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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.68 MB, 1542x1288, 8964e8dddd57e0a551113f44b2100b06fbdebb3299adbf5208e745e637e9f2fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11587219 No.11587219 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to the massive amount of electricity needed to mine cryptocurrency, adopting bitcoin on a society-wide basis could raise global temperatures by two degrees Celsius in just 15 years, according to a new study.

>> No.11587244

can I short Earth on Bitmex?

>> No.11587248

who cares, its probably fake ews anyways
fuck RT- isnt this the russian jew channel

>> No.11587253

i dont give a shit nigger. financial banking jew system uses more energy.

thats the price we pay for decentralization. im riding this baby until the hashrate kills this fucking planet and the jews can do nothing about it

>> No.11587258

/biz/ will be rich enough to survive. No problem here.

>> No.11587272

Fortunately the US government don't believe in global warming so we are okay with that. Illuminatis are just creating FUD in order keep us away from something they can't control. Think about electric cars for instance, surely this won't affect the production of electricity. Complete FUD. HODL!

>> No.11587283

If it were really becoming a big problem things can be changed with a fork

>> No.11587289



>> No.11587295
File: 84 KB, 432x520, 1537137806202(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 4 degrees
who gives a fuck
the earth will be fine
it'll be humanity who gets fucked, and that's fine with me
let it burn

>> No.11587323

More warmth means more food too
No more famines

>> No.11587352
File: 26 KB, 354x209, terror+is+justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never for a second doubted that between /pol/ and /biz/ the latter was the truly psychopathic bunch. Let's take a look, shall we?
While /pol/ is joking about exterminating around one third of the human population, /biz/ is joking about the death of the entirety of the human race nonchalantly.
While /pol/ is using the "fake news" catchphrase to defend its infantile fantasy of "God Emperor Trump," /biz/ uses it as a fuel to go on disregarding the irreparable damage that will lead us to our doom.
This learned gentleman here opines: "I don't care if we all have to die so far as I have accumulated enough virtual bucks."
This learned gentleman seriously believes that he will be on the shuttle on route to Mars, sitting right next to his hero, Elon Musk, while it is obvious that he will never ever amass as much wealth to even come close to the top 7% of richest men alive.
This gentleman doesn't seem to know how electricity is produced and what effect it has on the environment. Who gives a darn, anyway? We are here to make money! MONEY, WOO!
This here fine person bought into the individualist ideology of the market to such a degree that he began imagining himself as not being part of the human race.
This specimen doesn't realize how the climate catastrophe will totally destroy modern agriculture. To be blunt: he thinks you can sow and reap on the surface of Venus.

>> No.11587369

Water vapour is the biggest contributor to climate change. It being caused by humans is a scam so companies are charged carbon emissions tax


No, they are being lied to themselves and are provided with falsified data to conduct their research

>> No.11587380
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no I just want to watch the world burn
all of humanity is a scourge, including me
and you, of course
>he thinks we can fix the climate catastrophe

>> No.11587406
File: 131 KB, 459x448, 1491086263214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my house is in the red zone!

>> No.11587410

>he thinks we'll go full Venus

>> No.11587444

It is an actual possibility, yes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runaway_climate_change

>I'm a psychopath and proud
You sure owned them libs epic style.

>> No.11587449

Venus is a wondering star

>> No.11587457

>he thinks the literal worst case scenario is probable
Extremes dont happen in the real world

>> No.11587458

who gives a fuck? we are all going to be rich living in New Zealand with the rest of the cunts who ruined this planet while everyone else fries.

>> No.11587462

>what is clean energy?
>what is the amount of electricity needed to run the current financial system?

>> No.11587479
File: 23 KB, 736x414, d5561e9961795a066206143da21990cd--facepalm-gif-star-trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are all going to be rich
That's not how capitalism works.

>> No.11587486

>While /pol/ is joking about exterminating around one third of the human population, /biz/ is joking about the death of the entirety of the human race nonchalantly.
>this retard thinks this makes psychopathic "holier than thou" /pol/ any better
>he thinks he is going to make it

>> No.11587550

>Extremes dont happen in the real world
you should work for fema in their planning department

>> No.11587569


it’s been debunked already so congrats for falling for fake news. but regardless you need to leave, tree hugging s o y b o y

>> No.11587580
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>falling this hard for pol bait

>> No.11587584

didn't see this guy at first wow. You're like someone who's been raised by TV. We all were to some extent, it's just a fact of modern living, but you don't seem to have a single independent thought in your head. You know we're past the point of dealing with climate change right? the best we do now is cope with the effects of it and try to save as many lives as possible. You should know as well as i do that millions of people will die on account of recklessness, just focus on yourself and stop worrying.

>> No.11587697

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd realize that some of these responses are tongue in cheek. The ominous music should have been a hint.

>> No.11587776

>there are people here who believe their knowledge from skimming over climate change deniers’ blogposts are more creditable than scientists who dedicated their lives to studying this shit.

>> No.11587821
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A nuclear war would be the best thing to happen to this sh*thole of a planet. At least we wouldn't need to worry about spending money on streetlights anymore. Or thrid world retards

>> No.11588092
File: 204 KB, 500x750, 8UcmgJlh09frmg7lf55LbGqrOhemURSpmvCIha62PYQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he will never ever amass as much wealth to even come close to the top 7% of richest men alive.

Being living as a citizen of the United States puts you somewhere around the top 1% of the world by income. Living in Silicon Valley would put you approximately about the 1% of that 1%. It isn't some crazy feat to be one of the top 7% wealthiest people in the world.


You're pretty full of yourself while you spew around false statements and subjectivity.. Go take a humble pill..

>> No.11588102

don't worry fat sissy first world faggots. siberia has a looot of space to accommodate you. you just have to pay the small price of working my plantation 24/7

>> No.11588105

there's a difference between wealth and income

>> No.11588109

i see their not content to use muh enviroment as a cassus belli to wage direct economic warfare on their citizens, now the chatham house wants to use it to attack competitors to their financial system.

its all so tiring

>> No.11588122

>doesn't seem to know how electricity is produced and what effect it has on the environment

chances are you live under a nuclear powerplant if your from the US not some chink ork coal plant you fucking retard

>> No.11588137

>green in western Australia


>> No.11588240

Down here in the south west it is actually quite green.

>> No.11588466

>all of the population migrating to that green little spot

>> No.11588598

I have never seen so much delusion in 6 posts.
I can't believe that that person might be allowed to drive a car, or even worse, drive a bus full of people.

Do you really, truly think, that your pipedream of an ideology would work? Do you REALLY think that it won't be you who will be put against a wall, meanwhile all rich oligarchs simply still survive, like in Russia? Like in China?

Useful idiot.

>> No.11588673

Currently we're on track for +3 degrees by 2050. That will cause famines and water shortages for hundreds of millions of people. Also many places will become inhabitable, also accelerating migrations. This of course will cause wars and totalitarian regimes all over the world and probably world war 3 as well.

>> No.11588686

Who else moving to Antarctica when it all melts? I'm betting the glaciers accumulated a shit ton of natural resources underneath.

>> No.11588729

Except of crypto does take control, whatever autist that becomes the richest man on earth is probably going to take things up a notch and build a solar powered quantum computer thats free floating in space to distance himself even further from the peons here on earth.

>> No.11588750

Jesuschrist BASED

>> No.11588754

who gives a fuck. even if muh global warming is real chinks nigs and poo in loos arent going to curb their emissions and accelerate the decline. You think im going to inhibit my quality of life for third world savages? fuck off

>> No.11588766

Wouldn't be the least surprised. Most big miners moved ages ago to China after that cheap coal-fired electricity. Hell, CCP stooges have raided people for it.

>> No.11588827
File: 54 KB, 600x334, Watching_it_burn_pepe_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing we can do anyway, their will be 9b people in 2040 and 10b in 2050. this is a far bigger problem then bitcoin. also the calculation is done by a retard who thinks that when bitcoin transaction doubles also the electricity doubles.

>> No.11588885

[One word insult dismissing your claim as ridiculous and unworthy of reply, all to cover up the fact I have no argument.]

>> No.11589161

Meh if they really wanna stop the problem then destroy bitmains mining sweat shops in China. They produce most of the hashrate and the most pollution.

>> No.11589175

yo how do I buy early in West Antarctica

>> No.11589181

HAHAHAHA this is satire right?

>> No.11589187

thats adorable, old outdated tech
as if people are still riding around in horse drawn carriages, catch up my children.

>> No.11589198
File: 34 KB, 532x557, 1365988727428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11589201

you're so right. let's go back to r/personalfinance

>> No.11589202

Fake News!

>> No.11589263

lets all quit stroking this master genius's ego and stop acknowledging he/she/it has something substantial to say with your replies and responses. Wasting your brain cells here children.

>> No.11589282
File: 427 KB, 768x558, Bitcoin-768x558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is 650x more environmentally friendly than the banking system. Now fuck off kike.

>> No.11589283


This image is a meme. 60% of all arable land is in Africa.

>> No.11589425


>corruption/money laundering/black markets

uhhhh what

>> No.11589625

western Antarctica lookin comfy desu

>> No.11589644
File: 423 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_eReader_Prestigio_20181101-004143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never come close to top 7%
Wtf is wrong with you? That's $100k. Probably half the board has that or had it in December. Next bull run it will be almost impossible to have been on /biz/ and not have $100k.

If it makes you feel any better, if your fantasy starts coming true, lots of people will start dying, reducing the problem.

>> No.11589686

t bh the only thing this map should tell you is that we can't keep allowing niggers to breed and invad the first world
all developed countries have stabilised their population. the jews want to destroy the planet through massive immigration just so they can keep their ponzi going for the next 20-30 years
all jews, blacks, indians, pakis and arabs should be sterilized. it's the humane thing to do: no killing them, but no sacrificing the infinite potential of future generations for their sake either
if you REALLY wanted to make this racially neutral you could just sterilize people under 100iq. doesn't solve the jewish question but it would significantly neuter their ability for destruction

>> No.11589700

When they can't live in their countries anymore they will come to your country and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You think a wall will save you from hundreds of millions of immigrants?

>> No.11589797

Australia and New Zealand are surrounded by oceans. The only thing stopping us from stopping migrants will be traitors.

>> No.11590126

Nice Anon. /biz/ doesn't deserve this though.

>> No.11590469
File: 96 KB, 1542x594, 1526093716456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic related

same for you, stupid motherfucking communist

>> No.11590822
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>> No.11590990

Not even gonna read the thread

This nigga trollin'

>> No.11591279

So, how to start a Tether style coin, backed by water?

>> No.11591297
File: 1.48 MB, 200x150, 9C1263A6-1F45-4DDA-9A33-FADA5141FC10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but militias and tactical airstrikes will

>> No.11591570

>Climate related posts
>Muh joos

Has the audacity to call someone a nigger


>> No.11591605
File: 38 KB, 1100x465, eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thanks to the massive amount of electricity needed to mine cryptocurrency, adopting bitcoin on a society-wide basis could raise global temperatures by two degrees Celsius in just 15 years, according to a new study.

Thats fucking retarded. They are wrong on every single point so hard I'm suspecting they divided their ass with zero, successfully.

Not to even start at the global warming hoax.

>> No.11591625
File: 343 KB, 700x700, 1518761305010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, learning Russian already.

It's going to be a good century.

>> No.11591647
File: 3.99 MB, 2618x3453, Wikileaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RT literally BBC and CNN tier, but Russian.


>> No.11591657

>You should know as well as i do that millions of people will die on account of recklessness, just focus on yourself and stop worrying.

Nah, it's all caused niggers breeding like rabbits and not having enough gibs from whitey. Most of the human suffering is caused by literal sub-humans acting like drooling retards.

>> No.11591674

>there are people here who believe their knowledge from skimming over climate change deniers’ blogposts are more creditable than scientists who dedicated their lives to studying this shit.

Which one is more prone to telling the truth? The guy who has his whole livelihood depending on the gloom and doom or the guy who is independent?

Really makes you think.

>> No.11591688

Absolute paranoid delusion. No wonder why lefties are so unhinged now days.

>> No.11591741

So they want to centralize cryptocurrencies ala ripple style. In order to do this, they are using their bonafide method of junk science in order to appeal to the normies. Why don't they release a study of the electricity costs required to run the current banking system? Yeah right.

>> No.11591783


Piss in a bottle.

>> No.11591873

lol youve never ventured outside or to a classroom

>> No.11591892

>start dying

lots of people are already dying but im not losing sleep desu. kill the niggers are we are fine

>> No.11592270

>/pol/ is satire

hello newfriend. i believe you dropped your little templecap.

>> No.11592355

But that's exactly how capitalism works. Wealth inequality is very good. I would kick a starving child in the face if it meant I get to keep more of my money. Communists like you deserve nothing more than a slow, agonizing death.

>> No.11592397

Who cares its not like I live there anyways

>> No.11592506

Such articles are a coordinated jew campaign
There's no comparison to how much electricity and energy is wasted on the worst things yet Bitcoin mining is the devil?

>> No.11593478

Hurrrrr there's an enormous conspiracy providing every single scientist IN THE WHOLE WORLD with falsified data, yet no one can prove its existence. LOL!

>> No.11593557
File: 119 KB, 396x385, 1538633810727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only now do i realize that the OP actually made those other posts. i swear to christ that i looked at the OP's ID when i posted, and it did not have the same color or character string as the other one. pray in the name of sergey nazarov that the emeramide i'm gonna shoot directly into my bloodstream repairs my brain's retarded image processing hardware, /biz/.

>> No.11593582

lol at people that think proof of work is decentralized

>> No.11593593

cognitive dissonance

>> No.11593648

Now I love crypto even more.

>> No.11593695
File: 31 KB, 480x547, consider this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a climate alarmist faggot
Communists get the rope

>> No.11593702

this is bullshit and you don't understand the true revolution in chip production and computing that mining will bring. you are a tarderino that wants to stay a slave to fiat, a system that uses up much more energy right now.

whatever you do, don't buy. I don't want super retards lkie you in the elite club of the future.