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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15672462 No.15672462 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my first paycheck through this hell, I need something to make it fast as I don’t think I’ll be able to fucking live through this shithole for too long. What suicide stacks are a must to have ? Saw MITX, RSR and LINK, what else do I need ?

>> No.15672472


>> No.15672527

I worked on an assembly line for 4 years op it wasn’t that bad

Get a better job if you can’t handle it you pussy

>> No.15672546

RSR, LINK, solid long terms. VIDT but only for the next couple months.

>> No.15672568

Get an education you pussy
>if your inbred brain can handle it

>> No.15672584

Jokes on you dumb fuck it paid for my education

>> No.15673562


>> No.15673572

I just came to the sad realization that no one on /biz/ actually helps each other anymore. What happened to the 2017, and 2018 shill threads that made people 100x? Well I'm here to help ya brainlets out.

The volume on this coin is pretty nice - OKeX shines the most here with a whopping 100K USD / day. Still with me CUMBRAINS? This is your LAST chance to make it in 2019. Also just a side note - this is an arbitrage chance so don't even try with less than 1 or 2 ethereum. No point ~ too slow, and too long to make anything signifient. I mean if you're that much of a poorfag go ahead but it'll be slower obviously.

The price differences is phenomenal from forkdelta compared to OKeX - CHECK your self if you think i'm trying
to "off my bags" or what ever. Just check your self. Forkdelta CURRENTLY has TRUE going for 0.000740 eth / TRUE and on OKeX it's sitting at (as of right now, maybe not in a hour) 0.00159 eth / TRUE.

Honestly - do I NEED to do the math on this one for you, or google the "ETH = USD RATE" for ya ? HINT: it's a 70
% DIFFERENCE! Doesn't take too bright of a light bulb to turn on for this one. I jumped straight into this shit anyways, you can DYOR.
The exchange links can be found below because I'm not THAT much of a bully.


and OKeX you can find your self pretty easily - better fucking say thank you too /biz/ because I'll probably regret sharing anything valuable with you shitlords but I honestly miss the good old days when yall helped each other instead of tearing each other apart. Enjoy the rest of your year.

>> No.15673575


>> No.15673581

Nice. The kyc on OKEX I'd easily exploitable too. Just Google your kyc and submit it. Itll work ! Kek!

>> No.15673582

RSR is definitely good, but more of a long term hold.

LINK is heavily shilled (also heavily fudded). It is kinda risky, but a suicide stack is good to have.

Another one, which not a lot of people know about yet, is SHOCK. It is one of a kind. Do your own research on it, it is quite easy to understand the goals and fundamentals. The team and community is very open as well so feel free to contact them and ask if you need any clarifications.

>> No.15673593

This is a good ass arb. Either this or RSR

>> No.15673606

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.15673614

Dude dont share shit like this with biz here anon delete delete! just keep it on tg fuck normies

>> No.15673622


>> No.15673627

Chainlink is a scam

>> No.15673635

Ok retards let me just explain to you 100% how to do this without fucking up because I know one of you will, and will cry about it for 3 weeks on here.

Use fucking metamask like OP said. Download the NEWEST version. SAVE your FUCKING seedwords degenerates. If you don't say bye bye to all your tokens, link, eth, or anything you have on there.

SEND the ETHEREUM to your metamask, or directly from the exchange to forkdelta if youre a retard.

Then TRANSFER the ethereum ONTO forkdelta - accumalate the TRUE, WITHDRAWL the TRUE, and send the TRUE w/ your metamask wallet to okex

Rince & Repeat. I better get a fucking thankyou.

>> No.15673641

Funny how this works. Okex has the WORST kyc out of anyone. They shouldn't even have it desu it's so exploitable kek

>> No.15673644

Lmao. Tried and worked almost instantly!

>> No.15673647

BTT ... MITX... BRAP...

>> No.15673650

MITX is the coin to nut over lads

>> No.15673652

One word. Mitx.

>> No.15673655

Gtfo mitx shitters

>> No.15673666


Im already doing this for 45+ large scale exchanges + smaller unheard ones too. Both CEX and DEX. It's surprisingly saturated still, and there are not good arbs unless you're watching it & stressing 24/7. Using automated trading is always NO for arbing, because of symbol mismatches (& other reasons), but still, it's not a long-term solution to riches. Currently, you can find ONE good arb per day. arb bots dont work on small dexs because theyre all on large exchanges. Anyways nice find shitlord I'm already up 10K.

>> No.15673677

Eh brap or mitx

>> No.15673725


>> No.15673739


>> No.15673748

Thinking about putting in 10 bitcoin on mitx or brap or btt or tron or brap or mitx who know I choose one later...

>> No.15673750

Mitx is the next 200x man...

>> No.15673772


>> No.15673782
File: 156 KB, 720x954, 20190922_135510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check CoffeeCoin $COF
low low low cap coin on wavesplatform

Have seen they get listed on new exchanges, it's an easy x3 flip



>> No.15673815


fyi ; if anyone wants to "short" OKeX with these it's very possible but just know that TRUE deposits are disabled until tomorrow sep. 23rd 6:30 (update time, CST) because of some maitennce or som shiiit

>> No.15673818

DAG is where it’s at senpai.

>> No.15673820

Yeah this. The price difference is literally so far apart it won't matter waiting a day. Stock up.

>> No.15673832

Just saw that shit. Whatever man it's still good arb i have 14 eth worth saved up for tomorrow to dump. Also I bet this forkdelta stack is ATE up by tomorrow!

>> No.15673835


>> No.15673843

Just going to add onto educational anons post here. You can still have them sent over and itll process as soon as OKeX releases the event trigger tomorrow. Should show up they do this every odd month.

>> No.15673846


>> No.15673860

Brap is good

>> No.15673865

Thanks ya

Thank ya

And thank ya!

>> No.15673870

Brap you dumbasses!!!!

>> No.15673895


>> No.15673909


>> No.15673912

Nice saw this too. The stack on FD eill very gone bt tomorrow anyways stack is gonna get smashed kek

>> No.15673918

Dont gamble your paycheck. Meme coins are for fucking idiots. If you want to get wealthy start a small business on the side

>> No.15673987


Just to warn people - this is a scam. They are not the same tokens that are being traded.

>> No.15674047

Good arb right here lads

>> No.15674050


>> No.15674052


Or this

>> No.15674057

Smell that? Its brap

>> No.15674061

Eggers coin

>> No.15674063

Based and redpilled

>> No.15674066

Tron I guess

>> No.15674071

Kek try BitTorrent token

>> No.15674085

I think about that a lot. What makes it worse is that all these bagholders turned into shills, as if there weren't enough of paid ones already, start flooding the few decent non crypto threads that pop up from time to time. This results high IQ posters to get so fed up they will eventually abandon the board/site. Then /biz/ will be an ad board with the occasional schizo post from other boards. It took me a while but I'm pretty much certain that 2017 was the golden bullrun. I want to stay for the reason I first came here: the memes. Sadly, /biz/ is dead on that department. CHAINLINK may have been a cancer on this board but some of them made the board have a sense of its own culture. maybe I'll use it more as a venting method. There are some good, honest regulars still around. These, I call my friends

>> No.15674094

There is still money to be made, no doubt about it. the board activity dips when BTC dips. When we hit 13k~ levels again this place will have all nubs from other boards asking how to set up coinbase

>> No.15674189

I see the jeets have a new pasta. honestly this reads like a skinwalker imitating the speech patterns of his last victim.

Might be a good idea not to post it in EVERY THREAD you fucking faggots

>> No.15674605

Please good sir buy rsr or btt they are good 10x

>> No.15675497

Mitx or waves

>> No.15675899


>> No.15675996
File: 143 KB, 1294x1230, 28e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the needful sirs!!

>> No.15676491

Please good sirs buy rsr

>> No.15676975


>> No.15677270


>> No.15677988
