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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16917639 No.16917639 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto newb here, what are the chances Chainlink hits $100 by Q4 2022?

>> No.16917648


>> No.16917661


>> No.16917736

I need Chainlink to do a x60 to hit my goal. That means LINK now would be like buying ETH at $25 or BTC at $300. Doesn't seem very likely. Shoot me already.

>> No.16917747

My gueses: EOY 2020 = 30% chance, EOY 2021 = 50%, EOY 2022 = 60%. It absolutely looks to be on the right track, these guesses are supposed to be halfway sober accounting for regulatory risk, competition, solar EMP flare/other black swan, etc.

>> No.16917755

is this suppose to be a question?

>> No.16917767

Also should say that decentralized oracles are extremely important to the space, so if not link specifically, there will be another opportunity of equal magnitude.

>> No.16917785
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if this thing can hit $10 this year it will go to $100
nobody knows about this shit, the fomo will be crazy
remember this shit has more usage than btc

>> No.16917793
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pic related

>> No.16917816

>if this thing can hit $10 this year it will go to $100

What is the logic behind this guess? I don't think anywhere 5-10$ is unreasonable this year but $100 seems quite far away

>> No.16917831

Buying link now is like buying ETH at 42 cents

>> No.16917840


>> No.16917852

No one knows. This shit will easily hit $1000 though once the fed kicks the printer into high gear.

>> No.16917859

Don't listen to these faggots, it is no less than 1.000.000 (ONE MILLION) % (percent)

>> No.16917863

>What is the logic behind this guess?
fomo from normies
good indicator is google search trends for chainlink compared to say bitcoin.
fomo can only start when we pump to a new ath so people start noticing and doing their own research.
thats when the massive bull run will happen. if we're lucky, hopefully btc reaches a new ath at the same time

>> No.16917866

I want to believe this but it seems like everyone is already talking about Chainlink. Twitter is full of Chainlink and there's blogposts and articles out shilling Chainlink all the time. Did ETH already have a similar online presence at 40 cents or even 4-10 dollars?

>> No.16917929
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Fucking zero.
This won't even get above $5.

Tulipmania is OVER. The only way ANY crypto will boom again is if a NEW SYSTEM comes in...crypto 2.0....a 'new ethereum' if you will. Then and only then will you see people actually put any serious amount of money into these ones and zeroes. No serious money is being put in to crypto now with the wash trading, ghosting walls, 'hacks' that turn out to be insider theft, barting, exit scamming and all other Chinkery one can think of.
Stop deluding yourself and learn to trade cuz it ain't going anywhere (up high or down low) anytime soon.

>> No.16917991

it has to go high or go low. after the next halving if the price doesnt go way up then it wont be profitable to mine. its do or die.

>> No.16918011

$1K EOY!

>> No.16918094

So much shite in this thread
LINK is the last moonshot, I'm talking legit BTC/ETH moonshot, for the foreseeable future.

When people realise just how important the network is for the adoption of smart contracts, and if the market is just right with more participants, it will explode and won't back.

Personally ETH and LINK seem like the highest reward with the lowest risk right now (not risk free but clearly necessary, being used and not pajeet scams), if you want safe buy BTC.
But who wants safe when you're buying crypto?

>> No.16918103

>The only way ANY crypto will boom again is if a NEW SYSTEM comes in...crypto 2.0....a 'new ethereum' if you will.

imagine being on this board for any length of time and not noticing that this is exactly what chainlink is ushering in. never gonna make it

>> No.16918123

Same as last year and the year before.

>> No.16918153

I'm not even worried about BTC, feeling fairly confident it's going to hit 50k or more by end of 2023. Just wondering whether LINK can hit 100-150 in the same timeframe. 50k for BTC is only a x5-x6. 100 for LINK is a x40, so LINK it needs to capture an exponentially larger % of the crypto market cap. Based on fundamentals, that *should* be the case but it is diffcult to arrive at even a ballpark number. So as a crypto newb, my question to some of the more experienced people here is where do they project LINK's price to be alongside that same BTC bullrun.

>> No.16918240

Digits don't lie

>> No.16918265

Anyone giving you an estimate is a retard because no one knows.
We can all assume based on the new possibilities and value that the decentralized oracle network brings by bring able to bring external data in a trustless way into the blockchain will bring massive gains.
It opens up not just BTC and ETH to be useful, but the entire blockchain ecosystem, when the market realises LINK will rocket and outperform BTC, as to when that happens, no one can predict

>> No.16918285


>> No.16918320

0%. Supply is too high

Max historic realistic price is 10 USD.

>> No.16918381
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Its an ERC20 token to replace Eth?...I lol in your direction

>> No.16918403

Almost zero, considering the market cap is already crazy high at nearly 1 billion.

>> No.16918411

Chainlink can easily hit a trillion market cap.

>> No.16918423

Imagine being this ignorant. Fuck off newfag.

>> No.16918465

ChainLink = Apple?
This is the level of discourse on this site? Jesus Christ you people give new meaning to delusional fantasy.
>inb4 'I didn't say when'

>> No.16918480

Chainlink will be bigger than any combination of tech companies put together. Screencap this.

>> No.16918479
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Alright. I'm willing to do my own research on link. But where do I start? To me, just because there's interest doesn't mean anybody will use it or drive the price up. I want to understand why companies want it and if they will actually use it.

>> No.16918509

>Chainlink can easily hit a trillion market cap.

No it can't, and won't.

Idiots like you who think so, are a huge sell signal. You clearly have no investing knowledge.

>> No.16918519


>> No.16918525

I'm not selling my link. Nice try though, rabi.

>> No.16918533

Twitter is ONLY full of chainlink because of the /biz/ crumb trail. The army of toxic pepe avatar marines is actually borderline an operational issue for chainlink. It isn't a good look to have ten faggots spamming every post remotely related to chainlink, but of course they don't understand this because they are autistic neets.

crypto sponge is saying hold your breath for 2021. I take that as more bullish advice than any marine meme bullshit.

>> No.16918541

it is like saying https is more valuable than msoft, amazon and facebook combined. It is fucking retarded and ill-informed.

>> No.16918564


>> No.16918566

>hold your breath for 2021

I think you can say that for any altcoin simply because almost everything will moon in that timeframe. The real question at hand is %.

>> No.16918574

When average people look up ChainLink on the internet for the first time they'll see Big Macs, Indian pepes and video game characters and be like 'fuck those auts" and not INVEST a dime.

>> No.16918580

Go to the 4chan /biz/ archives, begin in 2017 September and work your way forward.

>> No.16918615

2020 will bring awareness and framework maturity, 2021 will bring massive usage - that is the most rational pov right now. We need eth 2.0 and btc halvening mega moon all at the same time. Depending on where you place these events in terms of market impact, is where you should be setting your targets.

If BTC actually pushes 50K and eth 2.0 is a success, I believe link has plenty of room to go up.

>> No.16918636

LINK would be $10+ right now if it weren't for autistic incel NEET frog posters on twitter. Those people are literally sabotaging their own well being because they can't stop shitting where they eat.

>> No.16918640

I've read the whitepaper, but that isn't really enough for me to get anywhere with it. I've read a lot of whitepapers, all are good in concept.

>> No.16918654

Reminder to not help newfags fresh off the plebbit boat

>> No.16918661

not to mention link will need buy pressuer and usage or else CZ's 75k shorts, whales, and sergey 700k dumps will rape link at every peak

>> No.16918664

I've been on 4chan long enough to call the early BTC threads scams, kid. Just not on biz very long because I had no money. uwu

>> No.16918707
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>bragging that you missed btc due to low iq and are now missing LINK due to laziness
>been here since the 2000s and don’t know how to use the archives to research the old threads
you do not deserve to make it

>> No.16918714

Based on my research I am very confident BTC will break 50k with a shot of even breaking 100k by 2023. I'd expect BTC to flirt with 50k by 2021. I have no opinion/knowledge on eth 2.0.

Of course LINK has plenty of room to go up as well, you'd have to think that spike *could* be among the biggest if not the biggest in the entire crypto-space considering the fundamentals.

The difficulty is estimating whether this reults in $20 LINK, $50 LINK, $100 LINK or $300 LINK or even more. My estimate is that it is not far-fetched to think we would see a $40+ LINK by 2022. But I am interested to see at what price target others are predicting LINK at and what their logic is for it, as they might have more information or better logic than I do. My estimate is only based on BTC and crypto in general having a bullrun which I am fairly confident in and LINK outperforming BTC by a x2 ratio. Therefore if BTC does a x10 from here, LINK doing a x20 would bring it to a $52 price. The real question in my mind is not whether there will be a general bullrun but what the ratios will be.

>> No.16918738

>LINK doing a x20 would bring it to a $52 price. The real question in my mind is not whether there will be a general bullrun but what the ratios will be.
If ETH DeFi takes off, a lot of the value that would have flowed into btc will go to ETH


the ultimate link value proposition is capturing a % of the derivatives market. there has to be enough liquidity in dao's to allow for derivatives to be traded in the first place. desu it is anyone's guess, this is fledgling tech made by a russian furry and pumped up by normies and manipulators.

>> No.16918743

Not really a good comparison to eth. The crypto landscape was so different then vs now

>> No.16918758

Sure, totally possible. If the demand and hype is there, the price follows

>> No.16918771

If https was tied to a token how much do you think it would be worth?

>> No.16918788

Nothing because the token would not have been needed

>> No.16918791

Smart contracts will revolutionize B2B interactions.

>> No.16918817

I’ve been here since 2007 but never browsed /biz/ until 2018. I had BTC in like 2013 but lost it. Feels bad.

>> No.16918864
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Damn, I guess it's true what they say -- you're either a 4channer who bought bitcoin, a redditor, or too dumb for Bitcoin.

Doggy dog world out there.

>> No.16918946

Go to the archives, read the assblaster posts from fall 2017 and go from there. That is literally all anyone here is going to spoonfeed you. If you knew what opportunity was in front of you you’d be buying every single LINK token you could possibly get your hands on. Then again you missed bitcoin...

>> No.16918963
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Look at this fucking shit, look at all that fucking garbage. Incredible.

>> No.16918984

Chainlink is essentially HTTP and TCP/IP monetized. If you could partition the WWW as we know it to 1 billion parts, how much do you think one would be worth? No seriously OP, answer this question.


Read this before you go asking what the price predictions will be for Link.

>> No.16919002

Almost half of my portfolio is chainlink so I can without any doubt tell you that this is the top and my life will never improve based on owning chainlink

>> No.16919003
File: 11 KB, 275x183, Cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah everyone else says that about every shitcoin, friend. But every post from 2017 is about technology, not adoption

>> No.16919035


the value going through the chainlink network will exceed one trillion dollars, but smartcontract the company will not be worth one trillion dollars (billions, yes).

>> No.16919050

now do your calculations with 50% of available tokens locked up in staking

>> No.16919070

That’s not they question I asked.

If https was monetized with a token and captured value in the same way the link token is trying to, how much would it be worth? It’s a hypothetical question, we’re not debating whether or not it could have happened

>> No.16919071


deluded bag holder since 2017, i know fren :)

>> No.16919178

/biz/ is blithely unaware of this, but theres an entire class of (really dumb) investors that won't even look at an asset if its not priced in double digits.

>> No.16919209

How can you have tamper-proof "community consensus" for something like checking if a package arrived? Presumably the only person with that data is the recipient.

>> No.16919259

Not good, there is good projects though with tons of growth potential.


Even ETH is at a nice discount.

>> No.16919312

Most companies don't even have any idea about blockchain and what it can actually do or is. I worked for a top tier legal firm and they were doing some conferences on blockchain and bitcoin and the lawyer giving the presentation knew barely anything more than a random Joe off the street. No one seemed to really understand how it works and much less why block chain will be important. You guys think the crypto mania of 2017 meant anything for real word applications or actual business understanding are far off. I don't know about if chainlink will make it or not but someone has to build something that will actually be useful before the big players take note. It's as gosner said in the podcasts. The adoption will be slow until it becomes a competitive disadvantage and then you'll see companies scrambling to figure out what the fuck they've been deaf to. Even the smallest changes in long established companies can take years. I have no idea what the price will do in 1 or 2 years but the idea of smart contracts is here to stay and chainlink network seems to be the needed missing aspect. Also price moves irrespective of real word use

>> No.16919330

using the network doesn't imply collateralization in link tokens.

>> No.16919496

about tree fiddy

>> No.16919710

My thoughts exactly anon and link really is the last moonshot relative to eth and btc and the last moonshot in crypto then well have bio tech and ai to look through at the end of the decade we r supper early though with link even if it hits 100 this year we shouldn’t be selling it will hit thousands by 2025 with only 1% of the current derivatives market

>> No.16919732
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>>16917639The tokenomics of the LINK token.

1. Chainlink nodes will be paid in LINK tokens only. There will be conversion tools for people that want to use fiat but will be converted to LINK. Only LINK tokens can power the network since the nature of ERC-677 token, built specifically for LINK, is to transfer data.

2. LINK tokens are used as collateral value. Smartcontracts will use Chainlink nodes that carry a % value of LINK to the value of the Smartcontract. So yes, you can start a node without LINK but no one will use it. High value smartcontracts or any contract that has value will use nodes that carry the same or a % of value of LINK.

3. Decentralized networks that are home to smartcontracts will need decentralized data to execute. Chainlink is currently the only option. Thats why you will see everyone in this space partner with Chainlink


Smart contract creators will demand a certain level of reputation or amount of collateral, to be paid in LINK tokens, that suits the value of their smart contract. A $1million bond would require a lot more collateral, than, say a smart contract dealing with $100. You wouldn't select the low rep/low collateral available nodes for something like a huge bond. Chainlink is actually targeting these high value contracts. Sergey has discussed at length why high value contracts in the financial world require a decentralized oracle: it puts all the risk onto the oracle rather than the smart contract creator. The smart contract creator doesn't risk losing money - the node operators do. The Chainlink network is genius like that. It is fundamentally backed by the truth.

There is infinite amount of collateral available because the token price can rise to meet it (Note: the token is divisible by 18 decimal places).

Now you have to research how large ALL these markets are. derivatives, insurance etc... hint: Trillions.

Is 1000$ really possibly in say the next 3-5 years?

>> No.16919743

We already discussed this to death in 2018 search ads lasted in the archives

>> No.16919751

>crypto newb
>talks crypto like not a newb
ok buddy

>> No.16919772

>So as a crypto newb, my question to some of the more experienced people here is where do they project LINK's price to be alongside that same BTC bullrun.
I estimate bitcoin to peak at around $300-500k at Dec 2021/Jan 2022. My question to you is, where did you derive the 2023 from, and the $50k?

>> No.16919805

chainlink is not going to be the only option and marines need to realize that before they get fucking rekt

>> No.16919909

Yup it’s what allows people like us to make fuck loads of cash the self defeatists will never learn because they do not believe in secrets

>> No.16919919


What are network effects and first-mover advantage?

>> No.16919933


If you want a 50x, buy Kleros.

>> No.16919988

You’d be a killer salesman anon

>> No.16920002

Well, it only makes sense. Being smart money involves feeling stupid, sometimes for a long time. Perversely, being dumb money involves feeling smart.

>> No.16920008

Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / 4am, 5am, 6, 7 / 8am, 9am, 10 / Let's do it again

Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / 4am, 5am, 6, 7 / 8am, 9am, 10 / Let's do it again

Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / 4am, 5am, 6, 7 / 8am, 9am, 10 / Let's do it again

Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am / 4am, 5am, 6, 7 / 8am, 9am, 10 / Let's do it again

>> No.16920017

marines will be parroting the same spam for years. even if link is 5 bucks a year from now. usage is all that matters. without adoption and regulation nothing will happen.

>> No.16920160

>Doggy dog world out there.
I hate this. I hate you.

>> No.16920447

These are the faggots who are priced out of make it stacks, thank fuck

>> No.16920464

I'm hardly priced out, nigger. I'll make it off of all of you and I won't have to do any work

Stay mad

>> No.16920555


Chainlink IS the only option.

Sure, there are other oracles but no one is using them. Even I-exec oracles haven't been updated in 6 months. Yeah, they stopped updating them because the world is gonna use Chainlink.

>> No.16920564

But for real anon, why do you hate me? I didn't do anything wrong. I'm poor as fuck and I couldn't afford to browse this board. Don't be such a kike :/

>> No.16920603
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$100 is FUD

>> No.16920618


>> No.16920649

tellor and kleros are nothing to sneer at

>> No.16921181

Not sold on BAT. I'm weary of any project that has been around for years and has basically delivered jack shit.

Agreed on KAVA and ALGO however, they have a ton of room to grow.

>> No.16921610

You had 2, approaching 3 fucking years. If you’re not all in you will never make it.

>> No.16921620
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same as sergey's answer to whether or not aliens exist

>> No.16921624

read the whitepaper and every single chainlink official blogpost

>> No.16921640

He said they abducted him using smart negotiation device, then smart contract idea centre to him, during oracle insertion. Man is totally crazy.

>> No.16921789


>> No.16921817

>How can you have tamper-proof "community consensus" for something like checking if a package arrived? Presumably the only person with that data is the recipient.

Anon... you really need to leave this place.
Linkies only understand retarded bullshit and lies. They throw out numbers like 500 trillion (derivative markets) and actually believe this to be a real number. The cope and hopium are on a scale never before seen in the history of the world. Sirgay sits on 65% of supply... yet they still deny the reality of this.

>> No.16921820


>> No.16921888

>legal firm
Thinking about going to Kent for law school. Worth it? Dont mind govt job or whatever, dont need biglaw

>> No.16921915

This makes sense in a theoretical where multiple technologies are linked. Mail truck's GPS, driver's scanner, perhaps even the community office for an apartment complex or dorm could all communicate the receipt of a package in tandem.

The thing is, these things would need to all be fully integrated for this theoretical to work. However at this point I think it's more a question of when, not if.

>> No.16922639

>I'm hardly priced out, nigger.

>> No.16922654

humans do all the tampering
the end goal is no humans in the chain

>> No.16923230

A make it stack is only 1000? Not that much

>> No.16923266

this is why right now is the best time to invest. fear is high and trust is low. in 2-3 years, when sentiment comes back around, it will be too late.

>> No.16923275

For me, it's the McChicken sandwich.

>> No.16923306

Where do you guys buy CL? I use Vestle for stocks, but I'm new to crypto. I wonder, what's a good and trustworthy application for this?

>> No.16923313

0%, we are waiting the next pump and dump, those in for the tech are gonna face the market reality soon

>> No.16923359
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/biz/ said this niggershit coin would be 1000 EOY 2017

>> No.16923476

nice trips,

Not that anon but I am a lawyer at a silver circle firm in the city.

Kent is a good law school but is not part of the russell group which recruiters take notice of for commerical law.

A degree from kent wouldnt close any doors to you but you might be at a disadvantage compared to peers from RG unis if you applied to city firms.

I ended up at Sheffield but had an interview at Kent, the campus/remoteness/lack of RG ultimately put me off.

Ultimately it doesnt really matter where you go but try to make use of the other opportunities at uni outside of your degree ,these are more helpful when applying for jobs than your 2:1

>> No.16923526

If you're happy with a million dollars.. then yes.

>> No.16923532


>> No.16923544

4-5 individuals work fulltime shilling chainlink on 4chan. Don't fall for the BS.

>> No.16924370

learn law and learn to code/ write smart contracts in your spare time, invest all student loan and bursaries into link

>> No.16924385
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Literally zero.

LINK has failed at securing any commercial adoption.

>> No.16924406

At least it's aspiring to be something else than just another shitcoin for the purpose of investment/money laundering/whatever.
All they need is a single big contract to jump start everything, some bank or a multinational company.

>> No.16924471

My question to the whales is, how do you secure your wealth once you mooned? Did you take out bit by bit over time? How did you manage risks like holding coin on exchanges or potentially fucking up transfers?

>> No.16924478


>> No.16925241
File: 180 KB, 1599x999, 6F502F74-54CC-4147-9BCE-B684E4443EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make it stack

>> No.16925255

It's not.

>> No.16925308

A suicide stack was always 100 you incels.

>> No.16925353

There would have to be a CATASTROPHIC bear market for link to hit $100 in q4 2022

>> No.16925371

ChainLink is waiting for the tech to catch up, but that kind of shit is small fries value wise. It could work something like this
>upon scanning the label on the package, the vehicle he drove broadcasts its gps coordinates
>it also communicates with a “ring” doorbell camera and asks it to verify a package was delivered at that time, it could even read the QR code
>you could go a step further and add gps tracking to the individual package
ChainLink is unlikely to be used for this though, as the potential loss in value doesn’t require decentralized oracles. Derivatives are the key to $1k EOY.