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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 633 KB, 1436x1674, 1529343784073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9974233 No.9974233 [Reply] [Original]

>phone interview 1
>phone interview 2
>phone interview 3
>homework assignment 1
>homework assignment 2
>phone interview 4
>fly to company location
>in-person interview 1
>in-person interview 2
>in-person interview 3
>in-person interview 4
>presentation in front of a panel of their senior engineers
>still don't get the job

>> No.9974249

does this shit really happen? what was the salary?

>> No.9974253
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>were looking for a team player who isnt afraid to roll the sleeves up

>> No.9974282

They didn't disclose, but entry level mechanical engineer, so probably like $50k-$60k a year.

>> No.9974341

jesus christ. good luck to us

>> No.9974352

Did they at least pay for your flight/accomadations?

>> No.9974390
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Yes, so at least there's that.

>> No.9974410
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>> No.9974412

>mechanical engineering
I'm in my final semester but literally can't graduate because my university requires a six month internship as a graduation requirement. It's impossible to get a fucking internship unless you know someone, I can't imagine how hard it would be to get a job. Australia is finished.

>> No.9974420
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>submit a tailored resume where you desperately try to show off what a good wageslave you'd be in order to get the company's attention like a stripper on the brink of forced retirement
>Would you like to submit a Cover Letter (OPTIONAL)
>now you have to literally beg the hiring manager (who's name you have to dig up from the bowels of the company's website) for a CHANCE at a job while showing off your cocksucking skills by doing all this useless research into what the company's (WHICH YOU DON'T EVEN WORK FOR) future plans are and what their market position is etc.

>> No.9974439
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God I hope crypto takes off for all of our sakes

>> No.9974444

I had an interview with Tesla that was just like this.

3-4 phone interviews which all got cancelled without notice, rearranged multiple times. Then a stupid online assessment which was absolute bollocks. Then 3 weeks before they got back.

In the end they cancelled the onsite interview without notice, and then asked me to do it another day over their shitty software

Then they said they would email me a schedule for it and they just never got back to me

This was for a job that I didnt even apply for. One of their engineers contacted ME and ASKED me to apply after he watched a video of my work.

>> No.9974451

I'd have told them to fuck off after phone interview #3 to be honest. I would never work for someone or a company that indecisive. Time is money, and they wasted yours.

>> No.9974464


Did this happen to you recently, and do you have documentation of the number of times they contacted you and the tasks they asked you to perform?

In many states in the USA you can sue employers for making you jump through hoops like this, then not actually employing you.

Basically you are suing for the daily wage they would have been paying you had you been employed, based on the days they asked you to do tasks and the time you spent traveling and at their location, + damages incurred since you wasted time on them that could have been spent seeking gainful employment elsewhere.

You're looking at a very easy $5-10k after layer takes his cut if you have documentation and are not embellishing. Just call some lawyers in your area and tell them your story. They salivate over shit like this.

>> No.9974473


This is what happens when there's not enough jobs. Employers get ridiculously picky.

>> No.9974477
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You and me both fren

>> No.9974479

This was my exact experience. It was at another one of Musk's companies and they reached out to me after seeing one of my projects. Really relieved I'm not the only one.

>> No.9974500

>all of this for $14/hour entry level PER DIEM (AKA LESS THAN PART-TIME) clerical work
>Bilingual (Spanish) preferred ;^)
>have to mark down mixed-race even though I'm White to have a CHANCE at the job by filling a quota

>> No.9974511

>require internship for graduation
>don't place students in internships or help them find interships
are you sure you are going to an accredited institution, anon? this sound criminal

>> No.9974522

happen to me once. I accepted another offer right before the "final presentation" step and they called me for months afterwards trying to get me to ditch the offer I took.

this would only happen on like a 60-100k+ job. there's a lot of risk in hiring unskilled people for skilled work like coding or engineering or something.

>> No.9974532


>put a bunch of programming languages on resume even if i dont know(remember) them
>include keywords like "scrum" or "agile"
>mass spam resume to companies
>HR and normies in general have no fucking idea wtf im talking but notice the mass text of programming languages
>go to job interview; not care about messing up because im apparently the only one in the room who knows what the job actually entails
>get hired
>go sit at desk and start browsing 4chan on 1st day

>> No.9974533

why would you wanna work for a company that wont even exist in like 10 years? TSLA has some of the nastiest shorts against it,.

>> No.9974541

This was in February/March. They're in California and I'm in Washington State. I had considered an EEO suit because they kept pressing me about the status of my health (I have some vision loss due to a retina condition), but I ultimately decided against it.

Different ID but still me.

>> No.9974566

Overall they wasted probably over a week of my life

The time difference meant I was left sitting wanking at my PC each evening waiting for calls that never fucking arrived, only to wake up the next morning to email saying they had to rearrange it.
Then for that to happen 6-7 times.

Then the technical 'assessment' which took 3 hours and was complete bullshit, asking questions on stuff you do when you are 12 years old. Why the fuck they were asking me bullshit questions on stuff I havent used for 15 years when I have a video of me doing the stuff they want for the job.

I even called them about 5 times to get an answer and they just reject the call.

>> No.9974601

not really a waste imo. this is the new normal for skilled work so the sooner you get used to it, the sooner you know how to deal with it and can avoid jumping on a grenade going forward.

>> No.9974627

Yes, its a top university in my state. Correction - a 3 month internship is required, not 6.

>> No.9974632

I'm just glad someone else went through the same thing. I've been super depressed because I felt like it was my big break but somehow it was my fault for fucking it up. Still don't have a job though.

>> No.9974643
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>Mark down mixed race

How illegal is it to do this?

>> No.9974662

I even offered to pay for my own travel and hotel after the 1st technical phone interview and said I would visit and present all my work and how it can be used straight away in the products.

Tbh I'd rather stay unemployed because I would end up killing myself working in large corporates

>> No.9974666

nice larp faggot

>> No.9974670


>ever not suing a company in california
I don't know if there is a statute of limitations on this type of thing, but if you are bored and waiting for callbacks this might still work.
It's not illegal. It's illegal for them to ever ask you in a non-voluntary way though. If you can get it down on record somewhere that they asked you about your race after they pick you up, thats cha-ching settlement money.

>> No.9974683

That's it? Seriously?
I make 50k driving a forklift in a factory dude.

Starting to feel glad I didn't fall for the college meme.

>> No.9974684

all the good jobs go to people with connections. I've been on a couple teams of developers for the past 6-7 years and we have not once ever hired someone who didn't already know someone on the team. I made my connections working my way up from the bottom. taking temp jobs is also a good way to get into big companies that don't hire many new permanent employees, builds your network and sets you up for a job with them.

>> No.9974709

I would kill myself if I didn't work for a large corp. it depends on the work though. I'm a developer so a big corp is the only place where I have peers and upward mobility. small orgs are lots of times ruled by relationships or the families that own them and there's no way to move up. sure you can get 5% more on your comparable offer maybe but you won't be getting a promotion for years, if ever.

>> No.9974717

Bro I've got a PhD in the area they were looking for and got almost a million pound non-dilutive private investment into a university for my work from a consortium of their suppliers (who also sell to their competitors)

And they just decided to waste my time for 3 months and then never get back to me.

Jobs these days are basically a lottery.
Mine was at the arse end of last year btw

>> No.9974739

This thread is making me consider going back to trade school.

>> No.9974753
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The problem is that I have no connections: only qualifications. I'm extremely introverted and both my parents work in an unrelated field. I honestly don't know what to do.

>> No.9974769

wtf how?

>> No.9974782

Are you all engineers? How bad is the accounting/finance career pathing? I'm looking into one of those concentrations but I don't want to be 30 just getting my first entry-level job 5 years after college

>> No.9974796

Very dependent on your business school's reputation and foot-in-the-door opportunities. Much more than any STEM field.

>> No.9974798

I am too. the only connections I have are prior managers I've had, but they are the real decisions makers.

bullshit acquaintances and linkedin friends are not real connections and don't get you jobs because they haven't seen your work and don't know if you have any real skills. if you start at the bottom and do good work, managers will want to keep you around because you are a low risk hire for them. then you can keep getting better jobs through those managers.

>> No.9974808

dont bother with university unless youre doing computer science desu. getting my meme engineering degree was the biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.9974821

wtf i made that i have no skills whatsoever

i do live in the bay area in california though so making that much is pretty normal for a high school grad

>> No.9974824

csci/engie is a much safer bet. do csci in finance and you don't have to swing dicks with the fund managers or count beans with the accountants.

>> No.9974858

Wew lad, what type of shitty dead end job was this? MD/PhD student here, I got a job reviewing repeat prescriptions for 20 euros per hour, job times whenever I want for a total of 16 hours per week minimum. The contract even states a sign-on bonus of 50k euros if I stay after I get my MD and PhD. They're literally throwing money at med students here in the Netherlands
>inb4 hurr debt
I still got to benefit from the free education system which has been replaced now.

>> No.9974867
File: 114 KB, 686x895, Resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been applying to shit-tier contract and non-engineer technician jobs, but I can't seem to land those either. Compared to my classmates, I would definitely say I'm above-average, but then again they're having a hard time finding work too. Pic related is what I'm sending to employers. I had to make the most of not having internships because of no connections, so I did undergrad research and a bunch of extracurricular projects instead.

>> No.9974901


>> No.9974916


>> No.9974953

Only 3.2. I was literally working on five different things outside of class at any moment, so that didn't leave enough time for homework.

>> No.9974954

thats a lot of trouble for a job at mcdonalds

>> No.9974970

yes you're definitely above average, but it's a numbers game. you have to keep moving forward and not think about "how many you've applied to" because that is toxic and will make you spiral. when I graduated I would apply somewhere and completely put it out of my mind unless contacted, you need to keep up momentum and not dwell on the no replies. it took a while for me to get to that point though, at first it was hard.

you also should be tailoring the points on your resume to match whatever you apply to. the HR scrubs going through that don't care about anything that doesn't apply to the job they're looking for. it's more work but it's the only way you'll stand out. blanketing the same thing everywhere won't help you any.

>> No.9974971

So redirect to Information Systems with finance electives? I would need to take some extra courses and reset my graduation date if I went pure compsci

>> No.9974977

brainlet, no wonder youre not getting employed

>> No.9975006

It's all so tiresome. My response rate is going down the longer this drags on.

If the competition projects are anything to go by, I'm one of the best engineers in the country.

>> No.9975011

a mix would be great, don't do pure compsci unless you really really want to. if you're not into it you will hate it. I am an analyst/developer in finance so I code but I'm not working bug reports on some huge enterprise app day in and day out wanted to off myself. a mix will get you jobs but if you want the pure academic type stuff then you should focus your degree on that.

>> No.9975032

you gotta stop tracking your "response rate" and stop telling people like family and friends if you apply somewhere. their questions on if you got it or not just makes it worse. this is the only way to exit the spiral and keep forward momentum.

>> No.9975043

How important where internships? I've applied to about 10 fall internship/leadership programs that require a 12 hour weekly time commitment and I don't want to waste my time if grades stand out more than getting coffee for some douche in an office

>> No.9975075

experience is king, no matter how you get it, so very important. you should try temp agencies if you aren't having luck with direct apps or getting internships. you can get a temp gig pretty easy and build experience and connections for the next jump.

>> No.9975103


>> No.9975142

Something has got to give. I haven't had an interview in three months now.

>> No.9975185

>I haven't had an interview in three months now.
for real, this is you tracking your "response rate"

you shouldn't be thinking about how long it's been, it will only hurt your moral. focus on moving forward and tailoring you resume to the specific job you're applying to, then move onto the next one without dwelling on it.

>> No.9975200

lol. thats like being rejected by 50 women in a row and sayng "just dont think about it bro, its no big deal!"

>> No.9975209

I'm serious man this is the only way to get out of the spiral, you gotta put it out of your mind and keep moving forward

>> No.9975224

He right.

Be like Trump and focus on the future, keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.

>> No.9975417

really fantastic looking resume. I'm not in engineering, the only complaint I have is that some language looks dense and some excess detail could be omitted.

>> No.9975436
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Kek, 1 interview, say "I don't know" to 10/15 of the questions, still get a job for $50k in BULGARIA where I also net $45k.
The absolute state of westerners.
P.S. USD has been on a good run lately, so closer to $46k today's value but still...

>> No.9975527


all that for mcdonalds wow you americans are fucked and cucked

>> No.9975545

I'm guessing you graduated from ASU, and I have a friend that did mechanical while I was there too. Look to apply up in Flagstaff at GORE (they make gortex). He got a job their out of college.

>> No.9976344

>ivy league not capitalized
damn that's an impressive resume though

>> No.9976372

>uncovered demographic forces driving large influx of FD and EMS calls straining city resources
so you found out nigs were fucking shit up? no one will hire you if you speak the truth

>> No.9976396

Remove your references personal infos my man, and put their names in the related projects/classes.

>> No.9976407

I would hire you desu

>> No.9976450

kek, wageslaving
not even once

>> No.9976519


They make you do this to steal your project and using it as their own. Dyor

>> No.9976543

listen up neets.
don't pin your hopes on being selected from the slush pile
find a person in the company who has roles open under them and contact them personally
they will usher you through if you can make their life easier
hth neets

>> No.9976555
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I see you took none of my advice you massive faggot

>> No.9976630

I've been getting a large amount of conflicting advice where different people say to do the exact opposite thing, so I'm going with the overall average of what people say.

>> No.9976796
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Let's do this again

>why is your education the first thing listed
>why is your experience not first
>why are you including references
>why is your whole resume a nightmare to read

Take notes

>> No.9976841

Fucking nice you are living like a king
What job and education?

>> No.9976851

Software engineering
Senior software dev (do nothing whole day except code reviews for juniors)

>> No.9976911

I'm making 54k as a CS intern so there's that

>> No.9976983


>phone interview 1
>interview with hr 1
>interview with manager 1
>3 days later
>offer for an indefinate contract starting at 45k/year

im 24

>> No.9977015

is your youth really worth $45k a year wageslavery

>> No.9977082


45k jewros*

i dont know anon is it? i like what im doing and get paid for it.

too bad i didnt buy 10000 shitcoins back in 2013

>> No.9977091

At the end of the day you will probably be netting even more after all expenses than the burgerfags making 100k/year

>> No.9977113

btw how do you do crypto taxes in bulgaria? Is it 10% and do you just put it under cap gains?

>> No.9977118
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>phone interview 1
>phone interview 2
>phone interview 3
>homework assignment
>fly to company location
>presentation/interview in front of entire team
>get the job
>reluctantly decline the job because my would be boss was an annoying fag

>> No.9977162

if you cant get a fucking job with a resume like this, then im completely fucked. Or maybe you're just autistic at interviews.

>> No.9977420

go with what I said. I actually make over $100k as a senior dev and started in the mailroom.

your biggest opportunity is tailoring your resume to every app, you might appear overqualified or too expensive to some of the places you're applying to. or the HR drone might be getting confused and tossing it.

>> No.9977473

It's 10% on withdrawal. Most people don't pay it at all, as banks don't flag anything below 5k bgn, but I have to because I have a company and I'm being closely watched.

>> No.9977573

With a resume like that, you won't be sucking any dicks on the job. No hiring manager would want that.
Maybe tone it down a bit and hide your true power level?

>> No.9977633

>i like what im doing and get paid for it.
sounds like a good deal to me
are your coworkers bros?

>> No.9977640

>15/hr nights and weekends mandatory, must be on-call 24 hrs, no benefits

>> No.9977653


Sounds like my SpaceX I interview anon, I got the job though.

>> No.9977665


Wanking at the pc aounds like a perfect time for dubs.

>> No.9977713
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Most people will never realize something like this in their life.

>> No.9977722
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what happened next in your dream?

>> No.9977732
File: 97 KB, 945x1500, 90eba933-0d07-4fce-83d3-3650dac7831a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a shithole country
>apply to a job abroad
>phone interview
>homework assignment
>skype interview
>get told to start looking for apartments in the city
>be ghosted for no apparent reason

>> No.9977744

Someone posted this yesterday faggot come up with something original

>> No.9977855

>send resume to company
>get phone interview, guy was really neverous about traveling (weekly travel several times a month)
>state I have a better resume during phone interview
>send him said resume while talking
>get invited to 2 person interview
>head of sales and head IT consultant of regional office
>ever worked with ITSM?
>"okay we will give u 20-30 minutes doodle something up on the whiteboard and present to use this case study. (Sell them their own software)
>bumble my way through it
>3 months later no contact get a call from head office based in uk for a friendly chat.
>45 minutes later ye we are putting u through as our prime pick.
Finially after another month of waiting no contact get an email. If you're interested sign here : 68K AUD all expenses paid when traveling domestically and internationally.

Keep trying OP you're going to make it.

>> No.9977864

>Tbh I'd rather stay unemployed because I would end up killing myself working in large corporates
I would hate to become a slave in a bureaucratic nightmare dominated by HR

>> No.9977929


>> No.9978346

Mostly from the overtime, but my base pay rate is 20$ an hour so even when I'm only getting 40 hours a week I do pretty well.

I live in a cheap state too so my rent is only 10% of my monthly income

>> No.9979088

What state?

>> No.9979105

This is completely true. Don’t think about the no responses at all

>> No.9979338

Go for a trade anons

>Aircraft Mechanic
>fly for free
> $33/hr now max out at $50

>> No.9979794

doesn't make sense if you're capable of a STEM career, otherwise yes

>> No.9979863

>stem phd
>flunk biotech on-site
>flunk oil on-site
>defend thesis
>academic postdoc for 2 years in big city
>flunk software on-site
>unemployed for 1 year flunking ~10 phone interviews
>industry postdoc for 1 year (project canceled six months in so basically 6 months of nothing)
>flunk 2 more phone interviews
>national lab job (effectively postdoc) that can't hire h1b
who knew my people skills were so much worse than chongs and pajeets who can't speak english?

>> No.9979971

You should invoice them for your time.

>> No.9980508

Kek, I got 80k a year starting plus 100k of sweet stock. You don't have to believe me but it's not that hard to get in if you're actually passionate about engineering and know your craft inside and out. Expect to get blown out otherwise.

>> No.9980571

in case you just started, you should know that when a company is throwing money at you like that, it usually means you'll be working long shitty hours under the most stressful conditions you can bear. very common at the "prestigious" tech giants. I'd take a lower paying job vs. those any day of the week.

>> No.9980652

because mechanical is an outdated science. It was useful like 100 years ago.

>> No.9980670


Suddenly being a musician doesnt seem so bad.

>> No.9980671

I'll never work for a company that makes you jump through that many bullshit hoops to get the job.

It should be one face to face interview maximum. Anything else and it tells you that the company doesn't understand recruitment, that they don't value your time and they have too much time to waste themselves.

Someone who is gainfully employed and looking to move to a new role doesn't have the time or patience to jump through that many hoops.

>> No.9980705

After the third interview you should have just fucked off. If they really cared about you at all they wouldn't be dicking you over, on the chance that you get hired I guarantee you will fucking hate it.

>> No.9980733


Kek, look at this faggot. There's not one moving and made assembly on this Earth that didn't involve a mechanical engineer. If anything it's the most useful, half of all aerospace is basically just mechanical engineers.

>> No.9980735

as a phd usually you give a talk and then they pass you around to different people all day but only 1-2 of them make the decision, i assume that's what OP meant by multiple in person interviews.
i've never had more than 2 phone interviews prior to an on-site though

>> No.9980844

mechanical is dead man IDK why people keep studying it. its like classical physics level 2. Your only hope is to do BAJA SAE or Formula and get a job with ford or honda. If the job market is shit youll just get fucked your entire career.
t. mechanical engineer, 2.8 gpa, learning programming.

>> No.9980924


Literally just got a job with total compensation of 100k a year as a mechanical fresh out of school, idk wtf you're talking about. I'd off myself if I was a software cuck that never got to design or build things I couldn't touch with my own two hands.

>> No.9980945

Location / job description / how you got the position?

>> No.9980970

everything in aerospace was made 50 years ago. A modern engineer just sits in meeting to discuss how it will fit in within regulations. Most of mechanical engineering stuff is broken down to standardized components, and books. Have fun checking what flange you need for a 100psi 2" pipe like some retarded plumber that doesnt have any tools and just checks charts.

>> No.9980984

lol literally not a single mech eng job pays that out of school aside from oil work which I did and thats not real engineering, you dont need a degree to do any of haliburtons crap.

>> No.9980990

>aspiring to be a wagecuck
Might as well kill yourself retard

>> No.9981104


>> No.9981139
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>How illegal is it to do this?
Nothing is illegal if you're on the right side of history, fren.

>> No.9981141

every post you make confirms you are taking high pay at the cost of getting your ass railed daily from an abusive employer. good luck lasting more than a year or two.

>> No.9981263

You're talking out of your ass. There's plenty of jobs in MechE.

>> No.9981285

sure if you like designing hvac ducts lol.

>> No.9981298

gf is MechE, she designs injectors for the healthcare industry

>> No.9981326

well that explains it, there are like 5% women in ME and companies fight with each other to get them to work for them. Trust me as a guy its a desert.

>> No.9981421

I make 100k plus sitting my fatass on train for 12 hours a day...although there’s a lot of drawbacks

>> No.9981424
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>one phone screen
>one day of onsite interviews
>$105k + health insurance and 401(k)
>genuinely seems like a great company to work for, only heard good things
>I start next week
>Software Engineer
Sorry peasants but I earned it

>> No.9981456
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We've all been there, OP. Keep at it, expand your network, keep your skills up, pound that pavement, and you'll GET a job.

Then... invest every spare mother f*cking penny from that job, so you can quit the job.

retired @ 41 doing this.

>> No.9981650

I'm in ChemE and there sure is more prospects in MechE. I have a good job tho. I make 35k€, she makes 37k€. However I have 52 vacations but she only got 37.

>> No.9982008
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>have to submit a cover letter for a minimum wage burger flipping job

>> No.9982053

Thanks for the info, I've been thinking of living there for a while

>> No.9982085

>the absolute butthurt in family meetings when a 21 y/o chump earns more than any 3 people at the table combined

software engineering for western corporations really is something in eastern europe

>> No.9982995

Does anyone even read those things?

>> No.9983021

I do when I hire operators.

>> No.9983118
File: 279 KB, 2374x1583, Sofia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np. Keep in mind that numbeo data, while correct, shows averages, and plenty of people still live in stinking commieblocks.
So good living would require more than the calculated amount on that website. It's still cheap though. A gated community apt with a pool, sauna, gym, 80sqm would set you back $700/month. Fancy restaurants are indeed super cheap.

>> No.9983186

And people still unironically defend capitalism

>> No.9983466


Holy shit this more brutal than amazon software eng interview process

>> No.9983555

I wouldn't hire you

>> No.9983593

>can drive a bus
>get hired immediately
>some cunt screeching something about Tesla
>just drive and /sip/

>> No.9983705

You must have really fucked up with the presentation

>> No.9983768
File: 188 KB, 898x600, 1401238416564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP's pic

> "if you only knew how bad things really" 1921453

Damn now I feel like a newfag. So the pic with Ron Paul and that text, is from that post in 2012? is there an archive that? it's so old so probably not... would be cool, though, to read that thread.

>> No.9983836

Google interview is easier than Tanium.

Fuck Tanium. 5 interviews out of 8. The last two are mostly show up on campus.

Then a recruiter reaches out to me for Tanium and gets angry I wont consider them again.

>What do you mean no?
>Oh those scandals are typical silicon valley drama
>so you wasted my time calling you.

^fuxking lost my shit and asked him "would you work there?" And he hung up.

To all your unemployed normies, just forget an IT defree , try to aim for remote work and outsource it.

I did. Nothing's great than having people congratulate your outsourced Asian labor as.you pay them 25-30% of your wage and step in when they want a day off/holiday.

>> No.9983873

Interview processes in general are just tedious jumping through hoops. I really hope crypto takes off for all our sakes, so we don't have to be part of the normie rat race

>> No.9983895

Other than software no other profession would tolerate this elaborate BS. All those whiteboard interviews are useless. Just have a solid look at candidate’s side projects > hire temp for 3 months with minimum pay > monitor on-job performance and cultural integration. That’s it. Fuck all these tortures. I can’t think a lawyer / doctor would tolerate this kind of tortures

>> No.9983949

>achievements: 4th place

lmao no shit people just toss your resume

>> No.9983996

That's because lawyers know their worth, and the law, and that they can sue or at least bill for any wasted time. Comp sci students don't know anything.

>> No.9983999

4plebs if you have luck
4plebs archives on archive.org if you have some GB free space

>> No.9984028

this, I got cucked once and got the equivalent of three weeks salary, kek

>> No.9984047

>even though I'm White
better be bait

>> No.9984067


its probably a complete clusterfuck inside the company

>> No.9984076


its not. im nordo-celtic

>> No.9984092


but you can cure the cancer in a small business. its impossible in a big corp

>> No.9984106


cpa here. i have been without work for one month in the last ten years. i have straight up walked off the job and gotten another in two weeks

>> No.9984125

i would never ever work for a company that gave me 3 telephone interviews and homework before starting

and i work for exxonmobil

>> No.9984138

>be chad
>get job without a single interview or any red tape

>> No.9984220

Yeah anon go for the quick 5k so then your name is blacklisted and you can never ever get a job again