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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9972745 No.9972745 [Reply] [Original]

>The investors are being screwed over.
>Literally treated like shit in the community channels by "community leaders".
>Ban is given when the mods and "OGs" are personally offended.

Will never buy this shitcoin.

>> No.9972781

Starting our own community here without dickhead community leaders.

This coin is meant to be autonomous.

Get in discord.gg JS3nVN9

Admin's account will be burnt (password change to random string) after we reach full saturation so there will be no dickhead mods in the channel.

>> No.9972809

One crying thread wasn't enough for you? Wow you really are an autistic retard

>> No.9972989

You spammed links in ever channel and refused to take political and alt coin discussions to the appropriate channel even after multiple people telling you that it was disruptive to productive conversation. Of course you got banned.

Just FYI not one person in the entire 3000 person discord, including the mods and devs, have any monopoly on 0xbtc. It's fully decentralized as a finished product, meaning you, dr. cc, have as much power over the token as they do. Nobody is stopping you from making your own Discord. Just like you can make your own Bitcoin community too. Associate voluntarily.

Last point, you refuse to contribute to the community by writing wiki posts, developing projects, or engaging in productive discussion on the implications of the token. You think that buying 0xbtc makes you a contributor to the growing 0xbtc ecosystem.... But you really haven't done shit otherwise but load up (what I assume is) a small number of tokens. 0xbtc doesn't have a dev team with ICO funds or a responsibility to investors. It's not a security run by a board of directors. Nobody owes you jack shit. Sell your investment if you don't like the token. Make your own discord with no moderation. That's fine! We don't own you.

>> No.9973013


>> No.9973052
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>will never buy this shitcoin
I'm making my own discord for this scam shitcoin I'm never buying