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File: 261 KB, 539x494, Screenshot+2018-06-20+07.43.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9965399 No.9965399 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my early 20's, now graduated and fully working and getting absolutely RAPED in taxes (thanks cuckifornia)

It's weird, I used to not give a shit as a poor college kid and I was all for socialism, feel the bern bullshit etc. FUCK that now, I gotta make rent, gotta save for the future and a family and my own financial independence. Every man for himself.

I guess I'm still pretty liberal in social terms but fiscally, why should I care for anyone but myself and my family? Am I a boomer now? Is this why people get more conservative as they age and accumulate more wealth? Are today's executives and CEOs the former hippies of the 1960s?

I think I'm having a quarter life crisis...

>> No.9965414

Kek your right everyone goes through this fase in his life.

When you have worked hard for wealth you don't want to share it with people who don't work

>> No.9965416
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repent your sins and join us

>> No.9965468

>Are today's executives and CEOs the former hippies of the 1960s?
No, they're the people teaching you at universities now.

>> No.9965477

why do you think the cuck democrats are always whining about voter suppression and how young people and niggers and illegals dont vote enough? because the only people that could ever support this type of cuckery are the people who dont contribute anything (you in college) and the ultra wealthy (hollywood) who are already rich as fuck and dont want anybody else to have upward mobility.

>> No.9965540

There is a 2nd amendment for a reason. And trump is dismantling the IRS. So don't worry.

Start shooting and your govt for stealing from you. Oh wait you can't even own a gun in California

>> No.9965586

But the reason taxes keep going up is because our system is a fraud based debt system relying on fiat currency. Even Keynes said himself, under his system, if regulation/taxation stopped that the worthlessness of the money will become apparent and the fraud can no longer be concealed.

Which is why you never see congress cutting even just 1$ from spending, it's not because they are necessarily dicks, but they can't without the system imploding.

You can't Save either because the skyrocketing prices.

You NEED to save in the only real savings that there is.... gold and silver. Because a currency crisis is coming soon. And after the currency crisis and deflationary collapse of all asset prices you will have a situation where an ounce of gold or 200 ounces of silver will buy you a home outright (converted into the new currency of course)

>> No.9965790

this all makes sense, thank you anons

>> No.9965815

not true. i always hated socialism since i was 6.
because even as a kid i saw no point in working if someone else gets the profits.

>> No.9965885

>cryptocurrency isn’t real currency guiz

>> No.9965913

Students have a shielded existence.. they usually get their act together once they realize they have to pay back and that their women and minority studies doesn't pay as much as they had hoped.

>> No.9965951

unless everyone agrees on a specific crypto to use, no, it's not. there's nothing stopping 1 million or more different cryptos from flooding the market and collectively devaluing each other fiat currency style.

>> No.9966038
File: 115 KB, 614x767, Liberty-Is-Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> absolutely RAPED in taxes
One of us, one of us. Hoo ha, one of us.
> but fiscally, why should I care for anyone but myself and my family? Am I a boomer now? Is this why people get more conservative as they age and accumulate more wealth?
Well that's the thing. Obviously I'm a Libertarian and when you do try to start a business or build a family/wealth you do feel the brunt of the state in every area of live. I just want freedom for myself which means freedom for others which means we all get opportunities. I don't think I can only succeed if others fail, I think cooperation and mutually beneficial interactions can make us all better off, so yeah you get more conservative as you experience these things but you get a choice of how you want to handle it.

As a financial planner, I've learnt skills that help me navigate the system and help me make money by helping others navigate the system.

>> No.9966186

>doesn't understand network effects

>> No.9966295

>everyone goes through this fase
Not all of us are idiots. Speck 4 yourself

>> No.9966299
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>Is this why people get more conservative as they age and accumulate more wealth?

You answered it pretty succinctly yourself. You may also eventually come to develop a distaste for all things that leech on welfare, from fatherless black families with single moms to immigrants and trailer trash etc.

It's not that you hate these people, or are in any way racist (and whatever other buzzwords lefties might try to impose), it's just that you see the inefficiency and wastefulness of the systems propping these people up for no discernible benefits, both short or long term. Why? Why because it is your taxpayer dollar that funds it all.

>> No.9966533


No, welcome to your mid-20s, when reality sinks in. A lot of people went through a socialism phase in their college years - nothing like a controlled environment of dedicated indoctrination eh? Looks a lot different once you're away from the repetition of talking points huh?

Now, you get to learn to stand on your own 2 feet. Hit the gym, make money, figure out who you actually are. Yeah, I know that was supposed to be your college years, sadly it's just an expensive 4 year cult membership at this point.

>> No.9966534
File: 120 KB, 1280x960, 4674273-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get why libertarianism is still considered a fringe concept/party - who can argue against wanting personal freedoms for yourself and family and not giving a shit about other people. I don't care at all who other people fuck, what they smoke, or whether they abort their fetus. I really don't get why libertarianism hasn't taken off yet.

pretty much this. i hate our crumbling infrastructure, shit tier public education and inefficient bureaucratic budget

I really just want to make it and fuck off with my family to a homestead in New Hampshire/Vermont like pic related.

>> No.9966577


A lot do though, as in a sizeable majority. Enough cock stroking about how you were magically born into some hidden white Wakanda and were perfectly immune to all influence you faggot. The whole civilisation is cucked, fuck your shitty purity spiral.

>> No.9966593
File: 51 KB, 400x239, awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a good saying that I heard once. "If you are not a liberal when you are very young you have no heart, but if you are not a republican when you are older you have no brain"

>> No.9966640

> why should I care for anyone but myself and my family?

Now you know why (((they))) are pushing to eliminate the idea of the nuclear family. They keep pushing individualism so that you care for not just your family but everyone because "wete all family and no human being is illegal". Today's millennials are shunning marriage because they're all strong and independent and don't need anybody.

>> No.9966643

>I still don't get why libertarianism is still considered a fringe concept/party - who can argue against wanting personal freedoms for yourself and family and not giving a shit about other people. I don't care at all who other people fuck, what they smoke, or whether they abort their fetus. I really don't get why libertarianism hasn't taken off yet.
Mate, there was a concerted attack from both Monarchists/Fascists & Marxists in the 19th century to discredit the ideas of liberty, free markets and individual freedom. A few generations filled with propaganda and it's no wonder the sheep are scared of leaving the abattoir fences when they're told there's wolves in the forest and that freedom is dangerous.

We have a lot of work today but surprising studies show that people have more Libertarian leaning core beliefs than the number that recognize themselves as consciously "Libertarian".

Hell even the word Libertarian was in response to the marxists stealing the word Liberal from us back in the day.

We'll get there, the more people feel the nanny/police state the more they want to push back and look for alternatives, the more the left and right escalate violence with eachother the more opportunity we have.

Also people are scared of muslims which is fair enough.

>> No.9966680

Any recommended readings, friend? I'd like to educate myself better on this topic.

>> No.9966701

paying taxes sucks but having the excess value of my labor stolen sucks even more and paying what's left in rent to a landlord sucks even more

>> No.9966713
File: 63 KB, 500x573, 1528733411119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget to max your 401k for those tax deductions
just switch your 401k to the S&P 500 index instead of the (((target fund))) they default you to

>> No.9966714

yes you're unironically a boomer and a wagecuck. i am a wagecuck too but at least im educated about what's fucked up and don't endorse it or lick boots

>> No.9966718

Stefan Molyneux has free books you can download

>> No.9966745
File: 18 KB, 240x362, The Betrayal of the American Right_Rothbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rothbard outlines a lot of interesting events that happened in America.

As far as general readings go, I wouldn't discount going back to the classics in your own time, especially ones like Bastiat (The Law is small and powerful) and good old Hayek & Mises.

Jeffrey "cucker" despite the flack he gets for being an alleged "left-Libertarian" personally knew Rothbard and has some great historical work on what happened to the liberty movement over the years and what also happened to other movements like marxism and facism.

Have fun and enjoy.

>> No.9966770

i'll check him out, thanks
thank you anon, I'll definitely check this one out

>> No.9966777

>Am I a boomer now?
No because you care for your family as well as yourself.

>> No.9966782
File: 336 KB, 1267x653, Death-Of-Mutual-Aid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One interesting thing is, for every area of life the government dominates, protects their coprorate monopoly mates and discredits libertarian alternatives if you look directly into the history of what happened when these things were being argued at the time you'll find out it's all bullshit, their claims and justifications at the time were proven wrong, they used faulty info and logic but now we are so far along the line everyone has forgotten.

For example, when Mutual Aid and Friendly Societies (along with most of what charities did) were regulated out of existence to pave the way for government welfare programs, their predictions and reassurances are demonstrably wrong after history played out.

Same with medical care, natural monopolies, subsidies, government interventions, anti-trust laws, you fucking name it and you'll find a Mises.org article or study by a Libertarian that actually looked into it to prove its bull.shit.

>> No.9966783

>guess I'm still pretty liberal in social terms but fiscally
That's called being a libertarian

>> No.9966803
File: 1.01 MB, 1213x1227, 1528424102626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this hes only live a quarter of his life

95% of your free life is over lmao. Time to wage slave for 40 years straight until your old and crippled and might as well be dead.

>> No.9966834

What a fucking crock, man. Guess it's the hand we're dealt though. I just want to accumulate enough wealth to escape, nothing more.

>> No.9967023
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he works for more than 5 hours a week, and doesn't make 6 figures

>> No.9967025

They will just confiscate gold and make private ownership of it illegal. They have done it before. Crypto is the only thing like gold that you can both conceal ownership and still use it at the same time.

>> No.9967535

STFU retard. Being conservative or even right wing doesn't make you a fucking nazi.

>> No.9967549

>I guess I'm still pretty liberal in social terms
Purge yourself of this degeneracy.

>> No.9967597

>Being conservative or even right wing doesn't make you a fucking nazi
Conservatism is obsolete. You won't be able to conserve anything that remains of the West without abandoning classical liberal NAP faggotry. You're going to have to get off your ass and start organizing, combatting and overtaking the forces that grip the West.

>> No.9967753

The fact that they would want to confiscate it means you want to have some. And if they come after it then you shoot them

>> No.9967836

Because most people vote based on social issues (because they are retarded) and the libertarian stance on most social issues is "I don't give a shit". You can't play identity politics and rile up your drooling voter base without taking a hard stance on pointless social issues. Also, everyone is in favor of cutting spending until you actually try to cut anything and then they flip the fuck out cuz they want their "free" gibs

>> No.9967843

What are conservatives even trying to "conserve?"
Is right, boomer conservatism is a slow spiraling toilet flush

>> No.9967872

>And if they come after it then you shoot them
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn lives

>> No.9967948

Don't worry. You'll come to us eventually - either through choice or apathy.

>> No.9967963
File: 69 KB, 408x538, 1523570488088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In america the poor and the rich end up leaving the middle class fucked. You're the one getting fucked right now anon

>> No.9967985

Goldbugs detected

>> No.9968662

>dans les etats unis
>roads are going to shit
>Teslas and Maseratis around me practically swan-diving into potholes


>> No.9968678

>is.... gold and silver.
I was with you until that. Oh hello mr goldbug. back again so soon?

>> No.9968697

Libertarianism > facism