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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 600x391, high IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9987570 No.9987570 [Reply] [Original]

High IQ, AMD 40, TSLA 400 plays that low IQ don't understand and this is a good thing.

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed]

Previous thread

>> No.9987592

Alright Moon Men, talk to me.

>> No.9987598
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>> No.9987600


>> No.9987599

TSLA Jul 2018 350.000 call
OPR - OPR Delayed Price. Currency in USD
Add to watchlist
Quote Lookup
9.92-4.83 (-32.75%)
As of 12:12PM EDT. Market open.

My HIGH IQ Option went down a lot. Interesting development. I think the best plan of action is to hold it until July when it maximizes in price again.

This is what I predict.

>> No.9987609

MU is going to drop to 56 then skyrocket up. Don't come to school july, you're welcome.

>> No.9987617
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Recent reports from Chinese authorities verify that Televisions, phones, and entertainment are not effected by sanctions. iQIYI, the drop was for literally nothing. Time to get comfy.

>> No.9987629

was this scene really necessary?

>> No.9987632
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1515912252749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys we need to talk lunchbro out of this


>> No.9987647
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Feel free to go up any time Banks

>> No.9987657
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>> No.9987660
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Anybody here know anything about money rituals? Something that will guide me to make as much money as possible? And have it in my subconscious? My tulpas been golden haired for a few months to always remind me.
I work 12 hours a day at 11 an hour at 88 hours a week...I want all the money in the world hahaha

Btw I'm going to be a regular in this general from now on...is it 24 hours or does it die after the market closes?

>> No.9987671

dead on weekends

>> No.9987673

Damn, was that actually in Rucky Star? It's been years since I watched it, didn't think they pandered so much

>> No.9987689


Was lunchbro cucked by HMNY???

>> No.9987699
File: 677 KB, 400x501, 000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, one of the best scenes

>> No.9987711

I'm fine friend, I'll never be weak enough to kill myself, that's not how I work

Heck no, why would I buy stock in a company with no debt but still fails? :^)

>> No.9987713

What do we think of OSIS?

>> No.9987715

It’s been abundantly clear that Tesla was borderline fraudulent ever since they bought struggling Solar City to bail out investors (i.e. Musk himself). No profit, murky business plan, heavily dependent on gov subsidies, and now the cars are literally burning up. Model 3 reservations are vanishing faster than theories on global warming (which has been postponed due to cold weather from dropping solar output). The bottom is about to fall out and Emperor Elon is butt naked. This anon gives it a SELL rating.

>> No.9987718

Post your predictions for TSLA price 7 days from now.

What would low IQ people do with TSLA 350 calls for July 6?

>> No.9987721

I already gave you the avatar ritual

>> No.9987731


>> No.9987730

this makes no sense.

>> No.9987741

Who is on the ENPH train?

>> No.9987748
File: 191 KB, 500x600, 1529629251423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO NO NO NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9987757
File: 24 KB, 480x480, Colgate_Toothpaste_Maxfresh_Peppermint_Ice_-_80_GM_Blue_Gel_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colgate, SWK, , SBUX, JPM

if you did not buy these today, you failed!

>> No.9987760

people on here are always talking about commodities. Investing, doing options - something that I can't remember

what is it that they're talking about?

>> No.9987778

I've got a ritual that works 100% of the time. What you need to do wait for a full moon. Go to your local hardware store and get a pair of heavy duty kneepads. After that you need to go to the temple referred to as a "gay bar".......

>> No.9987780

kek, keep these ratings coming

>> No.9987782
File: 30 KB, 639x406, sadcat_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The volume is so damn pitiful.

>> No.9987784
File: 27 KB, 472x557, 14980C2E-6A7A-4D71-9CF7-B0BD6E298DD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a good sigil, use it responsibly

>> No.9987805

Kneepad if you need someone to take care of you after the surgery and feed you eggs, I volunteer.

>> No.9987811

>My HIGH IQ Option went down a lot.
>Interesting development
LOL u dum nigger i explained exactly why that was gonna happen last night

youre right though. your ONLY course of action is to sit there and think about what youve done

>> No.9987827

lunch bros not a faggot
it was a false flag

>> No.9987847

Problem is, he never actually bought the option. He refuses to screenshot his portfolio because he doesn't have one.

>> No.9987849

first the penis picture now this

Why is lunchbro being targetted?

>> No.9987861

Lunchbro is pure only a truly sick fuck would try and sabotage him.

>> No.9987877
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>didnt buy nathans famous hotdogs

>> No.9987900

the /biz/raelis will always target us my brother

the time will come when we must strike back and push them into the sea

but id like to think that he is not only a small specc (obviously), but also an arrogant one. i have no doubt in my mind he was stupid enough to atleast buy the $666 worth of 23calls before even announcing it.

whether or not he was arrogant enough to buy more because i baited him into it, remains to be seen, but i surmise if we see him getting quieter than usual, it will mean that he is experiencing total loss

>> No.9987903
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>didnt buy SPX below 2600

>> No.9987907
File: 223 KB, 624x1221, Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 11.00.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does my portfolio look? Am I going to make it?

>> No.9987909


I cut my losses and fortunately made them back with RENN.

Fuck tripfags, never listening to them again

>> No.9987912


>> No.9987915

I think I have lost my ability to even.

>> No.9987919

get yer bio lotto tickets here

CASI heading back to $8 next week

>> No.9987920

I hope to God he bought all those calls to because he will be broke and finally leave this board. It's really a win win for us either way.

>> No.9987934

patience is a virtue friend. as people said before, they JUST acquired the company. it needs time.

>> No.9987946

I already lost 50 cents so far on my Investment
Im suing Big5guy for everything he has

>> No.9987953


No one acquired anything yet.

>> No.9987956

It has to be at least $20.

>> No.9987961

Class action lawsuit when?? I'm down 30 cents, I can't even feed my family anymore
I wonder how much of the company smg collectively owns

>> No.9987968


Big5Guy made another high quality call.

>> No.9987978
File: 463 KB, 400x254, giphy (28).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol big5 wins again!

>> No.9987981

After we all fucking make it, we should totally just buy some micro cap company and rebrand the buisiness into some weeb shit.

>> No.9987990

I was talking about TSLA 350 CALL, not the aMD ones, AMD ones are slightly up

>> No.9988007

What and turn a profit? I thought I was on /biz/.

>> No.9988021

low IQ haters will never beat me


look, people are realizing im right as evidence by making money

This one doesnt look good kek

>> No.9988027


christ almighty what is w you dumb niggers?
the dude bought it for 4.8M LESS than 24 hours ago. this isnt like with shitcoins where someone can come in and purchase a gorillion of them and it moons in a second.

the reason it was a very good call is because big5 noticed it HOURS before the news even initially came up

>> No.9988037

You're right, we're never going to make it.

>> No.9988038

We turn a Greek shipping company into a pocket pussy and hentai exporter

>> No.9988048

i'm having a bad day.. even ended up in the wrong thread

>> No.9988059

I'm just averaging down on LCI

>> No.9988063

Are pocket pussies good? I've been thinking about signing up for Amazon mechanical turk to get enough money to buy one.

>> No.9988064

WTF is going on with AMD?
I remember thinking about buying in at $10, but then stopped myself
I was going to then buy in about a week ago, but also stopped myself
now the stock is dropping

>> No.9988067

just accept that your new name is hi IV and live with it, bud

srsly nigga? yahoo finance?
for the love of god use tradingview.com or some other free chart program. yahoo is WILDLY inaccurate

>> No.9988072

>the reason it was a very good call is because big5 noticed it HOURS before the news even initially came up

No he didn't. He posted it after the filing was released.

Everyone and their cat can set up alert for SEC filings for a company

>> No.9988080
File: 111 KB, 493x595, hc5793c3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord it doesnt stop
"109 will be mine"

>> No.9988081

yahoo loads fast

fast > accurate

AMD is getting ready to hit $40

It's in slow phase 2 right now. The big Jump is on the horizon.

>> No.9988094
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>> No.9988099

well i didnt notice it, did you?

im still long on it. oil is rising and ive been looking for more undervlued energy memes. if youre too much of a bitch to hold it, then sell me your shares

its not fast either though. its slow AND inaccurate

>> No.9988106

>Amazon mechanical turk
anon, your time is more valuable than that ...

>> No.9988114

>I'm just averaging down on LCI
me too.. i really see it as a good buy.. they have plenty of drugs and have plenty more to come

I've been calling a buyout on GBR for awhile now.. i've even explained why it's a good candidate for a buyout many fucking times in this thread way before yesterday

>> No.9988118

I told you lads to sell GBR after the bump

>> No.9988122

If I can make ~30 cents an hour I can afford a sex toy in under a week though

>> No.9988124

how do I view options on Tradingview?

>> No.9988132

>30 cents an hour
anon ...

>> No.9988151

You can spend that same time doing literally anything for money and make more than 30 cents an hour.

If you went out right now in the middle of summer and asked your neighbors if you can shovel their snow you'd make more money.

>> No.9988180

Boeing 400 when?

>> No.9988184

>If you went out right now in the middle of summer and asked your neighbors if you can shovel their snow you'd make more money.


also as someone who has made an embarrassing amount on mturk it's not worth it bro. get an actual job and learn about investing. the only reason i did is because i didn't know about the power of time and investing when i made most of my money on there. so i got nowhere only able to pay bills and buy things in the moment with nothing lasting to show for all my effort

>> No.9988208

lol why is everyone acting like it hurts to hold onto a stock that hasnt dropped at all?

dont think it has em desu
i meant that for more accurate charts
i dont trade options unless im at my platform that has the options chain in it.

i know that the free version of thinkorswim has a REALLY good options chain on it. you dont have to give TDameritrade any money to open up the demo account (but i AM unsure of whether its delayed or not as i dont use it). but its probably the best retail platform for looking at options desu

>> No.9988209

lol this >>9988151
I'm pretty sure "homeless" people make more an hour sitting in a major city

>> No.9988229

its just that those browser based options chains often timesare pretty inaccurate w the greeks, and i dont like buying or selling any options without consulting my greek overlords first, as i like money, and i HATE slippage

>> No.9988276

I have a full time job, 8 hours a day at 15 bucks an hour. I don't have to pay rent because I live in one of my parent's houses for free, and they give me a 2 grand a month allowance. But I put all of the money I can into savings since I have a phobia of being poor and starving like someone in the Russian revolution. I'm too scared to spend any of my money that I make, I want to make money that I'm not "attached" to so I can spend it, if that makes any sense.

>> No.9988297

TSLA and AMD are great buys

>> No.9988321
File: 129 KB, 1598x793, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit IQ is on top.

>> No.9988342

ive been not homeless and done this

i used to do this for my groceries sometimes when i was broke. id go down to the farmers market, bring some instruments, a loop pedal, and play a bunch of instruments at the same time and people would throw money at me like it was going out of style.

you can even do it by just playing acoustic guitar poorly, but expect FAR less of a return, as no one fucking cares if you can play a bob dylan song. you gotta be interesting and make it an actual performance. if you can get people to start stopping and listening (pretty hard to do sometimes), and get a crowd, you can make like 30-40 bucks in a couple minutes. bretty kewl being a bard sometimes

but yes, if youre an absolutely talentless hack, you can just sit and look disheveled and dirty and rake in a steady return. you have to go to a tourist spot though, as locals wont give a fuck about ur sorry ass

>> No.9988344


it does. but in your situation just spend 50 bucks and stop being autistic. the alternative, to make any actual money on mturk, would take you so long that you'd be a literal retard to value your time that lowly. literally staring at the sky is a better use of time

>> No.9988354

Canopy pullback as expected. Many tickers following it down to varying degrees. TRST holding up pretty well relative to the rest.

Also come on Tetra BioPharma it's time for a breakout! Pretty sure this thing will net me a 3x before the end of summer on the common shares, 4x+ on the warrants.

>> No.9988364
File: 124 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180622-133052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was really hoping to get comfy watching China continue its death spiral today...
I don't have any money riding on it, but it was so fucking fun to watch.

>> No.9988365

im waiting for a bulltrap, then a REAL panic

>> No.9988376

Damn, DRYS is having a day.

>> No.9988378

is $IQ more JUSTED than my picks. I think so.

TSLAMD are still fine.

>> No.9988391

greek begged and got more monies

i assume it;s this

>> No.9988434

Conceptually it'd make sense but by that logic the money you'd make on mturk would probably just go into savings.

If you care about money so much, also care about the amount of time you spend. The time you would spend getting good at mturk (as someone who spent a year on mturk with tons of plugins and hookups putting 10+ hours every day) you could just buy yourself a onahole, jack off a couple times, throw it out and earn 100x the amount.

>> No.9988443

That would be fun. I have cash set aside specifically for that type of occasion.

>> No.9988454

>lol why is everyone acting like it hurts to hold onto a stock that hasnt dropped at all?
this thread is full of newbs that think stocks always just go straight up.. they see some youtube video that says make $3,000 the first hour every morning and they think thats how it is lol... newbs don't' have patience

>> No.9988465
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>Access Power, Inc., is a pico-cap U.S. public company that “offers Internet-based communications products and services in the United States and international markets,” according to Bloomberg. As of yesterday’s close, it had a stock price of $0.0004 and a market capitalization of about $98,000; it trades an average of about $13.26—thirteen dollars and twenty-six cents—worth of stock each day, though it had a big day last week when almost $400 worth of stock traded.

>According to Access’s most recent quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 10-Q:

"The Corporation is for sale. I will sell Access-Power, Inc for $15,000,000.00 or $.06 per share."




>> No.9988471

Wrong. The one I watched said $5,000 in the first hour.

>> No.9988472
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I need to watch more closely. I hate missing out on a good DRYS run.

>> No.9988499
File: 166 KB, 646x700, 1528488328479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pump that shit

>> No.9988526



>> No.9988544

what shit dubsman?

>> No.9988559

shit they're up like 50% in two weeks.

>> No.9988560

>Patrick J Jensen controls 53.70905% of the vote.
Access-Power, Inc. does not issue or sell stock
in the market place at the moment today.

>No one is assisting Patrick J Jensen in all this hard work. He is Human. This form is basically the same as the prior report, except for the dates/period have changed.


>> No.9988563

all indexes for the pre power hour pump

>> No.9988565

when will you come up with something original? let me guess as soon as i post this someone is going to reply with
so fucking predictable and stale

>> No.9988567

Where was that anon that said Vidya was dying? Did he neck himself yet?

>> No.9988568
File: 74 KB, 885x874, money flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the money flow in to IQ

>> No.9988580
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>> No.9988586

If it does not break 38 and stay above it soon, I am going to have a fucking cow.

>> No.9988590
File: 140 KB, 522x614, LOCO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have bought mooooooooooore

>> No.9988610

Wait, that restaurant from Breaking Bad is real?

>> No.9988613
File: 961 KB, 1414x2372, 20180622_114451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD dump to $14.25!

It stupid, autoimmune/leukemia combo with bone marrow??? Me not really pay attention kek
They basically replacing hips (surgeon saying am youngest person hes ever done)
The big issue gonna be pumping me with other peoples blood

Me love long blood transfusions
Makes feel and look so young & healthy after

>implying you Kaworu

>> No.9988620
File: 99 KB, 1406x654, CL1!-CL2! 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know CGC is gonna lead the whole sector down. is there an optionable sector wide ETF that burgers can trade that has all these canadian weed memes in it?

my buddy irl thought i was crazy for even mentioning shorting weed now that its legal. told him im gonna enjoy his money lol

when i first started i lost a lot of money by being impatient. then i got a little more patient and evened out. now that im ACTUALLY patient, im making a TON more than i couldve ever imagined. its ridiculous that these tards think that some no name oil meme is suddenly gonna explode the day after. no one even knows its happened yet. and also, if oil continues to rise (which it looks like it will judging on CL futures spread mooning AGAIN today, pic related) the long term on this play is gonna be the fucking TITS. i could easily see this getting to where other NA oil memes are like NOG or DNR.

the real kicker is that unlike some of these cheap oil memes, these guys already have the reserves. they just needed the funding so they could start ramping up. at the very least, i dont expect the company to be worth LESS now that some guy just bought it out for $5M. if it dips, im buying. just like i have been doing for all my oil memes.

>> No.9988645
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>> No.9988650

Why would I ? I'm 80% in electronics hardware and ISPs and as your link says, the growing part of vidya is hardware as software is shrinking.

>> No.9988652

very popular here, real authentic mexican chicken

>> No.9988670

>autoimmune/leukemia combo with bone marrow
damn thats a hell of a surgery rkg
though ive heard those surgeries have come a LONG ways since the dark ages, and have a high rate of success.

unironically praying for you m8

>> No.9988682
File: 90 KB, 349x254, 1514226084145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-dont worry everything will be fine
we're going to Chilies when you get better!

>> No.9988697

Frontera Energy is splitting 2:1 on the 26th, buying back 100% of its secured 2021 notes, and investing ~500m into its Columbia/Peru ops, strong buy even considering strength of US to CAD

>> No.9988701

Sorry my knowledge of fast food is somewhat limited. I suppose that makes me uncultured.

>> No.9988704

Holy hell girl. As much as I hate the posts you make here, I'm going to perform an occult ritual to make sure you get better.

>> No.9988708

How’s M. D. Anderson? Also I hope all goes well.

>> No.9988714

>Vidya was dying?

the fuck? men pay more attention to fortnite then their girlfriends. how is vidya dying?

>> No.9988733


how are grown men in a position to even care about videogames? aren't we all worried about the future and our finances and trying to make it? or have the all just given up?

>> No.9988737

Good luck, I wish you well. I'm still recuperating from spinal fusion surgery in January.

>> No.9988740

can confirm, pollo loco is pretty fucking good chicken.

>> No.9988742



>> No.9988744
File: 10 KB, 479x140, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think i'm not smart enough to make money on the stock market.

>> No.9988748

everyone has to relax somehow. like by posting on 4chan.
plus, some of us have already made it

>> No.9988763

the most important thing you can do in life is be smart enough to realize you're not smart, and then do what's prudent instead

>> No.9988768

Must suck to have to deal with manchilds.

>> No.9988781

AMD has too much activity to be that predictable. 15.83 now, people are bullish on it more than you would expect.

>> No.9988786
File: 32 KB, 1172x675, 1511758426815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exited RENN with 60% gains

too bad I only threw 1k at it

>> No.9988793

when's the surgery date rkg?

>> No.9988798

maybe you ladies need to step up your game if you are losing to some cartoony game.

>> No.9988810

can you assholes stop purchasing Bank calls? they push the price down when you do that
Just sell your shit and get bogged already so I can make some moolah

>> No.9988811

Is any one going to buy it at that price?

>> No.9988825

I'm a dude mah boi, still most of my friends moved away from vidya ages ago.

>> No.9988830
File: 105 KB, 776x422, i'm in at .95 kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon. I just one lambo, is that too much to ask?

>> No.9988833

>Being this brainlet

digital software sales are not reported. Software is not going away, what the fuck are people going to do with that hardware? Admit you were wrong then Hari Kari yourself for bringing dishonor to this Malaysian rice art forum

>> No.9988862

Yes! Its financials are astounding. From the 10-Q:

OLD DEBT, EMPLOYEES, and even the
ACCR COFFEE POT WAS STOLEN! All of this changed in 2012.

A broke, yet fixable coffee pot was installed."

>> No.9988877

Its friday for gawhd saykes
Pump that shit!

>> No.9988885

Where do you pull that out ? And if that's true, then how is your article relevant to the market as a whole given the amount of digital sales ?

>> No.9988889

>they don't have convertible death debentures

>> No.9988899


>> No.9988903

what is the ticker?

>> No.9988908



>> No.9988911


>> No.9988923

lol that guy couldn't sell his dick for $0.06 let alone any share in that "company"

>> No.9988937
File: 1.88 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with nikkei kun's ratsu chan?

>> No.9988948

n..nothing bad pls. I don't like that image.

>> No.9988957

p-please dont open its brain up

>> No.9988967

use it to test various rat trap designs

>> No.9988976

It reminds me that time they showed me what they were doing with my brain microneedles.

>> No.9989008

so about lockheed martin

>> No.9989023


>> No.9989039

give it a sock to play with !

>> No.9989043

you need more POWR

>> No.9989049

Also from the 10-Q

"All financial records from Access-Power, Inc. have been destroyed by
previous management and are not available. It is very expensive to
obtain audited reports of $0.

MARK BAUM lied in .pdf filings attesting that Access Power, Inc had
36,000 SQFT of OFFICE SPACE. 2007-2012 is called the DARK PERIOD."

This shit is gonna moon, you watch.

>> No.9989071

I can't buy any more until it reaches 15 neopoints a share. Theres a bonus you can get from the obelisk battleground which lets you get them at 10 neopoints, but I don't have it.

>> No.9989074
File: 1.88 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ratsu chan doesn't need her head hair anymore

>> No.9989080

Well I just picked up some JPM and BRK-B, seems like good entry points as long as everything doesn't suddenly go to shit.

>> No.9989087
File: 17 KB, 326x252, bart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a fucking dick GOOS, you made bag hold for so long. I knew that fucking rally was bullshit. Rallying on over priced coats in the fucking summer time. I hope this shit goes down to 55.

>> No.9989090

>Theres a bonus you can get from the obelisk battleground which lets you get them at 10 neopoints
This is some TOPS ceo bull shit.

>> No.9989091
File: 24 KB, 400x300, 380789-bleach_urahara0197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol uh, Im buying DFEN, dont know about you guys
buffet says dont use leverage but uhhh gonna take a chance on this one

>> No.9989094
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>> No.9989112
File: 486 KB, 822x650, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You son of a bitch I wont forgive you

yeah, thats a very good idea, congrats on being smart

>> No.9989126

Uh oh

>> No.9989136
File: 23 KB, 909x424, Ruhroh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you arent long.

>> No.9989140

They just opened a new office in Shanghai and the chinks are loving it. Good luck Panama Anon

>> No.9989150

Have you ever heard of the guild ICE, SPICE, or Monkey Junction?

>> No.9989172
File: 349 KB, 1389x454, 56049891-H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man SAM just broke the 300 mark

gonna get a beer to celebrate. shoulda dumped my whole portfolio here instead of fucking around with oil shits

>> No.9989180
File: 132 KB, 1000x708, 7c7bb756964af93a2b5d58913a34ae309722a07a7606772272cb05d1eebb120e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day old graph
meaningless if you're trading long-term

>> No.9989194

Thanks Anon. I shorted last Friday at 60.35 and I was shitting my pants when I saw it skyrocket to 68. But I knew it was way overbought. I already have my take profits stops in place in case this bitch reversals faster than a mashed shoryuken.

>> No.9989199

My defense plays (DFEN and some call options) lost a whole shitload of money when Donny managed to establish permanent peace in Korea

but I'm bag holding them because I just laughed at that sentence as much as you did, they're going back up real soon now

>> No.9989214

No I'm still a member of the shit guild I joined 12 years ago. Pretty sure its inactive lol. I'll have to look those up.

>> No.9989218

this is what i keep telling myself lookng at TSLA 350 calls that expire on July 6

Just trust in IQ.

>> No.9989221
File: 1.92 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got her fastened. I wonder where this is going...

>> No.9989235
File: 12 KB, 556x47, GOOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dropping GOOS, Keep dropping...

>> No.9989240
File: 47 KB, 500x322, 1505118539572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look man...

>> No.9989267

For the love of god be careful

>> No.9989268
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>> No.9989282


>> No.9989302


>> No.9989328

I'm very concerned for a certain rat
I hope it's already dead

>> No.9989336
File: 81 KB, 1067x600, AB164451-9D19-4037-9D94-DE07D3AAD1FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon holds electrical dildo up to ass of rat
>tfw what happens next

>> No.9989345

honestly most of /smg/ would be better off if all of their orders were reversed like that.

>> No.9989357

So last night i applied at a forex trading firm and sent in my track record and my experience. They called me today to set up and interview... not sure if i should go through with it.. they want $2,000 down for "risk something" i forgot what they called it.. but i looked up their firm and its reputable but it's forex, they said they will start me off with 10,000 with 50:1 giving me 500,000 trading power... really in a tough spot here.. not sure if i should go through with it or apply at a prop shop trading equities only...

>> No.9989363

fucking kek

>> No.9989376

come back to me in 1 year. I am confident in this company when big companies are running ads on their streaming site and when they are getting billions of views. that is only going to attract more sponsorship. also don't forget the additional revenue they make from the 61 million subscribers.

>> No.9989380

This anon >>9989221 is the typical IQ invester. Abandon ship.

>> No.9989388

if a company wants you to pay them money before you are hired, it is 100% a scam

>> No.9989400

just take it and short the usd/yen hek hek hek

>> No.9989415

that's nothing, I'll give you 500:1 leverage if you just PayPal me $500, totes for real

>> No.9989425
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xxii mooning

>> No.9989466
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Pep still blasting up

>> No.9989468
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>> No.9989473
File: 49 KB, 680x381, 4minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOS keep on dropping! I love this!

>> No.9989480


their entire thesis is that the FDA will mandate low-nicotine cigarettes

which could have maybe happened if Hillary got elected, but now is kind of laughable

>> No.9989495


>> No.9989497

get into SAM too my man

>> No.9989507

>implying trump won't push for it so smokers have to buy more cigarettes to get their same fix

>> No.9989510

at the next pullback... if there is one

>> No.9989525

>up 60% in 3 months
>P/E ratio is over 35
Wtf is happening here?

>> No.9989531

I kept telling myself that, missed out on months of growth, eventually just did a BTFATH like it was 2017 again, now I'm up 16% in two weeks

>> No.9989552

SAM's mooning is it due to their share buyback program or their beverage products are actually selling ?

>> No.9989555

hipster beer, don't bet against hipster beer

>> No.9989562

I need part 2
every day until part 2 comes out

>> No.9989582

This is the fucking top of low IQ posting. This is the que to buy Tesla.

>> No.9989584

They have the distribution and availability of Bud with the profit margin and popularity of a real microbrew. I don't know how they do it.

>> No.9989611

Is AMD gearing for a pullback soon?

>> No.9989622
File: 3 KB, 211x239, 1529593934639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I have 50k to blow.
Tell me what I should by and why I should put everything in IQIYI

>> No.9989623
File: 40 KB, 500x500, BcljMz7CUAEwYq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it cant be helped
Ill digitize a page here and there and youll get your part 2 soon

>> No.9989630

do it NOW

>> No.9989653
File: 27 KB, 1088x556, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally your last chance to get into HIVE Blockchain Technologies at this level.

Just loaded the boat this morning. Read into these guys, legit AF.

>> No.9989663

Chinese tech firms all have fraudulent financials and the market is just now finding out

Put that money into beer and pizza (SAM, DPZ)

>> No.9989678

wrong thread, friend

>> No.9989688

Buy me a new truck

>> No.9989701

get outta here, you know fine well crypto is dead

>> No.9989721
File: 2.09 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until I'm done with her. She's lived too good of a life pressing levers.

Treat this as an offering to kneepad girl. :^)

Anyway, fuck SOGO I can't believe I bought the meme

>> No.9989723

I did my research on it last year
Market (and Cucking Beta) was worried about their dwindling sales figures
I should have been bolder and buy some

Never underestimate the power of marketing and the brand

>> No.9989742

Jesus, just cut its throat while imagining kneepad's pelvis, don't fuck around in its skull ffs

>> No.9989756

It's not a cryptocurrency.

It's a stock.

>> No.9989757

This. GBR is a long term play

>> No.9989772
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>> No.9989773

thats somehow even more retarded

>> No.9989782

Wow so this general no longer dies within 30 minutes anymore

>> No.9989783

currently holding LCI, CGC, and GBR. idk if im strong enough for these heavy bags :-(

>> No.9989810
File: 17 KB, 382x108, 1505107903204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've done quite well for ourselves

>> No.9989817
File: 212 KB, 330x300, animufinger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOS keeps dropping. Thank the Bogs. From being Justed earlier this week to making gainz.

>> No.9989874
File: 6 KB, 250x139, bluetarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lobotomies are my favorite!

>> No.9989896

w-what the fuck is that?
what are you going to do to its brain?

>> No.9989904

TSLA 400 in 2 weeks

Trust and believe.

>> No.9989906

Can we get the suicide hotline number for IQ bros?

>> No.9989919


>> No.9989927

science demands blood

>> No.9989930


if calculated gamble sells at the end of the day like he said he's gonna have a loss. wonder if he'll hold

>> No.9989938
File: 24 KB, 580x385, 4a6679c31785b798ee4d2692a8c6e74f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to recover... I tell you.

>> No.9989946

TSLA 275 in 2 weeks

This is your reality check.

>> No.9989993

any of you guys own PETS?

>> No.9990003

Wtf dude.

>> No.9990043

most prop trading firms want capital contribution... i looked them up on glass door they're legit..

>> No.9990057

LCI is fucking killing me but it has so much potential to let go.

Im in a very good spot with GBR so i have no problem holding till the buy out goes through

>> No.9990065
File: 131 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180622-154109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I finally leave now USO options bro >>9989896
Nothing much just jamming wires into its hippocampus

>> No.9990079

there was supposed to be a pump right now

>> No.9990082

>most prop trading firms want capital contribution
christ what a garbage industry
>i looked them up on glass door they're legit..
yeah and I'm from Goldman Sachs wire me $20,000 and I'll get you started right away sir :^)
you'll find our Glassdoor is in order :^)

>> No.9990107

>Calls push the price down
Newfriend here, plz explain

>> No.9990125

not sure why you are being such an asshole when you obviously don't understand what a prop firm is....

>> No.9990133

he's meming, the joke is market manipulators push the price down when anons take a long position and pump the price when anons take a short position to toy with us

>> No.9990139

>oh a bunch of small specs are buying calls, lets make the price not move for a month so they all lose money

>> No.9990157

Blockchain stocks were last year's meme.

>> No.9990166

EBAY mooning
>he didnt buy at 37

>> No.9990172

I dont need it still up 5k on IQ but I did lose a lot on it already.

>> No.9990181

christ are you retarded to this day GS does prop trading
im trying to help you out b5g just join the damn firm if you want to get scammed that hard

>> No.9990187

ending this week buying JPM at 105
Fucking kikes

>> No.9990194
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>> No.9990199



>> No.9990203

most prop firms want capital contribution dumb fuck.. look it up.. you are fucking comparing goldman sachs to a small prop shop.. you are beyond retarded.

>> No.9990204

Oh gottcha I thought there was some more weird mystical shit I didn't know about

>> No.9990219

my nigga my nigga

>> No.9990221

Wait until the volatility stops first. I am on iq for at least 5 years so I dont care.

>> No.9990240

you have a really cool job anon

on one hand im glad i didnt go into crushing student loan debt given how out of control tuitions at private schools got (all the scholarships i could get only covered 1 and a half semesters, sans housing, and its even worse now). but on the other hand, i desperately wish i could even apply for a job where i could be doing something to utilize my fucking brain in ANY real capacity.

i suppose autisming over the markets sort of fills that void, but still. i wanna shove metal shit into rats brains and plug it into a computer. that sounds like a blast

>> No.9990241

That sounds shady as fuck but $2k isn't that much money and the returns could be huge. I say fuck it, go through with it.

>> No.9990243

IQ is baidu so you can trust it but I do agree you need to be careful with other Chinese stocks.

>> No.9990252

and I'm saying id never take a job where you have to pay to join, that's quite frankly retarded
jobs are supposed to pay you, you know ...

>> No.9990256


lol its not a meme

>> No.9990274
File: 30 KB, 412x372, 1528484008612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you guys think baozun will settle? i bought at $61 did i fuck up?

>> No.9990289

that is how prop firms work.. have you ever applied at one? have you even looked it up?

>> No.9990307

Fucking hell, i've been bleeding money like crazy this week. Can the market get it's shit together already.
Never heard of one or looked anything up on it. I said you should go through with it, no need to get pissy over it. You seem stressed, you need to go back to mexico and bang a trap again.

>> No.9990320

that last minute was utter shit
God save the banks

>> No.9990322

>that is how pyramid schemes work.. have you ever applied at one? have you even looked it up?

>> No.9990337

hi Comfy! where can I find your podcast? can you post a link please?
t.only 4 weeks here on /smg/

>> No.9990345

just getting tired of people that don't do any research at all into anything but have some type of say in the matter as if they know but yet they have no fucking clue. The guy was comparing goldman sachs to a prop shop.. idk how someone wouldn't think thats a retarded comparison


2nd and 3rd paragraph...

>> No.9990346

Comfy couldn't handle the stresses of /smg/ stardom so the podcast is no more.

>> No.9990350

Well do you understand forex?
I thought you were mainly into just equities

Oh, I know.
I thought I'd be the only one that got spooked by that final 5-10 run for the exits.

>> No.9990369

Forex is a fucking nightmare, I would lose so much money if I traded it as a job kek.

>> No.9990377

>Well do you understand forex?
>I thought you were mainly into just equities
i am mainly into equities that is why i am hesitant about taking the job.. corporations make sense to me like alot of sense, forex just feels like it'll all be momentum trading.

>> No.9990378

Here's his jewtube, he said yesterday he was stopping but apparently not now?

>> No.9990385

oh I see.. thank you anon for caring for newbies here like myself

>> No.9990398

hehehe it's called marketing friend, 100k subs EOY

>> No.9990405

Dumb newb! Dont listen to that anon, Comfy literally just said he making a new one!

>> No.9990406


>> No.9990414

I just looked at CMG for the first time in a while. wtf, did they quit poisoning the customers?

>> No.9990427

Can I call in and rant about the juice tho?

Fuck yeah on the first part, what the fuck on the second part.
What's so good about SAM's financials? All I see is a mooning P/E ratio... The price is flying with no earnings to back it up

>just getting tired of people that don't do any research at all into anything but have some type of say in the matter as if they know but yet they have no fucking clue.
Real due diligence takes time that I can't dedicate due to a job. But, hoping algorithm trickery will make this easier for me.

>> No.9990432

why is that garbage fast food restaurant valued so high?

>> No.9990439

Did you get some lithium or something? You seemed schizo the other day.

>> No.9990444

he has the voice of someone i would punch in the face back in the day desu

>> No.9990448

you forgot to attach a complete jewtube link to the said channel
kek, I like how you all are able to identify newfags and then play on them ;)

>> No.9990459

thank you anon

>> No.9990463

>back in the day
boomer spotted

>> No.9990478

trips confirmed I have a punchable voice
My social life confirms
Daddy why do you hate me??? ;_;

>> No.9990479

I wonder how old Big5 is, didn't he say his ex-gf was in her 30s?

>> No.9990481

dont worry I'm sure Big5Podcast will pick up soon!

>> No.9990482

it's more complicated than that, Google for "Maximum Pain theory"

basically the natural behavior of options market makers pushes a stock towards the point where the largest number of options expire worthless. This is only one of several drivers of share price but it definitely is one and if nothing else is going on it can be the biggest one

>> No.9990484

So just to get everything straight, comfy is now making the podcast again, and big5 is lowering himself to getting a job at amway?

>> No.9990492
File: 148 KB, 1280x853, blonde10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Canadafags into DUDE WEED stocks? Thinking about Aurora and THC Biomed. I have like $1k to play with to start.

>> No.9990494

what is this neopets lookin shit dawg

>> No.9990496

herbalife, but otherwise yes

>> No.9990508

Thanks anon. I'm new to the surgery part since I need to collect my own data now. Used to just do computational stuff

Why only private schools? You can go to a community college then transfer to a public school with FAFSA covering most of your ass (assuming you're an amerifat). I had friends get literally paid to go to uni since their parents made no income. You can always just get certs too. Busy with this surgery rn but there's a lot of options out there. How old are you?

>> No.9990517
File: 159 KB, 509x911, 1519655872324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you just sound like a moron

im thinking of getting a trading job because my girlfriend is leaving me and now i don't have to pay attention to her and i can pay attention to other things i rather do..

>> No.9990519

they do
if you win
if you lose, its ogre.

all prop shops are is a big pile of everyones money with as much leverage as possible taken out on THAT. then everyone just kinda does what the fuck ever is their strat and tries to make as much money as possible. thats it. if you make money, you get to work there, and you get % of your moves (WAY better lev than you could EVER get from a broker by yourself).

if you lose a lot of money, its over. youre fucking fired. they take capital from you as your end of the stick. you lose that, youre done. go wageslave. but you certainly have to put money at risk if youre working at a prop shop, or else, how the fuck would you get paid?

lol ur right tho
you have to risk money when you work there, but its taken out against FUCK HUGE lev, so its not quite like how it works now on a retail account. those guys are retarded. this is a good idea.

HOWEVER, ive never applied for one, so i dont know how to tell if it is legit or not, because it IS a really scammy industry. anon dropped a good place to get started one time months ago. he was a pretty sharp guy. definitely some big fucking MM from the way he knew all his shit. said
>you make money?
>is it scale-able?
>go to a prop shop and get yourself 20x and go make more fucking money
>also learn python
ill try to find link. its in NY tho, dunno if thats what youre doing. i shudder to think that if i ever wanted to trade options and futures and shit at that level id prolly have to live in SHITcago.

>> No.9990527

Good or bad? Sounds like dilution of stock price will be ending with them buying out the rest of these preferreds for cash but then again I don't know shit

>> No.9990536

You should buy calls for the run-up to that Senate vote and then dump them right before the vote in order to scalp vega

wait that already happened nevermind, now these are just boring agricultural stocks. Did you see what Canopy did today? glad I got out of that plane before it crashed, lol

>> No.9990537

I have no idea. I do know that it is not because of sales to me because I have never eaten there.

>> No.9990541
File: 317 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180622-161812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9990544

You think your life is hard now? Just wait until we sue you for shilling GBR!

>> No.9990546

Don’t listen to the bully comfy, I’m a gay and think you sound nice

>> No.9990574

I'm a brainlet, is this good or bad news?

>> No.9990575
File: 140 KB, 304x308, Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 2.21.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's neopets! Here's my pet

>> No.9990578

getting the uncontrollable shits is part of the authentic mexican food experience

>> No.9990580
File: 111 KB, 1027x731, 1522101514437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wait until we sue you for shilling GBR!

>> No.9990589

I think it's good but also in the brainlet club with you

>> No.9990600

Big5 explain this

>> No.9990625

I've noticed that stocks always seem pretty manipulated on big options days.
I think this is why SPY, QQQ, etc. didn't do anything exciting until the final 5 minutes.

>im thinking of getting a trading job because my girlfriend is leaving me and now i don't have to pay attention to her and i can pay attention to other things i rather do..
That's news.
Weren't you considering proposing?
That extra freedom will totally be nice though

>> No.9990649

>ftw calculated gamble lost his ass on iq and stopped posting

>> No.9990651

looks like they aren't looking to dilute as much as originally planned which wasn't much in the first place, they will however pay some of it in a conv. note.. which is going to take probably a minimum of 6 months to occur.. not sure exactly why they are doing that.. maybe to get their stock price back up and confirm that dilution is minimal?

>> No.9990661


>> No.9990664

>Weren't you considering proposing?
no.. i don't agree with marriage.. it's one of the reasons she doesn't want to be with me anymore

>> No.9990670

>lost all his money + his family

>> No.9990674
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1527294623491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying a chinese meme at the ATH
>loses money
Imagine my shock

Thanks gay Anon :)) I keep getting offers of blowies from gays here, but no grils want to :(((

>> No.9990676

paying back convertable notes and preferred shares with cash instead of common stock is usually beneficial to Common stock price

>> No.9990721

New thread because I don't want another archive




>> No.9990767

Kek. Even though he was using stop losses, probably true. I was warning so many posters about those fucking Chinese tech stocks.

>You should buy calls for the run-up to that Senate vote and then dump them right before the vote in order to scalp vega
That's brilliant.
Somebody used to do this all the time on biotech.s that were about to release phase 2 or 3 results or something like that
>now these are just boring agricultural stocks.
Wow. That's a very interesting perspective. I've never thought of that lol

>>Weren't you considering proposing?
>no.. i don't agree with marriage.. it's one of the reasons she doesn't want to be with me anymore
Well then I guess you're just free now, senpai

>> No.9990778

Judging by today's trading I recommend you put most of that in to TRST. Aurora is likely to drop more on Monday. THC Biomed might pay off on Monday but i don't like the RSI being at 60 already.

There is a lot of chatter about Molson/Coors being in talks with a mystery LP. Uncertain which.

>> No.9990827

So people seem to be overreacting in regards to GBR's dip? you mentioned that it hasnt even past 24 since the deal buy out took place. Any chance its going back up?

>> No.9990985

>Implying a hotdog company is 100
Short it.

>> No.9991312

I'm making so much money on this market even though I'm low IQ and barely investigate what I'm buying.