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16606303 No.16606303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>0-6 years, lived in bliss and pure joy
>7-10, ocd, adhd. starting to slighlty suffer because im different
>10-14, mild depression but still have alot of hope
>14-18, alot of drugs, alot of alcohol, still depressed, still have hope
>18-22, fight and struggle, kicked out of school, paranoid, anxious, ocd getting worse, insomnia
>22-24, full blown alcohol and coke addict, social isolation, terrible depression, never had a relationship, only hookups and prostitutes, socially retarded, hope almost zero

almost 25 and im close to giving up. negative thoughts, regret, impulsive relapses, insomnia, anxiety, no education, no purpose. im utterly alone. all i did my youth was make money in any way possible and spend it on whores and drugs. i wish i never dumped my highschool sweatheart. i didnt deserve her anyway.

>> No.16606309

Oh fuck off zoomer and get a job and stop being a fuck up.

>> No.16606315


>> No.16606321

Stop using drugs faggot.

>> No.16606332

you ruined your life with drugs you pathetic faggot

neck yourself

>> No.16606339

6 months sober. didnt help much. now i dont even have a distraction but am trapped inside my head 24/7.

>> No.16606348

We have pretty similar stories fren except my high school girlfriend was a psycho and i regret breaking up with my college girlfriend. Also 15-16 I was full blown suicidal so things are better now but still miserable. I'm almost 28 and I haven't been happy since I was 11

>> No.16606351

how do you make money with rope?

>> No.16606358

my life was ruined from the start. my parents never sent me to therapy even though every teacher in every school told them to because i was obviously suffering but my parents come from an ignorant euro shithole and didnt believe in the concept of mental illness. now at 25 my dad admits he was wrong. thank you dad.

>> No.16606386

your life is your own karma; that is, your life is your own making. stop blaming others, especially your parents. while they could provide you with a more nurturing environment to help you achieve your dormant potential, ultimately it was your actions that led to this current state. seek self-help, you can still redeem yourself

>> No.16606403
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>you can still redeem yourself
what are the odds of me turning my life around at 25 where every pattern, action and habit is deeply engraved in my brain man. there is only so much i can cope and have hope

>> No.16606405

If you are having a winter depression you might be lacking of Vitamin D.

Try 5 drops of Vitamin D and every other day 2 drops of Vitamin K. Keep a record of how things change to the better.

e.g. https://robert-franz-naturwaren.de/Nahrungsergaenzung/Vitamin-D3-Tropfen-von-Robert-Franz::1069.html


>> No.16606422

already taking 10k units a day man.

>> No.16606424

Ask me how I know you're God-less trash?

>> No.16606433

ok, why am i godless trash?

>> No.16606453

This isn’t your fucking blog. Where is the business or finance? Can’t you retards even post things in the right place?

>> No.16606456

>Where is the business or finance?
He's poor

>> No.16606463


read nietzsche and find yourself

>> No.16606469

im reading schoppenhauer right now, who is more based?

>> No.16606474

funny thing is thats not even the case but then again if money enables more vices, then yes you are mentally poor forever.

>> No.16606537
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Most ocd patients are prone to alcoholism or other substance abuse. Psychiatrists some times have difficulties telling whether it's schizhophrenic psychosis or severe ocd, they overlap and same family conditions. Both are autistism spectrum conditions at core


Vitamin d pills are poisonous people have severe side effects they cause hypercalcemia even low doses. Very toxic supplement

>> No.16606549

You know it's ogre when you cope with bug eyed gooks

>> No.16606560

And your dad's right mental illness is a scam
Stop being a beta cuck start lifting weights and challenge other men for resources

>> No.16606576

Vitamin D3 pills is what you needed op.

people lack Vitamin D which they used to get while working out in the sun.
Vitamin D is a hormone.

>> No.16606669

while you certainly lost the early childhood neuroplasticity, until 30-35 years of age your brain has the capability to mold and shape its neural connections as you see fit. if you played any instrument, anything you learn to play before 30-35 will become permanently ingrained into your brain. even if you forget a song many years along, you can easily remember how to play it with practice. that becomes harder after you reach 35 years

with that in mind, you are still a boy, anon. you haven't grown up and don't think about yourself that you are an adult or something; you are only immature. Your immaturity is self-imposed because its cause lies not in lack of understanding, but in lack of resolve and courage to use it without guidance of another.

It's not really hard to google contemporary enlightened people, and listen to what they say, and use that to rewire your brain (which is still capable to do so), but because you lack resolve and courage everything will be in vain. With you attitude in the post, no wonder you admitted defeat prematurely. You can still redeem yourself and learn a life lesson here. Even if you kys, you will be reborn in the same situation, with same incidents, everything, because of karma - just because you didn't learn from your life's lesson. Don't give up anon!

>> No.16606851

thann you based anon.

>> No.16606852

Shouldn't have started down the road of substance abuse now you are just a shell of a human

>> No.16606860

try mindfulness meditation it helped me.
Google about it. Youtube it

>> No.16606893

Delete this

>> No.16606917

You think you're depressed now? Imagine when you actually peak at 30 and realize you wasted the gift of youth by creating a hell in your own head with the garden of Eden all around you. You could change at any time it's all on you.

>> No.16606939
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step 0. stop doing fucking drugs, and realize that at this point you need to fight fire with fire. you made yourself retarded with coke and alcohol—so in part with a healthier lifestyle of physical activity, take only drugs that have little to no side effects that assist in undoing the damage you've caused yourself; these drugs exist, and they're awesome—but because of regulatory agencies like the FDA that make the task of selling new drugs astronomical, they're not profitable.
step 1. buy emeramide from fandachem, eat 300mg of it daily. emeramide is by far the safest and most effective mercury chelator first and foremost, but is an alpha chad zero-toxicity drug that undoes all sorts of problems in the body caused by heavy metals and other environmental toxins—and, FUCKING READ YOU FAGGOT, if you've been taking cocaine, your brain has excessively high iron levels. don't skimp on this step.
step 2. go to nootropicsdepot, buy racetams. experiment with them—everyone's different. some people have great results from phenylpiracetam—some people, myself among them, find that phenylpiracetam makes them sleepy. pramiracetam and noopept work aboslute wonders for me—noopept alone gives me such confidence that i go from being a jaded social outcast ideologue INTJ who can't stand social interaction with people by virtue of them almost invariably being self-destroying collectivists on some level to someone who is able to communicate with them by more rapidly reasoning that, in all their flaws, they are acting according to their DNA, just as i am. how it does this, i dunno—honestly, after i take noopept, i often find myself ecstatically reminiscing over the past, humming "WE DRINK RITALIN" and wanting to fly airplanes and shit like that. good stuff.

long-winded post over. stop doing coke you retard. read step 1 a thousand times over.

>> No.16606996

>stop doing drugs, take these researchchems that will give you asscancer instead

>> No.16607016

>emeramide, racetams, and noopept will hurt you

>> No.16607030

>25 til death stop blaming your situation on anything or anyone other than your own choices
I hate you zoomer fucks with a passion

>> No.16607033

>oh woe is me
These pity threads are so tiresome

>> No.16607861

>0-50 same ups and downs as you (probably worse). Don't give a fuck. Looked for the positives and carried on regardless.

Your past doesn't define your now. Stop looking for excuses. You're the same as everyone else. In fact, probably more privileged than 99% of the people on the planet.

>> No.16607950

Look into Buddhism. The Art of Living

>> No.16607989
