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File: 436 KB, 1708x940, Nano's Espen Enger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.21815422 [Reply] [Original]

Nano Foundation and Espen Enger have a very shady and dark history before Espen Enger decided to exit scam with the Bitgrail Victim's money:

>Nano's core dev Shapiro, despite knowing about Bitgrail's problems did multiple times publicly endorse Bitgrail and encouraged people to invest and convinced them to stay in, to not sell their Bitgrail.
>Tens of thousands of people who would have got out ended up loosing everything because of this.
>There were people who committed suicide as a consequence of this
>While key Nano dev Shapiro was telling concerned investors not to worry (as normal investors had their accounts and ability to withdraw frozen) the Nano devs and their friends were withdrawing and funneling out tens of millions of dollars, both before and after the "hack" was publicly known
>These are the people Espen Enger sold out to and banned Bitgrail victims from criticising.

Espen Enger
>Came out of nowhere and volunteered (as a Bitgrail victim) to represent the Bitgrail victims and retrieve their money and get justice from lazy Italian criminal scammer Francesco.
>Enger promised 100% transparency and to fight for the interests of the Bitgrail victims
>Very soon he had a meeting with Nano foundations lawyer - the outcome and contents of the meeting remain a secret to date.
>Soon after the meeting with Nano Foundation, he got non Bitgrail mods to monitor discord and ban/silence any actual Bitgrail victims who were critical of the Nano devs and the Nano team’s involvement
>Espen Enger said that he just "knew" that the Bitgrail victims had no legal case against Nano Foundation, so he decided to protect the Nano Foundation
>Nano foundation still won’t answer questions regarding (a) what the meeting with Espen Enger was about (b) how much money they paid him and (c) what happened to the money

>> No.21815437
File: 67 KB, 900x867, Scammer Zack Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Espen Enger exit scammed with the Bitgrail victim fund money and no one knows anything about the 1 million Nano foundation gave him.
>According to former friend "OberstWeltMeister" in Nano Trade discord, former broke Espen Enger, after Bitgrail, had suddenly more than 100 BTC to daytrade with
>He is no longer active in the Bitgrail group
>Scammed his best friends for another 100 000 dollar
- New con job by Espen Enger
- https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/hz8vq4/new_con_job_by_espen_enger/
>Now has gone underground and in hiding.

One /biz/ anon predicted this outcome two years ago:

>Nano Heading for Disaster – Dirty Deals with BitGrail

>Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

>Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano

>Team NANO - Sex, Fraud, Corruption and Satanists

>> No.21815774

This piece of sh*t scammer belongs in jail.
Also these Nano bastards got away so easily, no justice.
Hope enough people will wake up and both Nano and Espen Enger finally receive the consequences for being irresponsible AND scammers.

>> No.21816111
File: 122 KB, 1105x576, Nano's Espen Enger scam 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano’s relationship with BitGrail, their main trading platform, was incestuous and dirty from the very beginning. However, after “Bomber”, CEO of BitGrail found out that his exchange had been hacked for 80% of their Nano assets in October 2017, close to 10% of total supply of Nano, the relationship between Nano devs and BitGrail became criminal.

>Insolvency of BitGrail and missing 10 million nano, discovered and made public by the Nano community [1][2]
>Missing transactions on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [2][3]
>Single transactions replicated multiple times on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [4][3][5][6].
>Millions of Nanos moving out from BitGrail, when the exchange was closed for withdrawals, discovered and made public by the Nano community [7].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to alleged ‘maintenance’.
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to ‘KYC’ excuse [8] [9]. Hundreds of thousands remained unverified [10].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks, due to alleged ‘pending withdrawals’, which were never processed [11].
>Nano withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to node problems.
>Customer support ignores tickets - not just for days but for weeks [12]
>Bomber increasingly unhinged and psychotic. Insults his customers on social media for asking legitimate questions [12]. Nano community expressed concern to the Nano devs.

>> No.21816155

Didn't know the nanobrains continued to get scammed after Bitgrail, lol. What a shitshow.

>> No.21816414


>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano, do arbitrage between exchanges. [13][7][14].
>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano move assets to safety. Just one of these accounts handled 50million USD [13][7][14][15].
>Insider trading on BitGrail done via accounts connected to Nano Devs. Traded tens of millions of dollars [15].
>Nano dev team used incestuous relationship with Bomber to get instant KYC verification [16], impossible for standard Nano investors.
>Ordinary Nano investors accounts blocked from doing arbitrage, moving assets to safety or doing insider trading, unlike Nano dev team. Stuck with coming 80% loss [17].
>Zack Shapiro (Nano dev): Everything under control. Just too much work with KYC. Not insolvent. (statement made 4 days before BitGrail insolvent) [18].
>Zack Shapiro: No reason to worry, BitGrail doing normal KYC, “scams don’t do that” [19]
>Zack Shapiro: “Yes, you can [trust BitGrail]. I talk to Bomber every day and he’s a good guy. We’ll get it all sorted next week. Just hang in there” [20] [21]
>Zack Shapiro: Confirms BitGrail is a serious business. “Opposite of an exit scam actually” [22]
>Zack Shapiro: BitGrail is “Legitimate. Complying with the laws of their contry” [23]
>Zack Shapiro: “Funds are safe on Bitgrail…Again, funds are safe” [24][25]
>Mica Busch (Nano dev): ‘‘funds are safe, [BitGrails] representative account does not show any suspicious activity’’ [26]
>Nano: “Be assured that your funds are safe” [27][28]

>> No.21816633



>Person who discovered and exposed 50million USD account being connected to Nano Dev team, got later banned from Nano subreddit [13].
>Nano community member who discovered/reported that nearly all nano on BitGrail was missing, was forced to delete initial post titled; ‘10 Million XRB Possibly Missing XRB From BitGrail’ [2] and repost under different headline ‘I need some help with tracing funds’ [1].
>Nano team systematically deleted threads of investors’ concerns and the sharing of new information regarding BitGrail [4].
>Nano dev team confirmed knowing about all BitGrail problems, told investors to relax, and promised a thorough investigation [29][30][28]. ‘Developers are taking care of that’ [31].

>> No.21817009 [DELETED] 

>Nano Dev team claimed to do all they could to investigate and find missing Nano. No update since. Nothing done. [32]
>Nano community did all the work, themselves researching/investigating. [33][34][35] [32][41].
>BitGrail victim group representative, Espen Enger met with Nano lawyer Josh Kleiman in Italy [36]. Details of the deal made with the Nano team is not made known to the BitGrail victims.
>After meeting between Enger and Kleiman all criticism of Nano Dev team became banned on BitGrail victim discord [37].
>Change in BitGrail victim group management. Protection of Nano Dev team and suddenly non BitGrail victims used as hostile mods on BitGrail victim group discord [38].
>Don’t be surprised if Enger gets millions, and/or cushy job at Nano when all this is over. As a big thank you from the shady Nano team.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano foundation and Nano team members. Outside the original BitGrail victim group, now Discord BitGrail/WebCoin Lawsuit [39][40].

>> No.21817220



>Nano Dev team claimed to do all they could to investigate and find missing Nano. No update since. Nothing done. [32]
>Nano community did all the work, themselves researching/investigating. [33][34][35] [32][41].
>BitGrail victim group representative, Espen Enger met with Nano lawyer Josh Kleiman in Italy [36]. Details of the deal made with the Nano team is not made known to the BitGrail victims.
>After meeting between Enger and Kleiman all criticism of Nano Dev team became banned on BitGrail victim discord [37].
>Change in BitGrail victim group management. Protection of Nano Dev team and suddenly non BitGrail victims used as hostile mods on BitGrail victim group discord [38].
>Don’t be surprised if Enger gets millions, and/or cushy job at Nano when all this is over. As a big thank you from the shady Nano team.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano foundation and Nano team members. Outside the original BitGrail victim group, now Discord BitGrail/WebCoin Lawsuit [39][40].

>> No.21817580


Footnotes to the above Nano -BitGrail Crash (and Nano dev team involvement) –1 of 2

[1] https://archive.is/8mMEU
[2] https://archive.is/LUN33
[3] https://archive.is/V30nG
[4] https://archive.is/pk03o
[5] https://prnt.sc/ilv1gl
[6] https://prnt.sc/ilv0p6
[7] https://archive.is/Wkgvn
[8] https://bitsonline.com/raiblocks-nano-bitgrail-epic-fail/
[9] https://archive.is/CKs1V
[10] https://imgur.com/a/rOn3Seb
[11] https://archive.is/RW944
[12] https://archive.is/DM6Nl
[13] https://archive.is/acLnr
[14] https://imgur.com/a/Owlui
[15] https://archive.is/pC3vC
[16] https://imgur.com/a/mJMhlx3
[17] http://archive.is/86eDr
[18] https://imgur.com/a/aFYpDyk
[19] https://imgur.com/a/KNg2src
[20] https://imgur.com/a/o8lIwDz

>> No.21818018


Footnotes – part 2 of 2

[21] https://imgur.com/a/urpgzwv
[22] https://imgur.com/a/G7fgqWV
[23] https://imgur.com/a/4YcVEji
[24] https://imgur.com/a/IWP2thd
[25] https://imgur.com/a/rFV6BJy
[26] https://archive.is/bfd0Y
[27] https://imgur.com/a/ql0cjLP
[28] https://archive.is/dykfh
[29] https://i.imgur.com/ddzQlVw.jpg
[30] https://i.imgur.com/7xwM1Lx.jpg
[31] https://i.imgur.com/e8n7fWo.jpg
[32] https://archive.is/lTCkP
[33] https://archive.is/o1BmU
[34] https://archive.is/8Md3N
[35] https://archive.is/f4Q8E
[36] https://youtu.be/40aufi9oJno?t=10m16s [Embed] [Embed]
[37] https://imgur.com/a/gQmoQv0
[38] https://imgur.com/a/d8xG4QL
[39] https://archive.is/MbWv1
[40] Google: silvermillerlaw com 2018/04/2018-4-6-DE-1-CLASS-ACTION-COMPLAINT-1
[41] https://archive.is/0R8Qe

>> No.21818786

I am a former Nano investor (so glad I got away from that sh*tcoin with it's sh*t people).
Have you been following the scandals with the completely corrupt Nano team?
Colin completely ignores any legit criticism
He hired a completely unqualified airhead whore as COO! He's obviously banging her because she's 100% useless and does nothing. Just posts on instagram about f*cking pizza, or spending Nano money from Colin in 5* hotels, on yachts or drinking champagne in helicopters... I could go on. Anyway it's a complete joke.
AND Colin made some incompetent diversity hire. They are complete lefties and disrespectful to actual investors and just blow te money on their own hedonism.

>> No.21819248

Nano's network literally does not work right now. They have delayed pushing epoch upgrade blocks because they have been disabled on so many exchanges.
Literally one dude with a mid range you can bring their entire network to it's knees right now by spamming.
They introduced a bug in v21.1 and if any account deadlocks the whole node does.

It is pretty basic in their pursuit of efficiency they mashed all the threads together which means if confirmations are behind on hundereds of thousands of blocks on one account they stop confirming for all accounts.
To spam hundereds of thousands of blocks takes a 200 dollar Nvidia card and a couple hours.
Some dude just optimized the opencl driver to for Blake2b so possibly a couple minutes.

The key takeaway is they have no anti spam measures in place the nodes never shit list another node (BTC did this shit back in like 2012). So one dude with a mid range GPU can totally cripple the whole network right now.
They guy who works on brainboocks white hatted and showed them this and they are not reacting properly.
Such a shitshow the NF has run a once promising project into the ground.

>> No.21819830
File: 123 KB, 719x785, 1576673082915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, George Coxon is a bikini blogger with NO experience, NO contacts, NO education in the business and/or tech field, yet she got the job as a COO (Chief Operating Officer) for a project with a market value in the billions of dollars at the top. Pic is George Coxon showing her ...ahem...qualifications for the job to Colin.

>> No.21820178

and delusional redditards still shill and buy this coin like mad god I hate them

>> No.21820503

*) taken for her instagram that she later made private

Only good thing is that redditards got assraped real hard by this one. The eternal nanofags

>> No.21820966

bump for autism and FUCK NANO

>> No.21821377

reddit is cancer and i hope none of them make it

>> No.21821706
File: 222 KB, 1068x422, 1576523726282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 yrs travelling solo
We all know what that means...

>> No.21822329
File: 49 KB, 512x512, Colin LeMahieu will not give information about Espen Enger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

While both Nano and Bitgrail leaders told nano investors that Bitgrail was safe and not compromised, http://archive.is/dOMVA, they themselves took all their assets, over $100 million, and moved it as fast as hell away from Bitgrail, hiding their assets, while telling everyone that Bitgrail was OK and perfectly safe. This is why neither Nano dev team, nor Bitgrail, have done any kind of investigation who stole the money, where are stolen Nanos now, where are the thief. Firstly they just don't care, they are now rich, secondly there is too much criminal activity from both sides that none of them want to be investigated and exposed. They prefer darkness, secrecy and that all their crimes will just fade away. This will not happen. Multiple lawsuits are pending and coming. Nano tech is flawed and does not function under pressure, http://archive.is/Vva8Z, Nano is Bitconnect 2.0

>> No.21822923

Colin dumped millions of xrb in May from private wallets when there was Nano Binance Competition (100kk+ USD VOL.)
He chose a good moment for send to Binance. Who gives a dam about Nano and Bitgrail's victims who suffered a stolen.
Guess they had some special developer donation account before actual one which exists now.
I'll explain you so maybe you'll figure out.

Old developer donation account:

The first address that recieved a nano from Old Developer Donation was this:
(Colin's account)

(Colin's account connected to the old developer donation account)

2. https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_11iaqa1oppdxzawrbuzh4m5y78i9zngnhwp8urpup97fsf7k8e84gf61ei75
(Colin's private wallet)

3. https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_31kxdcjafw5k5w4u3h9uo7yctkawcjkegnwaqjr1jqq3tanu8bp6m4obru7a
(Colin's private wallet)

2. and 3. are connected to the 1.

This is the first transaction when old developer donation account sent to this account back in 2016.

Picture is from 02.12.2017

>> No.21823524 [DELETED] 

Nano Foundation and Espen Enger are scammers

>> No.21824189

Nano also lied about having 7,000 tps in 2017.
It's 2020 and they're struggling even to make 10% of that.
So complete a**holes. Lying, beginning to end. Horrible people. My only regret is I didn't ditch it when I saw the first red flags.

>> No.21824860
File: 120 KB, 768x1024, Nano's chief operating officer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano has crashed tech and is a total disaster:
>Nano has 756 TPS [1][2]. VISA can handle over 56,000 TPS [3]. Competitors work on 1 million TPS solutions [4]. Nano’s aim to be global currency is either delusional or a fraud.
>7,000 TPS was falsely boosted and promoted, causing the Nano price to skyrocket 97.7x in December 2016 alone. Real transactions per second (TPS) for Nano, however, was a meagre and pathetic 100-200 TPS [5].
>Nano falsely claim theoretical unlimited scalability, only constrained by hardware and bandwidth limitation [6]. This is as absurd as claiming that a car has unlimited speed theoretically, and the goal is to drive so fast that the car escapes earth’s gravitational field and park on the moon. Nano’s technical updates don’t bring it closer to the goal. It’s like saying the improvements on the engine of the car has brought us closer to driving to the moon.
>Nano advocates like to use average demand as benchmark for needed TPS. This is false. Who will use a currency that will crash at every emergency, at Christmas and other holidays?
>Nano (Raiblocks) was a dead amateur coin, worth less than 10 cents less than a year ago, until it was discovered and pumped hard by Italian scammers. Only after the pump did Nano full time dev. This amateur project has had a full-time dev for less than a year, with a horrific team and management picked among incompetent friends and supporters.
>Lead devs are leaving Nano. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and structural problems. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and structural problems.
>Devs are dumping Nano on the market [7]. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and structural problems.

>> No.21825405

>Constant node issues. Withdrawals/deposits suspended on several exchanges due to security and stability issues, multiple times, every single month. All exchanges down less than 6 weeks ago [8]. Kucoin less than 3 weeks ago [9]. Another failed update and node crash this week [10][11]. This despite being miles behind having any sort of global currency traffic. Nano could be years away from even having the potential to be a well-functioning global currency.
>Coinbase will only use coins stable for multiple months. Nano is far away from that, see above and [8] [9] [10] [11]. Coinbase will also stay away from a coin riddled with legal problems [7] [12]. Best case scenario is having Nano on Coinbase late 2019, if at all, leaving Nano hopelessly behind other cryptocurrencies.
>One single miner can destroy the network via DDoS with 500 GPUs at no cost [13] [14]. A critical attack vector never seriously addressed by the Nano dev team. Having the problem highlighted to them, admitting to it, their response has been the usual -to promise and deflect -without providing any real technical solution. Nano is wide open for a massive spam attack crippling the network for a long time. This also scares the Coinbase experts; a total crash in Nano, via spam vulnerability and insane node issues, will reflect badly on Coinbase.
>Nano team seem like tech amateurs. Don’t understand the difference between Random (not cryptographically secure) and SecureRandom. Don’t even understand basic cryptography. A disaster in waiting.

>> No.21825744
File: 7 KB, 369x137, 1598192290995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21825816


>> No.21826531

Yeah, reddit really is retarded.

>> No.21826764

Christ, I bet she's had a lot of semen inside her

>> No.21827137

>Former head of engineering at Facebook, Bryan Veloso: Nano "just a hype...no real use case" [16]. Currently NANO is only processing 0.15 transactions per second. Transactions have gone down in the last months. Extreme low usage combined with a very speculative 90x pump in just one month, causing a flash crash, are all indicators of a coin with pure hype and speculation, without any real value. Bryan Veloso’s claim that Nano is just hype with no real use cases is validated by empirical data.
>Charlie Lee, creator of Litecoin: “Nano will have a hard time being decentralized... It won't be as uncensorable as Bitcoin or Litecoin” [17]. “Nano is not without faults...it has a LONG way to go” [18].
>Millions of USD sold from the Nano Developer Wallet lately, at extremely low prices. Not a good sign that devs are dumping Nano in a fire sale [15].
>Nano team marketing strategy is to have no marketing strategy.
>Nano team adoption strategy is to have no adoption strategy.
>Nano’s essentially following same strategy as Betamax vs VHS and HD vs BluRay.
>First coin on Amazon, eBay, etc. will be the global currency. Nano’s avoiding partnership. Nano’s publicly stated “strategy” is to not seek strategic partnership, basis being that USD has no partnership as a currency, so why should Nano have one. Ridiculous.
>Dev fund is dangerously low, they may burn through it in a matter of 1-3 years [15]. Also, multiple pending and coming lawsuits against the Nano foundation.
>100 addresses hold 65% of all 133 million Nano. Initial distribution to friends of developers, nontransparent distribution method. Who solved the captchas? Where is the audit? Extreme centralization that only got worse with BitGrail, where large holders of Nano (including devs/friends of devs) managed illegally and unethically to get out of the insolvent exchange, leaving normal investors behind to take an 80% loss.

>> No.21827667

> 51.27% voting weight, held in 6 addresses, opens vulnerability to devastating 51% attacks.
>Flawed structure, currently insane 92% of the voting power in the top 1% of the nodes only [19].
>No smart contracts. Masternode coins utilizing high capacity data contracts on their second layer are the future. Nano can't do any of this, it cannot compete with other coins.
>Must run expensive nodes for free. A borderline insane and untested business model that will most likely crash the network. Even if it worked, no matter how unlikely, with full adaption the cost of running a node would be astronomical, leading to extreme centralization. Having again the elites controlling our money must be avoided. No financial incentives for DPOS representatives to keep securing the network.
>Same whales that pumped and dumped Nano first time (-98% from ATH), pumped again. Failing to pump further, will result in a dump again, very soon. The delusional Nano hodlers will be stripped of their money again.
>70% centralization of all Nano, due to Nano original developers setting default node to their own.
>The code hasn't even been audited by an established software security company.
>Nano is permissioned and non-trustless [20]
>Going from UDP to TCP too late and too slowly [21]
>90% of github commits by only one person (Colin) in the whole “team”.
>Hired pretty girl, G. Coxton, who’s done nothing. Why’s she not on YouTube pushing Nano?
>Nano team are business amateurs. Pushed BitGrail when clearly a dangerous exchange. Guaranteed bomber as a good guy. Rebranded to Nano right before BitGrail exploded. Retarded decision. Marketing disaster.

>> No.21828437

>Nano has no ‘human face’ for people to connect with, it’s just an empty logo. Unlike other top 10 coins – e.g. Ethereum has Vitalik, Tron has Justin Sun, Litecoin had Charlie Lee. NEO has Da Hong Fei. EOS has Dan L. etc.
>Nano has post Bitgrail probably the worst community in crypto [22][23], much of it due to the Nano teams catastrophic handling of the Bitgrail crash.>There are many other coins that are far better than Nano, with instant transactions, zero fees, near infinite scalability, near infinite decentralization, permissionlessness and trustlessness, 1 millionth the energy usage of Bitcoin [24][25][26]. Nano is an extremely risky investment [27]
>Posted some of the above questions on Nano subreddit. Got banned.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano devs personally and Nano foundation. Ugly truths about the Nano team, Nano devs and Bitgrail will come out [12][7]. It could lead to bankruptcy and a total shut down of the project.
>Anyone investing in this documented shitcoin deserves to lose their money. Nano is Bitconnect 2.0

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/982bq9/stress_test_beta_network_v15_results_in_here/
[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/98alqy/why_isnt_stress_test_result_published_as_5700_tps/
[3] https://www.accenture.com/no-en/success-visa-connected-commerce-car
[4] https://www.ccn.com/vitalik-buterin-ethereum-will-eventually-achieve-1-million-transactions-per-second/
[5] http://archive.is/iq9fP
[6] https://nano.org/en/whitepaper
[7] http://archive.is/lDoCW
[8] http://archive.fo/v2noA
[9] https://news.kucoin.com/en/nano-deposits-and-withdrawals-are-now-enabled/
[10] https://medium.com/nanocurrency/weekly-nano-update-9-17-18-834f3a493994
[11] https://www.reddit.com/r/BinanceExchange/comments/9flnx5/is_nano_deposit_broken_someone_also_having/
[12] http://archive.is/dOMVA
[13] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanotrade/comments/7vwl86/what_are_the_faults_of_nano/dtvpymd/

>> No.21828785

Tbh considering the shit show and the current worth of Nano his loss is similar to other 2017 shitcoins.

Also quite hilarious, I actually profited from the bugs on Bitgrail. Not much but actually bought Nano lower then the prices in the orderbook and exported more eth then available as funds.

>> No.21828851

Imagine what a complete brainlet you must be to keep so much NANO FUD saved on your HD. Jesus anon, get a grip. Show us on the doll where Colin shot his cum on you.

>> No.21828943

>Show us on the doll where Colin shot his cum on you.
You must be pretty sick in your head for writing something like that. Let me guess, deranged Nano baghodler, right?

>> No.21829565

14] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/90wu2v/what_are_the_negative_things_with_nano/e2tskr8/
[15] https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_1ipx847tk8o46pwxt5qjdbncjqcbwcc1rrmqnkztrfjy5k7z4imsrata9est
[16] https://www.quora.com/Is-the-NANO-crypto-coin-a-working-product-If-so-what-advantage-does-it-have-over-on-other-crypto-coins
[17] http://archive.is/e7oVV
[18] http://archive.is/GvyPd
[19] https://www.nanode.co/representatives
[20] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/92b1at/how_does_nanos_dpos_compare_to_other_dpos_such_as/
[21] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8kt2ed/universal_block_canary_has_been_released/dzakb0a/
[22] >>11104923
[23] http://archive.is/DlNyk
[24] https://www.quora.com/What-are-crypto-currencies-you-are-bullish-on-for-the-next-bull-run/answer/Marius-Kramer
[25] https://www.quora.com/Which-is-the-best-crypto-currency-to-buy-in-September-2018/answer/Marius-Kramer
[26] https://www.quora.com/What-makes-a-bad-crypto-currency/answer/Marius-Kramer
[27] https://youtu.be/JS9tJgbFTUA?t=27m27s

>> No.21830314 [DELETED] 

Nano Foundation and Espen Enger are scammers

>> No.21830866
File: 114 KB, 635x809, Annotation 2020-08-24 205257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colin LeMahieu coultn't care less, pic related.

Looks like both him, George Coxon and Espen Enger are exit scamming

>> No.21831595

OP, how much money did the Bomber steal from you in the BitGrail hack? Tell us now and we'll try to talk you away from the rope.

>> No.21832267

How much did Nano Foundation pay you to come here and defend them with stupid, zero substance comments?

>> No.21832841

Sorry, I don't have folders dedicated to NANO like you do. Have a nice life, anon.

>> No.21833581

>Have a nice life, anon.
Thanks anon, say hello to Colin, George and Espen. Hopefully, they pay you and not just exit scam as usual.

>> No.21833774

Let's say I'm neutral here, new to this controversy and would like to hear the side of the NF in regard to this. Can you address some of the points? Not the technical aspects, but those related to BitGrail, what the developers knew and whether they took advantage of certain elements or not.

>> No.21833868

I salute u anon. As many i got got for a little bit, just a few eth, and thats where they banking on i guess, many were sprinkling little bits to gamble at the peak of the last bubble.

Cant rlu be arsed to do anything about it but keep preaching the gospel of what a fucking scam this piece of shit ‘coin’ is. I archived all ur sources thanks for the compilation

>> No.21833912

They wont. Easier to attack and/or straight up ignore it. Dont go into substance, because thats a lost cause

Standard scammers playbook 101

>> No.21834198

What bugs me is that Nano seems to be a healty project to me. Not that I'm an expert, but looking at their Github and Discord group, the development seems to go well. I know biz hate Nano, but I like to think for myself once in a while, and it seems to me Nano brings some interesting elements to the crypto table. I would really like to know what the NF has to say. Have they ever answer, in a blog post or something?

>> No.21834345

Thank you, fren. I searched warosu and found that an anon warned us about Espen Enger two years ago. Kind of shocking to be honest.

>> No.21834447

Only reason why you have heard about Nano is that they lied about having 7 000 tps when BTC and ETH was totally clogged late 2017. Reality was that Nano could hardly do 85 tps, and still today, two years later, can hardly do 10% of what they lied about two years ago.

>> No.21835215

Nano banned recently everyone being critical of Colin and George from Nano trading discord. Many of those were major bagholders with more than 100K nano each.

>> No.21835377


>> No.21835620

Any links/info?

>> No.21835920

I believe they cut the invitation for Nano trade discord, but you can go to Nano's discord and ask, found on their internet page. The community is crashing hard.

>> No.21836549

They made an announcement on it on Nano trade discord.

>> No.21837295

That's true.

>> No.21837899 [DELETED] 

Fantom Foundation and Espen Enger are scammers.

>> No.21838013

Still all in Nano since around .70 I’m gonna be rich. Such a comfy hold.

>> No.21838233

I'm glad so many redditors got burned, but I feel like the main reason was the cryptocurrency subreddit mods all were die hard nano fans and censored legitimate criticism of the project.