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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9999439 No.9999439 [Reply] [Original]

>we're looking for a team player

>> No.9999458

>No 9 to 5 mentality


>You get paid from 9 to 5 but we expect you to work overtime and in the weekend for free

>> No.9999474

>Able to work under pressure
It's nothing but the pressure

>> No.9999484

Honestly fuck working for lazy people

>> No.9999485

>we're looking for a pajeet spammer to post the same shit over and over.

>> No.10000610
File: 23 KB, 250x246, D02F5E69-243E-4ED4-A7A7-F635EFACCE33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work/life integration

>> No.10000631

Work is integrated into your entire life. That makes sense.

>> No.10000632


>> No.10000686
File: 172 KB, 399x400, 70193EC9-616C-44B0-9041-9BA96384F709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats your biggest weakness?

>> No.10001088

this is the baby boomer labor market. They import people to compete against Americans in a survival of the fittest work environment with no wage pressure.

>> No.10001098
File: 189 KB, 434x245, 1508364938390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're a dynamic company

>> No.10001101

also the baby boomers learned their horrible way of life from jewish manipulation such as TV and modern day Christianity

>> No.10001114

they are trying to attract pajeets not you a and expensive labor

>> No.10001180

Team player is code for "individualism isnt welcome here"

>> No.10001196

>sorry we dont hire incels, in fact we’ve reported you to the local authorities

>> No.10001208

I actually know about a local matress plant thats run by a bunch of boomers. They wouldnt give me a job because everyone there is from pakistan and they said i couldnt communicate with them. Seriously thinking about calling ICE right now desu.

>> No.10001238

call ICE. Baby boomers are traitors to America. They undercut wages to marginally increase profits

>> No.10001259

Im gonna submit an anonymous tip later. Hope they get raided.

>> No.10001364


Good citizen. Pakis are foul

>> No.10001397

This makes me happy

>> No.10001459
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>recruitment form has an "other" option for the gender enquiry

>> No.10001473

Where do I begin...

>> No.10001491

>"I'm too honest."
>"I don't see how that's a weakness, anon?"
>"I don't give a flying fuck what you think, wagie."

>> No.10001515

>your eyes you sexy whore beast retard

>> No.10001526
File: 62 KB, 796x767, deepak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear sir, my biggest is attention to detail and too much motivation dear....... Please when do i begin working for u????

>> No.10001550

Please, do the needful sir.

>> No.10001579

somewhat conflicting posts.

>> No.10001587
File: 36 KB, 645x773, 1519110499306[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why do you want to work for [company name]?

>> No.10001598

Also we don't know how to improve and we'll be highly offended if you see some obvious shortcuts we are unaware of because that would crystallize our worthlessness.

>> No.10001605

My biggest weakness is that I never have an answer to that question.

>> No.10001639

>bringing children into abject poverty
seriously what line of thoughts brings dirt poor people in india / africa to have children? they barely have resources for themselves, they know they will be able to provide them with the bare minimum at best case. their children will have to slave away for 4$ a month just to survive.

>> No.10001664


am i only the only one getting fucked, off with this shit keep getting posted.

>> No.10001720

Nice work senpai

>> No.10001790

sensible chuckle

>> No.10001817

>implying these people think rationally
There was some journalist that went into a rhoinga (the Muslim minority oppressed in Myanmar) along with an NGO.
The target of the mission was to distribute food in a refugee camp so that these people do not starve. As the number of the newborn kept increasing in a Fibonacci pattern, they also started distributing condoms. These angered some refugees as they wanted food instead. I'm paraphrasing but they said the NGO should buy them food instead of spending money on condoms. And even if given condoms, they would trash these as making "as many children as God wants them to do" was their "divine duty".

Unironically my last redpill before I stopped feeling empathy by default toward people from shitholes.

>> No.10001830

>We've put a moratorium on promoting white males

>> No.10002750

>unlimited snacks

>> No.10002891

>"as many children as God wants them to do" was their "divine duty"
they aren't wrong, that's literally the only point of existence

>> No.10003103
File: 54 KB, 720x720, soyboy01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good work/life balance

>> No.10003128

Good, I was just about to say on your other post that you should call ice. Ice excised for a reason damnit.