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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10864307 No.10864307 [Reply] [Original]

Recent (links are twitter and warosu):
>Banks and bonds into crypto /MarketProtocol/status/1034151832174637056
>Capgemini's Fiat Relay and LINK (Vantum Network?) /biz/thread/S10851643 and /biz/thread/S10859649
>ESRA speculation (Docusign) /biz/thread/S10861490
>Salesforce confirmed? /biz/thread/S10861572
>Wallet findings /biz/thread/S10857999

Official Telegram, moderated by Rory and Thomas
Unofficial subreddit if you prefer plebbit
Pivotal Tracker (Allows you to see what the development team is working on this week and in the near future) >pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2129823

Official Partners:
> @origami_network
> @OpenLawOfficial
> @MarketProtocol
> @initc3org
> @zeppelin_os
> @factom
> @ClinTexCTi
> @officialgamedex

IOTA (Qubic) and LINK
AION + Aeternity and LINK
Pasta and shit

Previous thread (I'm not that anon):

I'll probably post shit like this every now and then as opposed to every single day unless warranted

>> No.10864348


>> No.10864468
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first non-gay anon

>> No.10864478

BAT, IOTA, AION, Aeternity and LINK?
Partnership speculation?
Can you explain senpai?

>> No.10864495
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>> No.10864515

pls delete

Link is a boomer token

>> No.10864545
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Smart Contracts are a type of digital agreement that automatically executes whenever certain pre-determined conditions are met, this allows to make cheaper, more secure and reliable digital agreements without needing to trust a third party
The problem is that Smart Contracts cannot communicate with off-chain data (interest rates, FIAT values, the time, et cetera)
This makes something as revolutionary as Smart Contracts limited to exchanging ERC-20 tokens mostly, and certain Dapps like cryptokitties (on-chain data; example: X amount of ETH = Y amount of ERC-20 tokens/kitties)
To make more appealing Smart Contracts you need something called an "oracle" that is basically a middle man that connects off-chain data to the smart contract, this person has a certain power since they can change the data to their favor (we're back to trusting a middle man, which is not the point)
ChainLink aims to become the leader Oracle service by creating a trust-less, decentralized oracle network, where you don't need to trust an oracle but rather the protocol of the network (think about it like Uber, you don't trust the driver, the driver dosen't trust you, but you both win by using the app, that is trust-less in nature)

This would allow financial institutions to save BILLIONS and that would be just the first implementation of the network

They're working with Accord and OpenLaw so it works with the current legal framework and they've worked with SWIFT so they're compatible with legacy systems (ISO 20022)

I recommend you read the whitepaper and the god protocol by Nick Szabo if you're interested in what I've said

godspeed anon

>> No.10864594
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>> No.10864600

Impressive, moon soon.

>> No.10864603

I just wanted to include something else in the OP. Those coins I mentioned were sometimes used as FUD, and so I linked to previous threads where those coins were already BTFO by other anons. I should've clarified that they are possible competitors, my bad.

>> No.10864611

Yes, better then all this shitposting! Thx for this

>> No.10864612

Oh shit RootStock is unironically a big deal. Huge if ChainLink becomes their go-to... I don't see why RSK wouldn't use advocate the use of ChainLink, even if alongside Oraclize.

Dude if something as legit as OpenLaw (read: ConsenSys) is using ChainLink, then it has to be the literal industry standard, no?

>> No.10864628


>> No.10864654


I'll include this next time as a second post, an intro to LINK or something. Cool.

>> No.10864676

shoot, I should have known to attach it to Warosu.org. thanks anon

>> No.10864788


>> No.10864803

You forgot
request network
Town crier

Are all partners. Swift being an unofficial partnership but confirmed collaboration.

>> No.10864825

When the documentary gets made about all us NEETs from 4chan getting rich, what should it be called?

I’m thinking:

‘Stinking Rich’

Kind of a nod to the stinky kinky get?

>> No.10864833
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>> No.10864841

I'll check if the thread doesn't get auto-deleted if the OP includes too many links, so that you don't need to attach the warosu prefix next time.
I don't know how the fuck I forgot Accord and SWIFT. Fixed for next time, and i'll probably remove some minor literally whos

>> No.10864885

you can see the whales beginning to dump them bags, sometimes even at market.

>> No.10864896
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$1000 End of Year: How a Bunch of Neets got Stinking Rich and You Didn't

>> No.10864910

low volume dumps when it has been overbought for days
FIAT value actually going up (thanks to BTC obviously)

yeah I wouldnt be worried

you can try and trade if you wish though, just dont FUD if you get caught with the pants down

>> No.10865294
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Link Marines: The Good, The Bad and The Stinky

>> No.10865391


>> No.10865444

The Rope Swing
The story behind Chainlink, and the 10,000 swing traders who committed suicide after selling their stacks at <2500sats before seeing the Link price singularity.

>> No.10865484

Accord, Openlaw, and Market Protocol all referred to Chainlink as the "Industry leader in decentralized oracles." They all used almost the exact same wording. Which is common in a marketing campaign. It's a talking point/buzz phrase, likely coined by tigermommy. The fact that these three orgs, all in the same 2 week timeframe, all announce partnerships with Link and all use the same exact phrasing, is bullish af. These are heavy hitter orgs, in regards to Openlaw and Accord, working with he biggest names in IT and law, and they are taking cues from the team and helping them curate the marketing campaign for max effect.

>> No.10865493

When I'm old and on my death bed I'm going to be reminiscing about the times we spent on this Internet Panamanian consulting image board. All the FUD, LARPS, shitposting and Sergey memes.

I won't be thinking about Christmas as a young boy with my family, I won't be thinking about playing high school football and making out with the prom king after his date passed out, nor will I be thinking about my college days.

I'll only be thinking about you Marines and all the internet fun we had.

>> No.10865517

you hot? show milk

>> No.10865519

>To the moon: a chainlink story

>> No.10865528
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>> No.10865532

And Dennis from always sunny will play AB

>> No.10865674
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Don't know if it matters but ceek listed chainlink as their go to oravle solution on page 44 of their whitepaper.

Chainlink collaborated with brave new coin from august 2016 to august 2017

Open money is considering chainlink gnosis and oraclize as their oracle solution.

As far as i know the work chainlink did with factom was in collaboration. I didn't know there was a partnership.

>> No.10865681
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i love you fren

>> No.10865740
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<3 Origami network

>> No.10865742

The 4chan-ite Ones.

>> No.10866117


>> No.10866140


>> No.10866260

There’s only one acceptable title:


>> No.10866265

Take Origami out of the partnership list. Listing shitcoins makes Chainlink look pleb tier, it's like if you had a resume where you'd worked at Goldman Sachs and the first thing you put on it under "Experience" was "raking leaves for my parents".

>> No.10866287

Saw a new audi in town the other day with that licence plate
Was wondering if the guy had bags of link

>> No.10866301

If the way to start the singularity is to have 6ix9ine tweet "uhh gotta linky, linky really stinky uhhh" that will put us in the fabled 50k timeline

>> No.10866775



Basically Jonny, founder of Linkpool.io, provides a great deal of evidence that Microsoft Cryplets is an SDK which uses Chainlink. If all the evidence wasn't enough here is a video of Sergey stating that he is helping create Cryplets. https://youtu.be/ytv8U0bejPA?t=46m2s [Open]

Ok. Here we have proof Sergey and team has helped create Cryplets and the damning evidence of cryplets utilizing the Chainlink network. Now, here is the newer stuff. Microsoft has another name for cryplets, Enterprise Smart Contracts.


Here you can see the readme states - enterprise smart contracts (a.k.a. cryptlets) Coming soon, ESC Test Drive and cryptlet sdk preview...Now realize they are going to open source their code but have not made any new progress publicly for months. Marley Gray is the main contributor and Principle architect for project Bletchley at Microsoft. He has shared a meetup with Sergey in the past. He recently was interviewed in January found here.


listen from 5:00 min on, he is basically selling Chainlink. I would pull some quotes but hopefully some of you can pull the interesting stuff.

Now an even better interview from last month can be found here -
with a rough transcript here - https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/SED550-Enterprise-Blockchains.pdf