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9967524 No.9967524 [Reply] [Original]

I'm back. I just finished up a nice steakhouse sitdown with some fellow whales and one gentlemen (exec) from a Fortune 50. At the end, after everyone had enough Dom Perignon in them, I brought up Chainlink. I asked, if anyone has heard any updates, as it's gone radio silent over at rory and sergey's funhouse recently, if you're on the Slack

To my surprise, 2 had large LINK balances that they were bagholding because of insurance. They were holds from before SIBOS. They have been talking about where the project is, and evidently the project is on its last legs. No one is interested and taking it seriously. The testnet, PoC, and concept pilots were experimental for a few big companies but no one is interested in 2018. Smart contracts are a meme. Automation and AI are important, but only when it benefits everyone.

To sum up, the 2 gentlemen with bags will hold until $0, because it's petty change to them (600,000 LINK and 745,000 LINK). But they agreed that its going to $0 most likely, and the Fortune 50 exec said a backhouse IT guy emailed rory about the project but wasn't impressed with the code and utility. Chainlink doesn't solve any problems, we don't need it, and it will continue to bleed until $0. Do with this info what you will.

btw, someone tried to impersonate me many times I've heard, I need a trip code to not be mistaken with the larping copycat

>> No.9967542

How big were there cocks?

>> No.9967546

kek. Imagine reading all of that.

>> No.9967553

Why would those faggots hold to $0? They didn't become whales by being fucking retards. 0/10 larp

>> No.9967557

thanks, AB

>> No.9967574
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>Smart contracts are a meme. Automation and AI are important,

>> No.9967596

I know you won't, but I would love to see a picture of what you look like. The sort of person who would write that and post it, thinking "Oh my god, this is absolute gold. Wait til biz sees this."

>> No.9967603

You've got to understand, these guys have multiple crypto wallets worth 8 figures.


2 of their wallets make up the top 100. It's impressive but I don't understand why they're holding either. You're going to wake up one day and LINK is at $0.04 and wonder why you believed in a man who has never achieved or accomplished anything of substance, ever. The fact that he has this many people entrusting millions of dollars in him is criminal.

When this shitstorm ends, it will be bigger than Elizabeth Holmes at Theranos. Believe me, he has fooled this many people in the industry. There's a reason he lurks in the shadows.

>> No.9967610

>smart contracts are a meme
>ethereum is a meme.
yeah no stfu.

>> No.9967628

How much Link do you hold? Honestly

>> No.9967640

So glad I sold at 30 cents. Thanks based credit card man.

>> No.9967659

astrofag wannabe is back

>> No.9967685

I see that a few people have listened. Selling at the top of my warning would've saved you 37 cents per token

Good question, no one has ever asked me that one before

>> No.9967722
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But God,The top 10 wallets are gonna be the next King Kongs if this world.

>> No.9967726

They should burn you at the stake like a nigger in the 1930's OP

>> No.9967750

Astro is obviously bored in Canada

>> No.9967764

> No one is interested and taking it seriously. The testnet, PoC, and concept pilots were experimental for a few big companies but no one is interested in 2018. Smart contracts are a meme

I'm pretty sure this is actually the case. It makes no sense for Chainlink to be at CMC rank 118 if it were otherwise.
Word would have gotten around and more companies / investors would have bought at least some amount of Link.
Without the demand coming from biz, Link would not even be in the top 200.

>> No.9967796

they already bought LINK. they are holding. have you not followed the top wallets? they've been growing since the beginning of the year

>> No.9967806

yes, it has nothing to do with crypto bear market.

thank you sir for your invaluable advice.

>> No.9967825

An anon that gets it. It's rare these days. Yes, correct, $80,000,000 for a groundbreaking, industry busting technology? It means it's not taken seriously. If it were, the speculation alone would've driven it past garbage like... oh anything in the top 40-110 that are ahead of it

>> No.9967870



>> No.9967874

Thanks Amex anon. Sold my link last week, feeling retarded for hodling out so long against common sense. The get rich quick meme is powerful though.

>> No.9967905

i used to think you dumb tree niggers in brazil or mexico or whatever 4thworld shit hole were trying to get other poor dumb people with a few hundred link to sell. i can't imagine who else reads this brainlet poison and succumbs to weak hands. your nan i guess. now i get that you're just trolling spergs and it's funny. it's finally funny that i know you know you have nothing to gain by doing this.

>> No.9967952

Good man, you'll look back in 5 years and remember you broke free of a cult meme

4th world huh? Is that the best you got? I have more stock in individual companies than you have in your worthless life. You think I'm trolling when I have proven since the beginning that I am bringing facts to the table. Sorry about your bags

>> No.9968002

you're retarded.

anyone was in early and wanted to 5x, 10x or 15x their bags has had the opportunity, yet they haven't.

biggest wallets excluding your faggot larp still haven't moved.

you conveniently ignore we are in a bear market and link does zero marketing or tweets, combined with constant fud from biz.

just bought 100k.

>> No.9968007

Some of the FUD written is useful and should be discussed and debunked but reading FUD like this just makes me feel a bit sad. People actually spend time writing it and get something from doing so.

>> No.9968093

Yeah they get your bags

>> No.9968103

What's there to debunk?
1. Old fag is confirmed larp from last thread
2. He's stories are not even interesting anymore: My friends are whales, it's going to zero, but they don't care cuz they got money to burn?

>> No.9968107

I have to admit, the thought of posting this stuff to buy cheap bags is funny. I wouldn't do that to you guys though.

>> No.9968130
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Dom Perignon is a shit champagne, and is the epitome of wanna richfag larps.

You have nothing but my sympathy.

>> No.9968162

Sniggering/whispering to to himself, sipping his mountain dew whilst refreshing the page furiously

>> No.9968172

I hate chainlink. Everyone seems to lie about their own stories. t is the most confusing project in the space to know what is actually happening.

>> No.9968198

I was actually getting ready to buy some next week when I finally have some extra money. But now oldfag comes back with this. I have lurked for a long time on this board and lately he has been the most correct.

I really like chainlink. But oldfag is making me 2nd guess myself. Chainlink drives me absolutely crazy. No one is honest. I hate crypto

>> No.9968203

In case anyone didn’t know this larping faggot proved he was a larping faggot by claiming him and his ‘friends’ were going to buy up the entire order book of Link on Binance just to dump it in order to ‘teach us a lesson’. Guess what? Fuck all happened. This old fag larp faggot cancer literally cannot stop sucking cocks

>> No.9968211

I can respect that. Buy, sell, do what you got to do and move on. No need to larp

>> No.9968236

Find the last thread.... he is 100% proven larp. link price goes down in this bear market with zero marketing. Price going down harder because the orderbook is so thin..... and what do you think will have to price is the momentum goes the other way. No larp, no joke, link is a gamble and long shot. When you go to Vegas, do you play to win, or do you play to not lose too much money?

>> No.9968250

It’s true, the don perignon gave it away. It’s what a larger would imagine rich people drank

t. went to school with the sons of literal billionaires

>> No.9968259

Thanks, just bought another 958.

>> No.9968266


>> No.9968286

Speaking as someone who actually has been an MBA exec at two major US software companies...we tended to drink good French bordeaux and of course I used a corp amex (green) and unlink OP am telling the truth....

>> No.9968299

Imagine taking the time to write all this

Now imagine someone else believing it.

>> No.9968316

Why the fuck would you drink overpriced champagne in a steak house?

That is the biggest giveaway of your LARP.

>> No.9968317

let me see if I can find my corp amex to fuck OPs head up back in a bit

>> No.9968330
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Every executive I have worked with has preferred wine, or whatever the restaurant's house cocktail was. None have been neurotic enough to think the brand of liquor mattered.

I normally have a nice tawny port after such a meal, because that's what I actually like.

>> No.9968350

hah its somewhere with my old corp ID badges and I can't be bothered to dg it out, including BTW an MS blue badge from the 90s . I genuinely pity OP though because my life is his fantasy. That's actually a weird feeling

>> No.9968368

Big steaks and good French bourdeaux or maybe tasting menus if it was a Michelin star place, I got very bored of it..

>> No.9968385

What's it like to fantasise about having the life that I thought was a bit boring OP? Man there is light years between you and me....my life is your larp of being rich and powerful...bizzare

>> No.9968393
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There are only so many ways a hunk of meat and red wine can be dressed up.

>> No.9969063

Your posts are getting worse. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.9969083

- I’m sorry sir, your card was declined.
- What?! How?! You fuck up round eye!!
- Your card expired 6 years ago.
- Run it again!!

>> No.9969197
File: 40 KB, 474x623, 1529424921514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richfag here. What you say re link makes 100% sense except the larp steak part. Us richfags dont eat /drink expensive shit we hate only coz its expensive

>> No.9969854

I hope nobody pays attention to this bullshit and sells their stack. I would add there is a special place in hell for a low life that would try to screw people over like this pos did. Karma, yours is coming in a bad way Anon.

>> No.9970685

Oh look, it's 'oldfag.'
Here to tell people about how bitcoin has an inbuilt oracle again? Because that's how I remember you - you're not only a retard, you stand out because of it. What you gonna do after I've called you out this time? Call me "Thomas" or whatever faggot name you have for your imaginary larper friends?
I can see that this thread began as an attempt at fud but has yet again ended up showing off little more than your technical illiteracy regarding chainlink. I'm surprised you even tried again. Look forward to your next garbage tier attempt!

>> No.9970733

>after everyone had enough Dom Perignon in them, I brought up Chainlink
and this is where 95% stop reading. Only brainlets continue.

>> No.9970744

Oh man this thread is larper general. I wonder how many of you have even touched a woman before.

>> No.9970809

Would you be interested in making people sell just to get a giggle from making them do suboptimal things? Don't understand this as me saying we've seen the yearly bottom.

>> No.9971793

O/P = poor person imaging what a rich person does.

>> No.9971873

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.

They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

I cant even imagine the kind of people that makes these posts.

>> No.9971878

What do rich people drink veuve?

>> No.9971894

>he is 100% proven larp.
So is Assblaster. Muh $3 end of May

>> No.9971935

Oh look, some of my biggest fans have appeared. $77,000,000 for a game changer crypto huh? Unreal, at this point I think most of you bought at $1+ and are desperately trying to unload bags

Btw, most of you have shit alcoholic taste. You have no idea what rich people drink, you're poor, and have never tasted a vintage Dom

>> No.9971942

He hasn't shown his face here since, I wonder why? I will never leave, because I will never be wrong. $0.01 EOY

>> No.9971958

You can probably get an after taste of miller lite from my semen as I pull cock out of your little manlet mouth

>> No.9972032

Literally no one is falling for it senpai. Just give up. Do you really think a handful of NEETs panic selling their 1k stacks would have any effect on the price anyway? Seriously man, it's just sad.

>> No.9972059


>shit alcholic taste

Is this a Pajeet whose English is just better than most Pajeets? What kind of rich oldfag would write like this? kek

>> No.9972099

Those who listened saved themselves 50% on bags. You guys are being harmful telling gullible investors to continue holding on to something that has no value.

To those thinking of selling, remember, this token is one of the few that never had explosive growth. It never reached $2, $5, or even $1.50. People are selling you dreams of $100 so they can dump on you at $2. Mainnet would have no impact on pricing, as we've seen with so many other projects. Sell while it's still worth more than a penny. Thank me later

>> No.9972142
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>acorn price can only go up

wew why are you faggots not in on this eth game?

>> No.9972357

Go eff yourself fake azzed clown.

>> No.9972395

excellent larp hardeep sharma sir

>> No.9972754
File: 111 KB, 1280x844, clink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously wtf. is this really a meme? I used to believe in link but I don't know anymore. The past 2 weeks chainlink has seen LARGE sells. 200-400k link at a time (see pic with blue arrows)

People can say all they want about link and its future. But it price action is saying that people don't want it. There is large sellers in it ALL THE TIME. How can it be such a great project when all people do is sell it in quantity.

But muh the main-net hasn't been released yet. WHO FCKING CARES NO ONE IS HOLDING IT OR BUYING IT. All they do is sell day in and day out. Fuck you biz. Fuck you autist's. Fuck you Sergey. Fuck you 7777777. Fuck you meme magic. Fuck you all to hell

>> No.9972799

Calm down Rebecca, the volume is nothing now.

>> No.9972937

>n-no one is selling

>> No.9973038

>>what is BTC price action and how does it affect alts for 500 please.
Fucking brainlet.
I'm not even in Link, but obvious FUD is obvious.

>> No.9973113

Sergey is an old chan fag, this scam has been so flawless, even i still want to buy some knowing its a scam

>> No.9973358

You made me sell credit card chan, what to buy now? Holo? Or is this just some scam too

>> No.9973421

astrofag wannabe is back.
-Threaten to buy orderbook and dump it on us
-Post imaginary credit cards that don't exist
-Eating steak with whale friends that will hold to zero.
Either buy or sell, move on with your life. This larping crap is getting so old. At least put in a little more effort into your fantasies

>> No.9973430
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fuck you too buddy

>> No.9973440

lol at believing some astro fud. pussy ass bitch

>> No.9973540

Oh. Oh?! You son of your neighbor, how about I give you a taste of my shoe? Ah la la la la la

>> No.9973652

Wow, just wow

>> No.9973788

anons pls believe OP and sell

you don't deserve LINK

>> No.9974408
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I wish for every coin in crypto to go to 0 already. I want no survivors in this market.

>> No.9974729

>Been taking it easy on the shit posting on biz for past 2 weeks
>Enter random link thread
>Ctrl+F Astro
>4 items found

You guys

>> No.9974931 [DELETED] 

God, can you kindly kys?

>> No.9975490

No one deserves to lose all their money either