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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9957160 No.9957160 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the worst decision of your life?

>> No.9957163


>> No.9957165

MTL scammed me good

>> No.9957166

Not having sex before 18

>> No.9957177

Having sex with a whore

>> No.9957195

Playing counterstrike instead of meeting with girls in the 7th grade.

>> No.9957219

I make a new worse one every day, srs.

>> No.9957228


>> No.9957243

Telling my mum that I hate her and I wished she died, the night before she got hit by a drunk driver... Miss you mum, I 'm sorry

>> No.9957271

Not selling in January.

>> No.9957275

You and me both. We are going to make it

>> No.9957281

Fuck dude, it's too early for me to feel hurt for anons

>> No.9957284

Wow. If you're not larping that's horrible. I can't even imagine telling my mom I hope she dies.

>> No.9957315

not selling in january by far, had I cashed out and put into a decent stock I would be set for life, now I'm back to square one

>> No.9957556


>> No.9957577

Bought request at 0.13 for the bounce MUH COINBASE LISTING

>> No.9957594


Got an std and life-long regret. She was ugly as hell and i only did it because she showed the slightest bit of interest (beta as fuck)

Also gave the std to my wife unknowingly (dormant hpv which causes cervical cancer) so now she has to do pap smears every year fearing for her life

Don't want to have sex with other people ever again for fear of transmitting it again

>> No.9957615

buying drugs on silkroad worth 250 btc back in 2012

>> No.9957616


>> No.9957733

>Fucking a whore without a condor
Dude, what the fuck?

>> No.9957754
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>> No.9957757

This, i had literally made it and got greedy, now it will be years until the next opportunity.

>> No.9957770

You can get strains of HPV with a condom brainlet.

>> No.9957786
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Sold my XLM and Bought LTC at $300

>> No.9957788

Selling 30000 xlm at a loss for about 400 euro
Shoot me pls

>> No.9957789
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For me, it was only applying to mediocre unis despite having A*A*A* at A level (came from a shit home and had no confidence).

>> No.9957800

Not jumping in a bathtub with a toaster plugged in

>> No.9957805

>he was ugly as hell and i only did it because she showed the slightest bit of interest

She was a whore... she showed interest because you paid her?

>> No.9957811


If it makes you feel better ~70% of the population in the US will get HPV at some point in their lives.

You can get vaccinated against the cancerous strains of the virus. And if you 're a woman you have no excuse not to. Your wife should have gotten the vaccine, but you cannot really blame her.

My wife is a gynaecologist and you will be surprised at how many teen girls and their parents DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THE POTENTIAL LIFE SAVING VACCINE.

Not because of autism and what not, but because "My daughter is good girl she will never have sex with some dirty guy and get the disease"...

>> No.9957832

Worst life decision, going to university straight after school. Ended up with a Comp Sci degree and no aspirations to work in the computer field

Worst life moment, missing out on dating my childhood sweetheart because I'm a beta piece of shit and only realising years later, what actually happened.

Worst crypto decision, buying Bitcoin Cash at $3k

>> No.9957851

Probably not buying enough LINK because deep down I fall for the shitty fud, but logic keeps me from selling my stack.

>> No.9957900

It's ok son
I know you didn't mean it

>> No.9957908

what happened with your childhood sweetheart, anon?

>> No.9957965


We were best friends all through high school, one day on her 16th birthday we were at a party just chatting and she leans over and kisses me on the cheek for quite a bit longer than a peck. I just kind of thought "wow, that was really sweet"

Only did I realise literally about 4 years later what that meant... If I has kissed her back right then and there I'm pretty sure we would've dated. She's married now and we still keep in touch, but damn that one stings. I've never brought it up with her, I will one day just to get some closure

>> No.9958033

What are you thinking buddy
Stacy have been banged by a chad and have kids now

>> No.9958162

not cashing out at 800k in december
currently at 75k
kill me

>> No.9958175


Whore, not a prostitute

Slept around a lot
Her high score was around 600 men at the time
Only found out later when the looks of pity started

>> No.9958208


Well eastern europe here, no such thing as sex ed

Had no fucking idea about hpv or the fact that it's yours for life

That said i now feel more justified in fapping to chinese cartoon characters

When doing the post-act std research, found a news article on a man who's had THREE wives die of cervical cancer. This shit is worse than AIDS when you consider the lack of general knowledge on the risks

>> No.9958227

Browsing image boards.

>> No.9958239

oh man.. i wish i could give you a hug

>> No.9958248

get black raspberry extract from berrihealth.com

>> No.9958258
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Not even close kek
Crypto doing good for me standards

>> No.9958278
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>> No.9958290

not focing my parents to make be become a f1 driver when i was 6

>> No.9958458

Same here anon, you are not alone in this beta boat.

>> No.9958489

>he made it he didnt cash out
>deserve it goshu

>> No.9958490

sold all my verge at 7 sats. I'm 25. Kill me.

>> No.9959126
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Are you me, anon? I bought XVG off of Binance for 46 sats I felt like a king when it doubled to 92 and I immediately sold.

That .4 BTC was everything I had as a 21 year old college student.

It could have been several BTC if I had just held on for three more weeks.


>> No.9959234


>> No.9959503

This, bought about 500k xvg at 40sats, sold at 60

>> No.9959580
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Fell for the pandacoin meme back in the days and just completely quit crypto right after. Now I'm back but I feel like I'm way too late to the party and missed the mooning and all.

>> No.9959601

Holding DGB until that stupid conference.

>> No.9959624

Not being prudent of my hearing & wearing adequate protection. Currently have tinnitus :C

>> No.9959635

I kek'd hard

>> No.9959652

in all seriousness, probably never mining btc again after mining 2 in one day the first time I tried it out

>> No.9959711

Lending money to family instead of buying btc at $2

>> No.9959749

youll be fine. buy now while everything is cheap. next bullrun in 2 to 5 years.

>> No.9959750

Not buying in in 2013

>> No.9959815

Going to university. Or picking a field that I didn't end up working in.

>> No.9959899


being born. what a doozy

>> No.9960882

Jesus fuck anons. I have to practically kick women off me. Work is always awkward cause every woman there wants to fuck. I literally put a bitch down at work for being a cunt and theyre soaked. Don’t be a timid little wanker and achieve what you desire.

>> No.9961011

Probably going to a uni in a dead city to do a course I hate for 5 years. That or wasting my youth playing video games and shitposting online rather than going to parties, talking to girls, and having friends.

>> No.9961383

Not selling at 800k.

>> No.9961615
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Buying ChainLink

>> No.9962126
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taking a 5 year long education to become a wagecuck engineer

actively deciding not to invest in bitcoin in early 2011 because of high risk

not trading larger positions on bitmex last year

only cashing out half my gains in december

not shorting 20k

>> No.9962182

holy fuck I should probably use a condom more often.

>> No.9962207

Did you use a condom?

>> No.9962235

I went all in on 0xBTC

>> No.9962244

>worst life moment, missing out on dating my childhood sweetheart because I'm a beta piece of shit and only realising years later, what actually happened.
>Only did I realise literally about 4 years later what that meant... If I has kissed her back right then and there I'm pretty sure we would've dated.

Wow dude you sound like such a fag no offense. Do you realize how many women there are out there? Go out and find one.
Hint: feeling like you found "the one" ios complete bullshit. WOW astronomical odds that you just happen to find the one and only girl you could love. Nah fuck that. All women will always be a women. Go find one for you.

>> No.9962254

I keep coming back to this autist shilling board every day and I hate myself for it. Every day my worst mistake repeats

>> No.9962256

Why do you hatevwagecucking as an engineer?

T. Did the same but never even got an engineering job :(

>> No.9962264

Being alive

>> No.9962266

Leaning too far back against a guard rail and getting hit in the head by a heavy sliding door (which was moving kinda fast due to the teenager who was opening it).

That was 3.5 years ago. I have post-concussion syndrome, which includes mild headache, sensitivity to light and sound, and I get overwhelmed if there are a lot of moving objects around me or if I have to socialize a lot. I feel any sudden movement of my head or if I step down too hard on the ground. After too much activity, I get a headache and overwhelmed and need to lay in a dark room for hours to recover. I also have something wrong with my neck and upper spine. I'll never be my old self again.

>> No.9962271

Dont beat yourself up over missed opportunities. If your new to this game just realize EVERY SINGLE TRADER has that one investments they either sell too early or too late. Take it as a learning experience so when the next opportunity comes you know exactly what to do.

>> No.9962320

it was alright in the beginning, especially because i did a lot of travelling with kept me out of the office (which quickly gets boring as fuck) and made decent money. but i've recently taken several wage-cuts and due to illness i can't travel anymore. been working for 7 years now. repetitive as fuck. i'm completely burnt out desu.

>> No.9962385

>Not because of autism and what not, but because "My daughter is good girl she will never have sex with some dirty guy and get the disease"...
>Literally returning society to a higher moral state

I don't care if they are naive you are stupid.

>> No.9962400

going to army

>> No.9962406

Most of them.

>> No.9962431

Dowloading but not mining btc because my computer with shitty nvidia card could get damaged in 2011-2012

>> No.9962435

Listening to others. I never listen to people now, and I am now better off than others.

>> No.9962453


>> No.9962576

You do realize the extent to which the market as a whole is about to explode, right? You know what’s happening, don’t you? Why can’t you brainlets sense the big picture.

>> No.9962629

You have 2 more wishes

>> No.9962645
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Browsing 4chan for the first time a decade ago and slowly becoming a joyless piece of shit who only feels like he fits in among you faggots.

>> No.9962663

Condoms can't stop HPV.
If you didn't have the privilege of getting someone young and fresh - not used - or you can't get any guarantee, accept your STDs or stay a perma virgin.

>> No.9962666

>he bought in January and is justifying his mistake

I was also a child once

>> No.9962680

>wife made him feel bad about hpv
how the fuck were you supposed to know it goes away on it's own fuck off. Shut your mouth cuck and keep your pimp hand strong you need to control your woman. Bbq some red meat and skip the soi ffs

>> No.9962694

Going to college

>> No.9962733

That's not a decision, you just are a joyless piece of shit who fits in here. I've been here for over a decade too but I still manage to be happy and functional.

>> No.9962763

Ignoring BTC when shilled about it in 2010 and had enough spare VMware CPU capacity to solo mine at least 4 blocks per day.

>> No.9962789

Anon I spent 15k on it and never looked back. The memes, the banter, the fun can you really put a price on that? 99.999999999% link will fail but the fun we had will never be lost and what is 15k anyway.

>> No.9962912

Life - Wasting my high school years on RuneScape. I purposefully skipped out on taking AP classes, playing team sports, and having friends so I could level skills or PK on RuneScape nonstop.

Crypto - Spending $5000 on PFR at its peak in January. I've lost $4500+ on that one coin.

>> No.9962927

marrying a single mother
im unironically on suicide watch right now dealing with this trash

>> No.9962932

not stealing a qt aryan tradwife from her bf

>> No.9962973

Now i'm scared of HPV lads

>> No.9962984

just stick to porn like any normal person

>> No.9962985

what happened to the kids dad?

>> No.9963028


>> No.9963040

Suddenly my problems seem insignificant

>> No.9963042
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>not playing shrimpfarm

i missed boat on that one, luckily i can get in early here faggots:


1) free snails
2) hatch
3) profit and spend money on thots

>> No.9963070

The hooker sex already happened after the bullrun

>> No.9963074

losing a friend because I communicated ineffectively and actively chose not to listen to her wishes.
oh, and trading large positions without stoplosses. that shit's killer

>> No.9963138

cardano lmao

>> No.9963158

Getting into crypto and believing the stupid hype that there would be some magical golden bull run and that we would all make it when in reality we are just a bunch of faggot loser fuck faces.

>> No.9963183

Its between going to college and not cashing out at 2m

Cashed out at 1.25m from 8k initial so still good though

>> No.9963301

there was a magical golden bull run. sounds like you were late to the party

fucking nice. when did you get in? and what coins

>> No.9963702

O, I worked as a field technician too but rage quit because I was driving 5 hours a day on top of 8 hours of work all on salary. Never did real engineering.

>> No.9963741

not investing in bitcoin when it was 10 $ each

>> No.9963764

Holy shit, you are me.

>> No.9964025

I fool myself into thinking I'm happy too, Anon.

>> No.9964038

Only selling some of my crypto at the top of the magical bull run of 2017...

>> No.9964047

buying TRUMP and recommending it to my (previous) friends who bought it right before it crashed

>> No.9964101

Selling my ETH at $15. I didn't really have much of a choice though but its the closest thing to my worst /biz/ related decision.

God damn I'd have been rich.

>> No.9964156

Fell for the nonviolence meme in primary school and got bullied but instead of hitting back i did nothing until finally i told a teacher which admittedly did help with the situation but at that point my social development and social life were absolutely ruined for the rest of the time i spent in schools with the same population.
When i get a son i will absolutely advocate keeping their own against bullies instead of running away or some other bullshit, a man has to fight back, i did not, which fucked me up for quite some time.

>> No.9964162
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>> No.9964170

Quitting football and then replacing that void with computer games

>> No.9964178

Going all-in to OMG last August. Missed the entire September bullrun because of muh HODL XDXDXD

kill me brehs

>> No.9964196

will it ever come back? Is any coin worth getting into investing anymore?

>> No.9964290


Definitely this, bullies only learn through fear. I was a weird nerdy kid but luckily I was stronger(but also fatter) than most of the other kids. Couple of retards tried something but it ended quickly when it got physical. I just know I would've been bullied so fucking hard if I had been a smaller and weaker kid.

>> No.9964449

Bought in November 2027, want to believe. Care to share your rationalization?

>> No.9964486

getting married.

>> No.9964883

being born

>> No.9964908

But seruusly

I have worse.
Much much worse. I slowly but consistently kept losing all my initial investment in the span of 6 months.
I lost a lot of opportunities on Poloniex which had 2x15x gains each month and amazing volume to boot. I lost so so so many opportunities, including never margin trading. I'm talking 2016.
I knew of bitcoin in 2014, but never got in. Even now when I got in I am mostly AFK. I cannot swing trade, day trade, long trade, margin, mine, you name it.

But my absolute worst of the worst as a poorfag with no good initial gain was missing out on cryptokitties' beta when I had heard on /biz/ since September of a crypto-based Neopets game.

If I had known about crypto kitties I would have gotten 200 ethereum to play around with.

My other worst decision ever is not placing my 5k dollars into bitcoin when it was under 1k.

>> No.9965248

:'( fuck man.the Feels..

>> No.9965431

Buying my first altcoin.

>> No.9965461

TRX and me ex girlfriend

>> No.9965488

Condors are pretty rare bro, he's not the fucking king of Peru

>> No.9965783

Nobody can truly be satisfied with one thing permanently, all we can do is to be thankful of what we have now. There is nothing wrong to be happy of what we are right now.

>> No.9965860
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going for an art degree when I could have went for a software development one

>> No.9965884

I gave up my job where i earn 100k / year and now earn only 65k / year.. fuck that - just because i wanted to feel free

>> No.9965894
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Buying LTC at $4 and selling it at $6

>> No.9966716
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I wish I knew what it was like to love your mother.
My mother is an abusive alcoholic. I haven't spoken to her in a long time. If she died, I think I'd feel relief at best, nothing at worst.

>> No.9966741

Trading on adderall

>> No.9966746


>> No.9966762


being too lazy to figure out how to create a bitcoin wallet to mine coins into in 2010

going to my death bed with this regret

>> No.9966766

falling for the NEETmeme
being afraid to get a job, move out on my own and get life experience
I deeply regret it cause it made me lag behind my peers, only now catching up

>> No.9966789
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>buying a grands worth of eth back in december 2016 and selling in april/may
>buying couple of btcs worth of RDD at 5 sats, selling at 7 sats
>same as above but with verge
>sold out on DGB the day before it mooned from like 500-600 sats to over 2k
>when btc started crashing heavily in may/june, liquidated most of my holdings and pussied out on buying back in
>missed out on the biggest crypto rocket ship of 2017
>made some minor gains buying and selling btc/eth (usually predicting minor dips/pumps

Overall I've made quite a bit of money but if i hadnt pussied out so much, I could of literally been a millionaire at this point.

>> No.9966801


>> No.9966823

got damn

>> No.9966837

fuckin harsh dude

>> No.9966849

dunno if it will explode (~10x), but I think there are some good crypto investments right now

>> No.9966892

trying oxycontin when I was 18 and in high school, I did nothing with my life until I was 25 except those fucking pills. I managed to get straightened out but I can only imagine where I would be if not for those green devils.

>> No.9966913

>Having sex with a whore


>> No.9967241

>you can predict who has HPV and who not

>> No.9967424
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>> No.9967487
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Thinking that if I focused on my skills and craft eventually I'd make it.
Now I realize what I should have done is learned to hustle, learned to market. Not care about my skills and git gud. All I needed to learn about was how to convince people I was good. Alas, I bought into 'just put your mind to it' meme and believed that the world recognizes talent.
Not so, anons, no so.
Salesmanship is the single most important thing you can learn.

That's legit reason to feel regret. I'm sorry.

This one is a little too real for me

No he's not stupid, you're just autistic or a brainlet, or possibly both. Vaccinating against an STD isn't going to magically turn 'good girls' into sluts, and not vaccinating against STD isn't going to magically prevent it.
Also, you're objectively wrong. Research by Thornhill and Corey found that religious or socially conservative communities have higher incidence of STDs than the general population, despite a lower aggregate of sexual partners.

It blows my fucking mind how you can be so off the mark! I bet you're the kind of fucker who bought Link and 0xBtc.

>> No.9967570

Bought 50K XVG at $.05 and sold at $.07

Didn't want to be greedy

>> No.9967642
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I've seen dumps you people wouldn't believe

>> No.9967668

getting a degree in chemistry instead of computer science.

>> No.9967675

Telling guys at work to get on crypto. And being called bitboy ever since.

>> No.9967677

sold the bottom

>> No.9967737

lol this was me with ripple. I bought over 100k at 9 cents and sold at 14. 50% ROI!

>> No.9967862

Paying for college.

>> No.9968003

CanYa go any lower?

>> No.9968202 [DELETED] 

>mining 2 in one day

How did you mine only 2? The block reward has never been less than 12.5.

>> No.9968332

I think my cousin gave my wife something similar when they got married. He had a high body count in college and had many std's/sti's over the years and as soon as he started sleeping with his now wife she got deathly ill for a while. She has all kinds of "women issues." They haven't told me what she has but i'm guessing its something serious.

>> No.9968340

>I think my cousin gave my wife something similar
correction: HIS

>> No.9968345

not selling after thanksgiving normie money flooded in

>> No.9968428


>> No.9968449

>Implying you're not some fat basement loser larping as a chad
Ye nice try faggot.

>> No.9968463

Still holding about 100 or so XRP. Bought at 0.83$ and I'm seriously starting to doubt if this coin can moon anymore...

>> No.9968472

thank god for that correction

>> No.9968599

Any stories?

>> No.9968654

Having kids with the wrong, low iq, insane woman and wasting 5 years of my life trying to "make things work for the kids".

>> No.9968690

not buying dash at $2,40 a piece

>> No.9968718

Funny you say this. I used to bang a lot of girls on tinder until one time I thought I had herpes. Worst part was I had slept with multiple girls that week so I had no idea which one it was. Made me start thinking about what I was doing. After that I was extremely selective and slowed it down. The "I bang girls left and right" is very overrated.

>> No.9968724

you deserve death

>> No.9968740

Marrying a cheating liar. The worst part is that since we have kids I can never remove her completely from my life

>> No.9968788

Taking antibiotics, developed a gi disorder

>> No.9968789

Fuck man, I've been there. 21-30 it was practically all I lived for. No life plan, shit job, horribly depressed without it. Now sober 6 years and made 120k in crypto in last 6 months. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.9968802

gratz on those 120k

>> No.9968844

10000 hours of dota

>> No.9968854

Not invested my 10 ETH in Origami Network ICO, and miss a x20 in 1 month :'(

>> No.9968882

also this, i miss my gut flora friends.
i heard you cant get them back

>> No.9968892

Heard about Bitcoin in 2009, 2010 but didn't research it because TV told me it was a Ponzi.

Enter 2016. Didn't buy ETH because of Trump hysteria. Just missing out of omisego ico. Bought in at $0.35 but sold out at 1.35 because I was getting irritated at it wasn't pumping higher. Didn't sell my stash at 20k because of greed. I thought, worse case it's be down to sub 14k in 2019. Every month after January I thought it would bounce back but crashed harder. Now I pray for 20k again as I wagecuck myself 5 days a week, 9-6

>> No.9969004

visiting /biz/

>> No.9969216

>he's parents didnt get him the HPV vaccine

>> No.9969222

Having a Pakistani GF. Her brother is a terrorist suspect

>> No.9969243

thank god i had red pilled parents who told me to fuck up anyone who bullied me.

Teachers and cunts who push the nonviolence meme in school are unironically ruining kids lives for the sake of virture signalling - they seriously need to hang. did you go to an australian school by any chance? honestly, Australian public teachers are menaces to the welfare of society. most of them need to be gassed.

>> No.9969307

>thank god i had red pilled parents who told me to fuck up anyone who bullied me.
Same here. Some nigger was once bullying me in 1st or 2nd grade and my dad told me to just punch him right in the nose. I did, and the problem resolved itself. To be fair to teachers though, they'd lose their jobs if they started encouraging kids to hit one another.

>> No.9969847


>> No.9969859

Getting married.

>> No.9969873

Well, I see I'm not the only one on this ride.

>> No.9969884
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Thanks sir. The memes are what get me through

>> No.9969889

You'd regret it either way. Being alone sucks, being married sucks. Only way out of it is being rich with noone to control you and that's reserved for the elite.

>> No.9970278

Stop talking about religion you dumb fucks. When sex becomes to risky, monogamous relationships will become the new norm again. Monogamy is proven to be better for the populous.

>> No.9970313

I fomo into bitconnect got burn now I'm in arb and profit trailer

No I am working on the gecko and Blackbird bought for my own sake

>> No.9970329


>> No.9970334
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>> No.9970347

Fucking cunt

>> No.9970452

Buying icx at 11$. Iron hands baby

>> No.9970518

Trusting an investment banker with my money