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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 922x882, 1560563622670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14156028 No.14156028 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me a coin that has the potential to 2-3x within the next 2 weeks /biz/

>> No.14156033

BSV June 18th it’s happening

>> No.14156071

actual bitcoin probably isn't going to 2x but will do better than 90% of shitcoins in the bull run

>> No.14156094


>> No.14156110

ONE oversold rn

>> No.14156115


That like in 3 days, is it really going to 2x?

>> No.14156117


>> No.14156129


>> No.14156508


Isnt that literally a scam?

>> No.14156919

Before the end of the month I'd expect EQL to 2x at least, it's getting listed on DEX July 4th and currently has a stupid low mcap

>> No.14156934



>> No.14156936

That is all

>> No.14156954

VID-T, most likely EQL with it being added to Binance DEX and the extremely low market cap, and NKN because mainnet + another exchange listing soon. ONE possibly because it will pump before mainnet but probably not even 2x at most

>> No.14156960


What does it do? Also what exchange can I buy it in?

>> No.14156966

Matic sir

>> No.14156971

COSS, after the merger COS, it will moon hard

>> No.14156975


>> No.14156976

There are many considering how rekt the alts are. But maybe it would be wiser to wait and see how BTC moves before buying the "dip" because they may just dip even further. And then this will be a blessed time to buy shitcoins.

>> No.14157008

Harmony (One)

CZ will pump this to high heaven

>> No.14157036


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OK

>> No.14157078

get in at IDEX, need ETH in a wallet to trade on IDEX

More than anything it makes using Dapps and shit super fucking simple like an app, currently they have a chrome webstore app and it's boomer level simple to use.

>> No.14157134
File: 10 KB, 400x400, Qc7oWMOE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest answer all day


Screenshot this

t. Based anon

>> No.14157160

Has to be some extremely low cap coin. 0xbtc has bottomed out but the volume is artificially pumped, then again so is probably all of crypto. Eth is somewhat lagging behind and should have potential to grow this month - and 0xbtc should get more attention if we see eth perform well. This is the only lowcap i hold, but others might have better alternatives for you. With those parameters I would ignore any coin with MC more than 10 mill.

>> No.14157206

i hold a shit ton of 0xbitcoin and i think it will make me rich but it doesn't seem like a good choice for something amazing to happen in two weeks.

>> No.14157295


Where buy Harmony fren

>> No.14157301


>> No.14157307

Link and BTC prob

>> No.14157314

Are you this new?

>> No.14157322


>> No.14157655


Yea fren

>> No.14157690


>> No.14157696

VIDT and EQL for high risk high reward, LINK for potential long-term moon. All in those 3 and don’t look back. srsly, ignore every pajeet shill in this bread and just go in on those.

>> No.14157699

and ftm has a 50% chance to

>> No.14157701

I have been keeping up to date with these shitcoins made nice gains on lit vidt quant.

Right now I will tell you the only coin that hasn't had this good run like the others is SNTVT sentivate. Crypto chico is going to be making a video on this any day now, they posted a picture in miami yesterday saying it has rain and thunder so shoot was postponed

Anyways do a little rewaerch look at price look at twitter and you should buy

Also there is a guy that has been revealed to be getting paid to fud sntvt, I'm telling you this is a 2x very soon if you get in bellow 700 gwei

>> No.14157707


Should I cop a staclet of stacy? Never heard or this shitcoin

>> No.14157854

RSR and possibly LINK

>> No.14158105


>> No.14158120

This guy knows

>> No.14158207

2 weeks? Any answer is merely talking out the ass. 6 months? Xlm unironically. With new government oversights, its likally to be adopted mainstream due to similarities with fiat and actually promotes a healthy market and not just some stupid get rich quick scheme shitcoin

>> No.14158259

Stop supporting terrosism and chink crime organizations by buying cryptotscams and invest in your own country by buying stocks like a real for once in your life. You wouldnt know what to do with all that proven product and chart history anyways, fucking degens

>> No.14158269

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.14158276

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.14158277
File: 130 KB, 960x540, IMG_20190611_232346_162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unibright - presenting next week with digital asset holdings to many banks and financial people

>> No.14158288

Nice arb thx desu

>> No.14158303
File: 43 KB, 767x574, Electroneum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electroneum is insanely cheap right now at $0.005278 USD, and by the end of the year it's gonna reach $10

>> No.14158312


>> No.14158371


Yikes, expecting turds to fall for this fake "TRUE".

The cone he shared is called TrueChain and not TRUE. get this fake shit out of here you jew

>> No.14158405

i though that at too first its legit

>> No.14158461

Nice gem anon