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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 90 KB, 1062x1342, 1506907586084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9951100 No.9951100 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how smart /biz/ is 2.0

>> No.9951167

>help I'm retarded /biz/ please help me pass my IQ test so I can show mommy how smart I am and she won't force me to get a job

>> No.9951189

I scored a 125 on it but this was the one I had no idea about.

>> No.9951195


>> No.9951230

It’s 1 because all the others have a corresponding pair

>> No.9951242

This puzzle does not make any sense. And I have taken iq tests

>> No.9951282


Every colored figure retains its coloring pattern for 3 figures, with the black squares being the only two, therefor it's another black square. There is a white and dark symmetry of figures so it might be logical to you to go with 1 but you're forgetting one important thing - you're not actually achieving a symmetry that way because you need a second white box to do so, while adding just another black one fulfills the rule of "3 with the same coloring rules"

>> No.9951300

Where can I find the whole test?

>> No.9951324

answer doesn't matter, the ones who tried are brainlets

>> No.9951326

It's pretty obviously 1.

Every item has an inverse except the solid black one, so the answer has to be the solid white one.

>> No.9951327


>> No.9951337

Smart enough not to waste time on this shit. bye.

>> No.9951342


I'd say 5, but it kinda doesn't follow the same pattern. I don't know weird question desu. They're clearly in opposite pairs but then it doesn't make sense to have one extra there so if white means "empty" then 1 would make sense aswell. So 1 or 5 are both correct imo.

>> No.9951346

is it 1?

>> No.9951374

1. Take 2 white L shapes and put them over each other and you get white U shape

2. Take 2 black L shapes and put them over each other and you get black U shape

3. Take 2 full black shapes and put them over each other and you still get full black shape

Answer by this logic has to be 5.

>> No.9951401


Actually, I've rethought it. It's still 1) but for different reasons.

The two black squares "add up" tot the white square (1).

The top right square and the top left square "add up" to the the bottom right.

The mid left square and the third in the bottom "add up" to the second in the bottom.

The answer is 1)

>> No.9951404


>> No.9951412

I'm thinking 5

>> No.9951425

it's long and hair pulling infuriating, got to have an hr or two to spare.

>> No.9951428



>> No.9951436

>The top right square and the top left square "add up" to the the bottom right.
If your black ON black chances color to white.
Then your top right ON top left changes color to invert of it. So cant be bottom right as sides would have to be black. (white on white)

>> No.9951438


Everyone posting ITT is surely retarded, the randomly strewn pieces ARE what you are choosing an answer from. You clearly have to drag those into the 'canvas', on the bottom is the first 1-6 in the series.

Holy shit. Also the right answer is a solid black square.

>> No.9951449
File: 105 KB, 1062x1342, 1529442520276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I fucked up, it's this.

See pic.

>> No.9951521

black + white invert, leaves black the odd man out though. can there be an extra one floating around. I'd say it's 5 because there's no new pieces

>> No.9951535

I think it actually accepts both 1 and 5 as correct. Try the test. You fail after 4 wrong answers in a row. I picked wrong in all from q3 to q6 and if I pick 2,3,4 or 6 on q7 the test ends. It didn't say anywhere that there's supposed to be only one correct answer.

>> No.9951544

>some shitty meme test online
How about you go to a psychologist and get tested for real?

>> No.9951554

Colors arent inverted.
They are multiplied.
Black on black gives black.
White on white gives white.

>> No.9951564
File: 8 KB, 225x250, 1511372511123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded, look at the fucking shape you mongoloid, it's obvious the bottom ones are supposed to go into the top slot.

>> No.9951677
File: 97 KB, 1328x1342, 1529442520276 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're fucking retarded holy shit, in any IQ test like this, the original 'series' is usually presented in a sequential order, the choices in OPs image are scrambled around, clearly you 'drag' and drop them into the canvas thingie which implies its the next in the series. You dumb fuck. Imagine if the question looked like this, would it make more sense? Because this is what they're implying.

As for why the white U is the answer, it's because you need to 'add the tiles up' to get white or black.

>> No.9951715
File: 368 KB, 3000x3000, 1508982486031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9951754

I know you're just pretending, otherwise you'd be too stupid to navigate an imageboard let alone comprehend crypto, but the bait ends here anon as anyone can just check >>9951425 and see how the test works.

>> No.9951781


Yea, it's 1 or 5. Everyone ITT got it right lol.

>> No.9951802

correct. everyone else is retarded.

>> No.9952499

got 125 on this shit even after skipping the last 5 or 7 questions because it was too boring, proof these tests are utter garbage

>> No.9952601

By this logic your answer should be 5

>> No.9952772
File: 109 KB, 500x324, strangegame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]