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File: 76 KB, 1200x628, 3ECA9AF0-70A7-4736-8A55-881DBB8C80F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16079171 No.16079171 [Reply] [Original]

Genuinely speaking now, in 5 years time, is it possible at all that RLC could reach $1000 in value??? With 86 million in circulation...

I think so

What about you guys?

>> No.16079183

Only 1k? This olive oil is going to be 10k by 2021

>> No.16079194

Chainlink oracles access TCF. The TCF is built on iExec technology. Chainlink needs TCF and iExec for off-chain compute. iExec does not require the Chainlink oracle network for off-chain compute.

A key feature of iExec’s oracle solution is that the scheduler of the worker pool randomly selects workers to act as oracles. This feature reduces/eliminates the chance of Sybil attacks. As a result, workers are not required to submit KYC data because the trust is shifted from individual workers to the network of workers.

Schedulers and workers are required to stake RLC tokens to enable a revolutionary reputation system that includes rewards and penalties for providing always on connectivity and correct results from computations.

Maintaining privacy of the data and computations during rest, in-transient, and during computation is Confidential Computing. Currently, only iExec’s oracles on SGX worker pools enable Confidential Compute.

The complete iExec stack, using the RLC token to access the network and services, can be executed currently on the main Ethereum network and on POA sidechains starting December 2019. iExec solution provides the most secure way to compute in the entire industry enabling new market opportunities (multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud, trusted compute, data renting, B2B2P) built on the security of the Ethereum blockchain with added privacy and scalability.

IExec has partnered with the EEA, Consensys, Intel and Microsoft to deliver a testnet for experimenting with these new market opportunities. This historic collaboration communicates the need for confidential computing and join a host of other companies exploring new market opportunities such as IBM cloud, Ubisoft, Scone, bpifrance, Fortanix, inria, Genesis Mining, CAS, CNRS, IIC, RSK and SHIFT. Industry wide interest has been shown by the creation of the Confidential Computing Consortium.

>> No.16079207


yes, RLC total circulating supply is small

>> No.16079222


Ok I’ll keep 1000 of them as back up in case it goes to 1k for a million dollars so I can quit work early

>> No.16079227

considering that if the network achieves adoption, whatever isn't being staked and used is goiing to be in the hands of speculators, it could pump so hard it will blow everyone away.

>> No.16079250

1 RLC could be 2000-5000$ by next year

>> No.16079281

Its circulating supply is actually right in the middle between ETH and LTC, so basically anything is possible

>> No.16079445

Yet another RLC spam thread made by the same group of 5-6 mouthbreathing pajeets.
It goes in all fields and is hidden.

>> No.16079659

Stop your copy paste you bangledeshi call center indian

>> No.16079673


we are talking business here
RLC is top 50 coin soon

>> No.16079719

What's with the RLC (iEx.ec) FUD lately? If the China blockchain adoption goes as planned, predicted and soon executed it will reach >10k usd.

>> No.16079762
File: 668 KB, 2045x1505, devcon 5 eea trusted compute workshop chainlink nodes integration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink oracles access TCF. The TCF is built on iExec technology. Chainlink needs TCF and iExec for off-chain compute. iExec does not require the Chainlink oracle network for off-chain compute.
The TCF is iexec's one and only claim to fame, and the TCF chose Chainlink as their oracle solution.


>> No.16079809

You poor thing. You’re in for a rude awakening

>> No.16079832

no one even talked about it. Suddenly it's spam thread after spam thread right after the (((Chine))) President says he's pro blockchain. Obvious shill campaign.

>> No.16079861

That's an absurd stretch, a couple of tens, to a hundred something is more feasible.

>> No.16079868


yeah, the shilling is of especially low quality these days

>> No.16079908


caught same fagging. jannies please ban this fucking idiot SAGE

>> No.16079933
File: 58 KB, 953x518, BLEEDINGTOZERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

state of rlc street shitters
imagine spamming your shit threads all day long for pennies

>> No.16079956
File: 515 KB, 1224x755, rlcrocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short term realistic target of 30,000 sats.