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File: 31 KB, 505x261, WhatsApp Image 2018-06-17 at 9.26.44 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9985365 No.9985365 [Reply] [Original]

Lamden is almost on the halfway of their total supply which is a great sign considering soon they will be out i.e by mid of 2019 and will be able to reach to their max potential. I think by the end of this year Lamden will get to the 1$ mark considering all the events taking place. I guess i'll hold a good amount right now maybe I won't get a better opportunity later.

Probably the only token that stands out in terms of providing a platform for dapps development.

>> No.9985377

Once the supply will become limited then it will be Lamden's time to shine.

>> No.9985385

Lamden is facing fluctuations in their market price but sooner or later it will get to a stable position.

>> No.9985394

I really feel like Lamden provides a platform to developers which is relatively efficient and cheap at the same time.

>> No.9985432

Very organic conversation. Try harder next time you discord paid pejeets.

>> No.9985443

It's getting ridiculous.

>> No.9985459

It's SO fucking bad... these posts look like they're made by bots. MODS - GIVE US SOME FUCKING FLAGS.

>> No.9985475

I'm getting flashbacks to those scripted EA team speak presentations lmao

>> No.9985573

Is it possible to have a conversation that is relevant to the subject?
You people just come up here and talk shit that literally ruins the thread and the point i'm trying to make.

>> No.9985775 [DELETED] 

I don't really understand why people oppose this project, I personally feel like it has some very good potential and was up by 11.8% the other day, sure it's as of now but that's how the market works.

>> No.9985805

I don't really understand why people oppose this project, I personally feel like it has some very good potential and was up by 11.8% the other day, sure it's down as of now but that's how the market works.

>> No.9985861

>>9985573 8:59:44
>>9985377 9:00:30
>>9985385 9:00:58
>>9985394 9:01:52
4 shill posts with zero substance within 2 minutes. The next post, an obviously real post happens over 2 minutes later. The following post, also real, takes another minute. The next post, also real, takes over a minute.

No, it's not possible to have a conversation "relevant to the subject" as long as you disgusting shills come in here with your PnD's trying to unload your bags. Fuck off.

>> No.9985872

Lamden excels in sidechains and atomic swaps and there are other small things that gives it an edge over other projects. Again, this is an open ended thread so people should talk on the basis of facts and figures rather than using racial slurs against each other.

>> No.9985900

kys. Lamden excels at nothing because they have no working product. Go back to your discord pump group and tell them you failed.

>> No.9985931

good buy sirs!

>> No.9985963
File: 89 KB, 977x565, TAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think that an internet thread that barely gets 10 replies out of which most of them are paid trolls have the potential to put the market upside down, sounds delusional to me.

Claiming that it doesn't excels at nothing clearly shows you have no insight, this is why I prefer to do my own research rather than listening to people on the internet. I'll add a chart which will help you to understand things better.

>> No.9986371

Lamden suffered as the market was crashing but was able to recover pretty swiftly and went up 63 ranks in CMC and we witnessed a 11.8% increase in the price the other day. Fluctuations still exists and the same CMC shows the other side today, one who understands how market works will definitely favor Lamden assessing the current situation.

>> No.9986503
File: 59 KB, 500x652, 49baed5997828d9bfdc6ce0476f07f15--nike-plastic-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At some point when the Pajeet is pressed hard enough he will admit to his cryptofraud or at least no longer deny the possibility of everything being a scam. In this case he will say things like:
>Just hold until the release of the mainnet on Date-A
>It will pump when it gets listed on B-exchange
>Wait until feature-C gets implemented
But once again herein lies just another deception. The lack of character, morals and personality have made the Pajeet also indolent and lazy. He has no intention of ever working hard and does not bother to create a mainnet, to get his shitcoin listed on other exchanges or to implement any new features. Instead he will just announce another announcement, make even bigger promises and make up another fake partnership. In these good but empty news he will drown every excuse for nothing having been achieved yet. Everything is vaporwave and once he got rid of a significant portion of his bags (he is hardly ever able to sell everything) he will just forget his old shitcoin altogether and create a new one.

>> No.9986519
File: 55 KB, 680x686, fake-china34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In some cases he load up on some unknown coin or mine it for a prolonged period of time before he starts shilling someone else’s project. In most cases however this new coin is just a copy of another already existing coin under a new name. In this case he will just recycle everything from his previous scamtoken or steal the code and whitepaper from another project or even another Pajeet. In fact he has to steal since he has usually only rudimental skills in programming and is thus unable to create any software of any value on his own. This is also the reason why he so seldom delivers on any promises of his coin. This type of behavior has now become almost second nature to him and he has no desire of ever changing himself.

But suppose now that the Pajeet eventually gets his coin listed somewhere or that he actually delivers on some obscure useless feature. This will however still not change the fact that his shitcoin is no use to anyone. At this point everyone involved knows that everything is based on greater-fool-theory and everyone is hoping to sell his bags to someone else. After the event everyone will try to sell his bags to everyone else who is trying to do the same. Thus the ideal moment to sell your bags is always before the event at peak hype when the Pajeet is selling his coins to you.

Always remember that the Pajeet is a scammer and that he will never stop trying to scam you even when finally got him to admit to a half-truth.

>> No.9986535

>Here sirs, please have chart diagram I made shows Lamden is best
Kek. It literally does NONE of those things right now because it's vaporware. Go back to your discord shill group and tell them you're not worthy.

>> No.9986537
File: 76 KB, 1000x563, goldbum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Doom in 3..2...1

>> No.9986868

Dont worry these are two Troll INDIAN CUNTS using 6 IPs and bothering you. LMAO

Their English in the negative comments is how they caught every time. They cant shit properly, and they think every coin is shit.

2 INDIANs in BANGALORE>>>>YOU THINK you're smart? WE'REWatching you

4Chan CYBER ARMY!!!!

>> No.9986883



>> No.9987001

Watching all the troll here and I have one thing to say, what makes your word so credible?

You all are anonymous trolls with absolutely no knowledge about Lamden, probably paid pajeets to piss on threads. It's almost funny watching pajeets calling everyone else pajeets.


Lamden team is working pretty great and here's something I found about TAU upon research.

Initially the code was going to be a fork of the Graphene blockchain architecture (specifically Bitshares), this architecture has a proven track record of 10,000 tps. Now, however, Lamden is building their own architecture from the ground up and hoping for higher, but I’m confident that they'll easily hit 10,000 tx/s due to the use of DPoS.

Stop posting illogical shit and go home.

>> No.9987052

lol I totally fucking agree!

These Modeee's are so fucking funny, first of all they don't know about this project at all. They are abusing themselves in a way, fucking low life INDIAN scammers.

They were better at Credit Card scams lol.

Do you even know what Lamden is :P

>> No.9987139

Keep dreaming. TAU is trash without a real future.

t. Former tau holder who sold for a gain before the shit went to shit

>> No.9987157
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 2E3D5479-DF56-4B08-A8EA-B6FFFF71D8CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao for real. Fucking discord/tg pajeets BTFO

>> No.9987184
File: 250 KB, 1242x2208, A26A151A-C1E1-4D55-A97E-6CF73F57160E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tautards don’t realize tau is a whitepaper special
>muh sidechains
>muh atomic swaps

Shit somewhere else

>> No.9987203
File: 30 KB, 320x240, 10442-21221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s not only that the Pajeet lacks morals and higher aspirations but also the very intelligence to understand such concepts. In particular he is oblivious toward the concept of value. Whenever you ask him about the fundamentals of the coin he can only give you features.

>Pajeet: My shitcoin will be listed on some ABC-exchange
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has only 1$ market cap
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has feature-X
>real human: how does this change the fact that this is still a shitcoin?
At this point the Pajeet only understands that some criticism has been uttered but he does not understand the nature of the critique.
>Pajeet: Pajeet detected. Stay poor you shill. Feature-Z is the future.

To him there is no difference between something of real value and useless but flashy junk. To him the imitation of fundamental utility is as good as the real thing. At some point I was even asked by a Pajeet who started a thread on what I thought real fundamentals were.

>> No.9987561

Going through this thread makes me feel like killing myself, all these illogical trolls are so retarded. Let me quote some things here which makes Lamden what Lamden is:

10k TPS
-Sidehchain capability
- Python powered
-Atomic swaps
- MN
-ZERO TX fee

Pretty sure you aren't aware what most of these things mean so I'll just leave them here and make sure you do your own research before commenting bullshit here again.

>> No.9987622


>> No.9988050


>Former tau holder who sold for a gain before the shit went to shit

Lol what did you gain on the market looks like shit