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15530890 No.15530890 [Reply] [Original]

I’m afraid of my mom and dad, my siblings, strangers, calling people on the phone, I’m afraid of everyone. I start to sweat and get nauseous if I have to do something as simple as send an email. I hide in my room until no one is around so I can leave and go eat something.

How can I become normal? I lift but only when no one is around. Should I just end it? I don’t ever anticipate being able to live a normal life. I’m also ugly as fuck and even when I do talk I’m an uncharasmatic robotic personalityless loser.

>> No.15530895

have sex

>> No.15530899
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have sex

>> No.15530901

Consider going for a walk. That sounds like a miserable situation.

>> No.15530902

Get help man :(
Read up on anxiety coping methods idk

>> No.15530906

buy holo

>> No.15530929

Cringe, just kill your self you pussy, you weren’t meant to be a man

>> No.15530934

I've been there. You can get through it. Therapy helped me a lot. I know it costs, but invest in yourself. If you cant, look for free content online.
Just guessing based on my life... Examine your relationships to close family members. What was it like being raised by your parents? Thats a good place to start.

>> No.15530949

What are you afraid they will find out about you?

>> No.15530985

im the same way when i dont take my xanax prescription

>> No.15530990

if this isn't a larp then you need to see a therapist. that's what they are for. I've never been myself but have friends who have changed completely after getting help. all the things you want in life are attainable and you can be happy, you just need to push yourself to take the first step.

>> No.15530991

When did it start? Trace it back to the trauma that made you this way. Then think about it non stop and push yourself thru the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life and I guarantee you there's a happy life on the other side of that misery. But if you don't do it you'll be thinking like this for the rest of your life.

>> No.15530992

just keep in mind those 3 things:
1) Israel has no right to exist
2) Anxiety takes over as you ignore it, but if you face it and treat it with meds (therapy, natural meds or chemical ones), you can win it, step by step.
3) Anxiety is common in more intelligent people, so at least you're not a brainlet.

>> No.15531003

just to add: EMDR is very effective

>> No.15531032

sad fuck

>> No.15531055

nothings going to change until you detach yourself from your pain. Stop deriving your identity and energy from pain

>> No.15531068

Buy some xanax and weed off tor, escapism is healthy anon

>> No.15531078

no one should ever do xanax its literally retarded and makes food taste gross, niggier tier drug at best

>> No.15531080

I think I'd rather be a gormless chad than an anxious virgin.

>> No.15531099

Look into propranolol and nootropics
See a behavioural therapist in conjunction
Get your testosterone levels checked and join a gym, you may be eligible for TRT.

>> No.15531121

xanax is literally the white rich person's drug of choice, along with coke

>> No.15531134

Take up a door to door sales job. Or canvass for charity door to door. I had this problem with my autism until I did that.

>> No.15531143

OP got scared and left the thread.

>> No.15531156

do 200 pushups a day, every day. And you will be cured In 3 months. But if you miss a day it wont work

>> No.15531170

that sounds like the early parts of schizophrenia. you should try to make an appointment to see someone or ask yr parents to help out. I wasn't as bad as you but still pretty bad and now many years later I hear voices commenting on everything I do and judging me constantly it's annoying as fuck. stop it early

>> No.15531171

Don't listen to these guys. All you have to do is slowly, incrementally do the things that you are afraid of. Despite the nausea, the sweating, the racing thoughts, the heart palpitations, the humiliation you need to try a little bit more each day and build up. You feel this way because you are in an induced psychotic state and are now detached from the reality around you. Probably because you spent to much time avoiding people and staying inside your room on the internet. This has caused you to have irregular responses to natural things such as socializing and other day-to-day activities. Your body has gone unexposed to these situations for such a long time that it now will respond in an unfavorable way because these things are no longer routine for you but new experiences that kick your flight-or-flight system into gear. Think about what causes fear, one of the main causes of fear is unfamiliarity so you need to familiarize yourself with these feelings, bask in them, become comfortable, grow to love them.

Secondarily, you may have an underlying trauma or diet issue that may have caused this so probably mediate on that and face that traumatic event and deconstruct it until it is a joke to you. In terms of diet I would recommend if you are vegan to cut it out and make sure you eat meat and to take fish oil pills, fish oil pills will cure most people ailments, raw eggs are supremely beneficial too as well as raw unpasteurized honey (because of the enzymes in the honey's case and because of the bacteria which will repopulate your gut biome in the egg's case). Hope this helps a bit, if not, fuck you and suck it up pussy.

>> No.15531172

I've done that. It worked.

>> No.15531185


Anon, start doing crunches.
Keep doing them until your belly hurts.

Do it everyday.

After some time, your going to get a six pack.
Tight young bitches will start to smile and talk to you.
After that happens, spend money on nice clothing. Find a good paying job.

>> No.15531197

>just do push-ups bro


>> No.15531199

get off your ass and make a big change. Stay antisocial but move into the woods. Walk out your front door and dont look back.

>> No.15531204

getting a job actually helped me. i was forced to interact with people daily. the first few months were hell, but i slowly became more comfortable around people.

>> No.15531218

Yeah basically just fucking leave your room once in a while, it can work wonders. People wonder why there are depressed when they pass their days without going out in the sun, talking to people and instead spending their time staring at a screen.

>> No.15531236
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1.) You're going to have to acknowledge there are going to be times you feel anxious, and that it's normal to feel this way
2.) Find some simple breathing techniques you can use when you're in a pinch (wim hof breathing for example)
3.) Learn to meditate. This is a long game technique and you won't see results for a few months but it can help you learn how to manage and accept anxious thoughts
4.) Exercise/Diet. You can lift weights without leaving the house. There is a plethora of useful information on /fit/ on how to lift correctly and what foods you should eat to stay clear headed and put on mass
5.) Talk to a doctor about getting on some anxiety medication. If you don't have insurance/doctor you can buy over the counter grey market "vitamins" like phenibut or 5-htp (do your own research before blindly taking these, seriously)
6.) Find people to talk to in real life. Go to a college club that you have an interest in, go to the park, go to church (even if you aren't religious). Try to find common ground, make small talk and go from there.

>> No.15531504

Why is biz adv all of a sudden, fuck off to the designated board please

>> No.15531796

vitamin D
3 times per day
two weeks and you will be fine

>> No.15531815

unironically nofap.

>> No.15531821

stop smoking meth.

>> No.15531845

it's kind of flattering. seems that people think we have good judgement. which is hilarious given the current state of crypto. but we shouldn't encourage these kinds of threads so


>> No.15531887

You have social anxiety. Here's a tip: the more you hide, the harder it becomes to socialize. You need to force yourself to get out and talk to people. You need to acquire some social skills in order to become more confident. There's no other way. I used to be like you, I was a shut in afraid of everyone until I turned 20. You can get out of this situation. Just go out and talk to people, develop your social skills.

>> No.15532030

>if you are vegan to cut it out and make sure you eat meat and ...
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.15532045

Join the military

>> No.15532073

^ This. It killed whatever anxiety I had back in the day. You will meet good people, anon and you will see people uglier than you.

>> No.15532076

when would they even see it? when he takes his shirt off in walmart?

>> No.15532091

Don’t do this op. Joining the military is becoming a zogbot for isreal. One of the worst possible things you can do.

>> No.15532092

>How can I become normal?
You need to put yourself out there. Force yourself into situations that would make you uncomfortable.
Making small talk with someone at a register
Asking someone for directions
small things like that. The first month will be rather difficult, but it begins to get much easier after that.

Continue progressing. These uncomfortable situations get easier over time.

You sound like a lost boy, but not yet lost. You lift, and that's a big step towards self improvement. Use this as a guideline in how you should be progressing in other areas of your life.

>> No.15532181

You are probably better in many ways than them. They should fear you. Remeber that.

>> No.15532199

I was there to, I started the way out by buying my groceries daily and not bulk buying for weeks.

>> No.15532211

Yes, be a good goy and don't learn any things you could use against them later

>> No.15532219

Learn a martial art, boxing/wrestling

>> No.15532226


Unironically sounds like avoidant personality disorder.

Search for anxiety cures on youtube.

>> No.15532294

I know it sounds counter intuitive but the more you go out and do things the easier it is. The way you imagine a situation to transpire is rarely how it actually goes down. You will feel better with each interaction.

>> No.15532325

are you me lmao please kill me

>> No.15532346

Use 4chan more.

>> No.15533174
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>> No.15533351

Therapy is a complete scam, OP needs drugs. Particularly ones that treat social anxiety disorder.

>> No.15533389

shrooms lsd dmt, if you're a pussy microdes them in small quantities i was just like you before i got psychadelics, only time i spent crypto

>> No.15533430

read books about behaviourism

>> No.15533456

>I’m afraid of everyone
what helped me is to not think too much into interactions before and after
most of it is not even that bad, just spooks in your head
learn to not take what people think about you too seriously
very rarely truly bad things happen, dont concentrate too much on the bad aspects
no unrealistic expectations either
then your apathy will fade away and if you were "lazy" the "laziness" that stemmed from depression and apathy will vanish
fuck off retarded narrow minded boomer without foresight
some people have it very different than others, its retarded to think that everybody has it the same in life
wont help in his particular situation, they will just jew him more
until there is a very precise brain therapy nothing from them will help
back then theyd even lobotomize persons like him, not helpful

>> No.15533529

you are afraid of yourself

>> No.15533543

pics or larp

>> No.15533549

your post says way more about your own fears and internal dialogues than the OPS

>> No.15533555
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>> No.15533580

Our bodies need sunlight to produce vitamin D which affects your mentality. This is why they say people are more depressed that love in areas where it rains a lot, like Seattle and why people are generally happy in California even though this place is going down the drain

>> No.15533593

>I’m afraid of my mom and dad, my siblings, strangers, calling people on the phone, I’m afraid of everyone. I start to sweat and get nauseous if I have to do something as simple as send an email. I hide in my room until no one is around so I can leave and go eat something.

You are right to be afraid. In fact people are even worse than you imagine

>> No.15533601

>Therapy is a complete scam
an e en bigger scam

Maybe OP is just actually right to be afraid of people and avoid them?

>> No.15533606

>why people are generally happy in California

they are all on ssris and cocaine anon to numb the panic from insane personal debt and fraud
sorry to explain it to you

>> No.15533613
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>> No.15533623




You are responding correctly to overcrowding in an urban setting.

>> No.15533631
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Having sex without love is meaningsless. He could spend that time eating a Bigmac instead and would have a better time then having sex with a thot who has a fungus or smth.
Fuck you

>> No.15533642

Aside from the meme that every solider is a zog bot, the military can really help some people find their way in life.

>> No.15533644

I can very much relate to this, I did exactly the same things as you described. Honestly I'm still the same in most ways. I started living in my own, which greatly reduced my stress levels (but yeah it's avoiding the issue). But I definitely improved in some ways. I started a PhD which involved teaching (for a class of ~20 students, just one or two hours a week, for 3 years) and occasionally giving talks at conferences. When I started teaching my face would turn red and my voice would tremble for most of the class and sometimes my eyes would fill up with tears which I would try to hold back. Fucking embarrassing but true. I was like that for all of my first semester and much of the second. It very slowly improved. By my third year (again just one or two hours a week) I would barely get nervous at all. Although I still absolutely hate teaching and don't feel comfortable doing it at all, I just became numb to it.

Others have given good advice so I won't repeat it. I'd say try and structure your life in a way that forces you to tackle your issues, e.g. having a job. That way you don't need to use your willpower as much (you probably have almost none). If I joined Toastmasters I probably would have just quit after a week, but the PhD forced me to keep doing stuff every week.

>> No.15533650
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>> No.15533691

I was sort of like that for a while too. I have pretty intense anxiety but i muscled thru college and now im in my last semester. I became a bit more sociable on the way. Something that helps me is 5htp and nootropics, im on oxiracetam and aniracetam daily and feel the best i've ever felt desu senpai. I'm still pretty weird and have a hard time forming relationships with other people but i'm fully functional and so far have been successful, and on my way to becoming very successful. It's all mental.

>> No.15533762



>> No.15533771

If OP still here consider taking a cashier job

That's what ended my cringy pointless social anxiety

It will force you out of your comfort zone and you are forced to talk to people

It really does work

But we all know OP is too much of a faggot pussy to do it

>> No.15533780


>> No.15533782
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One post with OP ID

You are the faggot. As are we all.

>> No.15533792


>> No.15533796

>How can I become normal?
unironically try some inhibiting drugs, like cocaine.

>> No.15533797


>> No.15533798


>> No.15533804

I learned to hate certain groups of people doing this. I'd rather never face the public again thank you very much.
If you still live with your parents though, move out. I can't explain exactly what it is, but moving out was the best thing for me. Everyone said I was more confident when I came back home, idk, I wouldn't have thought it would change so much, but it did.

>> No.15533806
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I'm not watching that shit??

>> No.15533818

>I'm not watching that shit??

Then fuck of you brainless little spastic. If you know nothing you have nothing to say. You are expendable, worthless..

>> No.15533833


>> No.15534400

social anxiety is living a self-involved semi-narcissistic life. sorry to tell you, but you are not very important relative to the perspective of the universe. so, you are caring about what others think, but please take into consideration you are just one guy out of 7.8 billion. then there are billions of other planets where NEETS are hanging around. you're just one of them. you're not very important. no one really cares. and that realization can give you freedom, and live your true authentic self. everyone is rooting for you to be you, however fucked up or 'weird' that is. you probably have something you like, then act on that, find people who also love that weird stuff.
if you sit a day longer in your room, you will eventually KYS. humans need human interaction. internet is interaction, it gives the illusion of interaction.
anyway, change your behavior, or you're doomed. what haven't you done until now because of anxiety? do that now, but take baby steps.

>> No.15534655

Why would you care for others opinions? you are a prisioner of your own mind, jsut try to slowly break the cell.

>> No.15534769

and you think ignoring everyone else's opinion and only loving yourself isn't narcissistic?

>> No.15534782
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1 post by this id

>> No.15535175

Anon, at least you are self-aware of your flaws. Don't be such a fucking pussy and work on fixing them.

>Read books
>Go to cognitive behavioural therapy
>microdose LSD
>Start running

Try and find a vice to deal with your anxieties. Just avoid alcohol because it will make it worse.

>> No.15535199

Anon, at least you are self-aware of your flaws. Don't be such a fucking pussy and work on fixing them.

>Read books
>Go to cognitive behavioural therapy
>microdose LSD
>Start running

Try and find a vice to deal with your anxieties. Just avoid alcohol because it will make it worse.

>> No.15535297
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1. if you have or if your mother had, leading up to your birth, "silver" fillings/dental amalgam fillings, buy emeramide (NOT from medkoo; i know that fandachem's sold me real stuff), take no less than 300mg daily. buy and take emeramide all the same if you were HARD vaccinated as a kid.
2. buy noopept (nootropicsdepot sells high-quality, cheap containers that'll last you well over a year). this stuff will help you in conversations so that you can learn how to be confident.
3. lift
4. make concise (5 minutes or under) spoken diaries that recount recent events and your plans each and every day; practice fluidity. set goals for yourself.
5. realize that there is nothing that you can't change to your will. you must seriously, fundamentally understand this; if damage can be done, it can be undone. the circumstances leading up to your birth practically guarantee that you can be a desirable partner to someone, from a genetic standpoint. take pictures of yourself now, and continue taking pictures each month.

>> No.15535516

It could help, but giving this as general advice is retarded.

>> No.15535520

get on SNRIs