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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 387x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
98849 No.98849 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>98014

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.98856

Daily reminder to backup PND.dat

>> No.98861
File: 121 KB, 293x293, pnd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>How come I can only bet so little.
I'm on a lappy. I don't want to ruin my GPU any more than I already have. I might increase this later if I get more PND.

>Isn't 10% a really massive house edge?
If you feel uncomfortable gambling with those kinds of odds, don't.

>Proof you're not a scammer?
You can see my livestream at twitch/alexskc If you want other proof, I can try to provide it.

>Aren't you just doing the same thing as that guy in the early DOGE days?
Yes, stealing shamelessly.

>> No.98858


>> No.98860

muh duck.

>> No.98863


>> No.98868

Does half a million get a good ticket for the train?

I want to make it to a million at least, but the difficulty has jumped up so much ;_;

>> No.98869

That coin is PAND, not PND.

It ways "In Wolong We Trust."

>> No.98878
File: 1017 KB, 665x663, 1385578922869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how people on bitcointalk can be so fucking stupid.

It's legit making me mad that those greedy goys thought we were only trying to promote PND and not take down a scammer.


>> No.98879

no, gtfo

>> No.98882

You don't make any sense.

>> No.98892

Sure I do

>> No.98884


stop your fukin gambling shit

>55 or above out of 1-100

>inb4 "If you feel uncomfortable gambling with those kinds of odds, don't.
You are a scammer dude

>> No.98886

It was made by someone on /b/. Don't blame him.

>> No.98888

Theres the door get out

>> No.98891
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Someday we will get the recognition we deserve. anon

>> No.98900

Thats not what your mom said about my dick last night

>> No.98896


amDOGE, wrong coin on the OP ;_;

>> No.98898

I always pay out. You can look several threads back.

>> No.98905


amdoge confirmed for Wolong

>> No.98903

Why is PND thread so aggressive now?

>> No.98908

People are scared of losing money, presumably.

>> No.98910

Not really.

There is no longer a Panda 2.0.

>> No.98919

It's the Gollum effect. It's unavoidable.

>> No.98911

Because money

Just enjoy the ride bro

>> No.98912
File: 71 KB, 1435x453, riser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riser?

>> No.98922


>4chan being a whiteknight for once to prevent wolong from hurting too many people (and bringing lots of topkeks)

>PANDA casuals still delusionnal as fuck and calling PND a scam

some people will never learn. Those kind of people are better kept away from crypto anyway

>> No.98924
File: 234 KB, 500x500, 1380841482195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone mining darkcoin when it launches?

I might dump it and pump pnd.

>> No.98925

looks fine to me

>> No.98931


I am talking about the odds you dumbfuck

>> No.98935

WHAT everybody doing today?

I just got up, drink coffee. neet so I don't have to do anything, feels good mang.

>> No.98946

rest day, eating, chilling,drinking tea, daytrading

>> No.98950

Was in the lab from 9am until 4pm.
Sipping coffee at home now and watching the Olympics.

>> No.98951

Why would anyone run a casino if the odds weren't in their favor? I've made it explicitly clear that you're somewhat more likely to lose if you play.

>> No.98954
File: 47 KB, 570x428, hal turdner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan being a whiteknight for once
Man, all the best 4chan events spring from 4channers getting mad at some jackoff for one reason or another. Some of our best stunts were trolling some dick into the ground just because of our moral outrage.

It's cool we actually brought that feeling back yo

>> No.98956


does the wallet need to be backed up each time you perform a transaction or saving it once is enough ?

>> No.98957

If you can't tell from the way that they type, most of them don't speak english very well and are asian, and aren't very good at the social aspect and humanity of the people who are behind the screens selling this stuff, they just see numbers and profit.

Just a reminder to everyone that you shouldn't get so caught up in this game to the point that other areas of your life suffer. There seem to be a lot of people who put their future into Wolong.

>> No.98970

what are you creating in the laboratory?

>> No.98962


>> No.98974

>Can only mine 200k per day with 620Kh/s.

Oh god, it's DOGE all over again.

>tfw only 2 million

>> No.98971


So provide some kind of value and create your own website. Dont spam your post on each thread

>> No.98972

Went to the doctor earlier because I had a chest infection, walk out with prescription for anti depression and anti anxiety meds.


>> No.98973

Saving it once is enough. Your wallet.dat can be considered the "password" to your PND "account".

>> No.98976
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Public Service Announcement:
We are now merging PND and DOGE threads for the sake of keeping the threads threaded.
Future title of thread will be "General PNDOGE Thread" without the quotes.

Thank you for your time.

>> No.98977


Yes true dat. But 4chan will forever be seen as /b/ for casuals

>> No.98983

Doing tissue engineering with stem cells derived from fat. The results will probably used in new therapies for bladder/other urogenital cancers.

>> No.98984
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>> No.98985

Happening level: 90

>> No.99000

I can only make one thread at a time. If you want to continue your own then do so.

>> No.99001
File: 9 KB, 206x217, 1392469451900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how sick are you anon? are you furious?

>> No.98990

I am sick of this PND bullshit you are forcing into DOGE.

>> No.98993

>Can only mine 60-ishk per day at 235Kh/s
>tfw only 200k
It could be worse.

>> No.98996

my wallet wont sync (says 2 days for half an hour now). can someone post the nodes again please

>> No.98997

really? but theyre faggots. doge threads don't look dead

>> No.98998


So the blockchain can trace back all your transactions from this wallet.dat ?

Basically I just save it once on an external hard drive and I am setup ?

>> No.99002

1PND 0,5DOGE incoming

>> No.99006

so i sended some dogecoins to swisscex and they were subtracted in my wallet but only 2 transactions got to swisscex and 2 got lost, now I have 10.000 dogecoins missing - What can I do to fix this? It's probably something with my wallet.

>> No.99008


Working on some urban landscape analysis

>> No.99010
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I approve

>> No.99012

cant they make their own threads, are they really that fucking incompetent

>> No.99016

I am happy with it.

Also amdoge, can you kick people off of the network somehow? I want to go back to easy coins ;_;

>> No.99018

I can't.

>> No.99026


>> No.99027

Even if she could, that would backfire pretty fast.

>> No.99023

do you have any idea how stupid that would be?

>> No.99031
File: 115 KB, 1000x752, Doge_begging_party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never m8. But this is actually a pretty nice way to learn more about economics and finance.

>mfw I had lot of fun the past months, but also learned so many shit about currencies and trading

>> No.99045

Just got myself a 2,2 mhs rig, is it too late for this?

>> No.99047

Only if you keep asking.

>> No.99048

Woke up, had sex, smoked joint, listened to music while watching the markets.

>> No.99051

unemployed, no college as I dropped out

mining all day

>> No.99052

Ok I get it.

>> No.99055

Sell it and buy in with cash. More economical.

>> No.99057
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[warlock] confirmed for new final boss

>get a load of this guy

>> No.99058
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I just assume 75% of the people ITT are.

NEET pride worldwide

>> No.99063

Warlock is one of the Devs. One of the UNo ones. He was super butthurt that we used the logo because he said that he created it.

>> No.99061
File: 16 KB, 419x366, 1384804764692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, check out that sick burn I just left him

>> No.99067

pretty much lol

>> No.99074

they never learn.

>> No.99072

he's no boss
he's just a leftover that still flounders

>> No.99077

>dat delusion

>> No.99086


Problem is casuals are fukin stupid.
I am almost sure than in 2-3 days from now everybody will have forgotten about this wolong debacle and will start mining their shitcoin again like the good sheeps they are.
I sincerely hope I am wrong though

Screencap this

>> No.99092

I guess that's TBD

Still, I think that coin is done. Most of the big miners went back to vert or doge or whatever the fuck

>> No.99088
File: 46 KB, 612x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feel that my trip is kind of updated, don't you think?

I need something like Bamboo or something, I don't know.

amDOGE please

>> No.99093


outdated, I mean

>> No.99095

Will send screencaps back from moon.

>> No.99098

The moon is never outdated.

>> No.99105

Why is PND dropping? Who is selling low?

>> No.99106

>dat buy wall at 6

This is going to be good

>> No.99108
File: 47 KB, 95x500, always asking for more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related
right now in #pandacoin

>> No.99110

Cryptos are fucking weird man I still can't understand why mining shitcoins is more profitable than actually mining bitcoins/litecoins. I understand the whole difficulty/ASIC thing, but why people pay so much for shitcoins just baffles me.

>> No.99111


>> No.99119

I think a lot of wolong scamcoin miners are jumping in and dumping.

>> No.99114

>Will send screencaps back from moon.

u wot m8 ? I am in the PND train

>> No.99115

This is a good thing. Once the whales dump and spread out the coins the price will go up

>> No.99121

I don't pretend to understand it, and the fact that PND is gaining value smacks my gob

Fucking how does this shit work

>> No.99125
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>> No.99127


They pay for hope anon. Most of the humans are gamblers (at different levels) and its part of human nature.

Everybody wish that his favorite shitcoin will become the next big thing.

>> No.99133

Makes sense, let's just hope it doesn't last to long.

What do you say, 2 weeks till we reach the moon?

>Smacks my gob
I remember a certain PANDA dev saying that...

>> No.99128
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How much PND do you need to "be on the train", /g/?

>> No.99135

One Hundred Gazillon

>> No.99140

I'm on 1.5mil myself, but I'm doubting whether that's enough

>> No.99151

bout tree fiddy

>> No.99152


people in #pandacoin belive that wolong did a shakedown and that the coin is now going to the moon

>> No.99153

I have about 155k, trying to get as much as i can with a 660

>> No.99154

30 Difficulty! And it's only getting higher. Better buy now while you have the chance.

>> No.99155

>I remember a certain PANDA dev saying that...
I'm forcing it in these threads now


>> No.99145

i have mined 1 million PND and im waiting for a good opportunity to dump those and buy doge.

>> No.99150

A rich person will always perceive themselves as "middle class".

You'll do fine.

>> No.99161

Hah. Fair enough

>> No.99162
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I don't feel sorry for whoever's left

>> No.99158
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>> No.99166

Frogs slowly being boiled and not noticing it.

>> No.99167

55k more
and 20satos when?

>> No.99168

i just lost 80k PND in trading fuck i really need to better my maths

>> No.99169

Ahhh, ok. I was wondering if we had somehow recruited one.

>> No.99173 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 363x270, 1392827991229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get my GPU back next Wednesday. Did I miss the mining train?
I'm seriously going to be sad if I missed this train.

>> No.99175

nobody can help?

>> No.99178

Just don't trade you goddamn imbecile.

>> No.99182

yes miles

>> No.99183

am i the only one who is seriously annoyed by this constantly depressed retard?

>> No.99184

file a complaint with swisscex

>> No.99186

Are you using wallet 1.5.2?

>> No.99187

Sorry train left long ago, if you don't have at least 1 million by now there's now ticket for you.

>> No.99196

fuck guys I wanted more pandacoin but I just can't buy enough BTC

waiting on transfers to Bitstamp and now stupid fucking bank has delayed my localbitcoins transfer until monday

how much do i need to become an millionaire

>> No.99197
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The ride never ends

>> No.99198


>> No.99202


>> No.99208
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>> No.99209
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amDOGE when is it that you're going to buy a panda?

>> No.99221 [DELETED] 

No. I'm done with cryptocurrencies.
I'm going to cash out my doge while it's still high and hope BTC goes up so I can buy more LSD with it.
First person to post their panda address in reply to my post gets my 150k panda.

>> No.99234


>> No.99235

Jesus christ

>> No.99224


wolong is more alive than never.


>> No.99228


>> No.99229


>> No.99230

Is anyone mining mintcoin?

>> No.99232
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top kek

>> No.99240

>so I can buy more LSD with it.
Yeah sell all of your coins for drugs, good goy :^)

>> No.99236

miles you dumb fgt

>> No.99239

only want 50k

>> No.99243

Sorry, I already sent it to >>99228

>> No.99244
File: 79 KB, 679x589, moe moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you miles, I gave you PND and I was gonna double what you had because I like you

At least give it to someone with a lower hashrate and not the first greedy goy that replies to you

>> No.99253
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>because I like you

>>liking miles

>> No.99251

For what purpose? There is probably the shit load of people who were still mining over the last couple of days that have just held on and are expecting this. They will dump their coins straight away or have already set really high sell orders just in case.

No way wolong would try this, he'll just burn out his coins. Nobody is going to buy in now. To be honest I wouldn't mind watching him attempting it and buying up lots of shit coins

>> No.99261

Well I have 4k pot I can give to someone with a low hashrate.
I don't know how to determine who has a low hashrate though.

>> No.99256

I enjoy yelling at him

>> No.99257

fuck you, you cock loving disgusting pedophile

>> No.99260
File: 84 KB, 908x669, swisskekswheremuhcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with swisskeks? I've sent 300k to them earlier today and even though it says it's been confirmed it hasn't been added to my balance. Which sucks because that 300k was a big chunk of my PNDs. I sent it to the exact same adress as the other 200k.

Has anyone else sent PND to swiss today that arrived without a problem? How long did it take because it's been just past 6hrs for me and still got nothing.

>> No.99270

miles you dumb idiot i gave you 4k pot to hold

>> No.99265

Mine got stuck initially, but it fixed itself eventually. I think the volume is getting to them

>> No.99268

>There are actually people who will cash out of promising investments so that they can buy LSD

>> No.99281
File: 91 KB, 407x863, cointrader-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last trade 11 hours ago

Is Cointrader dead?

>> No.99282

Miles please ;_;

>> No.99273

End your suffering, miles.

Go away.

>> No.99274

You have them post timestamped pictures

Also, people give you these coins to get you on trains, just stick with it for more than a week you dork

>> No.99275
File: 69 KB, 715x720, 1392003137946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know. Don't rub it in.

I was considering giving it away, but .25 BTC is too much to just give up.

>> No.99279


>> No.99288

I already gave it up. I said the first person, you are like the 11th and 12th.

You take my potcoin then. I don't want it.

>> No.99290
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>I'm going to cash out my doge



Seriously Miles, fucking hold you goddamn shit, jesus christ. At least wait until BTC goes back up before selling.

>> No.99299


I seriously hope I will not see you around anymore. Just fuckin hate you more than ever.

>Its o-okay anon I learned my lesson
fuckin disgusting

>> No.99300

I am going away after I get rid of my coins.

>> No.99296
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>> No.99312
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Fine, if you're gonna just give them away then I'll take them, I'll hold them and give them back if they're ever worth something

>> No.99305

>I already gave it up. I said the first person, you are like the 11th and 12th.
It was a potcoin adress.
Just 2k ;_;

>> No.99313 [DELETED] 

Which one is the potcoin address?

>> No.99314

ily :3

>> No.99317

Is Miles fucking with us?

This seems like a social experiment now.

>> No.99318

This one.

>> No.99316
File: 55 KB, 480x724, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me the POT then. You wont need them where you are going.

>> No.99326

i guess i am and i should be, why? I just updated my wallet and let it synch

>> No.99320

So far, we have Miles, Stableshill, and amDoge on board. Is there anyone who needs to come on besides koreaboo to make this a perfect repetition of DOGE?

>> No.99321


>> No.99322

PKR exchange opened on swisscex if anyone is interested.


>> No.99324

No, he really is that dumb

>> No.99325
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>selling at an all time low the money people told you to hold to buy LSD
You are no better than wolong. bye

>> No.99329
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1379257961247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 150k pnd

>> No.99336

Okay, you should be getting it soon enough.
Bye /biz/

>> No.99332

more like anti-socials experiment, amirite?

>> No.99333

Reminder that this shitty coin will die in the next week and it will I no where. All of you fucktards are wasting your time an this coin will drop heavily. Look it's already going down an it will die further. Kill yourself you fatfucks.

>> No.99335

Well, 1.5.2 solved a fork we had earlier in the week or whenever, so if you're using an old wallet you could be sending coins to the void

>> No.99344

Will you stop saying fatfucks already? I don't know who you are, but it's clear you're always the same person.

>> No.99345

>1.5.2 solved a fork we had earlier in the week
It implemented KGW.

>> No.99346

Oh like your any smarter than he was fa/g/got

>> No.99341

Go to bed Wolong

RIP Miles, you were an entertainer

>> No.99348

20mil will make you nice profits

>> No.99355

That was doggy coin bro

>> No.99357
File: 20 KB, 346x217, Cattura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a moment, since when pandacoin.scryptominer's fee is 2%?
I'm already doing very low income, i didn't need an higher fee ._.

>> No.99358

pls no

>> No.99349


confirmed for wolong. Did the triads find you already ? When sill you finally die ?

>> No.99351

doge has KGW now?

>> No.99354

Wait, DOGE has KGW now? Fuck I need to start paying attention

>> No.99368
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>> No.99370
File: 94 KB, 501x585, 1391355448259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've been rused!

>> No.99361

No wait. I didn't read the context. Nevermind.

>> No.99376
File: 9 KB, 121x403, pnd_btc_match.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.99385
File: 50 KB, 265x265, 1390769602439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commence the pump

you know what to do /biz/

>> No.99381
File: 82 KB, 667x329, SPEEEEED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send some coins if you don't believe in them please, I'll gladly take the burden from you :3

>> No.99382
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>> No.99388

I warned you about 4chan, wolong!

>> No.99394

just move to pandapool, it has only .5%

>> No.99395
File: 93 KB, 666x684, novidia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel mining with something so shit? I'm mining with nvidia and im making something decent.

>> No.99410

Did he actually send you those coins?

>> No.99400

Save you wallet.dat that is in %appdata%
Delete Pandacoin folder from %appdata%
Reopen PND wallet
Replace new wallet.dat with saved wallet.dat in %appdata%
Reopen PND wallet and wait for confirmation

>> No.99404
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>> No.99414
File: 38 KB, 362x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alms Beggar In Station Tier
Luggage Car Tier
Caboose Tier
Middle Class Section Tier
High Class Open Bar Section Tier
Owns The Railway Tier
Robber Barons

>> No.99411

So does poolesclosed

>> No.99423


I still can't into P2Pool but that is the future.

Gridseed when?

>Inb4 scam pre-order

>> No.99424
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1392752339569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.99425

fuck, I joined pooles closed 2 days ago and made 600k and I found 2 blocks. The userbase was just 20 people, now its 76. Fuck damn am I better off solo mining?

>> No.99421

hey amDOGE.

Would there be any chance of you lowering your fees on bamboohouse to 0% to some of us?

>> No.99435

You need to bribe me first.

Ah right p2pool. I still need to get a repo up for that.

>> No.99429
File: 31 KB, 351x448, 1392958788648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6 million

>> No.99430

It's pretty bad at current difficulty, but I managed to get around 700 PND an hour before "we" hit an exchange, which didn't feel too shabby.
Now I'm mostly mining out of conviction and lulz ;)

>> No.99433

Mint is gonna blow.

>> No.99443

>Caboose Tier
Fuck it, at least I'm on. Maybe if I'm lucky I can sneak into Middle Class.

>> No.99445

>You need to bribe me first.
We created a monster.

>> No.99446

I'll bribe you with 0.8% of my profits

>> No.99447
File: 66 KB, 640x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how could I bribe you.

>> No.99440

[17:44] <@JacobUX> the devs aren't mad at wolong
[17:44] <@JacobUX> I'm not mad at wolong
[17:45] <Panduuu> Well he just went away with the IPO and dumped his pandas, totally crashing the value
[17:45] <@JacobUX> Panduuu he can also buy back
[17:45] <@JacobUX> and the soap opera continues
[17:45] <Panduuu> 6 satoshis as we speak
[17:45] <jonluk> Panduuu: where did he dump his coins ?
[17:45] <james_brown> how long until panda hits 100 sat again
[17:45] <chuzgrutz> how can you not be mad at wolong
[17:45] <Panduuu> you made a lot of people loose a lot of money, and yet you are still bragging that wolong did nothing wrong ?
[17:45] <@add1ct3dd> he isnt mad
[17:46] <@add1ct3dd> others are
[17:46] <chuzgrutz> oh ok
[17:46] <@JacobUX> who lost money?
[17:46] <@JacobUX> his private channel?
[17:46] <@JacobUX> ipo investors?
[17:46] <@add1ct3dd> i dont think its fair to say the devs arent mad, some are
[17:46] <chuzgrutz> was gonna say haha
[17:46] <@add1ct3dd> but ill shh
[17:46] <@add1ct3dd> :]
[17:46] <@JacobUX> the devs got free pandacoins
[17:46] <@JacobUX> wtf are we mad about
[17:46] <@JacobUX> panda is huge
[17:46] <matterway> When we play with a premined coin, this is the chance we take.
[17:46] <chuzgrutz> ya hugely disappointing

[17:48] <@JacobUX> pandacoin is a soap opera, if you are crazy enough to invest in it please don't complain about people scamming though
[17:48] <@JacobUX> there was no scam

>right now as we speak

>> No.99441

It's not 76, some people just have a lot of workers. I'm the admin and one guy has like 20 5KH/s workers.

>> No.99442


>> No.99454

sent ;)

I'm fine with that.

Post more doge.

>> No.99456

>tfw 1.46mln
>tfw open bar
I think imma go make myself a drink

>> No.99466


>> No.99458
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>> No.99462

>Ah right p2pool. I still need to get a repo up for that.

Whatever that is it sounds delicious.

>> No.99463

can someone post the reddit thread with molly please?

>> No.99476


>> No.99477
File: 65 KB, 445x488, 1361408707843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[17:44] <@JacobUX> the devs aren't mad at wolong
>[17:44] <@JacobUX> I'm not mad at wolong



>> No.99471

>slowpoke.jpg me

>> No.99485

>Amount (PND) Price (BTC) Total (BTC)
>200'000.00000000 0.00000020 0.0400000


>> No.99486
File: 151 KB, 500x276, 134655496552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make it together
>220k in 4 days here

>> No.99479

Closing bets.

>> No.99487

I should have realised what repo was shorthand for

>> No.99495

>There is no scam.
Literally retarded.

>> No.99496

I see.

Can't be helped.

>> No.99497

Deceive them

>> No.99488


>> No.99490
File: 73 KB, 637x627, 1377733994006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[17:48] <@JacobUX> pandacoin is a soap opera, if you are crazy enough to invest in it please don't complain about people scamming though
>[17:48] <@JacobUX> there was no scam
>[17:48] <@JacobUX> there was no scam
>[17:48] <@JacobUX> there was no scam
>[17:48] <@JacobUX> there was no scam

I'm just done being mad about this. I just don't get it.

>> No.99502

>[17:48] <@JacobUX> pandacoin is a soap opera, if you are crazy enough to invest in it please don't complain about people scamming though
>[17:48] <@JacobUX> there was no scam

I feel so happy donating PND to you guys

>> No.99498

retard authists

>> No.99499

You are either too paranoid or not paranoid enough.


>> No.99501
File: 161 KB, 580x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta study, damn it amDOGE.

>> No.99503


enjoy your no fee ;)

>> No.99506

[17:51] <Panduuu> ok, I can see that sevoque provided a lot of IRC logs yesterday, saying he is out of this and that he is to be trusted. Yet nothing happened and nothing is wrong ?
[17:51] == NADZ [~OneOrbit@] has left #pandacoin []
[17:52] <Panduuu> you devs were fighting and disapointed, yet nothing happened ?
[17:52] <Panduuu> wolong told you to fuck off, yet nothing happened ?
[17:52] <tehcrs> how would you know that?
[17:52] <@sevoque> does it look like nothing happned?
[17:52] <tehcrs> how would you know that?
[17:52] <@JacobUX> yep Panduu
[17:52] <@sevoque> would u like me to show u the door?
[17:52] <@JacobUX> we are 100% fine
[17:52] <Panduuu> tehcrs plz stfu u are just clueless
[17:52] <@JacobUX> please stop trolling us
[17:52] <@JacobUX> your opinion has been discarded
[17:52] <tehcrs> go eat a dick you ignorant piece of scum
[17:53] <tehcrs> you have still failed to elaborate on how you got scammed
[17:53] <@JacobUX> ^
[17:53] <tehcrs> throwing words around of which you apparentely don't know their meaning
[17:53] <jonluk> So far I've heard a lot of TALK over the past 2 days about wolong dumping - but no one seems to be able to tell me where he dumped.
[17:53] <tehcrs> on mintpal
[17:54] <jonluk> thank you tehcrs
[17:54] <tehcrs> you're most welcome
[17:54] <Panduuu> sevoque, I cant believe my eyes
[17:54] <tehcrs> get glasses
[17:54] <tehcrs> fuckface
[17:54] <jonluk> it was pretty much bound to be on the one exchange I don't watch
[17:54] <@JacobUX> stop trying to bain sev Panduuu
[17:54] <@JacobUX> bait*
[17:55] <jonluk> hey hum, even if I sold now I'd still make more than the elec it cost to mine my coins.
[17:55] <@JacobUX> damn that sounds like not a scam to me
[17:55] <@JacobUX> seems a lot of people are spreading lies on the internet

>I told you guys, the war is far from over

>> No.99505

That poor cat doesn't get near as much attention as doge ;-;

>> No.99522


>> No.99525

He did

>> No.99518
File: 89 KB, 640x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

received ;)

>> No.99520

fine i moved my 3 mh/s over there :^)

who wants to join me

>> No.99526

Friendly reminder to those mining on Nvidia cards to update your cudaminer. I've updated mine to the latest version of this month and got an extra 40KH/s on each card I have.

>> No.99528
File: 1.75 MB, 200x293, jags fan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even meme arrow this, the whole fucking thing is ridiculous

>> No.99529

Why not mine at OP's pool? (amDOGE's). If there is any problem, we will hear about it here first.

>> No.99530
File: 38 KB, 334x298, 1277247658598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could shout at such injustice, but I don't mind helping you out either. Welp.

>> No.99536

You see here complete brainwash in action.

>> No.99537

I have just under 3.5 mill PND (can mine about a mill a day at current difficulty)

Im thinking of switching my miner back to mint for a little while as it seems to be taking off a bit. what do you think?

>> No.99543

3.5 mil is enough PND if you feel like switching to another coin

>> No.99544

keep mining pnd for a few more days.
nothing wrong with builking up your wallet

>> No.99538


It's good to spread the hashrate out in general

>> No.99548

keep mining pnd if you want it to gain more value

more hashrate = more people will want to get in on it

>> No.99547

I don't mind having users in my pool but for the sake of a healthy network it is the best to avoid monolithic pools.

>> No.99555
File: 50 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. Your fee will keep the server running.

>> No.99556

Someone make a post that has our wolong victory and our glorious coin that is rising on reddit. If we get front page, we 200 Satoshi.

>> No.99557

what happened to your trip

also don't worry you'll miss more trains in life

>> No.99559

The mint difficulty has shot from 20 to 50 today and from 6 to 13 satoshi

>> No.99550
File: 70 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good, I just was pointing out it would be cool if you'd collaborate with /g/ directly mining at "our" pool.

>> No.99554

>tfw you want people to start mining so the difficulty will drop

>> No.99562


>> No.99563
File: 191 KB, 300x411, idktf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.99561

Mint difficulty shot up 45 fucking points overnight, so I'm bringing 2.8 Mhash to the party.

>> No.99566

Poolesclosed owner here. I'm /g/ / /biz/ too.

>> No.99568


Our network is now 2 Gh/s

>> No.99576

wtf when was your last version? the december one?

>> No.99580
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, 1368817425989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky you, it did nothing for me :\

>> No.99585

>tfw owning the railway :)

>> No.99587

Yes. I checked a few times for updates during January but I just checked now.

>> No.99590
File: 118 KB, 1032x1023, 1388097368574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have to decide between mining and watching the 4cc


>> No.99591
File: 49 KB, 450x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awesome. We have 2 pools owner here.

Did I heard someone say 3? :^)

>> No.99602
File: 9 KB, 741x160, thatrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alms Beggar In Station Tier

>> No.99595
File: 122 KB, 870x621, 13451466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea?
Or best idea?

>> No.99596

>Not having an extra shitty video card for everyday needs.

>> No.99601

[18:06] <@JacobUX> we don't but he has 10k btc
[18:06] <@JacobUX> he controls a lot of alts
[18:06] <Ashdrake> HE IS A GOD!
[18:06] <tripxx> Regardless of who "started it", if wolong wasnt an unstable little shit he wouldnt flip out and screw so many people over anything any of you have been accused of
[18:06] <@JacobUX> we can't tell him not to buy panda
[18:07] <@sevoque> Ashdrake: and anyone else who wants to know, my view his that we kick wolong out in whatever way we can and continue the project devoid of him asi think it would be better without his involvement. he demonstarted he can take a coin to 0 at will, how is that secure for the ocmmunity
[18:07] <@JacobUX> stop spreading LIES
[18:07] <hdkiller> i was screwed over
[18:07] <hdkiller> so stop spreading lies
[18:07] <@JacobUX> how so?
[18:07] <hdkiller> you play stupid or what?
[18:07] <@JacobUX> you invested in pandacoins?
[18:07] <Ashdrake> yeah and we lost
[18:07] <hdkiller> i did
[18:07] <@JacobUX> do you invest in alt crypto?
[18:07] <Ashdrake> CRY!
[18:07] <hdkiller> i do
[18:07] <@JacobUX> CRY ABOUT IT
[18:07] <@JacobUX> you didn't get scammed.
[18:07] <Brokencal> JacobUX, thats fine but the official words is not to be associated with him anymore he needs to return all gains from the ipo and he can buy panda at market so he wishes
[18:07] <hdkiller> really?
[18:07] <@sevoque> :/
[18:07] <hdkiller> i will remember your name jacobux
[18:07] <@JacobUX> he never took from IPO!!
[18:07] <@sevoque> Brokencal: i agree thats what should happen also
[18:08] <@JacobUX> he dumped on the buy walls
[18:08] <@JacobUX> thats it
[18:08] <@JacobUX> who fucking cares?

>> No.99603
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Man, I really hope PND takes off.

I'd love to get the 290x.

>> No.99604

I live a life in AMD poverty

>> No.99605

fucking 4chanX

Multipool.us yes or no?

>> No.99611

how can someone suck wolong dick so fucking hard?

>> No.99613
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>> No.99616

[18:09] <hdkiller> doesn't really matter what do you think
[18:09] <@JacobUX> >crime
[18:10] <tehcrs> crime
[18:10] <@JacobUX> what crime happened?
[18:10] <tehcrs> wow
[18:10] <@JacobUX> you lost money on gambling
[18:10] <@JacobUX> :D
[18:10] <tripxx> thats a bad stance
[18:10] <burningzoul> something came true from everything that was said
[18:10] <burningzoul> the market IS STABLE now
[18:10] <burningzoul> so enjoy
[18:10] <llamabucket> this whole thing is starting to get more and more silly. I personally wish that everyone stop all this bullshit and turn this around. There's a very strong DEV team and a fantastic brand that shouldn't go to waste.
[18:10] <llamabucket> it's easier said than done
[18:11] <@JacobUX> exactly
[18:11] <@JacobUX> we need to get working on our project again
[18:11] <llamabucket> but all people are doing is blaming back and forth and back and forth. who did what and when. it's incredibly childish
[18:11] <Suave> I thought the debs abandoned ship?
[18:11] <llamabucket> no
[18:11] <@JacobUX> lol
[18:11] <jonluk> whatever has happened, there's been a heck of a lot more coins bought recently than wolong dumped !
[18:11] <thePhaed> yep
[18:11] <@JacobUX> no we just have a group of trolls that want us to fail
[18:11] <@JacobUX> so they can dump their instamined coin
[18:11] <tripxx> If you want to salvage your brand and your coin, you need to do more than tell people on IRC that everyone saying shit is a troll
[18:11] <Suave> ah...
[18:11] <Suave> fuckers
[18:11] <Ashdrake> So much dissent
[18:11] <Ashdrake> ban the fucker!
[18:12] <tehcrs> burn him rather
[18:12] <tehcrs> more efficient

>> No.99621
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Hey dude, it's Stipje, I mined the first hours on your pool with when the URL was just the IP and you were posting it on /b/. Can you return some pandalove for an old friend?

>> No.99624

he got stuck with the bag.

>> No.99619

He really is a waste of air

>> No.99629

Sure man :) sent.

>> No.99630

oh baby
thats exactly what im waiting for too

>> No.99625


But yeah P2Pool.org

Good shit

and so easy even i could figure it out.


>> No.99626

>[18:11] <@JacobUX> no we just have a group of trolls that want us to fail
>[18:11] <@JacobUX> so they can dump their instamined coin


>> No.99633


>> No.99638
File: 60 KB, 500x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best values to get off of the panda and doge trains?
What are your predictions for the coins?

>> No.99641

500 satoshi Panda
1200 satoshi Doge

>> No.99643
File: 858 KB, 266x173, lovingafellowbiznazzman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks bro, in retrospect I probably shouldn't have left bamboohouse to mine on your pool, I was raking in the PND over there at such a low difficulty with 750khash/s.

Hope it'll be worth it.

>> No.99644

[18:12] <SpaceDustTeapot> but jacob PND has no Premine ._.
[18:12] <@JacobUX> next week could be 400%
[18:12] <@JacobUX> and everyone crying
[18:12] <@JacobUX> why did I panic sell?
[18:12] <Ashdrake> ban-him.jpg
[18:12] <tehcrs> i'm still wanting to buy in
[18:12] <tehcrs> :D
[18:12] <@JacobUX> lol but PND is a replica of my coin, with a name I already used and threw away
[18:12] <Suave> Just get wolong to build it back up and make a shit ton of more money...
[18:13] <Ashdrake> please [-wolong-] come and save us
[18:13] <tehcrs> wolong tells people on twitter that their children should die
[18:13] <tehcrs> just saying
[18:13] <lolzerz> This thing is looking more and more like moon everyday lol we are gonna be stuck at 08,09,10 for ages with volume steadily dropping each day. Those walls are never coming down unless big money moves em
[18:13] <Suave> try tehcrs
[18:13] <Ashdrake> dont care about someone elses children
[18:13] <tripxx> Jacob look at what happened from someone elses shoes
[18:13] <SpaceDustTeapot> but PND is just a replica of DOGE though :') down to the bone :P
[18:14] <vb`> cause this was all a scam to get the price low to buy and make retarded money
[18:14] <gt23> JACOBUX so is wolong still part of the group or no? what happened to his 700 million
[18:14] <jonluk> JacobUX: I think things need to be posted on the website or you're going to be repeating yourself over and over here
[18:15] <Ashdrake> people dont check the website
[18:15] <Ashdrake> :)
[18:15] <tripxx> lol
[18:15] <Ashdrake> they come whining :)
[18:15] <tripxx> i love it
[18:15] <@JacobUX> i have all day
[18:15] <@JacobUX> to sit here and talk to people who are confused

>Those people confirmed for the biggest assholes in the crypto world

Ill stop posting logs now, you can check for yourself in #pandacoin

>> No.99639

it doesn't fit the definition of instamined

unless he wants to call doge instamined too, and I'm sure doge was mined by less people than pnd when it launched

>> No.99647
File: 120 KB, 504x333, 1328132085678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did too, Bovvser is the nickname :)

>> No.99652

where can i see where the pools are located? i live in eu and don't want to mine on US server pools

>> No.99654

>[18:12] <@JacobUX> lol but PND is a replica of my coin, with a name I already used and threw away

And what the fuck is PANDA?

>> No.99649

They deserve to lose everything

>> No.99650

friendly reminder that begging is bannable in this board too.

I got banned a few times for doing that... just letting you guys know.

>> No.99655

Pls keep it up, I'm banned and I don't wanna change my IP

Toss me a pastebin at least

>> No.99657
File: 25 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we are at 9 satoshi! We were at 5 earlier in the day, so this is a big jump!!!!!

>> No.99660

I can't afford to sell unless we reach at least 20

>> No.99664


>> No.99665

Is this /doge/ too now?

>> No.99668

nah add an extra zero

>> No.99673


this at least pastebin

>> No.99674

Just like the old days on /g/

>> No.99675


ok Ill pastebin the whole conversation

I am not throwin a tantrum there cause I do not want to get banned and loose access to their channel.

But I am seriously mad now

>> No.99676

200 would be awesome

>> No.99670

Yeah, pretty much

We're kind of back to being a crypto general

>> No.99671


>> No.99678
File: 134 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miles is gone.

I don't see stableshill.

>tfw I'm not mentioned

>> No.99681

Does this Miles guy have borderline?

>> No.99677

Just keep cool and save logs

>> No.99682


if it gets to the point of being equal trade for doge, I'll be happy

>> No.99684
File: 14 KB, 400x323, 4252355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just noticed something cool here:


I think I need to stop thinking the worst of people.

Although cryptos still feel like dancing on a knife edge right now.

>> No.99685

>No Miles
>No Stableshill
>Koreaboo lost his mind

Come back friends ;__________;

>> No.99692

Is there a /b/ tip thread going on?

>> No.99691

new thread needed

also are you working on something?

>> No.99695
File: 141 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's getting new servers to bear with the load of the pool @ bamboohouse.info

He's the PND dev too.

>> No.99693

what's the quickest exchange for PND right now? I heard stories about swissKEK taking like 12 hours before doge showed up

>> No.99698
File: 9 KB, 344x313, crycrysolongwolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the taste of Chinaman tears
Lets make wolong cry
while we laugh

Donate to poor cpuminer


>> No.99697

I haven't tried cryptorush but all my trades on swisscex have been near instant

>> No.99703

yeah my transactions in swisscex have been pretty quick
dunno why people are having so much trouble

>> No.99700

We have an annoying person now talking about the story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aibVnPQka6E..

>> No.99706

wow why is he doing that

>> No.99708

New thread when?

>> No.99704

>3 Sec in
>Kill me.

>> No.99712


>> No.99720

"He repeatedly claims that he will prevent a pump and dump on PANDAcoin, but he is known for doing nothing but pumps and dumps."

My fucking sides

>> No.99716

i want to rip out his throat

>> No.99717


Over 50 million. Only amDOGE qualifies.

>> No.99718

amdoge, y u no remove "don't trust wolong." from the coin logo? it's obvious that he is inferior and he doesn't deserve that place.

>> No.99723

He's not dead and already planning the next scam.

>> No.99727


is 1337guy doing PND?

>> No.99731

well I took BTC out of cold storage to buy glorious PND


then profit all the way

>> No.99739
File: 53 KB, 449x444, Barks internally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You can find the whole pastebin of what's going on in #pandacoin right now.
Basically, the resume is wolong and the devs did nothing wrong and fuck to those who got scammed


Its a bit long but worth reading
Take a dep breath before going through this pile of shit though, I didnt wanted to get too involved in this but as I stated earlier I am seriously mad against those people now, seeing how they take things lightly.

They burned many people, tried to save their reputation yesterday while blaming wolong, but now they are going like nothing happened.
>I am personally off to take a shower, I feel tainted

>> No.99745

Don't they know people archive IRC logs?

>> No.99759

lel. they banned me yesterday when i asked how PND is a scam

>> No.99776

>tfw robber baron

>> No.99794

How long before Litecoinfags move in?

>> No.99801

watch me move the market :^)

>> No.99827

Hey did Coined up add this PandaCoin or Wulongs?

>> No.99832

Stay safe with those medications anon.
Don't get hooked on them, talk to your doctor if you think this is becoming the case.

Also try and pick any sport, even just running or whatever, it's been medically proven to help on the depression and anxiety front. Also eat as healthy as you can. Take some fresh air everyday too, go for a walk at least.

Be well! Hope you feel better.

>> No.99837

So what happened to ChingChong's backtracking?

Went to bed last night when '4chan hacked muh twitter account' from GameofDeception

Now everything appears normal on his twitter.

Why would he still have fans after all this blatant backtracking and lying?

>> No.99840


If it aint PND you ain't seen me

>> No.99844

It's labeled as PAND.

>> No.99847


only in 'merica will they give prescription meds to otherwhise healthy people

>> No.99854


that's wolong

>> No.99862

Congrats on being part of what makes the world a better place. Also thank you.

>> No.99867

we seriously need some coins being traded noone is buying or selling. BTC/PND page is stuck like that for past 20min. If everyone is holding then all interest will be lost...

>> No.99870

Also, how is this coin some kind of miracle money? I'm getting so much DOGE with this coin.

>> No.99900

Guys, there's a new thread.


>> No.100010
File: 110 KB, 555x666, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I be buying PND for?

>> No.100023
File: 8 KB, 482x90, 21-02-2014 20-09-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used to go away after refreshing the page but it doesn't anymore. I can't log in now.

>> No.100210

PAND is pre wolong dead coin
PANDA is wolong scam
PND is our glorious endeavour

>> No.100378

anyone else having their wallets stuck syncing 8 hours behind?

>> No.101472

I have a story about this.

My friends gf has 2 private doctors for parents, lives next to a former NFL player in a rich burb near here.

One time she told us she was 'middle-class'. I asked her how much her parents make (~300k / yr combined).

We told her she wasnt middle class of course, so she said she was 'upper middle class'. We looked up the actual median income for US households - 42k / yr.

Literally 6x middle class.

We also heard her parents talking about getting a great deal on a nice couch.
>they got it for 9k instead of 18k. Such value. Much thrift. wow.

>> No.101511

Post your address son

>> No.102835

im totally new to all bitcoin things and just made a PND wallet. so how i star ''mining'' pandacoins? sorry for my stupidity

>> No.103789

the links in the OP's post