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9991706 No.9991706 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no 5k bitcoin?! What will i ever do? While my ass is passively accumulating 1 GAS per day.lol Then when its August I get to sell at the long term tax rate.lol

>> No.9991816

im with you anon

>> No.9991843

comfy holding NKN here. Actually holding up pretty well.

>> No.9991862

tfw I have only 50 NEO.

>> No.9991958

Same. Thinking of converting the rest of my portfolio to NEO though. You only need 500 for 1 GAS per week, right? pls no bully, I know I'm a poorfag

>> No.9991997

pretty close to 1 a week, neotogas com

>> No.9992074

will scoop up 1 or 2 k at 5 dollar then

>> No.9992151
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Easily the best post of the day… No joke

>> No.9992153

I want btc to bring NEO's price down to single digits

>> No.9992170

with mct your gas will be worth as much as the gas from your mommas stinkyhole

>> No.9992436
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Chinkcoin dividends scam = literally retarded. For 1 NEO gas per day, you're holding 4000 NEO valued at $128K which earns you $4K per year. Put $128K into a broad index @ 7% return = $9K per year with little risk.

Worse that 4000 NEO was worth $100 each and $400K just months ago. That would have earned you $28K per year in an index fund.

I'd be fucking crying and you're bragging about this.

>> No.9992482
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OP here on PC. I had 800k at height, dont give a fuck. China is going to challenge the jews of wall street and NEO will be #1 in 2019. 1 GAS a day to me is like $300 a day one day. Also MCT cant be used for complex smart contracts, only storage. MCT isnt that big of a deal.

>> No.9992516

>I had 800k at height, dont give a fuck
I really admire your faith in the project, but I really would have tethered up at one point and reinvested later

>> No.9992628
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>I had 800k at height, dont give a fuck. China is going to challenge the jews of wall street and NEO will be #1 in 2019

So you're basically bragging about turning $800K into $128K and hoping a Chinese shitcoin is going to flip Wall Street. I hope you're young.

>> No.9992785

I couldnt tether because of taxes but yeah NEO is the strongest project in the crypto space. Between Da Hongfei, DBFT, NOS, NEX, ONT and Chinas 5 year plan, what could challenge it?

>> No.9992809

that absolutely no one uses this shit apart from other scamcryptoshitprojects?

>> No.9992838

>I couldnt tether because of taxes
Is this a thing? I mined all of my own crypto and everything is on foreign exchanges under throwaway identities. How will they get me? Also, what are you thoughts on other related projects like HPB, RPX, and NKN?

>> No.9992860
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You have no idea what youre talking about.lol Nobody uses it because its not quite ready. EOY the dapps that have been sucking it dry will port their technology into NEO and China will be reopening its doors to crypto because of fiat being a scam, or did you just invest in December because of free money? Lets not forget where the world economies are going and what China is doing to escape the fiat collapse.

>> No.9992909

>China will be reopening its doors to crypto because of fiat being a scam
how do i know you are black?

>> No.9992913
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I could try to launder my crypto but unlike everyone else, I am actively going to use my crypto gains to stick a thorn in the side of the (((elites))). That means one day I will brag on TV everyone should avoid paying taxes wheever possible which puts a target on my back for the IRS. I messed up early, so ill just wait the 1 year, fuck it. Im not too familiar with those projects but I know RPX has gone down hill in every aspect, not just price wise and NKN is still too new. I think its more of a test platform that could develop into something cool but it looks like Elastos and NOS are going to be the ones to invest in for decentralized OS's and shit.

>> No.9992948
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lol its true, China wants to diversify into crypto away from fiat. I thought this was common knowledge by now

>> No.9993060

I think I'm just going to open positions in most NEP-5 tokens

>> No.9993081

it's true you are black you mean?
be honest

>> No.9993107
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If you're willing to wait till December, TheKey is one of the most undervalued projects in the sphere. Basically its connections with the Chinese govt will propel this shit to .25 cents. Its supposed to be a currency coin for identity but because China has closed down blockchain speculation for now, it cant move. Come 2019-2020, China will open back up and itll be a pure invasion on Wall Streets BTC...TheyKey will be .50 cents one day, mark my words, just waiting on that 5 year plan...

>> No.9993120
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1488, this world isnt what you think it is.

>> No.9993310

You are mostly correct. I've been shitposting NEO regarding the ONT-NEO trade volume/market cap convergence fuckery and going on for a longer time about ONT=NeoID, Phantasma=NeoFS, NEX=NeoX, etc. Also neo-sharp making it actually feasible for the previous statement to be true.

The only issue left on the table right now is whether NEO whales (founders) can keep themselves from liquidating NEO past Vechain to prop up NKN, and whether CoZ turning NEO into a real, world class implementation will end with NEO not being Chinese enough when the time comes (might not matter since ONT will be Chinese enough and OnChain will push use of NEO).

We'll see in this and the next crash. NEO has used to be a refuge coin, bucking trends. But ONT has done this instead with liquidated NEO. If ONT is allowed to relax and NEO surges this or next time, we'll know this is all back on.

>> No.9993336

There is no benefit to this centralized shit over a server.

They are literally marketing it to poor people that don't have enough of an education to know how these systems work.

>> No.9993395
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ONT came out of nowehre because it was a private sale, no ICO so the whales could manipulate it to whatever they wanted. Im expecting when ONT main net launches with the supply increase that whales will dump and send NEO running again. NEO is the mothership...its whats going to be used for ICO's in the future and ONT is a more expensive, private blockchain for data not to be stored publicly...IDK much about NKN but I think NOS and NEX are the next coins to cannibalize NEO so Im probably going to put 25% into NEX short term, maybe for 1 month after its release. But yeah, nothing can touch the NEO ecosystem, its just the opportunity cost has kept it down, nobody wants to buy into China till 2019.

>> No.9993418

You have no idea why its centralized though...heres a hint, its not because they dont have the technology to do it.lol

>> No.9993447
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So where does NEO get the revenue to fund distributions?

>> No.9993559
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Antshares never expected to get as popular as they did. The fact that they are technically the 2nd most developed blockchain in crypto means they have more than enough resources to help others help themselves. Think of it this way. In National Socialism, the state does everything they can to encourage individualism because ultimately its the individual who has the dream and vision to put something together, sure he needs a team and sometimes support but its the individual. NEO has focused on propping up individuals and teams with visions that align with them to bring benefits to the ecosystem. Da Hongfei even confessed hes an Austrian economist...Elon Musk has recently come out about almost being national socialist...NEO aligns so much with the right attitude towards business that its going to blow away alot of peoples expectations. Thats why NEO is such a good bet, they have the leadership AND technology to change this sphere.

>> No.9993695
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very interesting indeed...

>> No.9993831

too bad GAS is worthless since literally nobody uses neo nor will they ever. it is the weakest platform out of like 20 competitors.

>> No.9993889

>what could challenge it?
ethereum, vechain, eos, fusion, elastos, matrix ai, zilliqa... that's just off the top of my head and every one of those is superior to neo. anon you're emotionally attached to your investment and its going to cost you everything.

>> No.9993932

Ive already outlined everything you need.lol lurk more? and GAS wont be worthless with NOS.

>> No.9993934

if you deposit more than $10k fiat into your bank account at any time it gets flagged and they are going to come asking where that money came from. you could try structuring or laundering it but life is going to be hard and you're doing serious time if you get caught.

>> No.9993976

I just listed 7 other projects that are objectively superior to neo. its game over for this shit sorry you dont want to hear it.

>> No.9994042
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Ok here it goes. Ethereum will always be #1 blockchain, honestly idk why people still base the market off bitcoin. EOS doesnt have the chinese govt behind it like Hongfei does, HONGFEI, NOT NECESSARILY NEO. Fusion wtf? Elastos is a part of the G3, it stands on its own for digital property rights, it will be a beast but not meant for ICO's nor does it have international backing. Matrix AI is a partner to NEO team and every tech company in the world is scrambling for a functional AI, has nothing to compete with NEO's main focus. Zilliqa wtf? Honestly you didnt even try.lol

>> No.9994072

Exactly and considering how hard it is to "
give up" an American citizenship its not worth it

>> No.9994097

Your list has Fusion, which has a completly different outlook. That's like comparing Cars and Motorcycles. Nothing against the project you listed, but you probably just listed stuff you liked. As another anon said, NEO is actually far in terms of smart contract development. ETH and EOS has smart contracts, but other platforms like Cardano only ever talk about this stuff but are miles behind.

>> No.9994621

People who throw out the Chinese smoke and mirrors angle neglect the fact that a very technically strong group of European developers have all but completed a reverse take over on the tech. Da Hongfei is still the face of this and brings the connections (Fossun, government, media, etc). NEO is on trajectory to do something projects without a well-connected, charismatic face simply can't.

NEO is pretty far ahead in VM terms and has actually managed to bluff its way into being real.

>> No.9994634

Fellow 1% holder checking in. Im never selling my neo