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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9971518 No.9971518 [Reply] [Original]


surely you all are loving normal non autistic empathic frens right

>> No.9971928

yeah its over. i remember when this thread would get 200 replies in 20 min

>> No.9971938

Crypto is a meme. We going to 0

>> No.9972070

I don't need a test to confirm that I am dead inside and have zero empathy.

>> No.9972124

Your score was7out of a possible 80.

Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

>> No.9972174
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Autistic frens

>> No.9972220
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Apu must die

>> No.9972238
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Your score was 37 out of a possible 80.

Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder.

>> No.9972254

>changing the number
that's the real sign of autism bud

>> No.9972266

I just cpd the number from my mobile phone frendo

>> No.9972272
File: 263 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-06-21-11-41-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i often find myself almost doing things that i don't really wanna do for people
most of them are pointless things

lol nigga now we all know ur autistic
NEVUH gunna let dis one go

>> No.9972281
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I knew i d probably be below the threshold but not that low. Meh w/e

>> No.9972289
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47, am i gay?

>> No.9972310

>Your score was 53 out of a possible 80.

Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder.

Higher scores indicate greater levels of empathy.

Cya later autism nerds

>> No.9972317

Your score was 35 out of a possible 80.

Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder.

>> No.9972335
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are you actually autistic

>> No.9972354

Your score was 58 out of a possible 80.
Also: crypto will be dead for 7 years.

>> No.9972363

something doesnt add up here guys. couple months ago we had only autist scores.

why the fuck are you faggots scoring so high now

>> No.9972372

autists cashed out and left, kek

>> No.9972378


If i am then i have to kill 4 psychiatrists for failing to notice the past 12 years.

>> No.9972386

>We going to 0

And then crypto interest will gain again in a year or two like usual and the cycle starts anew

>> No.9972406
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They made frens.

>> No.9972439

im still here and my score is 13

>> No.9972466

I scored 30. Didn’t need a test to tell me that my empathy is faked/learned. I only fake it so I can fly under the radar. If I act like I care about you or your feelings, I only care as long as it’s useful to me. People are tools and it’s only wrong if you get caught.

>> No.9972489


How the fuck did you score 12 above me? I know i behave politely because i was raised as such and learned to do so but even i would have a hard time admitting i ONLY care about people that are useful to me,

>> No.9972558

I got 37
If I took this test maybe 2 years ago i'm almost certain I'd get below 30.

>> No.9972603
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I scored 20 are frens proud of me?

>> No.9972607

63. Kind of surprised considering I answered truthfully and I don’t generally care about most humans even if I can understand where they’re coming from. Not so sure about this test though... I definitely did cut up worms when I was a kid, but as an adult am incredibly gentle to all living creatures - I wonder if cutting up worms as a kid is seen as non empathic or actually is empathic because you want to understand how they function?

>> No.9972641

I make an exception for close friends and people who gain my trust. They gain my trust by being useful. The vast majority of people are tools.

Right now I’m conning a halfway house for free housing before I throw my profits made here into crypto and drift to the next town. They think I’m an alcoholic when I’m reality they’re just a means to an end.

It helps that I can make myself believe what I need myself to believe. I could probably pass a lie detector test if I had to. Wolf in sheep’s clothing and all that jazz.

>> No.9972642
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79 here

>> No.9972689

37 fuckoff.. Stupid questi0ns that have nothing to do with empathy. Honestly always when people are in trouble i am the one helping than and opening up for them.

Yes if I want people to fuckoff i make that clear, well fucking hell better than being fake. Honestly my friends make joke some times about me caring too much about animals and people in problems, i feel peoples pain sometimes.

GAY TEST u made this urself prolly/?

>> No.9972718
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U mad cuz you not autistic as me? Kek

>> No.9972782
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>> No.9972791
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seeing this makes me pretty confident that this triple bottom will be confirmed, and we'll stabilize in the $14k±3k range by september
>tfw this was all just a giant bear trap

>> No.9972852

8/80 reporting in.
But the test is dumb anyways. Like half the questions require that you talk to People.

>> No.9972867


Open bobs,show vagene good lady

>> No.9972896


Nah, honestly I think we'll just range here endlessly for the next year or so. Maybe drift down to the mid 5s (all attempts to go lower failed, obviously anyone still in isn't selling), maybe up to the high 7s before Gox dumps it again.

Pretty comfy really. Got my masternodes, using that in accumulating long term positions. It's accumulation year anons.

>> No.9972949

>1 off,18 here
>i would hug you if i wans't a turboautist.

>the questions are about you talking to PEOPLE

No shit !

Tbh i think that i only care about 1 relative of mine. Like deeply care. As for my current group of *friends* i have openly said to them years ago that the only good thing about them is that they could disappear tomorrow and i wouldn't care. I am not trying to be edgy about it. I honestly mean it.Losing them without any emotional toll is their only value to me

>> No.9972986


Nope, you're half right. We're at the bottom, more or less - but we're gonna be here a while. Gox trustee is gonna dump everytime the market moves up. Welcome to the calm times again. This is actually the best time on /biz/ - now is when you get those masternodes you wanted, accumulate those nice longterm projects - shit buy bitbeans and stake em. It won't be 7 years, but 1 maybe even 2 for sure.

Enjoy no pajeet shill, gradually becoming an oldfag, watching as /biz/ actually has an intelligent conversation or 2 about making money without cryptos. Get into day trading, but properly and without stupid swings constantly. And then, when the next bullrun hits, just make sure you sell the top.

>> No.9972992

>Your score was 10 out of a possible 80. Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

I guess this is how I did so well during the crash.

>> No.9973063


24 here. Yeah, I think there's more normies now.

>> No.9973104

37 and chaotic neutral

>> No.9973141
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Only towards whites

>> No.9973155

Your score was 22 out of a possible 80.

Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

I don't give a shit about humans, but I love all animals and would never hurt them. I even catch and release harmless spiders outside.

>> No.9973187

>I dream most nights
what's that supposed to mean? if you rarely have dreams, maybe once every month, does that mean something's wrong with you?

>> No.9973191

>Your score was 15 out of a possible 80.
Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.
I'm not actually autistic (as far as I know), just introverted and lacking in social skills. Don't have any friends.

>> No.9973193

For me it's an indicator if I smoke too much weed

>> No.9973240


Your score was 35 out of a possible 80.

Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder.

Higher scores indicate greater levels of empathy.

I don't fit in with you weirdos or the ones you call normies.

>> No.9973300

41, thought I'd score lower tho

>> No.9973403

12 of 80

I should worry?

>> No.9973464
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> 25 good dammit

>> No.9973495

18..fuck I probably have autism

>> No.9973517
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Uhhh... that was close.

>> No.9973827

Normies flowed in during the bull run, the true autists cashed out and sold the normies their bags in January, now they're chilling with their sex robots and 6000 dollar gaming rigs

>> No.9974313

Wtf I scored 30
But i'm a normie with a gf, job and lots of frens

>> No.9974450
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>> No.9974509

same and scored 29

>> No.9974733

I dream every night, weed or no weed.

Feels like it's hours and hours.

Melatonin does help there.

Also, 31 here. I feel more empathetic with caffeine in me.

>> No.9974752

19 out of 80

I-is this good enough proof to show to my ssi office or would I still need a psychologist's paper/diagnosis.

>> No.9974776

What is my disorder if I can be really social when I try and am great at understanding people’s motives and emotions but I fucking hate people so I don’t?