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15651213 No.15651213 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you neets use trading signals?
If so, how much do you pay?

>> No.15651307

Unless you're loaded and part of a whale group don't bother. These signals are always as much gambling as it would be to come up with them yourself.

I've even seen a signal group post a BTC long signal in their free channel then a couple hours later claim that they posted a short signal at around the same time in the paid channel.

>> No.15651329

>Any of you neets use trading signals?
yes but on boomer stocks
you after signals on crypto only?

>> No.15651363

I've been studying crypto twitter for a few months and what I've noticed is that signals and trading groups exploit confirmation bias and many even use youtubes publish feature to record two videos, one up, one down, and delete the one thats wrong.

They do "work" and many are "real" in that you are paying someone to coach you psychologically not to fomo, bringing you close to 51-60% winning over time by understanding probability and hedging plus their pet indicator, but first you have pay them and lose. Almost every paid group teaches something you can get for free somewhere else.

You could just teach yourself but most people don't have the self control so maybe its worth it for those people too.

>> No.15651378

but desu you will probably lose money by cherry picking the signals emotionally so it would be best to just make a bot that has to take every trade at which point why not use your own indicator instead of paying for one.

>> No.15651905

>I've even seen a signal group post a BTC long signal in their free channel then a couple hours later claim that they posted a short signal at around the same time in the paid channel.
NIGGER. It's a bull market you don't need signals. Just buy and hodl, and sell when you think everyone is too greedy and buy back when it drops.

>> No.15651957 [DELETED] 

Ok NEETs I've go a final 10x-100x gem of 2019, TRUE(TrueChain)

It's currently on Forkdelta, OKEx, and bithump. Forkdelta seems to have the lowest daily volume (usually around 45k-80k USD) and OKEx USUALLY has a daily volume from 9million USD to 10million USD. Still with me virgins? This is your chance to arbitage. Don't even fucking try if you have less than 2 Ethereum because it'll take forever.. still worth it but if you're that much of a poorfag but this will be a lot slower for you.
Alright -- the price differences (you'll have to check your self) Currently on fork delta is 0.000589840 and on OKEx and other exchanges currently sitting at 0.001749 Eth/TRUE. Of course you can DYOR and actually HODL this shit but when I saw the volume differences, and putting two and two together I jumped straight into this shit. The arbitrage bots don't work as well on smaller exchanges with low volume like idex, forkdelta, and many of them do it manually even. You can actually see arb bots filling orders on dex in real time too.
I arbed over 20 eth so far and wasn't even rushing about it just by buying on fd > sending to sell on Okex or Bithump, pocket the diff, is the basics.

The exchange links can be found below
and OKex you can find for your self easily and KYC is minimal anyway.

Better thank me for this /biz/ because I didn't have to share this information enjoy the rest of your 2019. 2020 approaches. Be ready, this is the big one.

>> No.15651968

here we go again...

>> No.15651969 [DELETED] 

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.15651975

Kys scammer. Not the same coin. I hope you die a miserable death.

>> No.15651987

OH NO! A neckbeard wants me to die a miserable death :( Lmao you live and die a miserable life and death, I still win