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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 599x586, 1511202643686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9975926 No.9975926 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop /pol/ from overflowing into our board guys?

>> No.9975937

What are you talking about faggot? Why don't you go back to plebbit where your cakeboy ass belongs.

>> No.9975943

We need people buying our bags dufus

>> No.9975959

/pol/ is everywhere kike

>> No.9976026

Bow to your new king!

>> No.9976048

When our countries stop being invaded.

>> No.9976058

This. Super easy to dump bags on /pol/ retards.

>> No.9976061

You can't. Just kill yourself, you braindead parasite.

>> No.9976063

Hurr durr kill all chinks jews and spics am I right gaiz??!

Fuck off storm weenies

>> No.9976064

KYS faggot

>> No.9976065


>> No.9976068

i adore how you turd burglars cry about the supposed illegal alien problem and don't see how hypocritical you are.

>> No.9976070

So, never. B....B...but white people aren't any better! Then why aren't we flooding into their countries? Interesting, hmmm

>> No.9976078

pol is a containment board and the influx of retarded redditors and summerfags has caused pol to overflow

>> No.9976090

Eradicate jews and nonwhites then pol won't have anything to complain about.

>> No.9976105
File: 127 KB, 640x904, 1523043840403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the brainlet who clearly haven't bothered to put time into DYORING what national socialism or fascist policies is all about.

Stay bluepilled, stay mad, stay poor.

>> No.9976107

/pol/ will always find something to complain about

>> No.9976125
File: 859 KB, 600x691, 1512456397636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, it's another "kike makes a slide thread complaining about /pol/ and implying this board should be more like reddit" episode.

Stop trying to make this happen, ovendodgers, cause it won't happen. I think you forgot where you are, or your sense of entitlement inflated too much from brainwashing burgers and it affects your logic.

>> No.9976133
File: 151 KB, 891x960, Atheist La-La Land vs Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already here.

>> No.9976142

Or everyone hates /stormfront/ because you're a bunch of paranoid retards with a persecution complex.

>> No.9976146

boers tried that. parasitic niggers flooded back in

>> No.9976150

or gas yourself

>> No.9976155

>grooming transgressions
>complains about not getting laid
>muh j00s
>would never have survived SS training
>would have been thrown in auschwitz based on smell alone
>believes in conspiracy theories crafted by brainlets
>too low IQ to DYOR. If they did, they would not believe in anything they claim to revere

That's /pol/

This is why everyone hates you gross faggots.

>> No.9976169
File: 89 KB, 945x1268, Poster-for-Eternal-Jew-Ewiger-Jude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, you sound like a Jew, (OP). All that whining and kvetching.....

>> No.9976170

sounds like 4chan to me

>> No.9976175

>Low IQ posting
Please don't embarrass yourself anymore.

>> No.9976197
File: 45 KB, 903x960, 16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we stop this one board from entering another on the same website

>> No.9976199

butthurt poltard #1

Good thing we have infinite numbers to label you all.

>> No.9976213

How about you neck yourself now and save the world 5-15 years of wasted oxygen. One day you and every other retard like yourself are going to have a really bad reality snap where you realize that you've wasted your life on a crusade against imaginary enemies being a pathetic loser with no real friends and noone to love you.

>> No.9976232
File: 3.86 MB, 4747x4519, 1523117981150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy.
Generalize an entire growing movement. Don't let them think for themselves with logic and reason, because thats clearly not the way of the shabbos goyim like (((you)))

>> No.9976241
File: 79 KB, 790x960, dr-goebels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kike is mad

>> No.9976282
File: 1.42 MB, 3224x3544, 1512890778643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're a man of culture as well. Last time I BTFO a kike on this board, I did it by dropping redpills like pic related everytime he replied to me. The kike will stop replying soon because he knows there are normies lurking here and he doesn't want them getting ideas.

>> No.9976291
File: 265 KB, 600x385, 1523118876880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one in for a reality check within the next couple decades, schlomo

>> No.9976293
File: 326 KB, 1197x783, fFv32Pq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me tell you a little secret newfag. We were here even before Moot had his circumcision. At first he thought /b/ was a containment board, then he thought /pol/ was one. Guess what. Little skelly jew is out and we are still here. Now stop your kvetching or you know which way reddit is

>> No.9976294

Is every /pol/ poster a fat stinky incel? The one I know IRL is a short fat bald alcoholic that mooches off their middle class parents. He blames niggers and jews for his situation even though he had his parents pay for his college, and literally only showed up to 3 classes for the entire semester. He then got cushy job making close to 6 figures, and failed a piss test they told him about 6 months in advance.

>> No.9976311


i can't...stop....my sides...

>> No.9976358

giving these fucks an echo chamber was the worst thing moot ever did
the entire site quality has been in decline since /pol/ was created

>> No.9976362

Goebbels should be the mascot for /pol/. He ran to his mommy for tendies when the first coup attempt failed, and was completely ignored by authorities due to how insignificant he was. Germany would have been a lot better off in the war without him.

>> No.9976365
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>> No.9976380

fat smelly neet got called out and is upset Lmao

>> No.9976392

How many times did the nigger fuck the girl you had oneitis for in high school?

>> No.9976403

post le Ebin redpill doesn't change the fact you're all pathetic losers
tell me that dregs in all the kekistan and pol meet ups aren't representative of the average pol user

>> No.9976405

that's your institutional money who "saved" the crypto with their shorts

>> No.9976416
File: 270 KB, 2518x1024, 1529200316102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is what brought many of us into crypto in the first place because we're fed up with the current system of money and corruption. Why doesn't your 30 year old boomer ass learn to COPE.

>> No.9976424

Been here since 2015, making mad cash.

>> No.9976442

Pol is a gift to humanity. The first global nationalist movement.

>> No.9976443

Nah, the majority of /pol/ was buying bags in December/January, and telling people in early 2017 to buy rocks. Grats on you for being early though.

>> No.9976459
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x2000, 1517236018933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one with a bcc/cuck obsession unlike all the Polcucks
strange how you never fail to bring your fetish up

>> No.9976463
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>> No.9976485
File: 124 KB, 601x599, 1529614295816-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9976488

based on what? /pol/ isn't a hivemind. anyone can make a post and anyone can reply. /pol/ shocks you because it's one of the last well-known forums where truly dissident opinions can be shared and discussed.

>> No.9976491

once you tell us how to short/margin the white race

>> No.9976514

Bullshit, they're reactionary, not radical.

>> No.9976536
File: 620 KB, 640x596, 1511174209903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this ebin meme?

>> No.9976571
File: 880 KB, 707x1000, 1525567951202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of hot gay boys that post on /pol/

>> No.9976601

>15 filename
cya newfag

>> No.9976610
File: 130 KB, 599x586, bizpol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it.

>> No.9976614

Pfft, try make an actual thread on pol and it will either be pushed off by roasting and cuck threads or it will be full of shit posters
nothing can be discussed there

>> No.9976629

nigguh kill yoself nazi fag

>> No.9976632

this board is fuckin dead and boring
why would anyone come here

>> No.9976664

I said dissident not radical or reactionary. I would consider both those worldviews and discussions dissident in today's culture.

>> No.9976681

>op doesn't want new retards entering crypto
>op is retarded

>> No.9976709
File: 318 KB, 500x499, 1382909826582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your white skin is your only bragworthy accomplishment.
Literally white niggers. Pls go back, this is /biz/. Not the place for little insecure white trash to blame their absolute lack of any achievements in life unto people with other shades of skin colour than your own
You already got your own contaminent board, stay there.

>> No.9976739

> nothing but an ad hominem response to facts shown in an easy graphical format
Imagine my shock.

>> No.9976741

Dumb fuck

>> No.9976756

what does that image have to do with the average pol posters being an overnight poorly bred basement dwelling neets virgin? don't try to disagree, all the photos of pol meet ups agree with me

>> No.9976758

white skin isn't even an accomplishment its literally dumb luck

>> No.9976770

we /pol/ chan now

>> No.9976787

This is because the only faggots who would have a meetup from any 4chan board would be the lonely losers and dregs, with the exception of fit. If you weren't such a retard you would understand this.

>> No.9976791
File: 97 KB, 720x414, 1517541373713 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you monkey man?

>> No.9976800

Thank you for pointing that out, wasn't aware.

>> No.9976805

the ones who don't show up are too ugly or too physically unfit to leave their basement and they know it
muh warriors of the white race but can't even show up to rallies and shit? Lmao

>> No.9976807

Just laugh that /pol/ started flooding in at the peak and has been only losing money. They were never around that much back in Spring 2017 or earlier.

>> No.9976813

Dude we are people of light. Why do you assume that people who take pride in their people have no other noteworthy accomplishments? Most great thinkers accross the western world were nationalist people of light. Maybe youre projecting or....a nigger?

>> No.9976819

Surely they wouldn't be a bunch of hateful incel white niggers if only the j00s and negros were exposed to the general population. One day everyone will know the truth and they will be able to proudly say that they led the revolution from their yugoslavian falconer containment forum.

>> No.9976822

You're not fooling anybody

>> No.9976824

Nazi here
Been dumping my bags on Pajeets since 2016
Making mad gains and btfo niggers is the best

>> No.9976839

The only place where a flippening is about to take place is Israel.

>> No.9976853

>people of light
>gets burned in the sun
>has done most destruction out of all races

You're a white nigger. WE WUZ VIKANGZ

>> No.9976871

So apparently the ones who show up are fat and ugly losers, but the ones who don't show up are fat and ugly losers. Which is it? And how do you tell which ones are pol users at rallies? Is it just all of the fat and ugly ones you can see? Have you asked every single person in the crowd if they browsed pol? Do you know how many should be showing up to these 'rallies' and are they mixed in with normies?

>> No.9976893
File: 65 KB, 850x400, 1523220778696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ dude. Someone clearly fell for the propaganda and brainwashing.

Look, i don't care if your brown, yellow, black, orange, white or whatever. No man can help what race he belongs to. All i want is for people from other cultures to stay where they belong. Cultivate, grow, prosper and bring their people own to new heights. Not pussy out and move to the west for free and easy gibbs.

The mixing of cultures can lead to nothing but trouble, look to history and see what inevitably happens when a clash of culture happens.
You clearly want diversity and the only way to have REAL diversity is to preserve all the different races on this planet, in the lands they belong.

Africa for the africans, china for the chinese, india for the indians, brazil for the brazilians, japan for the japanese, but for some weird reason europe and other western countries is for everyone, why?

Not all of us wants to become minorities in our own countries.

>> No.9977036
File: 963 KB, 990x1146, 85a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your countries were built by minorities and stolen ressources. It's the least you could do. Ideally you would offer your women to us too.

>> No.9977051

What if i disagree entirely with your view, is that allowed? Exchange of ideas and minds is absoloutely crucial to develop and maintain technological superiority. What you're talking about is economical migrants, which have a very easy solution. Stop throwing money at problems and hope they go away through charity programs etc. Instead invest in the problematic countries and help them create a stable economy, fabrics, institutions. in return our countries get a stakeholder position within these new firms. But that'll never happens as the US weapon industry and Israellis constatly lobby for more war and misery.

>> No.9977074

Best way is probably to just ignore them. Sage, don't respond. Mods could do something too.

>> No.9977280

>what is a shill

anyway, inb4 thread is kill by mods

>> No.9977436

>What if i disagree entirely with your view, is that allowed?
What you proceeded to say was not disagreeing entirely with the views on /pol/, though, surprise. Shake off the "ebil white supremacists" meme and you'll see why /pol/ is so powerful
>which have a very easy solution
And yet it's talked about like it's impossible to tackle. It's almost as if...

>> No.9977547

80% of Poltards are imbeciles, and will only lose money. I welcome them here to laugh at them.

t. 2016 bizraeli

>> No.9977568

wait i'm dumb, you covered that
>But that'll never happens as the US weapon industry and Israellis constatly lobby for more war and misery.
Why AREN'T you on /pol/, dude?

>> No.9977777

Nice sample size you have there.

>> No.9977784


>> No.9977844

Actually the ones who are going to get the oven are cucked whites

>> No.9977872
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>you on day of the rope

>> No.9977876
File: 197 KB, 512x512, 1517200011040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ decreased the IQ of this board in a big way. You just have to know how to recognize them, how to manipulate them, and when to just straight up ignore how pathetic they are.

Most of them lost money and left anyways.

>> No.9977893

this /pollack bought on november 4th

>> No.9977939

How come “minorities” (more blacks than whites in the world) with all those resources never built anything? They waited for whitey to build it, then stole it.

>> No.9977958

if that happens, white will divide each other into british/irish/german and then hate each other.

>> No.9978004


Whites will die out, but it won't be in an oven. If there are any ovens left at that point, there won't be any fuel or anyone capable of operating an oven left. The animals will be feeding on each other raw.

>> No.9978118

Nice digits you have there.

>> No.9978125
File: 55 KB, 1076x776, trumpcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TrumpCoin (TRUMP) was shilled heavily in the beginning of 2016 on /pol/ when Bitcoin was around 400$

thank you /pol/ for making me discover btc

>> No.9978548

Y-you too.

>> No.9978659

That's unironically how was before the 1960s kek.

iirc Russians and Irish aren't even considered 'white'

>> No.9978684
File: 58 KB, 500x731, 346B7E93-1D8C-4175-A367-F4E0D4614382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off fgt

>> No.9978692

/biz/ is a /pol/ colony

>> No.9978705

i hate /pol/, dumb motherfuckers

>> No.9978712

When those barbarians are at the gates of your country, you better not have the audacity to come to me for help, because that is what I’ve been trying to do all along. Help you, but you would rather have their penises in your butt raping you and your women.

>> No.9978734

exactly what i mean. Right wing politics are based on fear and /pol/ just swallows it. Fucking dumb motherfucker.

>> No.9978738

Wrong faggot, there were men born in Ireland who signed the Declaration of Independence, three of them I believe

>> No.9978741

No one wants your help edgelord

>> No.9978753

Actually it’s based on hygiene, if you want to get psychological. That’s why you get campaign slogans like “clean up the streets” or “drain the swamp”

>> No.9978762


>> No.9978780

I mean in the eyes of white supremacists. Not rational level headed people that function in society.

That's great, but /pol/ still hates you and considers you sub-human.

>> No.9978800
File: 141 KB, 1326x268, point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike the Jews as well as the Goyim.
The earth is overpopulated at 7+ billion people.
There needs to be a global culling.
Otherwise most of us will continue behaving like rats in a maze chasing after smaller and smaller bits of paper and "value" in the form of digital blockchain.

>> No.9978816

/pol/ is every board

>> No.9978887

ignore them
/pol/ is a broken record. same jew talking points 24/7. it's played the fuck out.

>> No.9978940

We fucking need /pol/ you fucking niggers.

/pol/ is the best, they get shit done. It's the soft fags of /biz/ that is hurting crypto.

>> No.9978955
File: 44 KB, 520x282, Afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've been better to your fellow man, it didn't have to be this way.

>> No.9978983

we make enough food to feed 10 billion people. large scale desalination is feasible, meaning those scare-mongering about fresh water are mistaken. overpopulation concept is a meme

>> No.9978999

stop being a nigger or leave.

>> No.9979001

fuck /pol/

>> No.9979022

Way too late
/pol/ and /biz/ overlap a lot and have for a long time, meaning literally everyone here is from reddit

>> No.9979030
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>> No.9979102

Kys plebbit nigger

>> No.9979147

>people of light
>skin fries in the sun

what you meant to say is that you're people of frozen caves.

>> No.9979194

enact the zyclon protocol.

>> No.9979202



>> No.9979231
File: 135 KB, 677x907, IMG_1534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The merchant caste must be put in line.

>> No.9979281

pol is always right

>> No.9979348

Pretty much this right here.
The overlap started since the beginning with /g/ and /pol/ being two of the most influential boards here.
I don't mind it myself though the frog posting and /pol/ tier newfaggetry has gotten old.

>> No.9979382

/biz/ was literally created so /pol/ would stop spamming crypto threads new fag

>> No.9979389

pol is libertarian board in the first place newfag

>> No.9979406

/biz/ was literally created so /g/ would stop spamming crypto threads new fag

>> No.9979422

pol is always right

>> No.9979510
File: 174 KB, 650x976, 11109b1cf62ea06cab7d9a32da308ff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol & stromfront thinks as women:

They think and feel at the same time. They make their decisions, and form their opinions based on FEELINGS. After the fact they will FIND a way for it to make sense.

It's logically IMPOSSIBLE to argue with /pol in this manner. As logic is thrown out the window. They've reverse engineered their mental state & rational thought process to work backwards.

General example
How I feel about a subject in the present > truth =/ scientific supported evidence, or deep study into said subject.

Furthermore, their experiences also serve to support their beliefs. This is compounded with "bro-science" as they are not even qualified (lacking sufficient experience, peer reviewed, published books, professional training.etc) within the subject matter. It's like hiring a top level dentist to change your brakes, when a mechanic is better suited.

/pol rejects the basis of all things philosophical & scientific.( As which I'm sure most of you are aware; these philosophy and science serves as the foundation of society. )

In short: /pol The rejects the truth, in favor of feeling good, like women. As often times the "truth" of something may be something you don't like at all...doesn't mean it's less true

>> No.9979523

Here's a thought. Take your faggot ass to plebbit.

>> No.9979604

No one seriously considers the Irish or Italians non-white, that's just memes or people like you trying to sow discord. Kek I bet you believe that comic from the 1800's about the Irish that's been posted a million times is real to right? Wrong, that comic was from a well known satire magazine and only retards believe that shit.

>> No.9979629

t. 9gag

>> No.9979695

let's go back to the 1800s in America
Irish and Scotts showing up in new York every day. they were hated by the white American population. viewed worse than you retards hire Muslims and niggers today

you live in lala land

>> No.9979717

Maybe farm subsidies and US FOOD AID taking excess farm production and giving it away to subhuman countries has something to do with that figure.

Hmmmm....Africa only produces enough food to feed 50% of its population.....Hmmmm

>> No.9979722

like a woman. when arguing a woman, she is always right.

>> No.9979758

>Being this dumb
America has hated anyone that came and did something better than them
>farmers in the 1800s terrified at Chinese doing farming better than them.large scale masscare in california. Story erased from the history books

>Euro immigrants working harder and cheaper like Mexicans during the 1800s.

>Blacks building everything which directly impacted the industrial revolution. Erased