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11566880 No.11566880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i get over my fear of death and the permanent loss of consciousness.

>> No.11566884

Get in touch with your unconscious.

>> No.11566891

you dont kek

>> No.11566900

Just accept it. It's like before you were born.

>> No.11566912

Wait until you're 30 and then you'll welcome it. You should be happy that you feel like it's a bad thing to die.

>> No.11566913

You don't need to get over it. It'll happen. You have to accept it.

>> No.11566914

nothing you can do about it m8. just enjoy the game. you don't worry about a delicious meal being over while you're eating it

>> No.11566919

I never understood the fear of death. It's like going to sleep - you may not even know that you'll be gone.
The only issue is that your family etc. would be sad, but dead is, effectively, without consequence for the self.

>> No.11566924

By dying

>> No.11566928


>> No.11566971

it seems peaceful to me.

>> No.11566984

you could always create a pharma emporium big enough to grant you power with the elite cabals in several powerful nations with whom you then conspire to create a deadly artificial virus along with it's cure where you have compete control of the supply which then allows you to completely control every remaining body of power in the world by promising them priority in the cure list asking only in return for total media and communications infrastructure control allowing you to ultimately upload your consciousness onto the mainframe where you oversee humanities destiny for all eternity

>> No.11567004

by desperately trying to create meaning for your life and then aggressively collecting social proof of your success. it also helps to become an alcoholic and you 100% MUST have as many children as possible as there is a chance that upon death your consciousness might be transferred to your children. basically all of the typical normie stuff. why do you think normies do basically anything they do? fear of death.

>> No.11567030

Study AI and join the race condition.

>> No.11567076
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Remember all the opportunities you ruined with beautiful women. That works for me.

>> No.11567112

just accept that it's pointless to worry about (in regards to sudden death) because the one time it actually happens, you won't be around to worry about it anyways lol

>> No.11567113

That's not how it works anon. There's no such thing as you being without consciousness. Think about the time before you were born. There's no perception of anything because you done exist.

My theory is that consciousness is created by how your neurons are arranged. That's what makes you. You will exist again and you probably have for an infinite timescale but you could not ever know.

>> No.11567121

you were dead for billions of years before you were born

>> No.11567132


>> No.11567138

>Not having an out of body experience
Never gonna make it

>> No.11567217

Unironically psychedelic drugs.
It’s hard to explain, especially to someone who has never taken a mind altering substance before. I experienced this bright white light mixed with a powerful force that transcends time, space, life, and death. It was an overwhelming feeling of love and kindness and this force showed me things that I cannot put into words. It made me understand that death is not to be feared, and is in fact just the start of an even more epic and exciting journey that we will experience.

>inb4 stuttering hippie pothead
I’m just an average anon. Not religious and I don’t believe in the god that the Bible speaks of. I know that what I just said probably sounds absolutely retarded, so make of it what you will

>> No.11567279

Study cellular immortality or transhumanism related robotics

>> No.11567284

I'm in the same dilemma.

>> No.11567290

You're on the right path.

>> No.11567332

what if you never had any?
The only women in my life that didn't bully me is my mom and my sister

>> No.11567333

how selfish you only concern you of only yourself like you dont realize we are all one body of mankind.

>> No.11567355

think of it this way.. as time went to infinity, your lack of consciousness was cured by you living

now, when you die what will happen? time will go to infinity with no consciousness.. so what happens next


>> No.11567369
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invest all your time and money into biomedical research

we are close anon

>> No.11567377

Reminds me of a beautiful quote from Roger Ebert:

> I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear. I hope to be spared as much pain as possible on the approach path. I was perfectly content before I was born, and I think of death as the same state. What I am grateful for is the gift of intelligence, and for life, love, wonder, and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting. My lifetime's memories are what I have brought home from the trip. I will require them for eternity no more than that little souvenir of the Eiffel Tower I brought home from Paris.

>> No.11567386

nothingness is almost as scary as reincarnation. think of just mindless reseting in this realm with the dice being rolled for you to become a mosquito

>> No.11567522

Don't let it affect your life to much..
I have always been afraid of dying, not the process, but the nothingness that comes after. It's simply unfathomable, and is terrifying in a strange sense.
I decided that i would do anything in my power to prevent me from dying, now i am a master student in molecular biology and hate my life.. I drink almost every day, alone, Litterally ensuring i will go to the grave as a worn out man when i turn 60.

I wish i would have studied insurance-mathematics instead, decent, well-paid job afterwards, almost guaranteed job.
I could have prepared myself for living the rest of my life, a good life.
Instead i am preparing to die..

>> No.11567622
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>do psy drugs brah

"My friend" never dwelled about this topic until he got high as fuck and listened to pink floyd live in pompeii

Dont fall for the psychedlic meme

>> No.11567796

Then you have motivation to live, because an opportunity could still happen to you. It could to me, too, but knowing I could have had love plenty of times and rejected it has taken its toll on me.

>> No.11567802


Realize you have no control over it

>> No.11567852

Do you fear falling asleep at night? Because that's basically the same thing except you don't wake up

>> No.11567872

People created religion for this. Maybe you can look into that.

>> No.11567875

take dmt or high dose of mushrooms.

then, if you liked it practice meditation and you'll stop worrying about it.

>> No.11567877

Get right with God.

>> No.11567896

This anon gets it

>> No.11567902

This anon gets it.

>> No.11568065

Don’t worry about it aint shit you can do to stop it anyway

>> No.11568170

Sounds like bitcoin core

>> No.11568197

Sounds ok. Last about 48 hours, what would be next I hope cockroach. They have superpowers

>> No.11568202

You will die.

But not today and not tomorrow. Surround yourself with people you like and help your family members. Just be there and these people will be there for you to help you out of this fear.

>> No.11568211
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>> No.11568226

Find god and realize the soul is eternal

>> No.11568245


>> No.11568412

Are you me? I did LSD a month back and this really hits home. I dont fear death as much as I try to find any meaning in the time I do have. If death is just nothing its hard to think anything even matters.

>> No.11568457
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It's not death you should fear, but life. You're stuck here forever. Every time you "die" you're just being reborn and living out this same life over and over again. Shit sucks, even if you objectively have a "good" life.

>> No.11568493

Psychedelics can help accepting it big time. Just because people say they accept it doesn't mean they're comfortable with it. Shrooms will make you comfortable with it.

>> No.11568498

take a hero dose of booms
at least a quarter, preferably a half

>> No.11568539

>not uploading consciousness into the internets
>not playing as a gta5 npc for a few years before realizing life was just a higher res game

>> No.11568543

Retard. I just said that. Except you don't need a qtr, an 8th of good ones will do it for you. A qtr of good ones will confuse him more than anything.

>> No.11568560
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Tips fedora at you my fellow atheist

>> No.11568578

>i could read the thread in 1 minute.
you're retarded and not the first to reply with that same info. also, learn to fucking read - i said hero dose, brainlet

>> No.11568584

Read Plato until you get it. Wisdom cant be spoonfed.

>> No.11568617

literally 17 seconds after >>11568498
fucking retard

>> No.11568630


This is the true answer. The feeling will hit you at some point if you live long enough.

>> No.11569416

>Then you have motivation to live, because an opportunity could still happen to you.

>> No.11569456

I am mid/end 20 and think about this stuff now way more often than when I was <20.

>> No.11569482

Take a strip of acid

>> No.11569539

Once you realize that you are a soul undergoing a human experience and accept that this actually isn't it, you'll feel free.

>> No.11569593


>How do I get over my fear of death?

By living such a shitty life that death is welcomed.

>> No.11569648

OP, or anyone else that's reading. You can either believe what I say, or move on-- I don't care.

I don't share this with a lot of people personally, but I will tell you that an after life exists. I know this due to me talking to dead people in dreams.

Your existence in this life is purely to build your soul for the after life. Change your way of thinking. Death is an exit, its not an end.

Whether you're rich or poor, what really matters are two things: (1) believe in an infinite omnipotent being that is the essence of the universe, (2) any and every experience you put yourself through to gain wisdom or feed your soul in a positive way will ultimately help you understand that death is nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.11569699

p-pls anon...my heart can't take anymore..

>> No.11569710

as you get older you will start losing family members and friends, and you will slowly accept you are going to same place as they are.. Everytime someone close to you dies , you die little inside too.

>> No.11569759


>> No.11569761

Accept it, death is a part of life. We are all just obsessing over pieces of paper while we wait for the inevitable. Aliens would mock us.

>> No.11569921


Interesting. I've spoken to consciousness/god while asleep once. It was different from any other dream I've had because it felt real... realer than real.

But that's not enough. Your dreams can be your way of rationalizing death. No?

>> No.11569927

Buy link until you crave it.

>> No.11569946



Yo stfu. Keep stealing my posts.

Also stop suggesting L. That is fake acceptance. It opens door, but only shrooms can speak to you.

>> No.11569961

I'm sorry but thaere is zero proof of having a soiul. Once your brain starts dysfunctioning, so does your "soul".

>> No.11570006

Eckhart is amazing. It's the one book that stands out among all the other new age bull. I would recommend reading it after or before psychedelic experiences

>> No.11570039

these people were relatives I've never met. The information I received was verified by living relatives. How would I know information about a deceased person I never met?

Also, your claim on dreams could also hold truth as well. I don't doubt that in some cases.

>> No.11570109

Were your relatives shocked? I've heard a lot of stories from friends about being visited by love ones the same night they pass.

I'm more inclined to believe you because you can almost feel when a dream is something that is actually happening/has happened Vs some random lucid dream.

>> No.11570211
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you become confident in your ability to do.
having a lack of confidence stems from making errors. you make errors and are not able to meet your own reasonable expectations because the normal execution of processes in your body are interrupted by the presence of chemicals and materials that should not be there. in some cases, these chemicals can remain in the body virtually forever. mercury in any form, when inside of cells within the body, is a constituent of some of the most harmful chemicals that demonstrate the ability to persist in the body indefinitely, as a result of the ability of both vaporous elemental mercury and organic mercury to get inside of cells and bind to thiol groups within them. substantial amounts of elemental mercury vapor is emitted from dental amalgam fillings, and organic mercury that bypasses the protection provided to individuals from the gastrointestinal system is contained in vaccinations containing thimerosal. individuals who receive exposure to either of these things undoubtedly suffer the effects. pregnant mothers who have direct exposure to either of these things have been proven to be exposing the fetus within them to downright unsafe levels of lipid membrane-permeating mercury.

mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every serious chronic disease that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west.
emeramide is a novel non-toxic and lipid-soluble mercury chelator and antioxidant. it is, by far, the most effective mercury chelator known to man, demonstrating the ability to prevent death and evident toxicity in rats injected with 14x the lethal dose of mercuric chloride. it has been used to cure a wide variety of neurological diseases, from parkinson's and lou gherig's to autism and alzheimer's. at this point in time, type 2 diabetes has also been cured with emeramide.

>> No.11570488

For real.

OP read some high dosage dmt trip reports.

I dont think I would be ready to have this kind of experience but pretty much everyone who tripped on a high dose of this substance describes it as life changing

>> No.11570590

What's worse is over 500 pounds of mercury is returned back to our environment due to cremations.

>> No.11570601

You don't need DMT to awaken. Shrooms work just fine. If you really want to do DMT, read up on preparing for it. Half the trip is your environment.

>> No.11570617

protip you can't, accept it
>ready 2 die (or loss of consciousness

>> No.11570654

Think about it. Would you want to live here forever?

>> No.11570663

I remember you. Can I get emeramide already?

>> No.11570675


>> No.11570741

Except that you lose your memories after you die. Memories exist from the way your mind reads and recognizes the structure of brain cells. After you die you lose your entire body including the mind.

>> No.11570764
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Yes or at least a few thousand years. 80 is too short

>> No.11570976

Yeah, I think he would agree.

>> No.11571306
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nothing that i can confirm works. all i can assure you of, as always, is that if you order emeramide from medkoo, what will be delivered to your door simply will not be real emeramide.
i am currently trying to acquire it from some new venues. of course, there is still the option of synthesizing it yourself, or having it synthesized for you from a nearby chemical synthesis/custom small molecule/biochemical company (where available); i'm happy to say that a lapse in my otherwise continuous spastic autism has led to me paying closer attention to an article from four years ago, and in doing so, realizing that the within this article is what *appears* to be a more cost-effective method of producing emeramide.
it's at the very beginning of the "materials and methods" section.

whatever you do, good luck. one way or another, i'll make sure that important information gets out.

i recommend to any anon looking for a good investment to call up emeramed and inquire about investing in them. i of course, knowing what i know about how relevant mercury poisoning is to the situation that the west is in, will insist to everyone that there simply does not exist any better investment opportunity right now. they hold the patents to the drug, and as it stands, patents hold relevance; you'll make huge returns when they start selling it, and word begins to really spread about how it's curing so many diseases without inducing any kind of toxicity from taking it. holding assets such as chainlink while investing in emeramed is literally a way to long western civilization; you're making assets that you hold, such as chainlink and bitcoin cash, worth so much more as a result of making the work forces that will give these assets value so much more effective.
an investment in emeramed is an investment in western civilization.

>> No.11571319 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11571325

OP is a fag. Why would you be afraid of death when there's so much in life worse than death?

>> No.11571362 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11571498

I don't think he was planning on taking his eifel tower with him either, tardo

>> No.11571615

Even then eventually the universe itself will die or the Supreme Being will break reality and draw everything back to Itself. There is no true escape.

>> No.11571749

Bottom line is this:

>> No.11572006

He's comparing them to an useless souvenir because of that, tardo.
He's saying he's grateful that he got to experience the Eiffel Tower at that moment, and while the souvenir is nice, it's ultimately useles sand irrelevant and he won't care about losing it.

>> No.11572071

I agree with this but desu its almost even worse than not existing

>> No.11572132

simple. at the very least donate to charities like the SENS foundation like vitalik has or become a scientist and fight aging.

be optimistic also. if you’re 20-30 now and you make it to 100, hopefully some sort of life extension tech will exist by that time or just freeze yourself

>> No.11572183
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Where does getting gangbang by random dudes on film play into this?

>> No.11572347


>> No.11572379

Doesn't it suck that you most likely live in a time that you will die but in the future death will be all but cured like chicken pox or polio.

>> No.11572383
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absolutely nothing about what these people can possibly say changes the fact that emeramide does not have any detectable toxicity and has cured COPD, type 2 diabetes, huntington's disease, ALS, parkinson's, autism, and alzheimer's. at the time of publishing that article, they had seven whole years to research emeramide's safety and efficacy since they'd last made asses of themselves to anyone who'd actually done research on emeramide and found that it was both non-toxic and was not only supremely effective at alleviating mercury poisoning, but filled a role that no other chemical to this day comes close to filling—being, the need for a safe and effective mercury chelator.
make no mistake—these people and other leftist media outlets, because it CANNOT POSSIBLY BE NO MATTER THE EVIDENCE that mercury in vaccinations (or in dental amalgams) is dangerous, have it in mind to attack emeramide and anyone who has used it, in addition to boyd haley for trying to make it available to people. there's blatant, and frankly, jarring (if we are to assume that there is no preconceived notion to dump on anything that suggests, let alone straight-up tells you how dangerous the mercury in vaccines and amalgams is) malice against emeramide in every article they've ever written about it; "remember that FAKE supplement and INDUSTRIAL chelator, OSR#1 ?!?!?! well the SNAKE OIL SALESMAN who TARGETED the desperate parents of autistic CHILDREN is still trying to FORCE it ILLEGALLY onto the market in a SNEAKY AND UNTRUTHFUL way to AVOID testing to see if it's UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE !!!!!! thank you for protecting THE CHILDREN from him, FDA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like holy fuck these people are so fucking weaselly it's unreal
they had every idiot pleb advocating its ban when they said that it was an "industrial chelator being sprinkled on childrens' cerial". what they don't tell you when they're pushing this fucking hype bullshit is that this chemical is roughly as toxic as water.

>> No.11572552
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