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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9982267 No.9982267 [Reply] [Original]

Just remember biz: even though bitcoin is down, at least you aren't being invaded by muslims.

>> No.9982281
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Europfag reporting in. Fuck you.

>> No.9982300


>> No.9982311

You are by beaners though and half of your white population is so mentally ill that they celebrate your extinction.

>> No.9982323

At least our president is trying to get rid of them

>> No.9982325
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Who cares tho, won't be a problem rr-right

>> No.9982326

how many hookah bars does Europe have?

>> No.9982333
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just buld a wall

>> No.9982337

Germany has a minimum of two in evey small town haha

>> No.9982996

i was in the United States last year and you couldnt walk down the street without being hassled by niggers. it felt like walking around in an open zoo where the chimpanzees escaped from their cages. yuropistan is fucked but you burgers really have no reason to be smug either

>> No.9983020
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>getting replaced by shitskins and doing nothing about it

>> No.9983071

>even though bitcoin is down
But that's a good thing...
In fact, i hope the permabears are right and it goes to 3k ( it won't since it takes 5k8 to mine one ), more time to accumulate so that i'll have enough money in the future to escape Al Europa.

>> No.9983084

Why are they avoiding Greece, hmmm

>> No.9983089

Well yeah, there are two types of economists, those that think all humanoids are interchangeable units with a human level productivity, or they are (((economists))) actively seeking destruction.

>> No.9983237

Basedboys and feminists are opening the border up to Niggers and muslims. Short the fuck out of the west.

>> No.9983242

Just remember /biz/ - on topic conversations. Fuck you are you're stealth slide threads. I know what you're doing and anyone who comments anything non crypto related in this thread is a fucking moron (myself and other meta posts excluded, naturally).

>> No.9983246

Mfw polish guy here

>> No.9983259

there are a few miners mining at a loss already, that's nothing new

>> No.9983266

are you lost friend?

>> No.9983289
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>At least our president is trying to get rid of them
Heh sure anon

>> No.9983317

Even Turks hate them now, something bad (or good depending on what side you're on) is about to happen.
Also the Italian leader that wants to put them in camps.

>> No.9983329

Is trade 1000 Spics for a single gypsie.

>> No.9983348

A few not the majority.
Regardless, short term loss for long term gain. Miners will still mine whatever the price.

>> No.9983766

by marrying his daughter to kike