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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 525x322, average-daily-trading-volume1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15843419 No.15843419 [Reply] [Original]

>nobody on /biz/ is trading forex despite having a daily trading volume that completely mogs every other market combined

>> No.15843446

I want to get into Forex but don't know how to (not get rinsed of all my money)

>> No.15843463

Is it easy to make money on Forex with that much money just sitting there wishing around? I say yes, think about it like this: You start with 500 dollars, that’s a tiny, tiny percent of the total money sloshing around in Forex, so if you make a couple hundred dollars nobody will even notice. It would be hard to make money on Forex if you start with a lot, say 10,000 dollars, because that’s closer to the total amount of money sloshing around so someone would notice you making money.

>> No.15843468

because trading forex is a sure fire way for brainlets and even reg sized brain people to get dicked

>> No.15843519

What the hell are you talking about? 10k is nothing. The bank does not see you. The market does not see you. It only sees the price of the currency and moves back and forth accordingly. 10k is so insignificant as to be nonexistent.

>> No.15843541

If forex is for brainlets then every person here playing with stocks and coins is truly brainless.

>> No.15843921

The Forex volume is a meme. You don't have access to it anyway. You're left with nothing but shady brokers who can manipulate the wicks any way they want.

>> No.15843929

This man is a broker.

>> No.15843941

Think about fees in proportion to your trades, brainlet.

>> No.15843982

i traded forex profitable for several years... fact is, it's the most manipulated market after gold.
crypto trading has gained lots of traction from several traders, former investment bankers, traders for companies and independent ones

>> No.15844000

He's a broker trying to sell retards into the idea that they can make money trough forex. What he says isn't even logical or makes any sense. What he says is paranoid and works the idea that something or someone is preventing you from making money other than yourself. As most people must feel trading the markets.

>> No.15844004
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>forex and gold are more manipulated than crypto

>> No.15844077
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>forex is more manipulated than crypto

>> No.15844289

how do I trade forsex?

>> No.15844321

why did you stop?

>> No.15844353

They actually are. Because in crypto everything is on a public blockchain.
Imagine an exchange moving all their assets out and trading based on nothing. Imagine trading more assets than actually exists. Imagine controlled pumps and dumps with fake assets.

Tether is getting shit on for printing dubious amount of USDT, but Forex and gold markets are doing that times 1000 for decades.

>> No.15844372

Forex has most competitive markets in the world. It will wipe you out every time if you don't have the tools and understanding of the people who make the market. And no, they don't make their decisions based on technical analysis.

>> No.15844389

Higher volume means less volatility on larger time frames. Doesn't mean you can't make money, but you won't do it without literal millions of your own cash to trade, or using margin leverage which exposes your position to being margin all/stop hunted.

Personally I like to trade my own money with zero leverage, that means I need to expose myself to markets with higher price spreads (ie. Stocks, crypto) if I want to get decent returns.

Comes down to risk tolerance and trading style mostly.

>> No.15844399

Yeah, Forex is not for your average brainlet coin holder. That's why it's not popular here. You actually need a brain to not blow up your account.

>> No.15844471

>bizfags that fail in their own market think that their shit is more manipulated than forex


There's a reason why forex is considered the hardest market in the world, and thats because it's the most manipulated. The biggest players know exactly where the juiciest stop caches are, and they frequently push towards them.

No they won't move the market 0.5% just to stop out your shitty $7 stop loss, but they will do it if youre a brainlet that puts it in the same place as every other dumb muppet (eg above the previous peak or below a resistance) to collectively stop out the brainlet collective and their millions

>> No.15844514

Yup. Not to mention the standard lot size is 10,000 units and the smallest tradable lot is a nano lot of 100 units.

If you're trading a sub 7 figure account you literally have to use margin to take positions if you want to play the game at the standard lot size, which inherently means being margin call/ stop hunted.

>> No.15844650

Actually forex is the ultimate brainlet market because it's so big that it's not moved by anything but price. People constantly fail in forex because of complexity worship and trading at the market in giant position sizes they can't afford. Buy low and sell high is all you need. And use scaled limit orders instead of buying at the market. Take a single lot and cut that shit into pieces. If the market goes low, buy. If it goes lower, buy more.

Forex trading is for dumb people. Dumb people make money. Smart people over-complicate everything and try to chase the market.

>> No.15844881

A few years ago I downloaded a demo program that gives you 50k usd to play. I didn't trade any pairs only usd. Just taking profits only a few pips up and selling a few pips down. Basically just trying to just over the spread. I tripled my demo account in days. Thought there's no way so I never bothered putting my own money in. Still to this day think forex is a meme, does anyone actually make money day trading this over a sustained period?

>> No.15844983

no. and every forex forum is filled with the equivalent of /biz/ deadcoin bagholders. None of them are profitable but they're all convincing each other, just a few more months of practice and they'll get it, leading to exponential returns.
If you tripled your account, you were using leverage that will bankrupt you within a month, two if you're super lucky.
It's mathematically rigged for the brokers, one day i'll make an infographic when I have time. In the stock market you can make 7% a year. In forex your expected returns are negative.
Everything you can do in forex, you can do in the stock market with much better outcomes. Only brokers will shill it.

>> No.15845121

No shit it has the highest volume, that's because you have to use hilarious amounts of margin to make any really money

>> No.15845155

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of leverage, and it's actually the same shit parroted around on forex forums saying "high leverage is bad". Leverage is nothing but a percentage requirement you need in your account to make trade sizes. More leverage does nothing but help you. People get killed with high leverage because they abuse it to gamble with insane trade sizes they can't afford, and then they go and blame the broker crying that they lost money when they got margin called when the trade moved a few pips against them.

>> No.15845173
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 1558847021605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer memes
Anyone else can't stand the cartoon style that boomer "business people" draw in? Massive fucking cringe, almost as bad as old women with snoopy bumper stickers

>> No.15845189

found the broker.
>Leverage is nothing but a percentage requirement you need in your account to make trade sizes
lol no. Leverage is how many dollars you risk per pip. You are lying about a very basic concept.
>margin called when the trade moved a few pips against them.
So first you lie about what it is, then explain what it is exactly in different words. When you risk more per pip, any small random fluctuation will destroy your account.
>inb4 small leverage is good
and small leverage means small returns, not even worth working for. Small leverage means 10 dollar returns on big moves, unless you're already rich with a huge account, in which case you're probably smart enough not to waste your money on the scam.

>> No.15845272

>a lot
hello pajeet

>> No.15845291

>believing the stop hunting meme

>> No.15845315

Again, you are fundamentally wrong about leverage. The dollar amount you risk per trade does not magically increase with leverage. Your trade size is the only thing that can increase that. The dollar amount of risk on a 1k trade with an account with no leverage and an account with 500:1 leverage is the exact same.

The real problem is stupid ass 2% per trade rule that's become forex dogma. It's ridiculous. Of course if you take a 2% trade based on what your leverage allows rather than your whole account you're going to blow it up. If you risk the same amount of money in a high leverage account that you would if you had no leverage then it shouldn't matter. Stop risking your whole account on a single trade. There is no rule that states that having high leverage means you need high position sizes.

>> No.15845332

also dont forget that forex trading educators are fraud

>> No.15845370

This, especially if they're selling anything.

>> No.15845386
File: 33 KB, 472x330, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're arguing semantics. profit loss = trade size multiplied by leverage.
If you use low trade sizes, with high leverage, you are gambling on small movements in the price. BTC goes up 1 sat, you make or lose 10 dollars.
If you use high trade sizes, with low leverage, you are basically owning the asset. You own 1 BTC and it goes up 1 dollar, you make 1 dollar..

Reducing risk to 2% per trade just means it takes longer to blow up your account. The math is still against you. Moonboys will never stay on 2% though because they quickly realize they'll only make pennies a day doing that. That's the scam. Making $1 a day on low leverage is not attractive, making it rich quick on lottery ticket trades is enticing.

>> No.15845419

This guy speaks the truth. Nobody should have problems with Forex if they calculate their risk based on their real capital. Leverage, if anything, lets you control more trades at the same time due to lower margin requirements.

Only losers take stupidly high risks expecting to be rich quickly, and only the luckiest ones make it.

>> No.15845460

I'm not arguing semantics, I'm arguing facts. 2% of your account is 2% of your account whether you have high leverage or not. What leverage should be used for is greater room to withstand drawdown. You should be using it as a permission slip to gamble on fat lottery tickets. Stop blaming leverage just because you don't have any self-control. And I can already see how you trade. Just like the other 99% of losers. You try to snipe the market on a perfect entry and exit in a single trade. I'll bet you've never once used a limit order.

>> No.15845478
File: 360 KB, 600x580, 1495834236677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be the dumbest thing i've read on this board today

>> No.15845488
File: 45 KB, 640x512, 47164654565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Finally, someone with a brain.

>> No.15845504

>You should be using it as a permission slip to gamble on fat lottery tickets.

typo. Meant "should not"

>> No.15845561

crypto is easier, more predictable in my opinion. also way more volatility which is at the end exactly what a trader looks for.

>> No.15845564

>i can already see how you trade
I don't. Can't you read? How big is your account and how much money do you pretend to make?
I explained it in the most simple terms and now you're bringing up drawdown which is irrelevant.
Leverage is a loan. If you lose the money, you lost someone else's money and your own. How much you borrow is how dangerous it is. If you want to argue 2x, whatever, warren buffet does that with the housing market, which is fairly stable. You can do 2x in Forex but with a small account you will be making literally tens of dollars a month for lots of effort, if you're winning trades. Pointless. Just hold the stock market.

>> No.15845694

Dude, I have explained this as simple as humanly possible.
Just because you have leverage does not mean you have to use it all on big trades. If you trade the same trade size on a high leverage account that you would on an account with no leverage, then all you're doing is giving yourself more breathing room in a drawdown.
High leverage gives you lower margin requirements. It doesn't matter which market either. Forex, stocks, coins. Whatever.
I'll say it again.

That's it. That's how you're supposed to use leverage. Jesus christ, you are stupid as fuck.

>> No.15845714

All the people I know that do forex are sluts who constantly post on social media about how they’re independent and more forward thinking than everyone else. That’s a big enough red flag to me.

>> No.15845751

high leverage means you get margin calls faster. Stop pretending you know the short term future movements of assets.
or by all means, show me your fxbook where you use high leverage and have made yourself a millionaire from $100.

>i'm risking $50,000 but only have $2,000 in my account I'm smart I'm just abusing drawdown and margin requirements
No, you're just creating a narrow volatile reward curve where you're more than likely to get stopped out by any small swing in the asset price

>> No.15846271

A half lot trade is about 5 dollars a pip. Ignoring the spread, if your stop loss on that trade is 10 pips and you have a 2k account then that means your risk on that trade is 2.5%. Your risk remains the same regardless if you have 25:1 leverage or 1000:1 leverage. Your leverage only affects your margin requirements.

Your fundamental error is this thought that your returns or losses in forex are directly correlated to your leverage. They're not. They're directly correlated to your position size. The leverage simply allows you to make bigger position sizes than you could have without. Simply don't increase your position sizes beyond what you can afford. Stop making single trades that use up all your margin in one go.

>> No.15846835

Forex is pure cancer. The manipulation is even worse than crypto. Once you get adjusted to crypto market cycles and read orderbooks you realize that Forex is so rigged that it's ridiculous. The only ones making money with Forex are the ones that trade with other people's money. Retail buyers get rekt always. Crypto is more noob friendly unironically and a retail buyer might actually make a lot of money with crypto. If you are not a broker Forex will eventually rape you.

>> No.15847446

Explain to me the logic of how a market a hundred times the size of everything else combined and no centralized institution can be manipulated more than crypto, whose very market movement can be majorly affected by a tweet. Forex is the ultimate noob friendly market. Nothing ever goes to zero. The markets never close.

>> No.15847480

brainlet detected, most volume on btc and shitcoins is not recorded on blockchain it happens internally on the exchange servers

>> No.15847592

heres a bit of news for you.

the crypto market is going to btfo the forex market.

>> No.15847621


I do. Currently short EURUSD

>> No.15848499

>Explain to me the logic of how a market a hundred times the size of everything else combined and no centralized institution can be manipulated more than crypto
Because you don't have access to that market. You only have access to a bucketshop.

>> No.15848641

what the fuck are those retarded childrens drawings on the graph

>> No.15848645


>> No.15848666

good luck with that

>> No.15848666,3 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for sharing Nick!