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File: 13 KB, 350x350, ROtaJb0a_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10061711 No.10061711 [Reply] [Original]

>chainlink testnet went live may 16th
>on the exact same day volume immediately goes into free fall and the price has been dumping ever since


>> No.10061761

>bots trading
>retards panic selling low dropping their bags
>no mainnet and no product so nothing besides speculation is driving the price
>team doesn't hype anything and all marketing is behind closed door for OTC deals

>> No.10062022

>bots trading
>retards panic selling low dropping their bags
>no mainnet and no product so nothing besides speculation is driving the price
>team doesn't hype anything and all marketing is behind closed door for OTC deals

Mods pls sticky this post.

Better yet, sticky this post at the top of every link thread.

>> No.10062060

no, we must let the fud continue.

That post is not some great informative post, it's basic common sense even to someone who is new to crypto.

>> No.10062313

We weren't supposed to know, anon.

>> No.10062365


I understand this, but why would the volume drop out on the exact date that test net was released? Look at a chart showing volume over time, it's very stark. So let's say it was bots that were responsible for most of the volume, of what significance is test net when deciding to stop trading? The drop in volume seems to be almost coordinated or at least unanimous.

>> No.10062512

>That post is not some great informative post, it's basic common sense even to someone who is new to crypto.

On biz, "basic common sense" = "some great informative post"

>> No.10062527

this actually is not related. tons of other coins saw something similar. no one knows exactly why, but the only reason bots stop trading is that they are consistently losing money.

>> No.10062604

honest answer: I don't know.
longer answer: could just be coincidence (but see first answer)
even longer answer: I get the strong sense that there are lots of big players who do a ton of trading through bots and other means to push prices up or down. I can't tell whether this is just rumors or actually true (inb4 "go back to plebbit") I really can't. I think markets in general are subject to lots of weird fluctuations (see Mandelbrot) and maybe that is what's going on here. It may be that someone thought that testnet was a major milestone and they wanted to keep prices low.

>> No.10062667

Riddle Anon here. This remains a mystery to me. Taking advance of the situtation and going to start buying again. Everything seems to be in order. I advice to accumulate. Here for a while to answer any questions anons might have. Hope you will make it. Lots of love

>> No.10062683

When do you project mainnet? Should I add here or wait for lower lows? Thanks fren

>> No.10062686

when mainnet brother? how much longer

>> No.10062689
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it's a fuckin conspiracy yo. they want our fukkin linkies

>> No.10062713

I remember many moons ago when you told me ChainLink was partners with FaceBook, and now I see FaceBook is buying CoinBase. Kind of a big deal. Do you have any other crumbs you would like to dribble upon me? Many thanks.

>> No.10062806

Any breadcrumbs you can give me to follow?

>> No.10062836

Late Q3 or Q4. I'm putting in fiat now because of CME futures expiring tomorrow. If BTC appreciates I'll wait and see. If it stagnates or goes down I'll start buying Link tomorrow.

>> No.10062870

ty anon
any thoughts on who might be first to get outed when mainnet launches?

>> No.10062953

Facebook buying Coinbase is new information for me, will look into it. A riddle: SWAN FIDELITY

>> No.10063013

Just a guess, but I'd say Bankchain will be among the first ones to come out using Chainlink

>> No.10063038

Alright, I'm off. Hold on to your Link tokens anons. Have a good evening.

>> No.10063067


>> No.10063077

Facebook is NOT buying Coinbase, that was an I responsible piece of journalism that blew a quote out of context

>> No.10063121

Dont go!
After looking around, I found this https://www.fidelitylabs.com/2017/05/01/blockchain-healthcare-fidelity-labs-hosts-convergence/
Basically talks about blockchain and healthcare, and goes on to say they are partnered with IC3
>Under a separate collaboration, we recently joined the Initiative for CryptoCurrencies & Contracts, known as IC3. With IC3, we will collaborate with faculty at prominent universities and domain experts to explore how blockchain-based technologies can improve the future of financial systems

As far as the Swan part, does this book have anything to do with it? http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920037040.do

released in 2015 and talks about how blockchain tech will change the world
>This book takes you beyond the currency ("Blockchain 1.0") and smart contracts ("Blockchain 2.0") to demonstrate how the blockchain is in position to become the fifth disruptive computing paradigm after mainframes, PCs, the Internet, and mobile/social networking.

Any other autists wanna jump on this train?

>> No.10063147


>> No.10063173


>> No.10063182

BankChain members include State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, DCB Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Federal Bank, Deutsche Bank and UAE Exchange.[6]

UAE - that oil money

>> No.10063200
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Have a rare link meme

>> No.10063226
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remittance boys. SWIFT of the Emirates perhaps? this could be big, and is only one part of Bankchain

>> No.10063359

looks like shes worked at fidelity before?
sounds like shes a time wizard

>> No.10063377

Come out of your fucking bubble and check the other coins that dropped in volume around that time. They all increased in volume at the same time as well.

>> No.10063388

No larp, i know melanie in real life.
She's a genius.

>> No.10063406

She's a philosopher like our boy Serg. People like this will drive society forward.

>> No.10063415

dice nigits

>> No.10063494


>> No.10063497

could she be the important female presenter that was mentioned last time Riddles showed up?

>> No.10063528

Interesting, how is she connected to Link though?

>> No.10063529

Anyone have a screenshot of what he said? I missed it

>> No.10063545

After trying to decipher riddles words, I came across her book about integration of blockchain with the world. Mostly putting it out there and seeing if any other anons see dots to connect.

>> No.10063580

Shut the fuck up, you fucking LARPERS LMAO

>> No.10063606
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have 2

>> No.10063618

dub dubs o truth

>> No.10063690
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s a v e d

thanks fren

>> No.10063817

>So part 1 I'd like to propose a new theory of time
Has there ever been a more violent collision of geniuses and retards than chainlink?

>> No.10063852

>i'm interrogating the idea
and that's where i stopped watching. no one worth listening to talks like this.

>> No.10063888

Why, too many syllables for you?

>> No.10063911

If I wanted to watch xavier: renegade angel then I'd just watch that. This bitch is flighty for no reason.

>> No.10063993

BTFOd by the trips of truth

>> No.10064022
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>> No.10064139

Actually how blockchains deal with time is very interesting.
For instance, skycoin doesnt use any real-world synchronisation afaik, the network is organised around blocktime.
It's especially important for a decentralised oracle network which will need to integrate real world timelines into smart contract timelines. Its fucking complex, and if the chainlink crew want to do it right theyre gonna need some BIG BRAIN NIGGAS

>> No.10064184

to make it look like there is no interest anymore
>they finally released the "product"
>It's nothing
>dump volume & price

>> No.10064231

>>10063359 this was interesting thank you

>> No.10064271

It looks like someone is painting the tapes.
So the graph looks like a dead coin.

>> No.10064395

>It looks like someone is painting the tapes.
sorry what is "painting the tapes" ?

>> No.10064470

the discolorations on your butthole flaps?

>> No.10064476

If painting the tape, volume would be up not down

>> No.10064518

i was saying soembody did and then let it die and push the price down slowly.
To make it appear as a poor buying opportunity.
Its probably just all coincidence though.

>> No.10064519

Anon you are so retarded that you even retard like a retard.

>> No.10064537

The discolorations on your butthole flaps are confirmed!

>> No.10064577

tag team retards. Do you guys get together and retard each other off? Like does one of you retard the other's retard, and then you take turns, and it's the other guy's turn to retard the first guy retard?

Or do you just sit and be retarded?

or does it depend?

>> No.10064796

>tfw holding just 700 LINKs

>> No.10064810


>> No.10065123

You gotta pump those numbers. Those are rookie numbers.

>> No.10065137

Do u live in a trashcan too?

>> No.10065138
File: 519 KB, 1300x1500, PadUpLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pad up and buy

>> No.10065187

if this shit moons you're still going to regret it. go get a job and buy LINK while it's still affordable for poorfags. 10k should be the minimum if you believe in this project

>> No.10065321

she teaches at the New School huh, same as Nick Land with his dozens-hours long lecture series on Bitcoin

>> No.10066034

Pump thos nummers anon

>> No.10066175
File: 9 KB, 128x128, 1520514846121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logical hypothesis
>Sergey shills smartcontracts to businesses directly
>Zero marketing done to public,sometimes they respond on slack or something just to not say "fuck you" directly, because they don't care
>It's B2B not B2C, they treat inviduals from reddit etc. like they just want to get rich off idea
>They can't market and shill on twitter, because that will make price go up, before
>Before they fuckin make deals with companies,and big players rather buy XXX amount of Link for lower price rather than additional millions of dollars

Now I would be suprised if we EVER get updates on daily/weekly/monthly basis. I think this shit just move along it's own way, they will just LINK more businesses to crypto, sign a lot of fkin NDA's because companies with competition don't want to announce they just used next level advanced technology and here's their contact info.

Rumors about Maersk etc. We will not know about it for sure even if it's real. To the very last day when crypto is adopted fully and there's no reason to hide it to get first comer advantage.

First big company that will operate on smartcontracts, will also explode in stock market value, as they will cut so fkin much costs and departments it's not even funny.

Anyone with triple digit IQ and ANY corporate experience will understand what I just wrote here.

Smartcontracts will eliminate 90% of departments who are in charge of payrolls etc.

That's my view on it.

>> No.10066489
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>yfw Sergey helps to destroy HR departments worldwide

>> No.10066567

crypto tech in general, also automation. it's not like they are alone, but they will be replaced.

>> No.10066568

Pretty much this. The "We were never meant to know :^)" meme hit on something else. It's just b2b that matters. That's why the anti-hype attitude was a massive green flag.

>> No.10066584
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Anyone that actually knows is gone :^)

>> No.10066987
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Because it's a shitcoin and your cultist circle jerk won't stop reality from kicking in your teeth.