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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11782018 No.11782018 [Reply] [Original]

I am dying (medical condition born with it)

I gave about $3 million in BTC to a fellow rich-fag who's opening a NEET rehab centre.

Its better to give money to rich people who will do good for humanity instead of some autists who will spend money on Lambos and sex dolls

>inb4 larp

just google 1F6QbkhGwqDLrws6ijdDpCWwPhJVtGF52b and you will see its from 6 months ago. i donated to the owner..different address tho

>> No.11782031

this guy


>> No.11782035

what medical condition?

>> No.11782040


>> No.11782068

sign ur message with ur privkey, else it's larp

>> No.11782079

if i do so you will say its a shoop or edit

>> No.11782080

Would you be able to donate a small amount to me? like any amount you choose.

>> No.11782092

why the fuck not?

>> No.11782093

Not how it works. If we have a tx (and thus ur pubkey), if you sign anything with a private key, we can see if you truly own that account. This is public-private cryptography and can't be "shooped".

>> No.11782099

you cant shop a signature... can sign and verify on electrum/ledger/trezor etc. under "tools -> sign/verify"

oh fugg. it cant be cured?

>> No.11782100

I wouldn't spend it on Lambos or sexdolls either. I'm happy with my car and I'd only use the money to invest and if I made some good profit i'd put it to good use.

>> No.11782102
File: 206 KB, 768x960, 45798258_2192053711034292_7967520760530993152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that sucks man, life just deals some fucking bullshit cards sometimes. Top lad though for donating to something to hopefully help people, I guess it's better than allowing the wallet to become lost in the future. Maybe if have any left over than maybe arrange something with your local library to help keep them running, or a program to help kids read? Again my condolences OP

>> No.11782116

Here's my BTC wallet address


thanks alot dude

>> No.11782126

I'm sorry man :/ will you ride it out to the end or assisted an hero before it gets too bad?

>> No.11782127

Or maybe someone who wants to start a family but doesnt have the financial means to? would appreciate any help, i'll say a prayer for you regardless though, Godspeed.

>> No.11782162

I don't want anything from you, but I'm sorry you gotta go through this. We all die one day buddy, noone will escape this, while yours will come sooner perhaps it is a blessing to die young. I hope it goes peaceful for you.

>> No.11782186
File: 186 KB, 1980x1080, 1472314889527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up my posts on a /biz/ archive, and a /pol/ archive; just search "emeramide" and, like, 80% of the posts that come up will be mine.

Be careful when buying emeramide online; there are fakes on the (very limited) market, with at least some of them being easily identifiable by their inability to dissolve in DMSO. Take large doses of 300mg-500mg daily.
You might live in a country where getting emeramide from the chemical's actual pioneering company—Emeramed—is easy. Look at the early access page on Emeramed's website.
Godspeed, anon. I'd type more, but I'm quite busy at the moment.

>> No.11782195

>I gave about $3 million in BTC to a fellow rich-fag who's opening a NEET rehab centre.
it’s going to be worth $3.00 before you die

>> No.11782199

I don't care.

>> No.11782217

Post all your research links man.

>> No.11782260

I just realised it's what Hal Finney died of

>> No.11782453

If its not a larp I envy you. Am not sick of anything so I probably still have a ways to go.
If you still have any left here's me 1M1pPycPwHtz7B2VTqsvzrUXu37BwAFyzo

Hope you find something nice on the other side. Godspeed op

>> No.11782529
File: 59 KB, 743x418, 1538872322761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We apreciate your donation, we neets need eachother

>> No.11782584

Godspeed OP
Donating to /biz/ today would be a mistake anyway, you'd have at least a 50% chance of landing on a linkie or cashie
Glad you're not letting your coins go to waste in oblivion

>> No.11782591

Can I have some too, please?

I'm being hypocritical here (know cause begging for money from a dying man), but it's pretty shitty to shill alternative medicine to people with thermal illnesses. Fuck you dude. I hope you burn in hell.

>> No.11782695

I hope all of you gypsy shitskins get banned due to begging.

>> No.11782715

Will you try gay sex before you close the coffin?

>> No.11782743

>I gave about $3 million in BTC to a fellow rich-fag who's opening a NEET rehab centre.
>NEET rehab centre
m8, NEETs just need to learn the value of work. I was a NEET for a while, but at least I didn't waste my time watching chinese cartoons or whatever the fuck, I keep learning stuff.
could have donated to some research foundation that cares about ALS instead...

>> No.11782896

Sorry dude, that's a shitty disease to have. And that ice bucket challenge to raise awareness was cancer.

If you want to help a NEET rehab his education, that would be awesome. Either way, hope you find some happiness with your time left.

>> No.11782952


I hear if you dump ice water on your head, it cures you.

>> No.11783010

Working family fag here.

I wish your family the best. I hope you go in a comfortable setting with your favorite things around you. Shit sucks bro.

I'm stuck in a job i hate on 3rd shift because there is nothing where i am that pays as well. My relationship with my wife is slowly eroding and i work about 6 days a week.

I may not be rich but i understand the value of money. If you want to give, thats great. If you don't then its whatever.

>> No.11783894

I don't think he's going to donate anything. He must have died soon after he made the thread.

RIP OP. Press F to pay respects.

>> No.11784077

Don't worry OP its gonna be OK. If you are religious the best thing to do is to try and find christ. I wish you ease and mercy on your last days. May the lord forgive all your sins.

Godspeed anon,

>> No.11784124
File: 46 KB, 409x409, 1513097033604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the biggest fucking larp of a threasd Ive ever seen

>haha yeah I have ALS
>Neet Rehab
>post your address, why the fuck not

Congrats on this to anyone about to get banned for posting their address, top kek

>> No.11784131

Hal Finney 'died' (got frozen) of ALS. You're in good company, fren. Enjoy what's left.