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21094345 No.21094345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Americans will defend this
>inb4 Reddit hate
let's just discuss the content

>> No.21094371

>going to college
>putting money in savings accounts
>also be am*rican

>> No.21094378
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>not letting your wife die for free

>> No.21094427

Murica is basically a 3rd world country.

Absolute shithole.

>> No.21094478

Stop fucking posting this faggot. 4 times today

>> No.21094481

>we did everything we were told

There are Cheap cures for early stages of cancer, but you do what you are told so its crackpot unless its from big pharma.

>> No.21094509
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>imagine eating carbs and giving yourself cancer in 2020

>> No.21094511

This is a fake psyop. Nearly all out of pocket health plans have a 10k oop max. If 10k is all you have in retirement, you deserve to fail.

>> No.21094530

>paying for a hospital bill

just ruin your credit dude you already have a house

>> No.21094533

And what are they? genuinely curious
not a yank so don’t need to worry about being raped by pharma and insurance but rather nip it in the bud if I do get poorly

>> No.21094534

Imagine living in a country that doesn't allow you to trade your favourite shitcoins without a VPN. Might as well move to China

>> No.21094669
File: 134 KB, 939x1074, 71bMLpyBDFL._AC_SL1080_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydroxychloroquine actually has benefits for not only malaria, but might even help with diabetes and cancer.

But, The Cure for cancer was actually a medicine that was given to Dogs, They are pure evil and laughed at you while giving cures to animals.

>> No.21094706
File: 310 KB, 800x820, GoBackReddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot
post is fake and gay

>> No.21094724

Kek, this.

>> No.21094795

>getting married
>eating meat
Wew lad why did I get cancer? Kek.

>> No.21094871

>we did everything we were supposed to
I didnt see “get a job with health insurance” anywhere on that.

>> No.21094912
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>I didnt see “get a job with health insurance” anywhere on that.
Then you can't read.

>> No.21094968

Seems like a larp to feed their dopamine they get from inbox notifications, awards and karma.
I used to do that a few months ago.

>> No.21094998

"Defend this"? Nope...fuck this cunt country. The minute I can afford to buy a passport elsewhere, I'm on it.

>> No.21095031

This. It’s absolute complete fabricated garbage.

>> No.21095033

And you are the epitome of the reason why voting should be a privilege, not a right.

>> No.21095047

I won't defend it. The problem is that there's no way to fix it for white people without pouring billions into fixing it among the subhuman masses. Not really worth it

>> No.21095048
File: 44 KB, 340x480, srsly ngr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can get taxed more in a much less luxurious shithole. Genius. You niggers really need to go the fuck back to freddit.

>> No.21095083

if you do extreme fasting ( no eating , for week(s), the cancer will shrink. cancer needs sugar to grow.

Ajonus wonderplanitz, was dieing of cancer and managed to reach a native american group. they put him on fasting + raw meat and he healed from his cancer.

>> No.21095110


>> No.21095112

yes you can fast almost any issue away. the reason you don't feel like eating when you get extremely sick is because your body is good at repair / locate and destroy bad stuff when you aren't CONSUMING. literally the way to stop cancer is to stop CONSOOMING.

>> No.21095120

I will gladly get taxed more for the RIGHT fucking reasons. Not so I can keep contributing to the corprorate and rich welfare, while being portrayed under the guise of "oMG, tHe PoOr MaN anD tHE BroWn PeOpLe aRe BaD aNd ExPensiVe!". Go fuck yourself you simple and shallow cunt.

>> No.21095141

he had 3 years...

>> No.21095153

lel, this. They already have a house, there is literally zero value to a credit score after that.

And even then, I think this is a LARP. The way insurances work is there are maximums on how much you need to pay. The only way they could've possibly needed to spend 20 years of savings and half their home's equity on medical bills WITH INSURANCE is if they did something full retard like go out of network and decide to get stuff done without insurance approval, at which point that's basically you're fault for not even using the insurance you have.

>> No.21095164

fuck you. i'm voting for change. biden/harris will shake things up

>> No.21095223

It’s Reddit. It’s election year. Of course it’s a fucking LARP. Insurance has out of pocket maximums, mine insurance is pretty good and it’s like 10k.

>> No.21095257

How low is your IQ that you think two decades long career politicians will shake things up?

>> No.21095264
File: 44 KB, 329x399, Get out fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck back to freddit where you belong nigger. Yes you love getting taxed and making less money. You're on the wrong website. Now go get triggered at fake Leddit articles somewhere else.

>> No.21095335

These fucking racists don't get it man, no use trying to argue with these assholes

>> No.21095336

No one ITT has any idea what they are talking about. I'm convinced this board is full of 18 year old who haven't left the basement yet. You retards have no idea just how shit this country really is, even compared to a fucking developing country. You will learn as you grow.

>> No.21095351

americans already get taxed to shit to feed blacks all over the world and stuff israel and saudi arabias pockets, but good thing no one guts the health care monopolies and pays for that instead.

>> No.21095394

"I'm so happy I pay 33% of my tax and only to see cops armed with assualt rifles at the end of it, EUROKEK"

>> No.21095456

Dude, I have a GED and I'm pulling in $176k/yr in SIP development -- don't tell me that you think you know how I came up and what the demographic of my thinking is. I love having my nice lifestyle, but I also like contributing to the right things in my local and national governments in order to live and participate in a civilized society. Some things are just morally right, and other things are just a realistic view of society, and we may all have to toss a little in to provide the civility in our communities that we all want.

Do some people take advantage of that? Of course....but fuck man, we've gotta do a balancing act to get this right. At one extreme -- you don't want to drive down to Target on a Saturday morning with bodies laying outside of the ER because they couldn't afford it? Yeah, we've all gotta chip in a little to prevent that.

>> No.21095488


>> No.21095507

lol just dont get cancer

Seriously though, if you removed the net-negative tax drains in america (Blacks, hispanics) then you'd easily be able to implement a basic health care system

>> No.21095536

Lol... We've all gotta chip in a little in order to live in the civilized communities that we yearn for.

>> No.21095590

some reasonable sentences for once

>> No.21095597

You can go to the ER no matter how broke you are. They cannot refuse service to you. There is even a chance it will get covered by donation. At some point in your life you gotta man up dude

>> No.21095600

Fuck off big state boot licking cuck faggot. I don’t want the government controlling my healthcare, period.

I genuinely and truly hate that idiots like you are in my country. You are the people ruining this once great nation. You’re so fucking stupid but you think you have all the answers. I really wish you’d kill yourself.

>> No.21095619

Don't forget the markup on health care, that's the real problem. Hospitals over charge for their service because of insurance AND the fact you can't shop around hospitals for the best bone-setting prices.
Render unto caesar, but taxing americans more would just cause the money to disappear.
I don't disagree with health care, but that's just the problem that needs to be solved first.

>> No.21095643

Name one time the government has improved quality or reduced costs by nationalizing. I’ll wait.

>> No.21095645
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>mfw tricking redditors into buying my massive shitcoin dumps

>> No.21095664

so instead of not having hospitals mark up their treatments 5000% you'd rather just pay it because... muh freedom?

>> No.21095702

I really don’t have time to sit here an explain supply and demand to you.

>> No.21095713

hell yeah dude

>> No.21095723

>Hospitals over charge for their service because of insurance AND the fact you can't shop around hospitals for the best bone-setting prices.

Do one, do both, what do I care I live in a different type of shithole where my taxes fund pay for 3rd worlder pregnancies and medication, meanwhile I cant get a doctors appointment

>> No.21095738

fasting, hot peppers, just dyor

>> No.21095759

But that's a monopoly, one has no choice but to go to a hospital, so the consumer is being price gouged.
You have time to reply to this though.

>> No.21095778

This. I have an autoimmune disease that costs about $20k a year to treat. Am I bankrupt because of it? No, I hit my out of pocket maximum and insurance covers it.

>> No.21095811

US is a great place to live until something goes wrong in your life, and then the infrastructure your life is built upon buckles like a house of cards. The proliferation of employer sponsored health insurance is especially insidious. Lose your job and your incme gets cutoff and your healthcare expenses, your eyeglasses, your kids braces.. all of that shit gets more expensive. The whole system is designed to make you deathly afraid of losing your job so you'll be totally subservient.

>> No.21095844

They might have been FIREfags that forgot to account for insurance into their early retirement. A bunch of the people at my old work were actually retired richfags that were just dicking around there for the insurance

>> No.21095926

That’s not a monopoly, that’s an inelastic good.

>> No.21095966

100%. And that's another thing....we really should and need to look at decoupling health insurance from being simply "an employer benefit". That time has come and gone. And it's fucking us....

>> No.21095967
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>you don't want to drive down to Target on a Saturday morning with bodies laying outside of the ER because they couldn't afford it

Thats where you are wrong bucko, the future of a space faring humanity requires that humans who are not self sustaining in the contex of civilization be slowly removed from the gene pool.

>> No.21096038

Oh okay, nevermind, 5000% markups when one has no choice but to pay or die makes sense.
Well, sorry you'll be paying for my obongo care anyway anon.

>> No.21096124

Of government insurance wasn’t fucking everything up, prices wouldn’t be marked up as they are. Boomers on Medicare use all the healthcare and it’s already free for them. Medicare is why healthcare is so expensive in this country. Government payers are the problem not the solution.

>> No.21096188
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>we did everything we were told
uberkek they deserve an early grave if they are that stupid, only children are supposed to do as they are told holy fuck
>ib4 being "good" makes you immune from bad things happening to you
why the fuck do they think all these rich guys are out committing fraud, fucking each over, stealing and scamming rubes? wealth isn't just coke and whores its freedom, security and protection from shit like this happening. Go to bed believing shitty middle class propaganda and wake up broke with cancer, seems right to me

>> No.21096250

I agree with all that.

>> No.21096256
File: 263 KB, 600x836, OECD_health_expenditure_per_capita_by_country.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Americans are taxed more for medicaid and medicare than most developed countries are taxed for universal health coverage.
In total, Americans pay about twice as much for their healthcare compared to other developed countries.
Americans love to get scammed and pretend they can't do anything about it when USA's literally the only country in the world with the problem.
The solution doesn't necessarily have to be universal health coverage. But since it's working in LITERALLY ALL OTHER DEVELOPED COUNTRIES, why don't we give that one a try?

>> No.21096342

kek this so much
same applies to mass shootings hahaha fuck the US

>> No.21096378

>why don't we give that one a try?
because nobody wants to live in a country where shitbums get to wait in line for a kidney with valuable, contributing members of society. US healthcare is super expensive and if your wealthy it is the best in the world which is why people from all over the globe come here to have major surgery or seek treatment for diseases that are essentially untreatable in their own country owing to lack of infrastructure and expertise. US healthcare sends shitbums out to die in the streets like dogs that they are while people who can afford it get top flight care. Deal with it you poor, poor, pathetic faggot.

>> No.21096428


>The government is going to run my healthcare, thank God for for-profit hospitals


>> No.21096609

God you're cute when you're angry. *kisses*

>> No.21097170

free market provides unimaginably better medicines at a remarkably better price, even when the producers of this medicine are confined to working within the grey market

analogues of classic psychedelics (many of which promote neurogenesis)

not to mention—ever hear the saying "let food be thy medicine"? try letting the state run your farming operations—see how much food they produce

the state is the only entity in society that can necessarily force money out of the hands of people on the *mere promise* of providing adequate goods and services in a timely manner, via taxation
every other entity *must* provide adequate goods and services in a timely manner, according to the wants and needs of their clientele, or else they lose business
if you choose not to understand such a fundamental concept, then that is your decision; neither i, nor anyone else has a natural obligation to educate you on such matters
when there are voluntarily-assembled ethnic and/or ideological societies made possible because of the voluntary disassociation that cryptocurrency fundamentally enables, you will pay the consequences (that nature should have you face) of your own, or anyone else's perceived entitlement to other people's earned money

tl;dr - you have no rightful claim over money that earners have earned, because you have no rightful claim over the autonomy of anyone, whether they earn an income or not.

>> No.21097837

ITT coping europoors
Silly faggots you wish you lived here

>> No.21098019


>> No.21098311
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i would unironically rather kill myself than live in USA. Norway is infinitely better than this trash.

>> No.21098580

Its really not that bad, but health insurance here is a fucking scam. I pay for other people's healthcare through medicaid taxes, and I pay for other people's healthcare with my employer's group plan. There's always some boomer out for a month because they fell or got a heart attack or need surgery. Our premiums went up around 40% last year because of this. I don't use the insurance for anything except regular check ups and an adderall prescription.

>> No.21098610

It’s true the system is stupid af

>> No.21098624

>corprorate and rich welfare
>tHe PoOr MaN anD tHE BroWn PeOpLe
>BaD aNd ExPensiVe!
why not both?

>> No.21099023

Nobody gives a fuck about Norway you norweigan nigger, Now fuck off back to freddit

>> No.21099059
File: 563 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20200719_111534_581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many places that look like this, but it's a big country and it's not hard to find seclusion. Pic related is an hour north of NYC. You can live in basically any climate you prefer here. Desert, Tropical, Subtropical, Mediterranean, Temperate Rainforest, Subarctic, whatever. I'm sure Norway also has tons of natural beauty too but the high latitude isn't for everyone. I'm glad you're comfy there though.

>> No.21099870

Based, it's actually refreshing seeing someone following the steps of Aajonus. Dude was a genius and will probably save my life too, too bad society is ruined and think OP's pic rel is a good example of a life with bad luck.

>> No.21100019

Imagine doing everything "right". These people enable jewish clown world and deserve everything they get.

>> No.21100340

What is worse is all of the development for the industry is American based.

>> No.21100378

It is currently pay or die. Pay your taxes or rot in prison. The pharma Jews then collaborate with the political Jews to waste as much money as possible. A medical system completely free from government regulation and funding would be far better due to better incentives all around.