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File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, 8B348340-1DB2-468B-9998-86892FA5911D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15202398 No.15202398 [Reply] [Original]


it’s literally super simple. Do what I do
>buy a nice camera, DSLR or mirrorless, with a 24-70mm f/2.8 lens(which is very versatile)
>invest numerous hours looking at YouTube videos on how to take good pictures and make good videos
>acquire Photoshop
>acquire a video editing software, preferably Premiere Pro because of the abundance of tutorials
>start practicing taking photos and videos, utilizing what you have been taught about composition and panning
>upload your good shots to Instagram or some photosharing website
>when you feel confident, see if you can photograph a wedding although offer first ones for free as a “practice” and see the feedback. Once it’s good, you can start charging for the next ones
>start using your funds to travel to countries which have locals that are very eager to see foreigners make video about their countries like Philippines, Vietnam, South America, India(inb4 hurr durr pajeet)
>by this time you should probably consider investing in a 4k drone
>make travel vlogs or “cinematic” videos and upload them to YouTube to get shitton of views and earn plenty of ad revenue
>if your videos are good, you may even receive offers by tourist departments to make promotional videos for them which pays you lot’s of cash
>you may now also do video projects in general that pays you alot
>all this for a capital of no more than $4k

This is literally what I did after I got fired last year.
Well I’m not really a NEET per se, I’m self employed, but I earn between $4-7k a month depending on how much I bother doing. At most I made $12k but that was like 3 video projects and 10 weddings, and it was a little stressing due to deadlines.

Also got 4400 LINK

>> No.15202438

>no money

"Just buy a nice camera, basically become a wedding photographer!" Do you realize what a NEET is, faggot?

i'll stick to accumulating Zuckbucks and hoping this clowntown market will 100x me.

>> No.15202449

>hurrdurr let me spend my NEETbux on some crypto shit
Why not do both faggot
Never gonna make it

>> No.15202456


>> No.15202462

get the fuck out

>> No.15202465

Unironically cool story bro
I would like to try and make money off real estste photography too ( use the drone for areal shots of the property)

>> No.15202477 [DELETED] 


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.15202479

That’s super simple too. Just remember to get a gimbal for smooth shots on the ground. I prefer steadicam style gimbals over electro-servos

>> No.15202483
File: 171 KB, 698x1033, stun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to earn money as a NEET without getting into crypto

It's super fucking simple brainlets
>Find mommy
>Let mommy take care of you

>> No.15202488

Pointing and shooting good pics is not luck. It’s just a matter of effort and experience which themselves doesn’t have to be much.

>> No.15202499
File: 61 KB, 600x738, IMG_5365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't. Crypto is the easiest way.
My recommendation is MITX.
Its hyped on 4chan
Its hyped on Twitter
We'll pump it on Redditfags

10x easy. 5k = 50k

Choose blue or purple, up to you

>> No.15202507

Fuck off with your scam coin

>> No.15202533

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.15202536

thanks anon

>> No.15202539

Dropped a hard eth

>> No.15202541

nice gem desu

>> No.15202544

>it’s literally super simple. Do what I do
>>buy a nice camera, DSLR or mirrorless, with a 24-70mm f/2.8 lens(which is very versatile)
>>invest numerous hours looking at YouTube videos on how to take good pictures and make good videos
>>acquire Photoshop
>>acquire a video editing software, preferably Premiere Pro because of the abundance of tutorials
>>start practicing taking photos and videos, utilizing what you have been taught about composition and panning
>>upload your good shots to Instagram or some photosharing website
>>when you feel confident, see if you can photograph a wedding although offer first ones for free as a “practice” and see the feedback. Once it’s good, you can start charging for the next ones
>>start using your funds to travel to countries which have locals that are very eager to see foreigners make video about their countries like Philippines, Vietnam, South America, India(inb4 hurr durr pajeet)
>>by this time you should probably consider investing in a 4k drone
>>make travel vlogs or “cinematic” videos and upload them to YouTube to get shitton of views and earn plenty of ad revenue
>>if your videos are good, you may even receive offers by tourist departments to make promotional videos for them which pays you lot’s of cash
>>you may now also do video projects in general that pays you alot
>>all this for a capital of no more than $4k

>> No.15202549

Based af nigga

>> No.15202558

Delete this retard.

>> No.15202561

ok retard

>> No.15202565

He is a brainlet

>> No.15202617

Based mitx holder

>> No.15202633

congrats, you're waging

>> No.15202787

not bad actually

>> No.15202805

the only way to earn money as a neet is to become a catfish or tranny and scam incels.

>> No.15202897

This isn't true really. But it is a dog eat dog world and you are being slighted in crypto in some way regardless of an obvious scam or a well disguised bs product which is a scam but just more employees and better marketing. All exchanges are probably "scamming", but there is no regulation so that's just how it is. No point complaining about it. You are here to make money, when you sell ath someone is holding your bags and losing. You are here to take someone else's money. You make money by taking someone else's money. Obviously you can create a good product and give them something they want as well, but sometimes that isn't possible. Most of crypto is scams just well disguised imo, they're creating nothing worthwhile really. Few exceptions but majority is scheme to get you to hand over your money/btc. Where do you go from there desu?

>> No.15203189

Self-employment is still employment you non-neet retard

>> No.15203506

What part of NOT EMPLOYED do you not understand??

>> No.15203514

Fucking terrible meme

>> No.15203644

Holy shit, are you literally implying that to work in any way, even as an entrepreneur, is still waging?

>> No.15203657

Oh fuck I just realized I miss typed the topic. Meant “How to earn money without waging”
Hahhaha :DDDDDD

>> No.15203798

Hahahahhaah wow owned le epic bant my dude truly epic xD

>> No.15203852

Actually going to do this myself next month. Probably look like a 6/10 right now. How do I ensure I don't fail? Looking for real advice (tm). Thank you.

>> No.15203923


>> No.15203943

good advice for anyone starting out

>> No.15203949

The markets full bro
Every man and his dog is a """professional photographer"""

>> No.15203959

>How to earn money as a neet
>spend money
>work for free
>travel for work
Are you legit retarded or what?

>> No.15203967

Sloppy job Mukhbiir

>> No.15203980

If you're really determined to make money with a camera, becoming a dime a dozen "travel vlogger" is not the way unless you're extremely dedicated and willing to put tons of time, money and energy in it to out compete the millions of other people in that niche

One thing you could try is just going out and taking a bunch of stock photos of every day objects and other things, stop signs and flowers and whatever else happens to be around. Things that people might search for by name. Dandelion, apple tree, stop light, whatever. Anyway, take pictures like that and then put them on a bunch of free stock photo sites, and then wait and see if you get any revenue from that.

Your pictures probably have to be really exceptional to actually get people willing to donate to you though

>> No.15203984

So you telling me NEETS should start to learn some skills and offer them on a market?

>> No.15203984,2 [INTERNAL] 

My friend was just looking for this information. Thanks