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16814761 No.16814761 [Reply] [Original]

Those were the days frens

The admins even talked about in in the Telegram channel

>> No.16814766
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can you tell me that story like a bedtime story?

>> No.16814798

yea i market bought right then to see what happened, think it was 1.19 (can't remember sats) or something like that. it took a few failed transactions, I bought the top of that pump.

>> No.16814834
File: 119 KB, 472x472, 1570271821126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, LINK is the last golden ticket out of poverty and you should never store 100% of your linkies in a single place. As unlikely as it is, someone could hack Binance or even Ethereum itself and steal everything you own.

Thankfully, since LINK is a blockchain-agnostic project, that means it can be stored on ANY chain using ANY wallet in existence! Sergey and Steve actually guarantee this interoperability in the white paper and it is a large part of what makes the project so appealing in the first place. Because of this, I strongly encourage all linkmarines to split their stack evenly across as many of the following as they can muster:

>Ethereum wallet (MyEtherWallet is always good)
>Several different exchanges (Binance, Coinbase, and Gemini are highly trusted) so if one goes down it's not game over
>Bitcoin wallet - Bitcoin is the O.G. blockchain after all and probably more hackproof than any other in existence.
>Monero wallet - storing your LINKs on the Monero chain has the added advantage of obscuring your trade history.
>Try looking for little-known crypto projects that might have a fork in their future. If you store LINK on their wallet when the fork occurs, you get free forked LINK!

There are just a few ideas, but there are innumerable safe places to spread your LINK stack out in. As you can see, it's almost irresponsible to keep all your LINK in a dusty old MEW wallet when there's so many perks to storing it elsewhere. Keeping your link spread out like this also helps against the temptation to sell your LINK prematurely during the climb to $1000. Personally, I have my LINK spread out over 8 different wallets and 5 different exchanges, and I've never felt comfier

>> No.16814851

50% on ledger
25% of Coinbase
25% on Binance
How stupid is this?

>> No.16814877

45% on Exodus
50% on trezor
5% on Binance/Coinbase

>> No.16814887

I sent most of mine to my Monero wallet as it’s by far the most secure.

>> No.16814893

>storing link in monero wallet
>etherscan doesn't show my link wallet
>my link wallet is in top 100 but only I know that

>> No.16814904
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Sorry fren but I can post a reddit LINK(ehhehe get it? LINK ) with a screen https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/78ccqr/4chan_drain_chainlink_from_binance/

>> No.16814925

AND it grants anonymity

>> No.16814930

Can't believe I'm actually an oldfag

>> No.16814940

Og sept etherdelta fudster buyer here. I remember, never forget, semper fidelis

>> No.16814946

You'd be surprised about how much LINK are stored in Monero wallets. We'll never know the exact amount but it's way more then you think. Makes sense considering most anons are in LINK and monero is THE anonymous blockchain.

>> No.16814985


Once upon a time there was a man who always wore flannel. This man was a very great man with a past as checkered as his shirts. When he was young a dark wizard named Money Skelly set fire to Flannelmans village and killed everyone he knew. Flannelman vowed to seek vengeance against Money Skelly, but he had one problem. The village oracle was killed by Money Skelly in the great fire and the oracle was Flannelman’s only trusted source of information. Flannelman would not be able to find Money Skelly without the help of the oracle so he set out to solve this problem. Flannelman searched far and wide with his squire Rory for a new oracle and after years of searching he finally found one. With the help of this new oracle Flannelman was able to track down Money Skelly and vanquish him for good. The end.

>> No.16815107

It is where they store the shadow-forked Link as well. Nufags have no idea how many Link are in circulation.

>> No.16815206

>nooooooo I clicked and now my linkies are goooooneeeee

Those days will never return.

>> No.16815293

Biz retards withdrew 10s of millions of links giving binance tons of link in withdrawal fees. Then they spammed the board claiming they "owned" binance. The price then dumped because of link withdrawals getting suspended. All in all an embarrassing day for bizlets.

>> No.16815300

The true story is that from years of searching flannelman finds a network of oracles. Whose combined powers vanquish money skelly.

>> No.16815306

Oct 2017 fag here, i remember

>> No.16815310

This. The anonymity provided by monero prevents you from being a hacker target. No one knows how much link and what coins are in your wallet except you.

>> No.16815334

LIDF posting unironically. Prison time sirgay 2020. Link is a scam. Dr;nb

>> No.16815342


Should have shilled and marketed a different coin. Link is a scam.

>> No.16815576

The tokenomics of the LINK token.

1. Chainlink nodes will be paid in LINK tokens only. There will be conversion tools for people that want to use fiat but will be converted to LINK. at the end of the day only LINK tokens can power the network since the nature of ERC-677 token, built specifically for LINK, is to transfer data.

2. LINK tokens are used as collateral value. Smartcontracts will use Chainlink nodes that carry a % value of LINK to the value of the Smartcontract. So yes, you can start a node without LINK but no one will use it. High value smartcontracts or any contract that has value will use nodes that carry the same or a % of value of LINK.

3. Decentralized networks that are home to smartcontracts will need decentralized data to execute. Chainlink is currently the only option. Thats why you will see everyone in this space partner with Chainlink


Smart contract creators will demand a certain level of reputation or amount of collateral, to be paid in LINK tokens, that suits the value of their smart contract. A $1million bond would require a lot more collateral, than, say a smart contract dealing with $100. You wouldn't select the low rep/low collateral available nodes for something like a huge bond. Chainlink is actually targeting these high value contracts. Sergey has discussed at length why high value contracts in the financial world require a decentralized oracle: it puts all the risk onto the oracle rather than the smart contract creator. The smart contract creator doesn't risk losing money - the node operators do. The Chainlink network is genius like that.

There is infinite amount of collateral available because the token price can rise to meet it.

Now you have to research how large ALL these markets are. derivatives, insurance etc... hint: Trillions.

Is 1000$ really possibly in say the next 3-4-5 years?

>> No.16815647
File: 88 KB, 760x586, Screenshot_20200111-084455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oct-24-2017 was the date we drained the hotwallets. It took me 4 hours to transfer out my 1000 suicide stack.
>The board was flooded with similar transition delay stories.
>Autism kicked in and we discovered binance_one, two wallets had no links.
>Few hours later, they tapped into the coldwallet in order to fund the mass Exodus.
Pic related, 1000 links was worth $275 bucks

>> No.16816361
File: 130 KB, 601x601, 100 - Pm6iaOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confess your sins

>> No.16816377

>Bitcoin wallet - Bitcoin is the O.G. blockchain after all and probably more hackproof than any other in existence.
>Monero wallet - storing your LINKs on the Monero chain has the added advantage of obscuring your trade history.
>Monero wallet - storing your LINKs on the Monero chain has the added advantage of obscuring your trade history.
how is that even possible?

>> No.16816627

Can someone pls explain how one is to store link on a Monroe wallet?

>> No.16816647

you just send link to your monero address and have them held there, thats why link is so amazing, agnostic to all chains

>> No.16816667

i am sure this is a meme lol

>> No.16816672

yeah fuck having the government knowing how many links you have, I only store mine in a monero address.... fuck the irs

>> No.16816698

Is this monero wallet shit a sick ploy to get linkers to lose their tokens? It’s an Erc-20 token ffs

>> No.16816716

I have mine stored on monero chain

>> No.16816719

>Any oldfags remaning
that was like 8 months ago you idiot

>> No.16816722

Yes you retard. You have to go back

>> No.16816734

Yes, LINK can only be stored in an Ethereum wallet

>> No.16816819

>dont know its 2020


>> No.16816923

No, I store my link on my Monero wallet. I've also withdrawn them without issue.

>> No.16817187

I don't know how posts like these could be good for linkies or the stinky community.
FUD I get. Make them do real research before buying, weed out the people looking for a quick buck, and maybe the buyers will be those who believe in the project and will hold when the price goes up.
But what benefit is there in trying to convince people to burn LINK? Reducing the supply by whatever tiny amount newfags own isn't going to have any economic impact. Is there a sociologic benefit to linkies I'm not seeing?

>> No.16817213

you guys are dumb af, the whole point of monero is to obscure your linkies or others from view. this is where i store mine and im a link luitenant

>> No.16817272

Thanks man, my stack is only 400 link. It's all the money I have so I split it up like this:
100 usb
100 sd card
100 binance
50 mt.gox
50 monero blockchain
50 Bsv blockchain
50 paypal blockchain

>> No.16817323

Nice try fudding, but you'll never get my linkies you Coinbase/Binance jew.

>> No.16817363

You maniac.

I have 2 wallets for LINK. I use Binance mostly for trading.

>> No.16817371

Can Monero wallet store LINK?

>> No.16817385

No, they want you to burn your link.

>> No.16817392

Can you even add?

>> No.16817393

It "stores" LINK as well as a Ethereum wallet, sure.
But you'll never be able to retrieve or transfer LINK tokens out of a Monero wallet.

>> No.16817406


>> No.16817490

You know you were replying to pasta right

>> No.16817525

really based

>> No.16817544

Anon what do you think "blockchain agnostic" means? You can store Link anywhere. I've kept mine in my Monero wallet for a year and haven't had a problem withdrawing when I want to