desires and learn by yourself, and you can take the time to understand things instead of just memorizing things.

The only thing you get from a diplome d'ingénieur is the proof that you only have good memory and a strong tendency for slave mentality with no ability for free thinking and criticism.
This also explains why everything is going down in France when those who are supposed to make decisions are know for their NPC mindset.
What is needed is machiavelism combined with an entrepreneur mindset, not slaves.

>> No.23754750

It's very simple my friend
First you need lots of exp in good reputable companies.
Then you need to actually be high-skilled not an average code-monkey.

Why they would pay 800 eur per day? Because this is short term and critical job. They need something done asap, so they throw money to get an expert, but they don't want him full time, paying benefits etc. They want him out after the job is done, hence job insecurity = high payscale

>> No.23754757

> What do Scandi do in winter
I can't really think of anything. Some people go skiing?
Don't worry about not being able to meet people. I probably have light autism and even I can meet people pretty easily when I go to social events, bars etc.
Most scandis aren't autists, it's just part of our culture to mind our own business (for the part) while in public.
It really is easier to meet people here if you're a foreigner. More people will want to get to know you. Unironically.

>> No.23754767

Macron is literally a Mkultra.

>> No.23754768

Ce qui compte c'est l'existence d'une alternative qui propage des idée contradictoires au système.
Le jour ou les caisses seront vide il y aura une guerre civile et ce jour la ca ne fera aucune différence si tu es approuvé ou pas par le système.

>> No.23754773

>What is needed is machiavelism combined with an entrepreneur mindset, not slaves.

This is never happening in Europe, not in our lifetimes. Every entrepreneur I know who is truly a man of independent means and not bankrolled by the banks is looking to get the fuck out of this continent, and I know several who already have.

The amount of true entrepreneurs in Europe is shrinking by the day, and while the media may convince you that we are a continent of small business (which we used to be), the ones starting the successful ones are 9/10 times either bankrolled by the banks and in heavy debt or are otherwise controlled through venture capital.

Most "entrepreneurs" in Europe are very, very well-paid managers not true entrepreneurs, the real ones all fucked off to America or Asia (some in Switzerland and eastern Europe too, but very few).

>> No.23754774

>earn 100k in crypto at 21, curr 23
>graduted from an MSc in Data Science from top 5 french business school, looking to become an AI expert
>Developped one nootropic supplement brand making 3KMRR, one software making $500MRR, and more to come
Spending my free time reading Nietzsche, Taleb, entrepreneur books, socializing, growing wxxd(though not touching it)
>6'3 chad, people stopping me in the street in Japan they think I'm Chris Hemsworth, same for the Chinese students I had in the MSc because they're fans of Marvel, uber driver goes "damn I thought I had thor in my taxi"

In the next 10 years, I'll be the new Napoléon and give France its grandeur back by being a role model for all of these fucking faggots that think it's trendy to spit on France, its culture, its history

Also, I listen to La Marseillaise everyday to workout and it's the best anthem the world has ever witnessed

>> No.23754796

Il n'y a pas d'alternative. Le Capitalisme est mort en 2008.

>> No.23754812

>Every entrepreneur I know who is truly a man of independent means and not bankrolled by the banks is looking to get the fuck out of this continent
>the real ones all fucked off to America or Asia (some in Switzerland and eastern Europe too, but very few).
100% this

>> No.23754822

for the most part*

fwiw I met a girl I'm dating right now while walking around in public. It's not impossible to approach people in public. Just more difficult than other countries.

>> No.23754823

I don't agree with you on anything, in my experience it's the opposite, unifags are used to accepting things without proof while if you did the prepa you'll always have that itch to know where this or that came from, I believe it helped with my critical thinking and ability to think under pressure.
Also since I'm a non disciplined lazy fag, I was constantly stressed in prepa, I did the 5/2 because I only got the shit schools my first time, so since I couldn't waste 3 years of my life by failing my 5/2 there was no fucking way I would have allowed myself to fail, so I started forcing myself to work and focus, and since I'm borderline adhd meme it took lots of will power and overcoming doubts etc... Basically I believe it's the best thing that ever happened to me, sure my cousin studied law at uni and is now working for a député réunionnaise writing speeches and shit, his job is comfy and he's paid well and is making lots of frens in politics (if such a thing exists) but I wouldn't switch places with him, right now I'm exactly where I want to be:
Basically I did so much psychedelics that I realized I was a lazy fuck but not retarded and I enjoyed taking in too much information on the internet, so I basically enjoy spending the day on /biz/ and going out here and there with frens or gf, and if you enjoy this you can make real money from it without ever feeling like you're working, it's just a game of recognizing patterns on the /biz/ catalogue and knowing when the music stops to not miss your chair.
I may be wrong of course but most of what I said is subjective to me and it might be shit for other people.

>> No.23754840

I know this movement.
I also want to leave this place, but haven't found a good place to go to yet.

It works in cycles. The more taxes you have and rules you make the less entrepreneurs are left to pay your taxes, and the less money you have to pay welfare.
After some time this bankrupts the state which can't pay for all the parasites, and they end up going through years of hell until they finally decide to allow entrepreneurs back and stop making their life difficult.

I don't know how many years it will take unfortunately for this process to happen and it could take a few decades.
Until then we will have to find a better place and wait for the collapse to happen before coming back.

>> No.23754841

good thing that your pathetic hate is meaningless in the real world

>> No.23754843

>it's the best anthem the world has ever witnessed
That's just cope though, Russia has the best anthem and everyone knows it.
Also I'm a 5'10 manlet I call shotgun for being your right hand when you start your conquest, also you have to allow me to rape.

>> No.23754848
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I put all my RSA gibs in LINK three years ago. Never worked, never will. Thanks socialism. This shithole is doomed, why even bother.

>> No.23754849

Having to give up almost half of my monthly paycheck to the bank for another 23 years... for a one bedroom apartment. I would call that cucked...

>> No.23754850


>> No.23754857

Extremely based.

>> No.23754863

Aucun empire n'est éternel.
L'URSS avait les mêmes défauts que l'UE, et elle n'existe plus.

>> No.23754869
File: 200 KB, 600x500, evolutionwelfarestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23754870

C'est pas ce que je voulais dire. Relis.

>> No.23754877


100% d'accord avec vous mes amigos de France. Les gilets jaunes c'était notre dernière chance de nous libérer (j'inclus toute l'Europe de l'ouest dans le "nous", vous avez encore beaucoup d'influence). Le mouvement a été écrasé mais l'amertume et la colère des gens n'est pas partie. Je pense qu'à la prochaine révolte les Français vont exploser.

Pour être passé par le système """éducatif""" d'ingénierie en Belgique, c'est dans le fond la même chose. Si vous montrez de la créativité ou un esprit libre à l'université ou au travail, le système va vous rejeter car vous n'êtes pas facilement contrôlable.

Le plus triste, c'est que je vois tous ces esprits brilliants se sont enchaînés d'eux-même dans un système qui joue contre eux. J'ai essayé de leur en parler, ils sont tellements indoctrinés (par la famille, par la copine, par l'école) qu'ils n'arrivent pas à sortir de leur cadre de pensée. Quel gâchi.

Pour finir sur une note positive, réfléchissez bien : il y a toujours moyen de profiter de cette situation.

>> No.23754900

I can feel you OP.
Graduated in one of the best engineering schools out there, certainly the best university of my country, i was, easily, in the top 5% of the generation that entered college the same year as I did, and my jobs at consulting firms, bank, engineering companies and startups were always 950-1100€ per month. I settled in the academia, with a grant scratching my balls and buying chanlink.
Right now I probably have enough money to say I made it, at least where I live, but without crypto I would be fucked.

I don't agree with the pumbler comparison tho, because pumblers are actually rare right now and they do give a very valuable service. It's the markeeteers, the designers, the salesmen, etc who really add zero value.

>> No.23754903

I don't know if that would work as a foreigner, plus I'm 1m79 and I like tall girl so it's even more difficult haha

Maybe I'll try to do an internship at an industry with a lot of young people and quite relaxed, need to think about it more. I just don't want to be shut in because the bars are closed due to covid-69

>> No.23754925

Brainlet take

>> No.23754948

>il y a toujours moyen de profiter de cette situation.
C'est pour ça qu'on est là non? ;-)

>> No.23754958

You don't have the time to learn where something comes from when you have to memorize 20 pages of shit each time and do exercises which require 8 hours to do daily when you only have time for 2 hours.
I spent the day copying for no reason pages of useless lectures when it would have been a lot more efficient to just give us this content in an electronic or printed form and spend all the lost time understanding it.
If you made comments to disrupt this flow or mind propaganda you were mocked by the teacher openly for it...

The reason you need something to discipline you to study is because you have a slave mentality and prefer to obey than to decide.
There is absolutely no freedom in the ecole d'ingénieur system.

University gives you freedom, but you only get from it what you are willing to put in.
It's also used to get a lot of welfare by parasites who don't care about studying.
The first 3 years are a filter for the NPC who don't want to learn something.
Of course I still saw a chink copying everything end up in master years, but at least when you look at the top 10 of a class you can be certain they are not NPCs, while I can't say the same for an ingénieur...

>> No.23754986

Et je ne parle pas des shitcoins ou autre. Tout ça requiert un capital de base. Il y a moyen de générer du capital en analysant bien ce qu'il se passe. Si vous avez le niveau de faire des études d'ingé vous saurez trouver des failles.

>> No.23754999

>be american
>make a lot of money
>need to use that money constantly to avoid negros, corn syrup, and pay for 50000 types of insurance

at the end of the day you're just getting jew'd one way or another

>> No.23755045

you need to go back

>> No.23755065

They are apparently, only if you work you have to pay for them

>> No.23755088

>be romanian
>finish med school
>earn 950€ per month as a first and second year fellow
>be somehow richer than 80% of country

>> No.23755101

yeah i call bullshit on this
so like i mentioned in my first post can you provide me with even a single shred of evidence for this
i mean just remove any doxable info from your billing slip, or better yet explain a clear roadmap to how you get such a position
i should have clarified tho, yes 200k isn't enough to make generational wealth, but it puts you right in the very upper echelon of all wages
your claim of 1 mil€ a year is really far fetched
i am from belgium, all companies balance sheets are free to browse for everyone with an internet connection and that type of money is rare even for company owners
from these accessable data, richest people of the country lists are published and earning a mil a year will quickly get you a place there and thusfar outside of investor and generational industrialist, only top tier entertainers make that type of cash

as to the other case i am also in doubt
again we are not talking about outsourcing to india, we are talking white top tier students from respected unies
how are you some kind of coding superman that you can outcompete the top of graduating classes for years on end and stay competitive
in eng wages are totally decimated due to the effect of everyone being able to go to uni, only by hoarding very specific knowledge could you gain more cash, but very few succeed in generating such knowledge

>> No.23755103

Why did you buy ?
From a gains perspective I’d rather have boomer stocks yielding now + rent rather than wait 30 years for a profit. The projections I made with averages prices in my city just do not make any sense. I don’t know where I fucked up.

>> No.23755112

>I don't know how many years it will take unfortunately for this process to happen and it could take a few decades.

It won't happen for a long time I think since we've been so throughly brainwashed for decades into believing whatever the government or central bank says.

Most of Europe is on life-support at the moment and only survives due to extraordinary monetary fuckery on the part of the central bank like QE and other things. No government or central banker is going to ever allow this entire house of cards to come crashing down so they will continue printing money in an effort to maintain the status quo and further increase the rich-poor divide. I think the only way this gets better is if either the people lose faith in the currency and realise its losing value through inflation (which will never happen in 2020 due to systemic brainwashing) or the entire thing collapses in social unrest due to the inequalities, but that won't happen for a while either since the nanny state will allegedly take care of you.

As I said, the only way things get better is if people lose trust in the government, the welfare state, and their monopoly money that they are waging away for, and while I thought the internet would help with the mass redpilling it seems to have made things worse. If corona gets worse and the bankers decide to print 500x just to keep things going and inflation hits the real economy, the media apparatus will always find something to blame it on that isn't the government and people will be none the wiser. Worst case is if that's the impetus required for the ECB and others to seize total control with a meme monetary reset with a digital euro or dollar - that is truly a nightmare scenario.

>> No.23755138

L'interdiction de manifester a été faite exclusivement contre les gilets jaunes sous prétexte du corona virus.
Ca ne va pas pouvoir continuer comme ca très longtemps.

L'endoctrinement éducatif est équivalent à des croyances religieuses.
Le seul moyen d'en libérer une personne normale est lorsque cette croyance provoque une souffrance émotionnelle très forte, qui la pousse a se remettre en question et à choisir entre revoir ses croyances ou souffrir un suicide psychologique.
Un burnout est un bon moment pour aider une personne à changer et pour lui faire lire Unscripted.

>> No.23755151

Any french bros notice that "great debt reset" thing and slowly creeping up in national mainstream news here along with /biz/ ?
Should i buy a house now and hope my debt gets reset in 6 months?

>> No.23755188


Meanwhile in America you need a masters in electrical engineering to have the same standard of living a high school drop out had in the 50s. Thanks capitalism!

>> No.23755212

What are you studying?

>> No.23755219

I personally noticed it a bit in Belgium

Pendant de nombreuses années, j'ai essayé de trouver un moyen de changer le système. Qu'est-ce que je pourrais dire/faire/apprendre qui améliorerait la condition de la classe moyenne ?
Beaucoup de temps perdu avant de réaliser que je ne suis qu'un insecte vis-à-vis des puissances considérables à l'oeuvre. Donc il y a deux solutions :

Soit tous les insectes s'assemblent et on a les moyens de changer le système. Le problème c'est que une "révolte" de ce type doit se faire de manière organique, cf les gilets jaunes. Tout seul vous ne déclencherez rien du tout. Donc il faut s'armer de patience en attendant la prochaine chance.

Soit profiter de la situation. Trouver les failles du système, exploitez-les. Comprenez les mécanismes que les riches exploitent pour s'enrichir et pour contrôler les autres, et fait de même. Je compte sur vous pour ne pas basculer dans le camp des tyrans le moment venu. La moindre des choses, protégez vos familles directes.

>> No.23755240

As I said in one of my posts, I'm not on 200k EUR but a little more than half of that. But I am not larping I assure you.

The problem is that you're misunderstanding the nature of software and think that just because you are a top-tier student from a good school you are automatically qualified and capable of doing the job. I can tell you this definitely isn't the case and many who have graduated unless they have some prior experience do not know the first thing about modern software engineering outside of their coddled lecture halls. This field constantly changes every day and universities simply cannot keep up with the rate of change and tech stack turnover.

Furthermore, as for my path to this, it has been somewhat unconventional and you wouldn't believe me but it is the truth and there are ways of earning money in Europe that isn't the standard university->graduate program->meme engineer path.

I'm entirely self-taught and never went to school, but I have been a programmer on a hobbyist basis since I was roughly 10 or 11, so when I turned 18 and got my first job (below average Euro shit salary) I was already pretty "experienced". Moved around a bit, gained a lot of experienced, and started earning six-figures at 21 as I had specialised in a very high-tech and very high-in-demand tech stack at meme startups and ended up where I am now. It's really not rocket science to get a well-paid gig, you just need to know what companies are stumbling over each other for and be able to sell yourself so you can charge the fees you want to charge.

Think of yourself as a business and not as an employee and I trust one day you'll get here too.

>> No.23755274

I got my CCNA in high school, got a $50k/yr job at 22, and at 32 make $150k/yr. Just because you are a useless commie serving coffees doesn't mean everyone is as retarded as you. Nigger.

>> No.23755288

>from these accessable data, richest people of the country lists are published and earning a mil a year will quickly get you a place there and thusfar outside of investor and generational industrialist, only top tier entertainers make that type of cash

And also, this is the problem. You assume that rich people are rich because they earn a large wage. This cannot be further from the case. The very rich people I know keep a lot of wealth in their company and do not take out salary in the way normal wageslaves do. If they are going to finance a large purchase or fund their living, it is very common to take out a line of credit secured by your shareholding in the family company as this is essentially a way to print money tax-free seeing as loans aren't considered taxable income. For all intents and purposes you are still pulling in a couple mil a year, it's just not done in the way you think it is done.

There is a reason why entertainers top these lists, and it's usually because the wealth they generate is transient (and thus almost always paid out as a wage) and not perpetual like owning a company.

>> No.23755308


you will have to surrender your properties in order to earn universal income and this money wont be savable

you will have to spend it within the 3 next months

>> No.23755312

This guy says the truth,
IT in France is hiring a lot, you can score a job in most companies if you have a decent portfolio.
People who think outside the box are sought after too, and chances are you may end up in a fun company with like minded people.
Once you feel you've accumulated enough experience, start a company or acquire certs for specialties and sell yourself top dollar.

>> No.23755320

That's terrifying.

>> No.23755329

There is a funny thing with the process of creating fake money with the printing press and keeping your companies barely alive as half dead zombies with it.
It creates real deflation, and slowly kills all productive companies due to the competition with zombie ones. The longer this goes on the worse it gets.
You can already see the inflation happen in the housing prices and in assets like gold.
The effect of inflation is always stronger near the source.
This is the reason we can't easily buy a home, because their value is priced in the real inflated value of fiat and the more you print the worse this difference gets.

The reason you hear of the Great reset and their fake corona virus second wave is because the system reached its limit and they urgently need something to get power over the masses before it explodes and NPCs come for their heads.
When you print a lot of money you will be forced to enforce capital controls after some time.
Brexit happens in 2 months, and the EU will have a hole in its budget and cause an exportation crisis in Germany. At the same time the productivity index in Italy went down to 50 which means half of their industry is dead.
Next year is going to be fun.

>> No.23755354

you will have the choice from the things I read
but helicopter money for sure is coming
and western european will become something like babylon but 40% muslim and 30% black all "living" of welfare stamps

>> No.23755372

id rather kms than be a fucking pig

>> No.23755411

you will die childless so it's literally the same
you are just too much a coward to off yourself now

>> No.23755420
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>be 15
>say fuck school
>spend youth skateboarding, doing drugs, having fun with friends instead of studying
>become adult
>move to swiss border
>make 4k/month in blue collar job, no mental stress, free workout

>> No.23755425

sounds a lot like some people will hate themselves for missing the crypto train.

>> No.23755436

you bought your coins after handing over your full KYC to kikebase...

>> No.23755441

what tech stack did you niche in?

>> No.23755446

thanks fro replying and no, i do believe that i know several selfthought and dropout cs people who get good jobs, just not 200k good
and i am on biz, i know the basics never be a wagie be a business, i already escaped the eng hell into ownership
i was just wondering if the contractor memes are real
but as you mentioned it must be the difference between eng and cs, guess i do misunderstand the nature, i thought it similar to eng as being technical and education heavy i will defer to your judgement on this
i would def appreciate any details you can and are willing to give on how to get the juicy contracts

i am fully aware of this, and i know ownership is the real path to success, no need to go over the basics
i just used my country as a good example of open data, due to the tax realities if you don't want to be totally assraped by taxes you have to start a company and its entire balance sheet containing both wages and equity are open to everyone so you can clearly track the wealth being generated
and to the best of my own investigations i have never seen a contractor make big bank, only owners

this was never in question the topic of this discussion was the ability of contractors to make it to the same levels

>> No.23755456

and no crypto is mainstream yet because they're scared of regulations,
put 2 and 2 together

>> No.23755481

That's a very shitty moment to move to US
With Biden taxation for middle class is going to skyrocket

>> No.23755551

les gars faut juste se casser aux US ou Canada mdr, tu fais du cash 10 ans tu reviens tu montes une boîte

>> No.23755579

Mon parcours est différent de la normale même pour /biz/.
J'ai décidé de me sauver moi même et les gens que je considère comme des amis et ma famille seulement, mais de ne jamais me laisser manipuler et de ne jamais en devenir ce genre de personne.

Les autres sont responsables de ce qu'ils recoivent de la vie par leur choix et leur paresse.
La seule aide qu'ils obtiendront de moi seront des conseils s'ils décident de changer, mais je n'irai certainement pas au premier front mettre ma vie en jeu pour les sauver afin qu'ils continuent leur vie sans rien changer pendant que je me sacrifie.
Ils n'ont malheureusement pas encore souffert assez pour demander de l'aide.

>> No.23755606

ouais t'es un rat qui a quitté le navire en gros
allez dégage d'ici le pédophile en goguette à Bangkok

>> No.23755620


>> No.23755643

That describes most capitals in western europe and large cities in america you retard. The trick is to not move to the capital like an npc hive drone, but go somewhere less populated.

>> No.23755699


Force est de constater, dans un système ou les médias, les politiciens et les big corps luttent de mèche contre le citoyen, ça devient un petit peu le règne du "chacun pour soi".

Il y a des alternatives pourtant pour recréer des communautés qui s'entraident, qui est le but ultime. Avez-vous considéré bouger avec un groupe d'amis dans un petit village, et de ne pas utiliser d'argent ? Une douzaine de personnes avec des compétences variées peuvent entretenir un petit écosystème presque auto-suffisant (hormis les soins médicaux, les nouveaux outils, et le carburant. Tout cela peut s'acquérir avec des investissements passifs ou des remote gig. deux personnes dans le groupe pourraient suffire à procurer le minimum d'argent nécessaire pour payer ça + les taxes de logement de la communauté. C'est un exemple idéaliste bien sûr mais c'est un exercice de pensée intéressant).

>> No.23755732

>vivons comme des hippies gauchistes pour sauver l'Afrance

>> No.23755841

>Study medicine in sweden
>When I'm done I'll start out at like 3000EUR/month
>30% tax on that
>25% sales tax on everything you buy
It's fucking shit tbqh, I'll make sure to take a sick leave for depression 5 out of 12 months every year so I can milk this shitty country for all it is worth.

>> No.23755867

Tu peux vivres en autarcie et faire n'importe quelle activité. Il faut savoir reconnaître la force des systèmes autonomes, c'est de ne pas passer par les monnayes fiats, qui sont les chaînes qui nous emprisonnent.

Pour rappel :
>vends ton temps contre de l'argent
>ton travail est taxé
>t'as besoin d'une caisse pour ton travail, taxes de pollution + assurances
>tu as la TVA sur tous les produits que tu achetes
>taxes sur le logement, assurances maison
>taxes à l'achat d'une maison
>taxes d'héritage

J'ai besoin de donner plus d'exemples ou c'est bon comme ça ?

Quand on vit en autarcie et qu'on n'utilise pas l'argent, ça veut dire que toutes les taxes de "transferts" et de "circulations" n'existent pas. Rien ne vous empêchent de développer votre propre monnaye locale pour vous arranger entre vous si ça fait moins gaucho pour toi.

Et je ne sais pas si l'Afrance peut être sauvée, le moins que tu puisses faire c'est de te sauver, tes proches et ceux qui ont la volonté d'échapper au système.

>> No.23755872
File: 118 KB, 1199x1200, 1587412568886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1. Become Mentally Pure and Disciplined
Step 2. Find strong, traditional countryside community
Step 3. Impregnate your wife x15-20 times
Step 4. Raise all your kids as a white man should
Step 5. Passive income from your long prior investments as a NEET or wagie
Easy BTFO'd jewish overlords
Simple as

>> No.23755909

Sorry for the discussion in french, I was basically saying the same kind of things in baguette speach. You figured it out, now time to work on that passive income. I belive in you

>> No.23755933

Godbless frogman, and thank you.

>> No.23755986

Le système m'a rejeté apres tous mes efforts pour être accepté.
J'ai été forcé de trouver du travail en Allemagne contre ma volonté malgré tous mes efforts pour rester en France.
Mais le pire dans tout ca, c'est que le plus longtemps je suis resté en Allemagne et le plus j'ai réalisé à quel point mon traitement était meilleur en Allemagne qu'en France et ce sans mettre aucun effort pour m'intégrer.

Et je n'ai pas encore parlé de mon histoire avec des pervers narcissiques...

Je ne dois absolument rien à la France si ce n'est une quantité de souffrance exceptionnelle qui aurait poussé 99% des gens au suicide.
Mais comme je ne suis pas un parasite, un manipulateur ou un psychopate je préfère laisser ca derrière moi et me concentrer sur mon futur avec des gens qui veulent aller de l'avant.

>> No.23755993

Based. Munich is the only decent city left in western europe. Maybe zurich and vienna as well.

>> No.23756033

google translate works well enough
to comment on some of the points made in the french discussion:
for most people that figure out by themselves how the system work, they will not waste the effort to try and fight it
turning an npc into a real person is almost impossible plus your effort will not be rewarded
trying to profit from it is by far the most logical, simple and profitable choice
thats the strength of the current system its capacity of incorporating dissidents into its material wealth
vastly better than the old nobility system where if you werent born right you got fucked so competent people joined the revolt, not today

however the suggestion of communities is probably right, i can already see it happening today amongst the tradies outside of city centres
do not do official labour for euors but kind for kind interaction so you avoid the whole triple taxation assrape and can undercut any legit competition that still operates in euros
requires the participants to know each other intimately and trust each other tho

>> No.23756043

Aider les gens contre leur volonté empêche et retarde leur développement personnel.
C'est le même principe que de donner de l'argent à des gens pauvres.

Si tu fais des initiatives contre l'état il va venir tout détruire pour t'empecher de donner un mauvais exemple dès que tu deviendras trop gros ou un exemple dangereux.

>> No.23756058


viens à la maison homme français

>> No.23756068

Is the MMT a complete lunacy then or what?

>> No.23756087

>Je compte sur vous pour ne pas basculer dans le camp des tyrans le moment venu.
Il n'y a pas de risque à moins de devenir milliardaire. C'est aussi une de leur faiblesse. Le sommet de leur pyramide est tellement petit et étriqué que beaucoup comprennent que c'est mort.
Et quand bien même, cela vaudrait t il le coup de devenir un pédo-sataniste just pour avoir des milliards? Non. Le jeux n'en vaut pas la chandelle. Pour une entité don't un des principes de bases est la séduction, décidemment ce n'est pas très séduisant, à moins d'être profondemment tordu, ou faible de base.

>> No.23756099

not to mention the looming threat of civil war

>> No.23756191

>be me, son of immigrants from morocco
>go to public schools, notice everyone including whites are morons with lowIQ despite the meme.
>grow up enjoying life, fuck the system
>become of age to work, time to get money.
>land an engineering job for a us company, because fuck france, i dont want my taxes to pay for an anti muslim, and projewish policy
>run a good tax evasion scheme while still staying in entire legality
>travelled all around the world, drove the best cars, bitches give me pussy, etc... i "fucking made it"
>today be senior engineer, work like 1 hour a day, get paid 140k euro
>buying my first house cashmoney, because loans are haram
>mfw i will fuck france until i die..

>> No.23756237

nice larp

muhammad lick my asshole

>> No.23756244

It's the last attempt to gain a few more years by the current system.
The inflation you create has a time delay which will cause something like a sudden bubble.
All it takes is one small event to trigger an avalanche.

Technically you can't print money, control your currency's price and allow free money movements outside and inside your monetary zone. This is because an imbalance will quickly create a correction.
The reason it didn't happen yet is because a lot of countries are doing the same thing at the same time and a lot of currency lose value at the same time, corona was used to restrict movement and people can't spend their money.

You also first see the problems appear in less developed countries relying on the dollar when people withdraw their investments and start buying hard assets like housing and gold with it.
See the Turkish lira as an example.
The last to go down will be the highly trusted sources from developed countries NPCs see as safe but the process already started.

>> No.23756253

I would add that remaining below the radar is key. Don't brag about it, don't try to explain to everyone on social medias. People with higher communication skills are already trying that (how do you know they are better ? simple: you're on 4chan).

I'm actually trying to make a business related to that. There are a lot of opportunities, even in those troubled times.

Tout au fond est définit par ce que c'est que la richesse, c'est un commentaire extrêment memesque mais c'est vrai. Une famille unie, un toit, de quoi se nourrir et se soigner, la liberté d'éducation et de hobby... Qui est prêt a vendre son âme pour courir après les chimères du grand luxe ? Beaucoup de monde en fait, et ce sont des personnes qui sont facilement exploitables.

>> No.23756310

just exit the country, burn your passport, paint your face black and you are set for life

>> No.23756322

>doesnt know what an lkw is
>concludes munich is based because of it
let me guess youre an amerimutt?

>> No.23756330
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>be central european
>finish comp sci studies with msc
>get paid €40k pa before tax ie €2k/month
>all wages are regulated for all sectors
>apartment prices in the city are €600-800k for a family in a district where you don't smell kebab 24/7
>public schools are 75%+ filled with arabs, turks, etc with nobody speaking the native language
>forced social security payments
>forced government insurance payments
>have to wait 2 months for specialist doctor appointments
>have to wait 6-9 months for routine surgery
>friends ask why i'm not looking for a government job so i don't have to do any work

europe is fucked. private enterprise is taxed to hell, freelancing is legally almost impossible and getting employment means low wages due to high taxes again.

uncontrolled immigration and welfare turned this region into a literal hellhole. i'm going to leave this place next year once biden opens up immigration again.

>> No.23756348

>>run a good tax evasion scheme while still staying in entire legality

please elaborate. asking for a friend.

>> No.23756377

L'appendicite te coûte 7,5 € (30% du ticket modérateur) + 57 € (20% de l'opération) si tu n'as pas de mutuelle.
Pour un total de 64,5 €

>> No.23756382

No, swiss-romandie faggot. Explain to me what is lkw?

>> No.23756392

Blessed Switzerland, if it wasn't for immigration restrictions I would be there right now.
Instead I have to cuck it out in the north, better than eastern yuorpoor I guess.

>> No.23757003


>> No.23757766


>> No.23758648

Comme quoi tous les flics ne sont pas des crétins.Mais fait gaffe quand même, un jour les projectiles ne seront pas que des pavés.

>> No.23758944

That's what happens when you chase social status over social relevance

>> No.23758967

You should try Africa

>> No.23759018

>Get a master's degree in computer science from a good french university
>Earn €2630 after tax after 2 years and a half of experience, working on interesting things related to compilers and GPUs
>Only spend €600/month, save the rest, don't invest in anything
>Currently have about 30000€ in the bank
>In 4 years I'll be able to buy a nice small countryside house with a big garden without a loan
>I'll keep working remotely for 5 more years while setting up my garden and then probably go part time
>Maybe then stop working at the age of 35 if I managed to become self-sufficient.

I must say I'm quite happy with how things are going. Slow and steady is how you reach happiness. France can be nice if you have neither TV nor neighbors.

>> No.23759223

You rush the time to know about how to use your time efficiently. Engineer lel, bet you listen your parents

>> No.23759757

>Only spend €600/month
wtf? are you living in mommys basement? most people spend that much on rent alone

>> No.23759786

based, French countryside seems amazing but I dont speak French

>> No.23759879

I'm living with my sister, I give her €300/mo as rent. Food and various bills are about €200/mo and I give about €100/mo to charities/free software projects I like/political organizations I agree with.

>> No.23760031

Eastern Europe is best place for devs after America of course (another universe financially).
Western Europe is the worst, they earn roughly the same as EE while having to pay through the nose for everything + a dev in Poland makes 3-5x what average person makes, a dev in eg. Germany makes close to average. Lack of social respect.

>> No.23760209
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Mechanical Engineers are slaves, a notch up from machinists. At least in the corporate world.

>> No.23760377
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Wattup fellow nafrinigger. I'm similar but I wouldn't say I made it. It crazy surprising coming here as an immigrant and realizing just how retarded the average amerimutt IQ is. Also, these dumb frogs don't realize that america isn't the land of milk and honey they think it is. Go ahead and come on over, the assrape of miga capitalism is something that needs to be experienced first hand to be believed.

>> No.23760492
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>> No.23760514
File: 15 KB, 335x297, 16F25C5E-8431-4664-B80A-52A974105E6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-b-but socialism is so great and the answer to everything! Reeeeee!!!

>> No.23760578

>forever cold and dark
also you guys had lockdonw before lockdown -ie alcohol only sold until given hour

enjoy your shithole with turks and polaks

>> No.23760608
File: 268 KB, 1024x576, deus-ex6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average salary in my town is 1600 euros per month after taxes
>rent will eat up 600 of that, not including extra costs such as electricity and water
>21% sales tax on everything that is not food or other essentials (those are taxed at 6%)
>when you die, there's an inheritance tax

>> No.23760609

SE Asia is also good, lived there for a while, even better than Eastern Europe.
Easy cheap woman, interesting culture, great food, great weather, rooftop pool for apartament for a price of 1 bedroom in a german village

>> No.23760613

>Slow and steady is how you reach happiness.

Speed of path is completely unrelated to happiness. I agree with the rest but that was one hell of a retarded sentence

>> No.23760699
File: 811 KB, 700x1094, 73845777_p0 Pyra Mythra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you earn? I just did a regular IT course in public University, I'm at 50 000€/year. I could earn better if I went full into the private sector, but I'm in a hybrid public/private entity, job isn't as 100% secured as a public one, but it would take like an alien invasion or a nuclear bomb dropping off for me to get fired. 27 days of paid vacations + 20 RTT. Could be worse. Only downside is being in the Parisian area, so no affordable housing, but it's the same shit in every big city.

>> No.23760722

LOL first off "501-1000" is a huge, very impactful difference, and secondly, there's no fucking way you're saving 1000 bucks each month in Western Europe on an average salary (which is about 1600 per month, with rent/mortgage eating up at least 600)

>> No.23760744

lol €50K?

Bruh, you can earn more by freelancing.

I don’t understand this europoors.

>> No.23760803

If you still believe in god in 2020, you're retarded beyond belief.
Anyone can fuck ugly desperate bitches, and I know what kind of ugly desperate bitches Arabs are getting in France, truly ironic.

Notice he said "drove the best cars", as in, "I rented a Mercedes as every dumb Arab do in France, making sure to take pictures to brag about it on Snapchat."

You truly made it, that is, for the people of your tribe.

>> No.23760806

>In the current economic climate
Yeah, no. I'm honestly comfy just sitting there knowing my ass is warm just sending 3 mails a day and spending the rest of the day playing on the meme stock market with my secured income. Even for 120K I wouldn't want to be a freelancer having to deal with the worst kind of shit there is : clients, and more broadly, people.

>> No.23760807

I get 18k € per year in france as developer + 95% remote, 10 years xp, not complaining

>> No.23760819
File: 62 KB, 640x360, budapest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hungarian
>cheap housing, cheap food, no niggers,0.04% muslim population,nice whores, language too hard for any nigger to migrate here, comfy racist goverment, no western liberalism cuckholdry,statistically large penis and high IQ,poles as best friends
life is good as a hun
also this country fucking sucks and we are full do not come here

>> No.23760866

taxes are pretty steep though

>> No.23760878

ye but you can be smart about it ;)

>> No.23760895

>Food and various bills are about €200/mo
not sure where you live but I spend 300/month on bills alone, you said france? wtf

>> No.23760899

please share, im starting a new job in Budapest next year

>> No.23760915

Can a person with hispanic/negro phenotype be comfortable in hungary?

>> No.23760956

our current government would be called a racist dictatorship by western standard
the largest opposition to them is literally a white supremacist group whose leader beat a gypsy with a pipe on camera and still gets votes because he is based
checked, get an accountant country is full of taxholes that I am too dumb to explain but he can
best financial decision of my life

>> No.23760983

That’s a bad mentality.

Freelancing is not just looking for the meat, that’s for third world developers.

You can make 150K/year working 8 hours, having weekends for yourself and paying your own social services.

As long as you can cultivate a relationship with your clients.

I was a freelancer after college, I fucking hate having to work 10hrs per day and sacrifice my time with family and friends. After 5 years of freelancing, I settled with a good job as CTO for a Colombian startup.

They pay me $200K/year and I own part of the company (Not shares but actual % of the company).

Use your free time, get costumers and every week send them a cold email asking for more work. Stay social, some of my costumers recommend me with other companies and startups.

Have trust in yourself man.

>> No.23760993

>i'm african, engineer
larping as a nigger

>> No.23761027


>> No.23761088

how the fuck does that even happen

>> No.23761143

Those "happiness" indexes only weigh on things common in ultra-liberal, quasi-socialist nations such as "access to healthcare" and "anti-racism." They don't measure any of the things that actually make people lead happy and fulfilling lives

>> No.23761199

basé et rougepillé

>> No.23761226


Pathetic groveling bootlickers are ngmi

>> No.23761283

Poland is ultra niche for software dev and IT. Met a guy who started working for EAS company right out of his Bachelor (3-4 years), started as an intern while studying, earning ~900€. 4 years after graduation he's earning ~2900€ (before tax), just turned 25. Meanwhile I studied 5+1 years for 2 master's degree (mech) in France and I make 3200€ before tax (2400 after tax lmaooooo). Warsaw's cost of living is half or a third of Paris', meaning this guy saves up more money than me.
I considered moving but anything outside of IT/CS pays less than the French minimum salary

>> No.23761314

>be french
>last office job in 2007
>work as independent ever since
>actually work 2-3h/month
>make and declare about 300€/m
>(on purpose to..)
>get 450€ gibs every month
>familly send 250€ /m, boomers insisted, im ok with this

about 40/w
gbps fiber 40/m
unlumited phone plan 15/m
gas, about 30/m
insurances for home and car, about 50
various taxes about 1k/y
free total healthcare
tfw positive balance

tfw i stacked 15k in savings (which is a lot here since you can perfectly live with 1k/m if you don't pay rent/have debt)
tfw debt free, own a house, car etc

i don't even live that frugally, i just don't buy useless shit

tfw im gonna buy a new m2 nvme ssd with this month corona gibs

>inb4 loser
fuck your opinion, i inherited a house and live frugaly with 1k/m without working
i know at least 2 person, 1 engineer + scientist wagies, (+5 years training post graduation) and they make about 2,5k for waging 8h/d, 10 if you include commuting a'd theu have to live in paris while i live in a cool twin peaks village in a fucking huge ass house

unironically vive la france
enjoy your $100 20meg internet plan, no healthcare, no unemployement money, shitty paid vacations, student loan and mortgage burgers
meanwhile france let you opt out of society if you want to
even if no house, rent is like 300€ in some place and you have gibs and help for that too

>> No.23761542

I eat for €150. My phone bill is €5/mo (unlimited SMS/calls, 50GB of data), plublic transportation is €35/mo, insurance is €5/mo. My sister pays for water/electricity/internet. Don't have a car. Can't think of any other bills right now but I could be missing some.
It's pretty easy to eat for cheap on an almost-vegetarian diet.

>> No.23761647

>phone bill is €5/mo (unlimited SMS/calls, 50GB of data)

>> No.23761809

You eating fast food everyday or sommething ?
How's that possible to spend that much on food.

>> No.23761825

I was on a €2/mo for unlimited SMS + 3 hours of call + 3GB of data plan and Red by SFR "automatically" upgraded me to my current plan for 3 more euros. They do this to people who don't actually call people/use their data because it brings more revenue while costing them nothing. I decided not to revert back to my previous plan because I thought 50GB of data could be handy when I move/travel. Turns out I don't move or travel that often, so I'm not actually using any of my data (I use well under 1GB/mo) and am getting shafted. But now it's too late to go back to my previous plan.

I'd look for something smaller/cheaper but I don't want to have to interact with sales people.

>> No.23761932

I think access to healthcare would make plenty of people happy you clueless ape

>> No.23761992

When I said food I actually meant grocery shopping (so there's soap, toothpaste, shampoo & others to account for). And I eat the complete opposite of fast food: mostly organic fruits and vegetables. I think €150/mo for groceries is actually on the cheaper side in France (you could go much cheaper by only eating pasta and sardines but life wouldn't be very fun then).

>> No.23762012

Really getting sick of the blatant racism in these posts. We get it, you're a mediocre white guy who thinks his black neighbor is scamming a welfare program.

>> No.23762187

Yeah I'm sure getting to see a doctor is going to give your life meaning, nigger

>> No.23762192

Based. All Germans are allowed. All other europoors must fill out an application to determine how infected they are with socialism.

>> No.23762257
File: 36 KB, 615x484, 509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true out of touch white boy. How the fuck are you supposed go find meaning without any sort of security in your life ? Just go back to listening to macklemore and drinking your dipas faggot.

>> No.23762310

Opinion discarded

>> No.23762327

Sick burn broseph! Radical!

>> No.23762329

implying this is a bad thing

>> No.23762502

Yes it was

>> No.23763529

Europoors how much money would I need to attract one of your women as an Amerimutt?

>> No.23763628

Women are pretty independent in Europe. You would better need to be tall and a have a big dick

>> No.23763672
File: 572 KB, 1160x612, grizzleyxwing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck are you supposed go find meaning without any sort of security in your life
lmao spoken like a true member of a race which was conquered again and again in history
great deeds were always done when great men without any security were cornered

>> No.23763759

i've made it already tranny
60iq proletariats are never making it