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File: 147 KB, 800x601, backpacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9963782 No.9963782 [Reply] [Original]

>muh backpacking
>muh self-improvement
>muh mindfulness
Does anyone take this bullshit seriously? The people who buy into this woke nu-world man lifestyle are total jokes and screwups. There's nothing sadder than seeing men (esp. older ones) "going with the flow" wearing trendy clothes, tattoos everywhere, and following the latest charlatan guru's lifestyle advice while they parade across the world to take pictures of themselves in decaying ruins and fuck roasties in hostels. It's parasitism of the worst kind. They have no home, no creed, and will die alone searching in vain for something they usually had and abandoned.

I mean, none of the things I outlined in greentext are bad in abstract or small quantities but they're such a fucking meme now. The fact that so much conscious effort is put into them now is just evidence of how far we've fallen, and that society is so weak and disintegrating that people take to escapism, voyeurism or complete renunciation.

>> No.9963843
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It's just white people slutting it up around the world but labeled differently. Nothing's changed.

>> No.9963846

You are experiencing the fallout from broken homes, feminism and the decay of western society. Buy link, kick back and enjoy the show.

>> No.9963855


I find backpacking pretty fun to be quite honest pham

>> No.9963868

backpacking innawoods is alright

>> No.9963869

It's the degenerate version of the NEET

>> No.9963872

Ok so

1.) I like to travel.
2.) I never take pictures of myself in front of tourist shit.
3.) The west has abandoned masculinity & constantly attacks it.
4.) Stay home & marry a virgin - she will leave you to "find herself" & fuck tatooed affliction t-shirt guys. Marry a roastie & she'll cheat on you. Marry a single mom & she'll make your life hell.
5.) Listen to "toxic masculinity" bullshit all the time.

Decide what clothes you like, be unapologetic for being American (but not loud & obnoxious "Muh American exceptionalism" but curious. Taste the world. Avoid pic related like the plague.

Provide us reasonable alternatives please?

>> No.9963892

Oldfag here. Yes and no.
Some of them screw up.
Some others get so much wolrd experience that they end up gaming the game with wealth and success (and life experience).

>> No.9963916

Must suck to be an american male living in america.
Here no such problems.

>> No.9963942


you're right anon.

>> No.9963969

triggerd, lonely virgin boy?

>> No.9963973

Not so bad when you find European girls who've never been around a guy that can make eye contact

>> No.9963993

It's a great way to see who has nothing going for them in life. People with actual responsibility cant do this.

>> No.9964000

This is some sad bitter cope from a most likely unsuccessful neet who is definitely autistic.

>> No.9964013
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>> No.9964023

Never understood why these morons put traveling and being a degenerate above owning property. Those places aren't going anywhere you stupid fucks, stop acting like people aren't SHIT everywhere in the world.

This is exactly what happens when you are raised by awful parents.

>> No.9964022

imagine spending your free time on 4chan crying about what people do with their life
like how pathetic do you have to be. how little else do you have going on in your own life.

>> No.9964033

Ok, what if you have property?

>> No.9964035

Believing your girl will leave you is a self-fulfilling prophecy. A woman follows strength, and that's not to say "slap her around": you should be a man she looks up to so you choosing her feels like a compliment. Be special and make her feel special, that's all it takes. If there's no passion in you, then yes, she'll get attached to another guy who shows some. Is that so surprising?

plan B, disregard roasties and retreat to your snail farm

>> No.9964036

>This is exactly what happens when you are raised by awful parents.

If you have to pay taxes - you don't own property. You're just leasing it.

(I own 4 houses)

>> No.9964043

You are spending time on 4chan right now too, faggot. Do you think your posts actually amount to anything? People come here to shoot the shit, I think you need to go back. Faggot.

>> No.9964044

I make money remotely and can work where I want to. Why are you so jelly cuck?

>> No.9964052

Also, this.

>> No.9964053

what do u do?

>> No.9964056

Then you use that property to generate passive income and establish a comfortable life. Then go travel and enjoy the world with money, unlike these poor degenerate fucks who nickel and dime traveling the world.

No impulse control what-so-ever, they are like dogs, they will just do whatever pleases them in the moment.

>> No.9964060

>The fact that so much conscious effort is put into them now is just evidence of how far we've fallen, and that society is so weak and disintegrating that people take to escapism, voyeurism or complete renunciation.

First of all, backpacking, self-improvement and mindfulness are patrician. You can like all those things and not be a faggot. All 3 of those things are extremely important to me and wear cheap clothes from Marshalls, think tattoos are stupid, voted for Trump, rarely take pictures of myself, and think roasties are degenerate.

I've always felt like a rolling stone. I haven't met a group of people who I can truly call friends and mean it. I don't like staying in one place for too long. I have a stark belief system and a solid sense of morality.

Maybe you should leave the basement and actually go outside from time to time and stop over-analyzing how people live their lives

>> No.9964061

this shits been going on since the beginning of mankind.... travelers, nomads, whatever you guys want to call it

sounds like OP is butthurt because he cant walk 10ft without breaking into a sweat and needing to wheelchair his ass back home to take his insuling and inhaler

>> No.9964065

I have a bit of time to kill and am just scrolling through threads
don't get upset because I'm calling out salty basement dwelling bitches for being the sad sacks of shit they are

kys loser

>> No.9964066

Mmm, maybe I will make a "buy my book"

>> No.9964070
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And then there is this faggot right here.

>> No.9964087

>Then you use that property to generate passive income and establish a comfortable life. Then go travel and enjoy the world with money, unlike these poor degenerate fucks who nickel and dime traveling the world.

This guy gets it.

>> No.9964090

Sure thing, act high and mighty when it suits yourself you degenerate fuck. How much dick have you sucked around the world?

Don't try to justify your cock-sucking tendencies to me, faggot. Go and snap some more selifes lol.

>> No.9964091

How long does this fleeting sense of false superiority last after you shit talk le degenerate Normies on the ass hole of the Internet? just curious.

>> No.9964093

don't be a fag, just say if it is marketing, webdev or something else

>> No.9964107

Everyone creates his own reality

>> No.9964109

Ok, i honestly want to go travelling, here's my financial status. Tell me what you would do.

No income at the moment. 15k in crypto, Own a house with a mortgage open of 110k€. Have 115k€ on my bank account. Have to live sommewhere, house needs about 15k€ investment to be completly finished (still need kitchen, and some doors, etc)

>> No.9964116

As long as it takes for you to go back, you queer, cum slurping, bitch made hoe. Now go le travel these nuts into your mouth.

>> No.9964119

you're the one acting high and mighty trying to feel better about your failure of a life by judging people for doing perfectly normal and well adjusted activities
absolutely pathetic. anyone with half a brain can see it. get help.

>> No.9964124

go back to r9k and pol you cancerous election trash

>> No.9964128

I must have hit a nerve, I know the truth stings. It must hurt even more to be called out as the hoe that you are, on 4chan of all places.

Now go on, hoe, I think the current hashtag trend is calling you.

>> No.9964133

>No income at the moment. 15k in crypto, Own a house with a mortgage open of 110k€. Have 115k€ on my bank account. Have to live sommewhere, house needs about 15k€ investment to be completly finished (still need kitchen, and some doors, etc)

Focus on your finances first if you can.

Cheapest places to travel are SE Asia, India & Sri Lanka.

For a noob I would do Sri Lanka. Fairly easy without all the fucking idiots Thailand & SE Asia has. Not as tough as India. (I'm also a big fan of Russia)

>> No.9964136

This. Just because you're fat and ugly doesn't mean you can't enjoy the same pleasures. Be honest with yourself...you're only mad because you don't have the balls to take any action towards anything you NEET

>> No.9964138

Why would I be jelly? I'm not rich yet but I've already made more money in crypto than I would've made in 10 years wagecucking, and already live in the city I want to. I don't know what you do but hopefully it isn't some soulless corporate like accounting or marketing where you're desperately pretending your 200k salary is 2 million, and your Thailand mansion is really in Martha's Vineyard

>> No.9964147

this, my power level 1000x'd after living around the world.

>> No.9964151
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Imagine being so anally devastated where you bring President Trump into this. Just how deluded are you? You must have gotten something from sucking cock around the world.

>> No.9964152

Well, what needs to be focussed on? An income you mean? Thanks for the tips will check it out

>> No.9964167

I would rather be around someone who has chosen a path of enjoyment and “adventure” (even though it’s not) than someone who posts on 4chan complaing about them. Holy shit so many worse people to focus on.

>> No.9964180

>sri lanka & india
willingly hanging out with pajeets

>> No.9964184

And you are on 4chan complaining about people complaining about something. You want a circlejerk hugbox? Go back.

>> No.9964189

so blown the fuck out all you can do is call me a "hoe"
literally laughing at how fucking pathetic you are
just kys bro you'll always be a loser

>> No.9964199

Eh, I kind-of understand you.
When I was a noob and in more touristy areas, the sort-of "expat" you meet is very cheap.

>> No.9964201

nah, just pointing out that you're another try hard edgy underage faggot that came into 4chan during 2016 through r9k or pol after seeing news about le Ebin 4chan in your Facebook meme group

>> No.9964203
File: 32 KB, 640x400, 1506651102342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just kys bro
Don't let the door hit you, hoe ass bitch.

>> No.9964204

Most people think of how much they HAVE - not how much will keep going & sustain them.

Get another one, build skills that will let you work remotely, if you are convinced crypto will go up (I'm not) buy more bitcoin etc.

Don't let today distract you from building for tomorrow. You have a good bankroll - you could prob rent your flat out for 3 months, hit up sri lanka & pay $400 a month in rent + $100 a month for a motorbike & break even.

Goal is to plan ahead - not just "what do I want to do now"

>> No.9964211

Keep in mind though, you are casting very wide nets.

>> No.9964224


The good ones you meet in low seasons or in tougher places / off the beaten path.

>> No.9964266
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absolutely seething, and possibly gay.

>> No.9964287

seriously though what is it about travelling that triggers incels so hard?

>> No.9964306

Its the smug homosexuals like you who think you accomplished something by going somewhere. The fact that I've actually left my home country and realized that it is nothing to write home about, people are generally the same all over the world.

Now fuck off, how many times do I have to tell you to go back? Your facebook traveling le world faggotry is not welcome here.

>> No.9964317

Yeah I can't stand those type of guys. I know a few of them from crypto and they all remind me of the Vegas shooter guy. Creepy as hell.

>> No.9964323

>He thinks travelling is about meeting people
I could not give a fuck about meeting people
do you have no sense of adventure at all? are you so physically unfit you can do nothing but stay in hotel rooms?

>> No.9964324


Fuck off thanos, it doesn't work that way for the rest of us

>> No.9964330

Keep moving goal posts you dumb faggot.

>> No.9964366

keep being a raging virgin who dedicates his free time to judging the lives of others in an attempt to feel better about your own being a failure
it's clear bro
everyone knows your kind, 4chan has been overrun with them for a couple years now and we need to purge you

>> No.9964451


i guess not? what's so great about going places and doing things? give me a qt to chill with for the rest of my life and that's all i'd want. hell if i can't have the qt i can make it work with just me

>> No.9964502

You can't argue with these INCELS. They are permanently depressed. They try to ruin everyone else's fun because they're incapable of having any. Traveling also involves having friends and/or a partner. That explains their negative outlook on it

>> No.9964642
File: 175 KB, 972x624, E5BA97D6-A792-4196-B42B-F4EDD73CA756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigel BTFO

>> No.9964790

>y-yeah dude j-just k-k-k-k-ill yourself

bitch hoe

>> No.9964977

>Does anyone take this bullshit seriously?
Fuck no. I have never understood why people without any kind of income/money in general starts travelling like hobos.

When I went to Thailand for 2 weeks with a couple of friends, we hooked up with a normal group of thai people (guys and girls from a college) and a few other tourists. I asked the thai people what they thought of foreigners coming over to their country without any kind of money and the response from all of them were "leechers".
One guy even started ranting about how disliked people going to Thailand without an income just to start a youtube channel and try to earn money that way are in Thailand and that the foreigners doing that should be glad Thai's are in general nice people.

Don't go anywhere until you have a steady income and can live a good life, being a travelling hippie is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9965432

>First of all, backpacking, self-improvement and mindfulness are patrician
I think OP was harping on the fact that these otherwise good things have become a meme for soulless normies to feel "connected with nature, brah" and give themselves the airs of people who actually did this shit before it was marketed as an authentic lifestyle branding package.
The bigger piece of criticism here is that NEET lifestyle is just a more cynical version of all the normies who, rather than critically examine their lives or career prospects or even just purpose on earth, withdraw into self-absorbed worlds with no impact beyond their social media bubble (Yes that includes 4chan and faggoty frog twitter). Funny how we all hammer incessantly about the importance of making something of your life on here, yet so few actually do it.

>> No.9965558

anyone who goes to Thailand is a faggot
Sry not Sry bro

>> No.9965609

Virgin cope

>> No.9965620

>its popular therefore its bad

Nice one permavirg

>> No.9965632

>>First of all, backpacking, self-improvement and mindfulness are patrician
These are the worst. And Thailand is by FAR the worst.

These vagrant hippies try to live for $321 a month in Chiang Mai - literally come up to you "Should I learn to program or do dropshipping? Or blogging? I'm almost out of money. . . "

>> No.9965801

That’s some top shelf advice that the boys here need to see

>> No.9965845

You sound like a fun person to hang out with

>> No.9965956

Airline first officer here. Anywhere a 747 can land is either a shithole, a sidegrade culture with nothing for you to learn, or America with a different coat of paint. Usually anywhere you can reach by Jeep from there is the same.

>> No.9966235

>underpaid, overworked glorified bus driver who gets to stay 1 night at a cheap airport hotel each trip
>knows everything about the culture of the country he’s visiting

>> No.9966260

or better yet they shill tickets to clubs on the streets and follow you around trying to force you to buy tickets

>> No.9966358

>underpaid & overworked
Work for the commies, they pay out the ass
>glorified bus driver
More like glorified computer tech at this point

>> No.9966395

Hit post too early. My point is theres literally nothing that makes another place's culture better than what youve got at home, if it hasn't already been infected by the West anyway. Anything these people are doing can be done in America, but because its across an arbitrary border and the people are speaking some other language its suddenly a learning experience.

>> No.9966504

It's just people having fun in their own way
Relax, they're not harming you

>> No.9967165

>on /biz/
There's your (well, their) problem

The problem is if you don't travel when you're young you end up becoming fixed into your worldview, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. So while those places are still there (actually they ain't - globalization is happening - have you been to East Berlin? in 29 years that place has changed to be unrecognizable!) you aren't still there.
Also, you might end up regretting not traveling when older, wonder what could have been, have a midlife crises only to find out you didn't miss out on much.
Travel unironically broadens the mind, that cliche stick around with good reason - because the informal anthropology of going to lands with other cultures and basically getting out of your own echo chamber of your hometown gives you 'perspective' which manifests in understanding on a observable, illustrated level, not just 'yeah yeah yeah I know that' that many customs and human behaviors are learned or situation dependent. It removes many illusions you have about the world - like when you go up to a famous landmark and see McDonalds bags floating around the ground and panhandlers and Nigerians selling sunglasses - all the shit you didn't see in the travel programs or establishing shots in the spy movies or romantic comedies.
You get a nuanced view of the world.
Talking with people from another culture you start to realize what their priorities are, their understanding. Yes you will find that 'we're so alike in so many ways' but you'll also realize you're different in ways that stereotypes never even prepared you for. That's another thing - imagine actually being able to go around and when someone says
>That's racist... you can't judge them without--
>No. I've been to their country. I've spent time with the people: I'm right.

>> No.9967266

lemme make sure I understand
you fucking neets are sitting here like 'oh man i might make it'
so that you might be able to be free to go wherever the fuck you want and eat whatever and do whatever
these guys are already doing that and this is somehow a problem?

fucking christ

>> No.9967274

>I have never understood why people without any kind of income/money in general starts travelling like hobos.
Sounds like you answered your own question
>Have nothing
>Why not have nothing somewhere exotic?
It may not make sense to you, and may in fact be a dumb decision, but how can you not see why it's attractive to people with no money or income?

Probably Jealousy. "No one is allowed to have fun while I'm miserable", right?

Yeah but anon... their feelings?

>> No.9967408

>implying (((American))) culture is some kind of pinnacle
You mutts have been in a steep decline ever since the 60s. There are some nuggets out there in the world (mainly small religious communities) which you won’t see out of your airport hotel window.
Anyway, I have mad respect for your profession my 3-striped fren even though you guys are the epitome of exploited wagecucks. I hope your pay and Asian pussy access makes up for the fact that you have breathe in that Chinese PM2.5 air in addition to the radiation you get from being in the air all the time.

>> No.9967452

That's 4chan for you, they'll complain about anything

>> No.9968595

upvoted and gilded my autistic reddie freddie wubby buddy

>> No.9968976


First post best post.

Our peasant class can live like princes in different countries so they do.

>t. I used to do this shit ages 18-23

>> No.9969234
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Thanks for the frightfully illuminating and original comment there, I hope you still have all 6 braincells left after you struggled to forge together that sentence and push post. I'm sure they must feel more tired than your mother after Jose and Tyrone double team her while you watch.
Also, please, teach me more your reddit ways since you know so much about it.

>> No.9969276

are you being ironic or just stupid

>> No.9969465

broken people who gave up on everything, too weak to make it in their home country. complete degenerates.

>> No.9969507

>People can't go on vacations.

>> No.9969525

Are you invested in Chain Link by Sergey, though?

>> No.9969553

i think i might do this. Ive given up hope on making it. I might as well go murder for money in africa