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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1033374 No.1033374 [Reply] [Original]

Yo at this point I have 750 credit, utilization @ 0, about 30k from 4 credit cards and an amazon store credit account

At this point, what can I do to improve? I want 800 +

>> No.1033412

There's really nothing you can do at that point, at this point it's a matter of time.

Just keep your utilization below 10%, never miss a payment, rinse/repeat and in 10 years you'll be above 800.

>> No.1033431
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Pretty much this. Once you've got a handle on the factors that you can control, the only one left is average age of credit history, which only goes up with the passage of time AND if you don't open new accounts.

>> No.1033435

Buy a car.
Your credit score doesn't improve over time. In fact, if you're doing the same shit over and over again it can drop. You need to flex your credit often to keep it high. Best thing to do is buy a high ticket item, like a car. My brother was stuck at 750. He financed a $5k car and it jumped up 80 points.

>> No.1033448

at this point i dunno op
at this point im going to sleep
at this point

>> No.1033594
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some inefficiencies I noticed
utilization at 1% on one card.
Get a Charge card
Get an installment loan
Do you have a full 7 year history?
If not see if you can get authorized user status on a card with 7+ years history.
How many inquiries are on your report?

If you need more average age of accounts authorized user status is your key.

please see the credit book and fico regressions in here as well.

>> No.1033696


Just wait. Literally just wait.

A big part of your score is the age of your credit history. So even if you have no derogatory marks and low utilization, you'll still get capped because your credit history isn't as long. As the years pass and you keep doing what you're doing, it will rise.

>> No.1033705

why do you want more loans retard, just save.

>> No.1033722

>be me
>be 19
>Under 12 months credit history
>be accepted for two credit cards, including Amex platinum cashback
>£6250 limit
>discover that my score is like 407

How did it happen, /biz/?

>> No.1033728

you are stupid, how are those student loans doing?

>> No.1033743

Haha, I'm employed. My income is about £29k. I didn't go to university because I'd rather make money than accumulate debt and have nothing to show for it bar a piece of paper.

>> No.1033767

Did you check all your scores.
amex likes experian.
two amex often takes chances on people with no to limited history.

>> No.1033791

On a scale of 1 to gutter oil, how Chinese are you?

>> No.1033819

Not true at all.

Before I lost my job and fell into debt I was building my credit since I started college and in about three years I had a score of about 800+ with a couple credit cards and credit lines with multi-thousand limits (my highest being a 10k on a single card).

The biggest thing from my experience was always use it and then pay it off.

When you finally see that you get an increase in your card limit is your for sure tell your score is going up. Something I did was have my family give me money to buy them shit and use my card to pay for them and pay it off later. So long as they see you use you card and not miss payments after high cost purchases your score will go up.

The hard part is when you reach that score to not abuse your credit power When you reach a situation like losing your job or getting a reduction in your hours to the point you can't pay for the shit on your credit is when you are fucked.

>> No.1034612

I'm going to a 4 year university. My dept at the end of the 4 years will be 0, because we have things that smart people use such as scholarships. You poop.

>> No.1034816

the whole "i dont go to school because debt" is just a meme dumb lazy faggots use because they didnt/couldnt apply themselves and receive le scholarships to go to school for free

every kid in my family has full ride scholarships and parents make over 400k combined yearly

>> No.1034835

Is it possible to build credit while being unemployed?

My bank will not even give me a loan for $500 to build my credit and I have more then enough money in the bank to cover it.

>> No.1034866

start company "hire" self
compensation package of self in stock options of worthless company.

>> No.1034920

what is utilization and how is it factored?>>1033374

>> No.1034922 [DELETED] 
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What a stupid fucking suggestion. Any bank is going to look at the W-2 wages or the K-1 distributions of your fictional company and see that the compensation is zero. Unless your suggestion is that he not only commit fraud, but also incur real tax liability on his fake income, which would be even more retarded..

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

Do you have any real business experience? Because your answer clearly says "no". So why are you giving advice to people about things as to which your clearly know nothing?

>> No.1034924

wtf? is 750 not a good credit score? why do you want it much higher?

750 is in the "most reliable" category

>> No.1035112

Um, yeah. I'm in the UK. Scholarships are less generous and go nowhere near covering degrees unless you commit yourself to one employer for a long time. I was offered a great job straight from school. Besides those in medicine and engineering, I'd say I'm less lazy. Too many people have worthless degrees from non-universities And I didn't fancy joining the club when I have four years of earning to do. That opportunity cost was pretty high.

>> No.1035136

are you chinese?