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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15677825 No.15677825 [Reply] [Original]

What is the equivalent to ETH in 2019?

What is the next 100x?

>> No.15677839

Rsr ftm qnt brapper etc

>> No.15677845

Welcome to biz newfag. The answer is chainlink. You unironically have till tomorrow when sibos starts

>> No.15677852

RSR and MITX remember my word

>> No.15677944


>> No.15677953

HOT even eth team owns millions $ worth

>> No.15677960

Imagine someone new to cryptos reading the board for the first time today, learning about LINK for the first time today, and buying a large position of LINK for the first time today. Kind of boggles the mind to think there's still time for them to board the same rocket that some anons have been waiting on patiently for 2 years and counting.

>> No.15677980

this desu

>> No.15677986

Do you ever get tired of making the same thread every day you autistic fuck?

>> No.15677997

Ok NEETs I've go a final 10x-100x gem of 2019, TRUE(TrueChain)

It's currently on Forkdelta, OKEx, and bithump. Forkdelta seems to have the lowest daily volume (usually around 45k-80k USD) and OKEx USUALLY has a daily volume from 9million USD to 10million USD. Still with me virgins? This is your chance to arbitage. Don't even fucking try if you have less than 2 Ethereum because it'll take forever.. still worth it but if you're that much of a poorfag but this will be a lot slower for you.
Alright -- the price differences (you'll have to check your self) Currently on fork delta is 0.000589840 and on OKEx and other exchanges currently sitting at 0.001749 Eth/TRUE. Of course you can DYOR and actually HODL this shit but when I saw the volume differences, and putting two and two together I jumped straight into this shit. The arbitrage bots don't work as well on smaller exchanges with low volume like idex, forkdelta, and many of them do it manually even. You can actually see arb bots filling orders on dex in real time too.
I arbed over 20 eth so far and wasn't even rushing about it just by buying on fd > sending to sell on Okex or Bithump, pocket the diff, is the basics.

The exchange links can be found below
and OKex you can find for your self easily and KYC is minimal anyway.

Better thank me for this /biz/ because I didn't have to share this information enjoy the rest of your 2019. 2020 approaches. Be ready, this is the big one.

>> No.15678004


>> No.15678011

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.15678014

Hard work

>> No.15678022

because it's more guaranteed than gambling shitcoin that the IRS will tax you for

>> No.15678025

Kek, you'd be ruined psychologically, you'd think you were in your own truman show

>> No.15678031

It's not gambling at all. It's easy money. Most people are lazy or don't know how to use dex so they dont bother. You can make serious profit

>> No.15678042

nice. dropped a eth

>> No.15678056


Dude dont share shit like this with biz here anon delete delete! just keep it on tg fuck normies


>> No.15678058
File: 550 KB, 1375x592, xsn wallet shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stakenet definitely has the potential to pull an XRB
>working product (pic related)
>solves numerous problems with LN and CEXs
>KYC-less account-less DEX
>in the top 100 for Github commits even though the majority of their work is done in private repos
Severely underrated project. It's never been cheaper than it has been this past week.

>> No.15678067

whats ur tg? add me desu

>> No.15678077

Thanks anon

>> No.15678094

September has been shit so far, we dumped a lot and yeah there were some crumbs appearing but that's been always the case. I fear that we have too many twitter moonfags on board and that this could be SIBOS 2017 2.0 but in a bigger scale. SWIFT is working with Sergey with 95% probability but it's probably never gonna get announced, it will just appear in some dev manual some day.
Also, some new meetups have been added, right? Anyone got an updated list of link related events?

>> No.15678097

Most cappable post in /biz/ history

>> No.15678118

bought in at $3.49

My investment has almost halved in value

When will I see gains /biz/ PLEASE I TRUSTED YOU

>> No.15678123

ETH2.0 delayed
>ETH2.0 delayed
ETH2.0 delayed
>ETH2.0 delayed

>> No.15678129

Stop spamming this scam, that’s not the real one, you are scamming people

>> No.15678137


ETH 2.0 is uncertain, it takes perhaps years to complete

current status ETH is quite stagnant, i dont see reason why its price would go up much

my opinion EOS is the next big thing, EOS is already what ETH 2.0 trying to be future

and EOS is so much advanded than ETH

so im very bullish for EOS

>> No.15678147

newfag pajeet stay poor you're talking about the old chainswap

>> No.15678153

Lmao nice bait faggot. You couldn’t be that delusional.

>> No.15678158

Looks like it might be used on the new infinity. Read replies to Ron’s tweets
Market cap and price now are tiny. If it’s actually used on the new board 100x is low end of gainz

>> No.15678159

Nice gem desu thx

>> No.15678167

Also this is a scam. Two diff tokens. Don’t be an idiot and believe this piece of shit.

>> No.15678174

He's unironically retarded
Eth 2.0 will cause the bull run imo, but unironically

>> No.15678185

Unironically flipped 3 eth

>> No.15678196

Stealthily making it's way through the top 50. Biz won't talk about it though and thats probably a good thing desu

>> No.15678335

One day years from now there will be a thread from the actual last person to buy link before it takes off
Cant wait to read that

>> No.15678387


>> No.15678748


>> No.15678890

not everyone is as gullible as you, retard.

>> No.15678895

calm down

>> No.15679017


>> No.15679339


>> No.15679871


>> No.15679881


>> No.15679882


>> No.15679886


>> No.15680105

Constellation (DAG). US project with superb technology. Only 10M mcap. The CEO of Helly Kitty, Ray Hatoyama, is an advisor and have full confidence in the project. Will take DAG globally and at least get a market cap of multiple billions USD. Will be top 10 within one or two years. Interview here:

Surest 1000x in crypto.

>> No.15680119


>> No.15680139


>> No.15680150

Is this a LARP cause I'm about to fall for it

>> No.15680155


>> No.15680606

DONT FALL FOR THIS. this scam has been posted in so many threads.

>> No.15680747

The days of 100x are probably gone for good. Regulators are cracking down hard on crypto and without serious market manipulation you're not going to see coins doing gains like 2017. LINK will do another 20x by end of 2020, other than that your only chance is to gamble on super low cap low volume shitcoins and just pray to god you get lucky.

>> No.15681117

be smart

>> No.15681283

Lition ...

>> No.15681557

You had 2 years.

>> No.15681590

Why do ppl do this?

>> No.15681653


>> No.15681828


>> No.15681876

hahahahahahhah surely ASSCOIN with zero volume and no product will go 100x sirs, buy now.

>> No.15681884

Lol, people were saying the exact same stuff in 2015.

>> No.15681934

Found the boomer

>> No.15682002

im all in rsr

>> No.15682056

thanks desu