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15296116 No.15296116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently lying in bed at 8.30 am at the age of 28. I'm NEET but I will start a good job in a few months. I feel so sad because I have felt like a passenger in life and I feel so purposeless.

I did great at school. I went to university and did a degree I had no interest in. Initially I got very good grades but my motivation dropped off a cliff. I still graduated with an acceptable grade. I then was NEET without claiming NEETbux. I then worked as a part time wagie while applying for graduate jobs. This went on for a long while and was demoralising. Then I had an ok office job, then a gap which included more retailcuckery, then a better office job. Now I'm in a gap and will have a great office job soon (in terms of my CV). All these office jobs are in London and are slightly prestigious but zero-skill and brainless.

I spent my youth playing a lot of vidya. I became bored with that at 19 (though the magic had gone by the PS3 era). I was becoming crushingly demoralised due to being an ugly loser nofriends loner at university. I tried to fill the void by watching movies (which didn't work) and reading novels (which was ok for a few years). I found 4chan at around the age of 20, which was a huge relief because the previous forums I had browsed were filled with normies (I couldn't articulate this to myself at the time). I started lifting weights as well but sadly I'm not stupid enough for this to give me meaning. I almost dropped out of university due to my sadness. In my second year of university I started procrastinating intensely.

I became r9kpilled and later incel blackpilled when ER became famous. After these, I felt like filters had been removed from my sight. My prior discontent made much more sense. In my last few years at university I had started failing large amounts of internship and graduate interviews and I wouldn't pass any until well after I graduated.

>> No.15296119

Stirner and common sense let me see the arbitrariness of all philosophical axioms, so I can't convince myself to believe in anything.

I'm so sad at my lost youth. I haven't had friends or social experiences since school. I am everythingless with women and I've never been to a pub, club, or party. At all my jobs I instantly become the ugly loser nobody talks to. I waste all my savings on junk food binges and coffee. My habit of wasting all my free time on the internet started and intensified since I graduated. I can't make myself do anything productive in my free time.

I feel nostalgia for mundane days at university and various mundane events in my life and the weather at the time etc.

I had a full time job in London that miraculously required no work or time at the office and I never did anything productive with my time or enjoyed myself. I would just mope. I still walk around London while hoping my 20s spontaneously stop feeling wasted but my feelings have definitely decreased in magnitude. I am simply jaded.

I am unironically jealous of young people for their youth. All I have left is a few years of my 20s. After that I will have nothing.

>> No.15296124

Just buy chainlink it will give u purpose

>> No.15296169

Nice blogpost you dork

>> No.15296192

Why are bongs such drama queens?

>> No.15296213

Please stop londonfrog

>> No.15296225

I feel like this once I take a holiday off work and felt like that before I started my work

I am a resident psychiatrist and even though once I get back to the work I literally can only focus on that and it keeps my consciousness from wandering to the heights you mentioned and we all are familiar with. I don't know why is it like that.

You have to get better job, I don't know what else to say to you.

>> No.15296237

you’re 28 and you’re jealous of youth? you’re insane breh, do whatever it takes to become productive, stop visiting woe is me faggoty r9k that shit rots your brain. i visited there for a time and i could feel myself getting wore down by those toxic thought patterns - they’re pathetic. van gogh began to learn to paint at age 28 go fucking do something

>> No.15296252

Lol what a faggot

>> No.15296253

He also killed himself

>> No.15296265

That was the point. Paint and then kys faggot

>> No.15296272

I feel you bro.

It’s 5:11AM and I’m lying in bed awake coming down on an acid trip. I’m 24 turning 25 soon and I feel the youth slipping away... nothing like hanging out with my boys to give me a dose of reality. Bro I’m telling you, you need to disconnect from vidya. It’s gunna be hard and you’ll be bored a lot but seriously the more you go outside the better. You treat your time differently and have a different perspective on things. My buddy got shredded in a year so if you start now you can ATLEAST get to lmao 1,2,3,4 plate by the time you hit thirty.

Bro whatever you do treat yourself right or else you’ll look like some of these American fuckin burgers walking around and with your type of mindset when you hit 50 you WILL be depressed af with yourself on how you look back on your potential and you stare down just a glob of the path to least resistance in the mirror.

I get it senpai, I didn’t ask to be born yet either. But fuck if you plan to have kids, please be a good father and love your kids is the best advice I can tell you.

>> No.15296354

Bro, I’m literally in the same shoes as you. I microdosed today a have been feeling like that a lot lately. Acids been helping a lot with productivity frfr

>> No.15296384
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i neeted most of my 20s away. moved back in with my parents for 2 years (which felt like 2 months it went that quick) and felt like my brain rotted away completely. i still havent recovered. now im a wagie that makes those NEET threads you see everywhere on sunday afternoons / nights (US time of course).

>> No.15296388

breh you should really get a shrink so you dont have to shit up biz with your blogposts. youre posting this shit on lit too and probably other boards.

>> No.15296390
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Luv me coffe
Luv me fas food
Luv biz
Luv me park
Luv me contemplation

Ate me self
Ate Livejouenal
Ate self control
Ate work
Ate change
Ate ngubu
Ate listening to advice

Simple as

>> No.15296400

based and norfpilled

>> No.15296426

Get a home gym and get /fit/
Lift all your feels away

>> No.15296427
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>Having friends

Normie pls

What did you see on your acid trip?

>> No.15296435

low t
no activity or spending time outside

>> No.15296456

I haven’t done acid in 4 years. Ironically unironically I quit smoking weed since dosing my first time 3 months ago.

I seriously want to see a psychiatrist while on a mild trip. I really feel it could help my mental cognition talking to a professional who really knows what they are doing.

As of late I’ve been doing acid wrong, I’ve been hanging out with dudes going to raves or going on boats and shit when really I feel I should be just laying in bed holding my wife and getting deep.

I swear to god acid is a miracle drug if you use it correctly.

>> No.15296470

I'm currently 19 and am spending this year as a NEET. I told my mom I was taking this year as a break and then start doing something next year, when in reality this entire time I've been trading crypto and accumulating as much as I possibly can. I've never had alcohol, or done drugs, and I always try to get 8 hours of sleep every night. I struggled through high school and think I might have mild ADHD (or something similar).

I desire a quiet life where I can live mostly undisturbed by others. I think it is important to have self control and be somewhat disciplined so that one can keep themselves in check and not rot away as the years pass. I do not see a woman being interested in me or a relationship working well because of the sort of person that I am, but I have long since accepted this and am fine with being alone. Though, I wish I had friends that I had a true connection with, but I wonder if this is really something that can be obtained.

I went through abuse as a child and I think I had a bit of a troubled childhood as a whole (was taken away by child protective services at one point) but these experiences have formed who I am today, and while they may have negatively affected me in ways, I would never wish to change my childhood. I'm feeling pretty fucking good right now.

>> No.15296482


Also your lack of motivation comes probably from a depression you should treat

>> No.15296485


>Not arbing
>Not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
>Not shorting OKeX
>Wonder why you're poor
Feeling cute, might delete later

>> No.15296492


>> No.15296496


Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.15296498

dropped a hard eth

>> No.15296503

Thanks desu

>> No.15296512

Buy bitcoin and accumulate as much eth as possible before 2020
Nice gem

>> No.15296525

Sounds like cope. You have to find a way instead of just doing nothing. Some people have it much worse than you but still keep going everyday so get it together

>> No.15296569

>I did great at school. I went to university and did a degree I had no interest in. Initially I got very good grades but my motivation dropped off a cliff. I still graduated with an acceptable grade. I then was NEET without claiming NEETbux. I then worked as a part time wagie while applying for graduate jobs. This went on for a long while and was demoralising. Then I had an ok office job, then a gap which included more retailcuckery, then a better office job. Now I'm in a gap and will have a great office job soon (in terms of my CV). All these office jobs are in London and are slightly prestigious but zero-skill and brainless


>> No.15296622

It feels like I have written this, my condition is worse tho.
I am a couple of years older than you, no job, just a bachelor degree that will give me nothing, my mother is dying of cancer and it feels like a relief(she have always been an abusive piece of shit that loved to humiliate, beat and isolate those upon which she had Power, even now that she is dying she is toxic), my father is old and fragile, my granpa is dying, my grandma is dying, thanks to ma I have no parents and no friends, no future ahead, not a chance of part time jobs here in the middle of nowhere, live outside the town so I barely speak with anybody.
All my 20's i have been alone, I can count on my hands the number of times I went somewhere.
Life ain't fair guys. I still remember in elementary school the day when I discovered that other parents watched cartoons with their sons, how envious I was.

I am trying to finish my master but
I have no more energy and no will left, this life was fucked since I was a child.

>> No.15296733

>shilling to people who spend enough time on here to see these posts frequently enough to realize it's a shill
nice touch with the bullshit normie advice though, lmfao

>> No.15296738

stay poor ranjesh

>> No.15296754

fren you unironically have the best years of your life ahead of you. you didn't waste your life, you conditioned yourself to accept mediocrity. that's not terrible, it means if you find your passions and experience things you want to experience now, you will truly enjoy them and not take them for granted. use everything that has happened so far to motivate you at your young age to make a change. maybe try reading "the subtle art of not giving a fuck", it helped me immensely thru similar struggles

>> No.15296830
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reading this thread as a 19yo britbong makes me want to try extra hard not to end up a loser like you

>> No.15296849

it's the only thing that doesn't require a license

>> No.15296863

How did people like us even existed before the internet allowed to congregate here

>> No.15296880

pls dont come to this board ever again, thx

>> No.15296900

Chads, brads, Stacies and alotttttt of water.

White people know what’s up. In order to get to this white person oasis you need a boat. Can’t get here by car.

If you really hate niggers find white people with money. Niggers can’t swim

Pic very related my guy, this mornings view

Edit: only problem is there’s no internet here so I can’t upload the pic, so sorry tubmlr I can’t verify my shit

>> No.15296934

anon, i was there, everything changed with the new job

it’s gonna be great, and i wish you the best of luck. we’re all gonna make it fren

>> No.15297216


>> No.15297374

30's are fun. you sound like a little bitch. go sit on a beach in SEA and eat awesome food for a while and stop being a euro-trash pussy.

>> No.15297399

Same here bro.
Apart frm neetbux since they are limited only for 6 months for every 2 years of wagecucking.
Almost kys'd. My fault is being 5ft9 manlet+intp.. That alone disqualifies me from the dating market which is meant for top 20% of chads/normies.
I even look good, muh dick is big and earn well above average w vice-boss status at work.
I'd recommend
> biz
> fit
> diy
Get fit, boost test. Acquire shekels for a land. Build a small loghouse just for fun.

Were only here to suffer, but I'm suspicious if you kys that what follows it might be even worse.

>> No.15297437

>Stirner and common sense let me see the arbitrariness of all philosophical axioms, so I can't convince myself to believe in anything
>I started lifting weights as well but sadly I'm not stupid enough for this to give me meaning


>> No.15297807
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What younger men need is a group, not on the internet. Similar to clubs that our great-grandfathers and grandfathers had in their community: elks, lions, ioof, shriners, etc
But updated for modern times, to combat nihilism. A place for men to congregate, speak freely, have meetings. There could be a req room, library (book club to read actual literature) plan outings (camping, community service, events).
A few tenets a modern club would need:
1. Men only
2. No sexual relationships with members
3. anti-drug (booze included)
4. anti-porn
5. anti- social media/giving tinder thots attention
6. Self improvement
Biggest hurdle would be getting people to go for the first time
please add suggestions and ideas

>> No.15297854

Oy vey

>> No.15297874

i disagree with the anti-booze, people have been using booze to socialise for thousands of years and especially if someone in the club has social anziety, a few beers could loosen them up and they will benefit from being more open and friendly to the other ppl in the club.
other than that its a solid idea but i dont think it would take off

>> No.15297908

>A place for men to congregate, speak freely
would literally get shut down for hate speech or some women would sue to be allowed in

>> No.15297950
