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9958104 No.9958104 [Reply] [Original]

Was it a mistake for there to only be 21,000,000 bitcoins?

Think about it, normal people won't want to adopt bitcoin if they only get 0.1 bitcoins for their weekly wage, they would think they are getting ripped off. They want to imagine they have a purse full of these bitcoins that they can spend.

Perhaps 21 billion would have been better than 21 million?

>> No.9958118

Was it a mistake for there to only be 2100000000000000 satoshis?

Think about it, normal people won't want to adopt bitcoin if they only get 10000000 satoshis for their weekly wage, they would think they are getting ripped off. They want to imagine they have a purse full of these satoshis that they can spend.

Perhaps 2100000000000000 satoshis would have been better than 2100000000000000 satoshis?

>> No.9958126
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Completely arbitrary and a matter of habit. The yen is a strong currency with small value, 1 million yen is around 9k usd. Do you feel ripped off for only getting 9k when japs get a million?


>> No.9958156
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No it wasn't a mistake, because I already have multiple full bitcoins.

Fuck normies, they were late to the game its their own fault.

>> No.9958603

Yen isn't capped at 21 million yen though dickhead

>> No.9958643

from a computer scientist point of view this makes sense
in reality, inertia and mathematical illiteracy are two extremely strong forces. the initial unit of value stands to remain the most commonly used one, and it will be a psychological motivator
once the currency is ubiquitous this is irrelevant (which is why the yen comparison doesn't work), but before that point it matters. the example of OP alone proves that: his speculation on the behavior of others lead him to have negative sentiment on adoption, which in turn will influence his own behavior

>> No.9958677

Yeah but at least you get 'one' full unit. What OP correctly stated is that owning less than 1 of something feels like you own something less valuable, its psychology

>> No.9958683
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>> No.9959210

Adoption isn't about everyday use, you negroid.

>> No.9959229

In the mentality of a negroe, yes

>> No.9959241

This kills the OP

>> No.9959247
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why not make just 1 coin that can be split a bazillion times.

>> No.9959277


btc is essentially digital gold. People don't get paid in gold but it is a store of value

>> No.9960040

>Muh digital gold
Bitcoin is literally described as a "peer to peer cash system"

>> No.9960219

It doesn't matter as long as that 0.01 BTC still buys you a car or something. If people would feel like 0.01 BTC is like 0.01 USD then it's like >>9959229 said

>> No.9960246
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