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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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99581 No.99581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

China just sold almost $50 billion in US Treasurys… But don’t panic just yet
> China’s holdings of US Treasurys dropped to the lowest levels in two years after China dumped $47.8 billion in paper—equal to about 3.6% of its Treasury holdings as of November—bringing its total holdings to $1.27 trillion. Not that this should come as a shock. Yi Gang, a deputy governor of China’s central bank, hinted at the move when he announced in late November that the country no longer benefits from increasing its foreign reserves.

>> No.99628

They had to do it eventually, they've racked up a load of dollars with their cheap exports and had nothing to do with them except buy bonds. This is a result of the balance of trade changing in americas favour, forcing the chinese to convert their bonds into foreign exchange reserves, not a collapse in confidence.

>> No.99648
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>> No.99926

What would this mean to the agerage american layperson?

>> No.100050

The reason why the dollar's huge inflation hasn't affected prices (and wages) yet is because it was exported.
If the money comes back, the dollar is going to come crashing down.

>> No.100088

Oh shit

>> No.100130

¿Obama will talk to dalai lama?

>> No.100781


>> No.101685

Bump bump

>> No.101732

Me as a NEET, living on food stamps and autism buxs how does this affects me exactly?

>> No.101745

It won't until your country defaults.
So you still have a decade or 2.

>> No.101793

The day of the dollar collapse is approaching and the global economic turmoil which will follow. May involve your autism bucks being cancelled because your country can't afford it anymore.

>> No.101943

Can someone explain this coming economic collapse to me. Or point me to some links that are unbiased explaining why it's so likely. I've only heard it mentioned on 4chan

>> No.101998

You need a phd in austrian economics to understand just vote ron paul k

>> No.102028

>$50 billion
>crashing down
the dollar is not going to crash in our lifetime, does that make you upset?

>> No.102050

>What does "if" mean?

>> No.102364

im just going to list some characteristics about myself
>broke college student
>have a small pick up truck
>skilled with computers
>possess much knowledge about things
>no passport
>no guns
>no nothing
>live in rural ohio
>high intellectual capacity, able to learn very quickly and effectively

if the collapse occurs, does my situation seem conducive to success in any aspect? im very doubtful but it frightens me too much to seriously think about it so im not 100% sure.

if IT HAPPENS im probably just going to kill myself.

>> No.102391
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>broke college student
>no guns
>live in rural ohio

>> No.102403

>im just going to list some characteristics about myself
>if the collapse occurs, does my situation seem conducive to success in any aspect?
Ask >>>/x/ or something. I'm sure they have some survival guides ready for you.

>> No.102420
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I love you.

>> No.102482

what does it mean to have holdings in the us treasury?

and could the timing of this be in part because of obongos date with the dalai lama at the white house?

>> No.102496

50 billion is peanuts compared to the total amount of dollars in circulation

>> No.102517

I've never heard of a tbill before but it's probably all connected to the rampant hyperinflation going on right now

>> No.102565

Pls respond

>> No.102611

The 09 collapse wasn't overcome, it was bought away (or rather delayed). The debts are accumulating. The middle class is collapsing and with it the buying potential which should be keeping the economy upright. The dollar is standing on shaky feet and yet it is still more stable than the euro.
If either currency falls, so does the world.

>> No.102628
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Capitalism is to blame for the collapse anyway, socialist economies aren't capable of building up debt in this way.

>> No.102644

welfare loser detected

>> No.102670


>> No.102684


When China buys bonds that means more dollars in the US. When they don't buy bonds that means more dollars in China.

>> No.102692

It's the capitalist system that is collapsing communism won in the long run.

>> No.102701

50 billion.
Trusting China

China is feeling themselves so they'll keep pushing it sell even more just wait and see....

>> No.102716

I'm not getting hyped up for another happening that doesn't deliver. Fuck you faggits.

>> No.102740

lol u wot m8

>> No.102757

Write properly.

>> No.102764

laughing out loud you what mate

>> No.102797
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we've heard this before


>> No.102849

Please use punctuation.

>> No.102872

>the USA will be #1 for ten thousand more years
>trust me guys, I'm American

>> No.102964
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I should dump my dollars because 10000 years from now the US won't be #1?

top logic, doomer

>> No.103007


Wall St. is littered with the graves of men who were right too soon.

>> No.103068

the fed bought 60% of all treasuries by volume last year. China just dumped another 10%.

who's buying?

>> No.103093

Mysterious Buyer X

>> No.103103

If the US dollar comes crashing down, what does that mean for Americans?

As an Australian the first thing I think about is cheap stuff online shopping and also my US shares are now worth less in Australian dollars than what they used to be

>> No.103121

that sure makes me safe about fixed income.

Oh boy, I'm sure nothing's gonna ever crash. 08 is never gonna come again, nopnope

>> No.103135

If the US dollar comes crashing down, your economy is fucked.
I don't care where you live. Your economy is fucked.

>> No.103146

This is what I would imagine too because the US economy is so big that if Americans can't buy shit, then the res of the world is affected. But I also can't help think of the short term bargains from buying shit online

But my US shares will be worth not a great deal, then the US share market will probably go down too making it even worse

>> No.103190

>if Americans can't buy shit, then the res of the world is affected.
You are completely underestimating the situation.

Every bank would roll over and die at the same time. Bang.

>> No.103198

Way to exaggerate douche.

>> No.103212


>08 crash
>dollar and treasuries go through the roof

again, why am I dumping dollars?

>> No.103231


Why would this be? And how bad does the dollar have to get for this to happen?

>> No.103228

Ugh, I don't even care if China is DA FYOOTCHUR OF EKONOMIX or not. I'm just so god damn sick of hearing about the US and their shitty country. I need something refreshing. Like reports on a school shooting in Chongqing instead of Chicago. Just please remove America from premises.

>> No.103254

And new ones would rise from their ashes. They, and the rest of the societal structures that collectively create "the economy", exist out of the human desire for order and prosperity, and that desire won't disappear just because the US dollar would.

>> No.103247

You might as well kill yourself then. Because you'll never live to see a day when the US isn't all over the news.

>> No.103264

I'm not saying it would be the end of the world. I am saying it would probably put the Great Depression to shame.

>> No.103269

I choose to be an optimist.

>> No.103280

Oh no doubt, but people who think that collapse of the dollar = collapse of all economy ripip 5ever are really overstating it.

>> No.103293

so what's the worst case scenario when the dollar crashes

>> No.103313


Chimpout: Level 9000

>> No.103315

Worst case is that people sense the dollar collapsing and the US global power diminishing and a stupid-as-fuck government tries to seize the moment and starts WW3.

Not going to happen though. I hope.

>> No.103363


Shoe leather cost. People would be shocked. Indignant for a year. And then accept a new currency. Or Americans will just use the Euro, Sterling, Renminbi, Bitcoin and other currencies at the same time. Just like in Argentina.

>> No.103392

Most of those would give out along with the dollar.

>> No.103459


Then people flock to the ones which are more stable relative to others.

>> No.103469

The dollar will never crash, Alex Jones please leave.

>> No.103485


Planning on killing ourselves, are we?

>> No.103496


"It can't happen here!"

>> No.103505

It's too easy to find the poorfags here

>> No.103527

You delusional pieces of shit should just off yourselves already. The dollar cannot and WILL NOT crash EVER, PERIOD. I don't know why you faggots can't get it through your pea sized excuse of a brain that if the dollar crashed EVERYTHING would crash. It's not happening so stop screaming the sky is falling just because you have childish fantasies.

>> No.103556

Not them but can you explain why the dollar won't crash?

Is it because no one will let it, because if it does, it would be anarchy?

>> No.103572

The dollar is doing absolutely fine and the US is in control of the world. If any country tried to get off the USD the the US would DESTROY them kid. I don't know why you children live in delusions that "the USD will crash any day, IDS HABBENING :))))))))))". You're all fucking children.

>> No.103632


the success or failure of the dollar as such rests on the petro-dollar system. if oil-producing countries continue to buy into it, the dollar will never crash without an oil crash. if they start accepting things other than dollars for oil, then it will probably crash.

>> No.103643

You are so fucking mad right now

>> No.103655

They've started accepting other currencies though.

>> No.103658

See the country that is #3?


See the other country's near it?

exports from oil is nowhere near enough to destroy the USD, less so now that gas and nuclear are a thing.

>> No.103771

As opposed to systems that crumbled years ago?
Protip: China doesn't use command economy like it used to

>> No.103781

Actually, /pol/ is more likely to say it isn't crashing because of the federal reserve

>> No.103875


This is what someone in denial looks like.

The first stage of grief.

>> No.104753

50 bil here, 50 bil there, pretty soon you're talking about real money.

>> No.104986

>It's the capitalist system that is collapsing communism won in the long run.

>> No.105936

If the US economy crashes won't the BRICS nations take over and everyone will just swap to their new currency?

>> No.105958

Nigger, you can't be serious... can you?

>> No.106221

I thought that was why they're trying to open their own bank so they can get away from USD and force their trading partners onto BRICS $$$s?

>> No.106244

All of the 5 BRICS currencies are terrible. An those countries have essentially nothing in common other than being arbitrarily lumped together and most of them hate most of the others.

>> No.106335
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>the dollar is going to come crashing down

>> No.106448

That has nothing to do with them joining together to topple the USD. They're the largest trading nations in the world, everybody trades with them and if they all said "you can only trade with us in BRICS $$$s" I can't think of many nations that would stick with the US in that situation.

Hell even Australia has said fuck you to the US and made trade deals with China.

The point of it I think is that they are massive trading nations, if there was an alternative currency they could force a lot of nations to swap to it because of their need to trade with those BRICS nations.

Am I wrong in saying that?

>> No.106501

They will never ever form a single currency to which people can convert and it won't be one of the 5 existing currencies either. And China is the only major trading nation with the rest of the world out of the 5.

> I can't think of many nations that would stick with the US in that situation.

And this is proof positive that you know nothing about international relations.

>> No.106618

> They will never ever form a single currency to which people can convert

-They're referred to as the "worlds emerging economies".
-Russia and China being in the top 10 for biggest exporting nations
-They're combined GDP (not per capita) is massive
-Everybody trades with them

Besides the US military + Petrodollars how can the US keep dictating the world Economy with those countries around?

>> No.107106

by capitalism do you mean free trade?