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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 685 KB, 1080x2029, 20180619_192202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9953213 No.9953213 [Reply] [Original]

CEO of Universa confirmed that they are talking to chainlink and plan on using it for their smart contracts. It seems like more and more projects are talking to LINK. I think the recent FUD that nobody will use it is ridiculous. When main net launches there will probably be a lot of traffic happening right off the bat

>> No.9953217

Can you post the rest of the convo OP

>> No.9953228


>> No.9953229

>Rank 282
All they're doing is marketing to linkies lol

>> No.9953231
File: 340 KB, 824x609, 1516375001508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So $1000 EOY still stands?

>> No.9953236

>rich entrepeneur having a private chat with lowlife poor neet.

>> No.9953242

Riddle Anon mentioned Russia and Vladimir Putin many times

>> No.9953245

post the rest of the conversation

>> No.9953280

The fuck is universa

>> No.9953283
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>> No.9953297
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Is 26k LINK enough to make it?

>> No.9953305

fucking love ya op

>> No.9953310

$1000 EOY!

>> No.9953313

Sounds like they’ll delete this guy next if it’s true

>> No.9953330

The full circulating supply isn't reflected in the cap because some people from the ICO opted to wait for main net tokens so it should be double I think

>> No.9953342
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>> No.9953344

Thanks. What's the Malaysia thing?

>> No.9953354

Which means what exactly

>> No.9953368
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>> No.9953371

They’re in the same class as churches .

>> No.9953384

It's a smart money program for the malaysian government

>> No.9953399

Payroll for government public servants


>> No.9953436
File: 692 KB, 825x463, 1515823833563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so i did some digging on the SWIFT thing




It looks like Russia could be disconnecting from SWIFT and they are testing Universa as a replacement. It means that every single smart contract or bank transfer that connects with any API to do business outside of the country would be using LINK on the back-end. I guess it makes sense that they would still need to interact and do business with the rest of the world. This would use a MASSIVE amount of LINK tokens.

This could be huge for chainlink

>> No.9953475
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$2000 EOY

>> No.9953485

pretty sure sergey is russian too. maybe that has something to do with all of this?

>> No.9953493

Why are only absolute shitcoins or scams using it? Wtf?

>> No.9953513


>> No.9953529
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This is either the most delusional thread I’ve ever read on /biz/ or you anons just discovered the holy grail. Either way. Exciting stuff!

>> No.9953532
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>> No.9953537

I was going to go milk my goat that I have in my backyard here in Oklahoma.... because I've been excited to make money with all these milk threads.

But after this thread I'm actually going to go beat off on the goat.

>> No.9953551

>Why are only absolute shitcoins or scams using it? Wtf?
When shitcoins feel endangered they start to create packs

>> No.9953553

Are these guys legit it looks like a bit of a shitcoin desu

>> No.9953570

you too anon, love you too

>> No.9953575

Russians hate Jews too remember....

"A Jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he will never tell you why." - old Russian proverb

>> No.9953582

Why not just buy universa instead of LINK then

>> No.9953588

the absolute state of crypto telegrams right now

>> No.9953590

i watched a show the other night about these campers in siberia who got eaten by bigfoot like 50 years ago and the kgb covered it up.no one really knows what's going on out there.

>> No.9953603

You are truly a god.

How many links do you have? Cuz we really should all donate 50 link to him.

Post your address

>> No.9953624
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Because you want the thing that's being used on the back end to run the whole system

>> No.9953635


>> No.9953655

Because Link will be used on other blockchains as well.

>> No.9953660

UTNP is legit as fuck it's definitely a sleeper, they haven't really started marketing yet but they will in the next week or 2

>> No.9953673

Holy fuck

>> No.9953692
File: 100 KB, 1280x960, universa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legit as fuck

>> No.9953700

comfy af

>> No.9953738
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>> No.9953762

How do they get over the possible 51% attack?

>> No.9953763

Also, Russia has more Russians than any other country on Earth

>> No.9953765
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>> No.9953774

sombitch signed his own shirt! goddamn

>> No.9953790
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>> No.9953799
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Mfw Linkpool is hunted down for pulling data and aiding Russia in getting around sanctions.

>> No.9953802

Who's this fwit

>> No.9953803

LINK is the fucking Pizzagate of /biz/. You see connections where there are NONE. You somehow have convinced a bunch of misguided rural whites that they can somehow be a part of something groundbreaking and historical if they just hunt for enough evidence. You’ve attracted abhorrent people to your movement who offer tenuous support of their “insider” knowledge (Assblaster). You’ve even pulled together a disjointed array of OC (pic related) which you use to reinforce your echo chamber and propagandize you token.

You have no right to be disturbing innocent people who have NOTHING to do with a minor pet project of a Russian philosophy major.

>> No.9953820

swift creating a network to circumvent themselves is the height of judaism.

>> No.9953826

My father works for oracle and is quite close to Sergey. He told me that Sergey showed up at the office five days ago to announce that he ate his thousandth Big Mac. In honor of such a special moment, Sergey handed out free t-shirts he found at a local Salvation Army. Before he left, he took my father aside and asked “you didn’t actually buy in, did you?”

Seems alright!

>> No.9953890

I heard Ellison asked for his autograph

>> No.9953898

He's the russian minister of finance

>> No.9953899

Breezed by universas white paper. It’s interesting. Will digg in more. Thanks anon

>> No.9953939

Fuck you I'm buying universa. Where can I get this shit

>> No.9953994
File: 185 KB, 789x425, 1529348713518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this yesterday and got almost no response. It's an old screencap but haven't seen if discussed or posted here before i did so yesterday. Have any of you autists heard more about this GVT connection? Also both CEO's are Nazarov's hmmm

>> No.9954003


Cobinhood or shitbtc until the main net drops which is in a few days I believe. Then you'll be able to swap back and forth between main net and erc20. Should hit huobi they have a "partnership" with them whatever the fuck that means

>> No.9954019

LMAO. Disconnecting from SWIFT. You do realize SWIFT will monitor everything. Do you know why they’re pursuing China? Because as soon as the EU and NA and hopefully china board, this forces a fair game. China can’t fudge numbers. It will be clear as water what income comes from what. Nobody will trade with Russia if they pull this shit. SWIFT will be de facto for cross boarder payments between banks.

>> No.9954026
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How long ago was this?

>> No.9954073
File: 282 KB, 859x859, IMG_20180619_210008_806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My two biggest bags. UTNP is severely undervalued

>> No.9954079

it was from an AMA that genesis vision did i think in November/December

>> No.9954082

From the articles it appears that they aren't doing it by choice

>> No.9954091
File: 225 KB, 600x600, 1514072367234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK $10k BY 2020

>> No.9954094

Shill me on this shitcoin

>> No.9954105
File: 194 KB, 589x564, 423C06BB-65B3-4BA1-A85F-C381BF1BAB48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what short-sighted thinking looks like.

>> No.9954112

this is fake. reported

>> No.9954131

>ceo of a company trying to overtake SWIFT

>answers to Normans on Facebook messenger


>> No.9954133

russian neo except not incompetent

>> No.9954134

Cobinhood volume is shit though

>> No.9954140

chainlink is fucked if alfa bank use it. Not even kidding. sergey may as well try smuggling a nuke into the US

>> No.9954149
File: 114 KB, 1217x712, photo_2018-03-09_08-56-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a bag of UTNP it is definitely a gem. Alex is a beast they've got partnerships with governments and all sorts of businesses and hes always appearing on the news and traveling to conferences. It's about to go into full shill mode this month with the launch of the main net token. I'm going to flip this into more LINK when it blows up

>> No.9954151

that's telegram, newfren
hitbtc clearly has some market making on the btc pair only; cobinhood has the most volume on the eth pair. cobinhood's actually a really nice exchange and the withdrawal fees are even less than hitbtc.

>> No.9954169

It won't matter because the nodes are just providing data to contracts. Anyone can use it

>> No.9954179

>missing the point of the message.

Absolute state

>> No.9954180

$10k easy. Check em

>> No.9954189

I believe it’s whatsapp. Reaching out to anyone is fairly easy these days. Look at how nice and polite OP was. The CEO of the company I work for literally gets in cold email contact with billionaires with that kind of tone and gets amazing responses. No joke. So its not out of the ordinary.

>> No.9954196

Hitbtc has the most volume

>> No.9954202

because he's the CEO of a company, not some random off facebook

>> No.9954210

Ok reach out to swift ask if they will use chainlink or reach out to sergey. Or ask any of the CEOs mentioned that are tied to chainlink. Since it’s “fairly easy”

>> No.9954215

Cash id

We gon make it famalams

Lambos in our futures

>> No.9954224

I messaged alex during the ico and he responded to me. It was brief but he responded nonetheless

>> No.9954225

Alexander is on telegram answering questions frequently so I'm not sure what your problem is

>> No.9954242
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Nice ID we will definitely make it

>> No.9954245

Dude the evidence that the elite in governments, large players in finance, and corporate owners all around the world are involved in satanic rituals and child trafficking is astounding. The shills are now FUDing 2 birds with 1 stone. Hopefully the day of rope is EOY when LINK is $1000

>> No.9954254


>> No.9954276

CEO is just a title. It’s about getting the direct contact + knowing what you’re going to say is what makes the magic.
Yes fairly and relatively easy. I bet OP or anyone that can communicate properly can get in contact with the majority of Blockchain CEOs. Don’t believe that just because youre XYZ no one cares about your ideas or thoughts

>> No.9954279

Why does my withdrawal still say pending how long does it usually take

>> No.9954287

mainnet is out already, native token is not. and they don't have a partnership with huobi.

>> No.9954316
File: 188 KB, 1422x800, 0_1gvmC8D7nxNFom0J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too much to cover really but a lot most of it is in here


Yeah Alex is in the telegram pretty frequently if you message him I'm sure he'll respond

>> No.9954333

Why would I trust what he has to say ? Especially it’s in his benefit. This is retarded

>> No.9954337

Now i can sleep well tonight thanks

>> No.9954356
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Literally who cares

>> No.9954365

You brainlet a smart contract platform obviously needs oracles why would he lie about which service he's going to use lmao

The absolute fucking state.

>> No.9954375
File: 771 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180619-212955_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9954384

The absolute state of nolinkies

>> No.9954393

This actually looks really good I'm surprised I haven't heard of this. Thanks

>> No.9954395

You think this company where the “CEO” replies to (you) is going to overthrow SWIFT . Whose the brainlet again?

>> No.9954409

Thanks... going to send my favorites pictures of Jews getting gassed at Auschwitz. Maybe he's red pilled and will laugh and tell me the holocaust was a hoax

>> No.9954414

So btc pair on hitbtc is the best option?

>> No.9954443


>> No.9954454


>> No.9954456
File: 69 KB, 600x600, 097ed39c838df64da933209c8b60820b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I'm reading this correctly they have government partnerships with Russia and Malaysia, they're building a crypto park in Moscow and a smart city in Abu Dhabi, funding blockchain lessons in China and have a normie friendly hardware wallet?

>> No.9954463
File: 883 KB, 700x478, syxjt2Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.9954478
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Upvote. Retweet. Gilded.

How are you not finished accumulating yet fren

>> No.9954491

So far hes has meetings and been on tv. Public speaking doesnt mean shit. Nobody is using it and the mainnet has been delayed for 6 months

>> No.9954496


nigger i hate that fucking place. Im only on there to get threads locked up. I fucking hate them so god dam much i pray every day that they wont make it

because im a broke dick NEET. I need this to drop more to really increase my stack. I watching btc ever second of the day hoping btc drops to 4k

>> No.9954504

>buying a coin represented by reincarnated Hitler and redneck Steve Buscemi
no thanks

>> No.9954509

Shut up faggot and stop fudding. We know you’re a Delhi pajeet trying to get some more link to get out of your shithole country...enough

>> No.9954529


>> No.9954540

wait i second i just had a thought. How easy is it for someone to impersonate someone on telegram? Just change the pic and the name right?

>> No.9954564

LINK main net is going to take a while you think I can flip some utnp to increase my stack? It looks like this will probably moon first and it's not a big market cap

>> No.9954570


>> No.9954590

>mainnet has been delayed for 6 months
mainnet launched 2 months ago, brainlet

>> No.9954604

$1000 eoy check em

>> No.9954621

They've got partnerships with a bunch of companies there's even a video of the Alfa bank CEO talking about it. Also main net is already out and the token is coming within a week

>> No.9954639

can we confirm that this is actually him? you can just change your name to anything with telegram

>> No.9954641


>> No.9954662
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>> No.9954664

I'm in the universa main group I'll try and ask him. He's in there pretty frequently. Looks legit imo

>> No.9954673

That alfa bank video is some nobody in a crappt office. Alfa bank cant confirm it, nor can EY. Literally no proof of any partnerships. That said I got 50k cuz this nigger coin is my unicorn.

>> No.9954689


>> No.9954690
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>> No.9954709

6 digits or rip. The hype train is about to start so none of it really matters. They talk a good game and take good handshake pics. Look at what these chinkcoins pull off on hype alone

>> No.9954716

that would be great if you could thanks.

>> No.9954729

Alright faggot you shilled me I'll unironically buy 100k since it's only 1c a piece

>> No.9954862
File: 3.59 MB, 4032x3024, 20180619_223659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this helps but like I said he's pretty active in the chat you can always ask him

>> No.9954895

This. Ride the hype train. Got 600k of these bad boys

>> No.9954900

Not proof, inspect element is a thing and so are fake accounts

>> No.9954901

i almost don't want to ask you which group. Just in case more idiots from here start doing their stupid shit

>> No.9954915

I believe you OP. Thanks for sharing. Been trying to pick up more stinkies on this dip. Hope it stays low for a while longer

>> No.9954945
File: 3.45 MB, 2300x2500, 1516659297844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000000 EOY

>> No.9954963

Don't even bother these idiots will just keep whining

>> No.9954978

200k hopefully we make it fren

>> No.9954995

don't tell reddit, those losers don't deserve to get rich. I own lots of both op, which supercar do I buy first?

>> No.9955009

Stop I can only get so hard

t. 18k linklet

>> No.9955024

That's only like $10 worth at current prices

>> No.9955072

Interview with Alexander Borodich
>How is the blockchain business currently developing, both globally and in Russia? And what is the connection between the cryptocurrencies’ exchange rate dynamics and the business development?

- The thing is that blockchain technology, which cannot be seen, marks the beginning of a technological revolution coming to replace the internet-wave technologies. All future decentralization technologies will be based on what we call today blockchain.

- Even the oil deals are registered on blockchain.

- Futures contracts. Diamonds are marked with a special code that is stored on the blockchain, medical history, medical records and anything else. All statistical data will be sooner or later moved to blockchain.

Who here remembers the post about METANALYSIS DATA with Chainlink the other day??

EOY $1k

>> No.9955083

>22k LINK
>75k UTNP

Will I make it?

>> No.9955090
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>> No.9955108
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Oooooh shit

>> No.9955109

based Sergey. I'm on board with the Russians.

>> No.9955137

Alright fuck it I'm buying 50k of this scamcoin. LINK hasn't been doing anything anyways

>> No.9955208

that looks like the gist of it i skimmed through the weekly updates thing

>> No.9955221

Holy holy shit.

>> No.9955239

Link to interview

>> No.9955260


>> No.9955265


this was the original inteveriew in Russian but was translated

>> No.9955288


>> No.9955297

Welp thanks for even asking him. Doing great work.

>> No.9955325

Why the fuck would you need to count it you have a money counter right there, fucking retarded pic

>> No.9955332

Really good find

>> No.9955535

kek this is fake, no company in their right mind would use chainlink

>> No.9955579

people who deduce this post to be even a meager sign that Russia is exiting SWIFT, and is replacing it with some random cryptocurrency projects should stay away from this board for their own good

>> No.9955622

Mainnet hmmm, ok id like to hold access my tokens on the mainnet. Or maybe ill trade utn on cobinhood instead of utnp. Cuz u know, since mainnet is ready and functional. You are an all star my man

>> No.9955633

Russian is sick of the jewish banker cuffs. They dont want to play their game. Get real faggot

>> No.9955667


>> No.9955670
File: 258 KB, 1228x1328, 14724724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO of Universa here, we are not planing of using LINK anytime soon.


>> No.9955706
File: 11 KB, 480x480, 1519782317177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I'll bite, why are you such a faggot?

>> No.9955717

Rory is following them on Twitter. Seems like him and Thomas are dealing with all the low level crypto partners.

>> No.9956297

go back to Delhi, Pajeet

>> No.9956369

Linkpajeets use the same tactics as the 'IT support' scammers.

>> No.9956424

Link to Rory Twitter?

>> No.9956457

try googling rory chainlink twitter..

>> No.9957022

Ask him when do they expect to have a functioning oracle. If fat sergey doesn't tell us let their main clients do it

>> No.9957080

The flipping will be chainlink and not ETH!

>> No.9957544

It's a shame what he did to those children

>> No.9957631

I don't know much about UTNP but the chart looks really good I just picked some up

>> No.9957638


Ive been looking into that myself lately

check out Fiona Barnett Candy Girl on Youtube if you have not already, the stuff she alleges to have seen is more extreme than anything I have heard before

>> No.9957640
File: 38 KB, 989x256, universamonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universa is a class A shit coin. fucken sad what the Linkies have become

>> No.9957646

Russian scamception

>> No.9957670


swap UTNP for AMB

>> No.9957679

>swapping a shitcoin for an outright scam

>> No.9957686


stay salty

>> No.9957696
File: 380 KB, 579x450, 1529483325766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shamblet with heavy bags calling anyone else salty

>> No.9957749

I looked into universa last night shit looks like it's about to pop. Picked some up this morning.

>> No.9957767

Lmao what is this weak ass fud UTNP is a gem

>> No.9957779
File: 37 KB, 532x168, Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 13.59.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shoo, pajeets.

>> No.9957852

>Taking investment advice from Twitter nigger

>> No.9957882

Thanks now I know this is something I should look at

>> No.9957887

shitcoins partnering with eachother lmao is this a joke

>> No.9957895

some slavic sub human scam lmao

>> No.9957914

Yeah and confido was planning on using link too. It was still a worthless shitcoin and the devs exit scammed.

>> No.9957944

shit coin from russia. listed on shit exchanges. currently ico price. centralized piece of shit. connected to meme coin LINK. shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.9957946

Literally who is using ChainLink. This is the best we got, fucking universa? SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce, Wells Fargo, SWIFT, I guess are all out the window at this point and fucking universa is supposed to get me excited? Fuck this noise.

>> No.9957957

how can you use it now if network is not up

>> No.9957980

Definitely not. You need 100k+ link like it's always been from day 1.

>> No.9958004

If this was going to happen the price would be higher already. I think sergey is Russian but still. Pretty people would be buying up the entire binance supply if this were the case.

>> No.9958072

This could go either way. I'm leaning 70% delusion and 30% holy grail.

>> No.9958098

I recently sold utnp

>> No.9958200

kek this is just to surreal. how the fuck did i end up here

>> No.9958213

Riddle Anon here. Borodich is what he is because of Vladimir Vladimirovitš Putin. Fintech is a race for Putin, he is in contact with Buterin regarding Sperbank (I've talked about this earlier, hope you have it all saved). Buterin - Nazarov, ETH - CL connections are obvious. Buy ChainLink. Do you want to believe?

>> No.9958467


>> No.9958506

I thought Vitalik was opposed to CL ? Do you have the link to the thread riddle anon, or anons?

>> No.9958717

ive never seen you talk about this.

>> No.9958767

Thanks, comfy as a mofo. Looking forward to retirement in 2 years!

>> No.9959319

same thought. i dont remember how i found LINK. been here since SIBOS

>> No.9959356

based deluded idiots

>> No.9959362

Seeing as all of you here stink of link, here is some other educating stuff https://epicenter.tv/episode/164/

>> No.9959369

He didn't say anything bad about oracles. In face he called them awesome. He didn't seem to think highly of the 32MM sale for LINK though. But he's not really profit driven so take it with a grain of salt.


>> No.9959482

Ah! Cool. thank you for the dose of reality, anon

>> No.9959584

I remember it well. Twas the beginning of monsoon season, you were taking your third street shit of the day when you overheard Ranjeet discussing the oracle problem and the impending 4th industrial revolution. "Was that ChainLink you said Ranjeet". "Shoo shoo pajeet this isn't for you". The rest, is street shitting history.

>> No.9959596

Someone ask in slack if this is possible

>> No.9959626

Yea because they'll definitely answer any question that might lead to speculation.

>> No.9959644

Didn't bother reading any of the thread but this makes sense on a couple of levels.

1. Sergey has worked in Russia with Russian teams a lot
2. Several people with ASEAN watch on the Github and are on the slack.

This is great though, confirmation that other projects are working on core adapters which means chainlink's blockchain agnosticism is no longer just theoretical. Other blockchains actively want chainlink.

>> No.9959677

>Other blockchains actively want chainlink.
Is it really a good sign that scamcoins with a market cap below 1m want chainlink?

>> No.9959684

universa's a bit more than that m8, but keep it up you might actually trick someone

>> No.9959774


>> No.9960122

pizzagate is real you inbredish imbecile fuck piece of subhuman scum

>> No.9960716

It was never "theoretical", heretic.

>> No.9960972

Theoretical in the sense that no other project other than those on ethereum have expressed any interest in using it. The hyperledger foundation didn't know anything about it other than what's literally just on the front page of the website as of December 2017.

>> No.9961197

This has me worried. The only projects that come out and say they're using ChainLink are the ones like confido, eth horse and now universa...not a great lineup compared to SWIFT, Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce but I guess we'll take what we can get. The bar is set so high with LINK no way it'll ever reach it but if it even falls a little short it'll be the biggest technological breakthrough since the inception of bitcoin.

>> No.9961353


why dont you get yourself a nice tripcode? you are one of the few posters here who are actually worth being recongnized