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File: 1.88 MB, 1176x1257, last-summer-vs-this-summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9991274 No.9991274 [Reply] [Original]

> portfolio down 90%
> gf up 10kg
> mfw

>> No.9991285

she looks better

>> No.9991302

gtfo normie

>> No.9991304


>> No.9991330
File: 1.72 MB, 350x266, mcmahon1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dang. You make bad investments.

>> No.9991414

Well shes not that bad now, but she was 10/10 before
Help her lose weight anon, go to the gym together

>> No.9991443

She looks like a fridge

>> No.9991515

at least you can sell her milk on the black market
all my milk maidens ran away

>> No.9991542

Does every chick need to get stupid ass tattoos these days?

>> No.9991568
File: 28 KB, 397x397, 1529692390715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portfolio down 90%
>have a gf
never gonna make it,
you know which one you need to sell

>> No.9991574

You have low standards if you think she was ever a 10. At her best, 8. Maybe.

>> No.9991607
File: 23 KB, 500x333, Laughing-Men-In-Suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9991610

seek help

>> No.9991633

Tats used to be cool, now almost no cool person has a recognizable one. Its 90% thots with stupid butterflies, dudebros with a random maori drawing or niggers with their parents names

>> No.9991677


>> No.9991724

Remember tribal tats? They were lame too. Maybe im just an oldfag 30 yo boomer

>> No.9991789
File: 1.08 MB, 245x165, e80.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9991797

Ruined by the tattoo anyway, dump your bags.

>> No.9991866

another oldfag here, before that there was a craze to get chinese characters on the back of your neck. even still id say tattoos are way more normal and popular than they used to be

>> No.9991962

For sure, people from all walks of life get tattoos now and some still seem to get/hold jobs, even with neck tats and shit like that.

>> No.9991979

Those are child bearing hips.
Obviously she gained some weight after she popped out one of your little shits.

>> No.9992201
File: 423 KB, 550x1217, asdfe22r2favdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, fuck that. gained some weight enjoying too much of picrelated. told her to cut this shit out on multiple occasions. fatter tits + dat ass is nice, belly flab not so much.
These anons have the right idea

>> No.9992223

how to pick a girlfriend checklist

>ask how many cats she has
>look at how much fat she has on her arms

>> No.9992227


I like a little belly fat, it's fun to watch it jiggle when you're fucking them and then deposit your load all over it

>> No.9992228


shame her cock didn't get bigger too, right?

>> No.9992240

tell her if she wants to keep eating that way she has to do squats. at least she will make ass gains and if some fat ends up going there then its a win for u

>> No.9992348

This, the reason crypto is crashing right now is because of how many normies are balls deep in it.

It's good knowing that hundreds of normies will kill themselves over losing their life savings on cryptos, whereas all we wasted was tax payer money.

>> No.9992384

Get your testosterone levels checked

>> No.9992426
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1527206480977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time you're banging her

before you pull out



>> No.9992499

disgusting fat whore
very bad investment

>> No.9992535


Cute face, but that body is going to a bad place.

>> No.9992607

She already had wide hips. She was destined to be fat

>> No.9992714

Have you ever even touched a woman? Doesn't sound like it.

>> No.9992739

he is right, she was always gonna turn into a fat whore

>> No.9992750

not your gf/10

>> No.9992775

You definitely sound like the virgin

>> No.9992852


>> No.9992866

Is that a year of difference in the pick? Looks like 10 years.
Op is certified betabux

>> No.9992912

Yes, 8. She's not 10 tier, not even close - few women are. 8 is not a bad thing, most of you - myself included, could only hope for an 8 that doesn't leave our lives in a smoking ruin. Or get an 8 to even respond to us. If you can get an 8, you're doing pretty good. 10's don't take us civilians, they date celebrities and sports stars and shitheads like that.

That's why I'm saying, if she's a 10 to you, you have low standards.

>> No.9992991

this, what the fuck ? what happens next summer ? she will be fucking 60

>> No.9993041

Show pics of your girl

>> No.9993062

Aw, is someone triggered?

>> No.9993131

Bit chance of kys is up 300x... Look on the bright side.

>> No.9993204

oh fuck white girls are disgusting.

>> No.9993213

That fat collecting near her armpit, yikes. If you’re going to let her gain weight, get her to the gym. A girl with a little bit of pudge but lifts weights is legit god tier.

>> No.9993227


More like 80 (years old)

>> No.9993229

Tip of the iceberg anon. She is letting herself go. you think she is fat now? Wait till you knock her up. When junior is about 2 years old she will look like a fucking Jersey Cow. Thin parents equal thin children. Your kids will be obese also. Get the fuck out now brother.

>> No.9993236

Is this pasta?

>> No.9993249

Surely that woman is beyond her child bearing years.

>> No.9993258


you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.9993275


tats were, are and will always be white trash

>> No.9993284


>fatter tits + dat ass is nice

thats the calm before the storm

>> No.9993315

This. I've never liked the look of tattoos on women, it kills any interest in me, when I see them, because it's a red flag for other issues.

Tattoo removal is a growth industry, too - lots of thots and try hard gym bros are having them removed.

>> No.9993412

No, sweet summerfag, it's not pasta.

>> No.9993435


>> No.9993438

t b h she looks hotter in the pic on the right but its getting into the red zone

>> No.9993454
File: 1.80 MB, 1768x2732, 1529699042546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9993467
File: 104 KB, 757x482, biz and womans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9993473

Yeah, tattoos are definitely normie culture nowadays.

>> No.9993491

She's way hotter now.
I'll take her off your hands OP.

>> No.9993514
File: 492 KB, 879x781, iooho8h987979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone gets it.

no I don't think shes fat now, but where there are 10 there are 20 too, so yeah mission aborted. And lol kids... fuck no

all the other USofA kingincels replying, enjoy the wank

>> No.9993544


>> No.9993552

Why would anyone jerk off to a fat jewess housewife, when there are legit 10's showing everything on Chaturbate for free?

Next time you have to fuck her to keep her from divorcing your cryptofaggot ass, just let the phrase "womp womp" go through your head.

>> No.9993612

why can they not eat at maintenance amounts

>> No.9993648

eating high calorie foods releases dopamine

>> No.9993654

This. Only actual faggots wouldn't bang that thicc

>> No.9993663
File: 1.44 MB, 1242x1362, 03FB87F4-B780-478F-AF10-67E4958615CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9993864
File: 84 KB, 436x425, 1519861806255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gains weight
>none of it goes to tits
dropped as fast as crypto

>> No.9993874

holy shit, source me

>> No.9993940

lmao holy shit I remember that

>> No.9994384


>> No.9994467

>gf up 10kg
short her to 50kg, gf are a bad investment

>> No.9994505

fuck no have some respect

>> No.9994511

'High calorie foods' is misleading. Search for sugar and dopamine on pubmed

>> No.9994563

top kek

>> No.9994578

fuck what a shame, why did u allow that?

>> No.9994598

this nigga knows what's up, except OPs grill is a solid 7.5 at the most

>> No.9994618

got nudes?

>> No.9994684

pff thats a 6 at most

>> No.9994782

this, tell her to do exercise, so she keeps the big ass + tits, while burning some belly fat

>> No.9994791

disgusting. tell the fat bitch to eat healthy again

>> No.9995048

Op sell now while you're still in profit. This fat bitch is going to keep depreciating.

Thank me later

>> No.9995143

Nigga if you're giving an 8 unironically to the right pic you have low standards already lmao. Even the left one is iffy, might be 8 but could be 7 or even 6

>> No.9995153

Time for an exchange...she's going to keep growing while she feels comfortable in a relationship

>> No.9995226

wtf happened

to your portfolio and your gf


>> No.9995230

Gf is mooning. The moon being round and all

>> No.9995232 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, 913645857505280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better to chase money just to compensate for your looks and improve your chances ?


Is he right about money and power or is this bs ?

>> No.9995268
File: 56 KB, 750x717, DW6nmUBUQAA_ir4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.9995479

Get out now! She's only going to get bigger

>> No.9995527

7 to solid 7. Could be worse I suppose, just don't put a ring on it.

>> No.9995673
File: 13 KB, 512x512, 584344de372ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, stop being a faggot and break up with her already so I can appreciate those MOMMY curves.

>> No.9995723

your finances suck but damn your gf got HOT as fuck... god shes so thicccc i would just .. FUCK YOU DUDE

>> No.9995757

Yo bitch a slam pig now. Keep slammin anon