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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9973948 No.9973948 [Reply] [Original]

>Econ 41 class
>Class talking about good investments
>Someone mentions crypto
>Professor and the entire auditorium of people burst into laughter
It really was a scam that only desperate brainlets fell for, huh?

>> No.9974108

Only a brainlet would disregard crypto at this point. Millions of transactions without a single double spending incident. If they can't realize the importance of a peer to peer way of transferring wealth that is transparent and fast and can't be stopped by any government its their loss.

>> No.9974146

The only guy that was shilling crypto in my class was this fat autistic german dude wearing khaki shorts and a white shirt with a ketchup stain on it. Really made me think.

>> No.9974188

Always follow the autism. Normies will always be late to world changing tech.
Autism >> smart money >> plebbit >>Facebook >>rest of the normies

>> No.9974205

You know how you become a billionaire? By playing it safe and following what the herd does.

>> No.9974216

Best due diligence in this sub that has stood the test of time

>> No.9974218

on a side note this is also what literal hobos do.

>> No.9974231

Since listening to you fucking autistic sociopaths has worked so well so far.

>> No.9974239

Have you ever heard of the World Wide Web?

>> No.9974245
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>this sub

I hope this is bait

>> No.9974247

Unironically the most productive/informative thread on /biz/ in weeks...

>> No.9974257

has it ever occurred to you that the people in your auditorium don't even have the money to consider allocating a portion of their portfolio to crypto?

>> No.9974259

>private business school
>class talks about investments
>i mention LINK

>> No.9974269

>4chan is a gathering of autistic geniuses

Boy you fucked up. The big brains left a couple of years ago you mong.

>> No.9974302

isnt that a bullish sign?
>first they ignore
>then they laugh
>then they fight
>then they accept
as a wise pajeet once said...

>> No.9974329

i'm still here

>> No.9974344

Was here last year too before the golden bull run. Still full of autistic morons falling for shit coins that never mooned and fomoing at the top of coins that made a run in December.

>> No.9974354


This is how normies STILL react to crypto. People here think normies bought in december lol.

>> No.9974440


I don't know man, feels like the normies might stay in that laughing phase forever.

>> No.9974490

since when do normies chose the way they live?

you guys are retarded, crypto is pushed by the people who set the rules, the normies will have to adopt wether they want it or not

>> No.9974508
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>> No.9974523


As a boomer who laughed as the normies got rekt in the GFC - they know shit. They get lucky just enough to beat inflation. They don't get rich. Don't worry, just accumulate and dump on them in the next bullrun.

>> No.9974553

>Checked for Hitler, nearly a 1488!

Confirmed, basically ignore normies.