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File: 48 KB, 599x490, BdMSFLiCcAA9iAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9944939 No.9944939 [Reply] [Original]

The richest person in the room doesn't have gold chains on.

>> No.9944944
File: 51 KB, 312x312, linkgoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he is owner

>> No.9945150

Mark zuckerburg looks like he shops at Target. Same with Bill Gates. Really makes you think.

>> No.9945166

so many gay pedophiles in one picture, damn

>> No.9945170


Zuckerburgs Tshirts are custom made and cost like $800 each.

>> No.9945178


Interesting. Source? He still doesnt look very flashy.

>> No.9945183

Richest person in that room is actually diddy and you can’t confirm if he has a chain on or not

>> No.9945189

thats because jayz is a mutt uncle tom that thinks he's a jew

he's not a nigger, he probably hates everyone in that room

>> No.9945259

>the emptiest can rattles the most.jpg

Neither flashy new rich and demure new rich can buy taste. Which is weird, since style can be done on a budget provided you've got an okay body shape.
I mean seriously, do you expect a psychopathic nerd like Cuckerberg to know about style?

>> No.9945340

Not $800 but $400


You think that Zuckerberg has the time to give a fuck about fashion? He isn't some 19 year soundcloud rapper wearing gucci and supreme. He controls the biggest social media platforms on the world, he doesn't give a fuck about his image and he doesn't care what people think about him. And he knows that very well. Thats why he doesn't wear flashy shit like lil pump or all these other attention seeking whores.

>> No.9945374

This, he likes the way jews think.
Listen to this.

>> No.9945436
File: 374 KB, 620x888, georgecortinabreast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think that Zuckerberg has the time to give a fuck about fashion?
Yes. Gianni Angelli did.
> he doesn't give a fuck about his image
Oh, it shows.
>and he doesn't care what people think about him.
I literally just called him a psycopath, did you even read my post?
> Thats why he doesn't wear flashy shit like lil pump or all these other attention seeking whores.
He could still dress with style though. Style isn't 'flashy'. Having taste means having style.

>> No.9945642 [DELETED] 

I'm p. sure most of those people are free men.

>> No.9945682

>He could still dress with style though. Style isn't 'flashy'. Having taste means having style.
He would need a stylist, or else that takes too much. effort and time, that energy is better spent on other stuff for people in this situation. IIRC Bill Gates had his clothes chosen and laid out by his mom until he was well into his 30s.

>> No.9945690


This is the true red pill: Jay Z epitomises collectivism and Kanye epitomises individualism. The divide between them will only grow.

Jay Z became initiated into some LARP illuminati cult which is just a bunch of manipulative Jews and totally embraced sucking up to them and employing their tactics for money because it makes him “smart”, he’s the kind of cunt who will invest and promote modern art because its what his Jewish “mentors” teach him.

He tried to ingratiate Kanye who thinks of himself as a god and consequently instinctively rejects any kind of hierarchy, even an elitist one, so as a result he couldn’t handle the brown nosing, his mentality is “I’m not gonna buy modern art, I’m gonna be a modern artist”.

Whether you like either of them or think they’re both pompous dumb niggers, you’re actually witnessing a horribly articulated war between two of the oldest and most fundamental human instinct: self actualised rebellion, vs hierarchical submission. These instinct go way back, it’s the birth of religion. Man simultaneously is conflicted by his desire to become god, and his desire to have a god oversee him and liberate him from responsibility and free will. After all what is more terrifying, that we alone are the most powerful being in the universe, or that there is a more powerful being than us in the universe.

>> No.9945700

why do niggers do it ?

>> No.9945764


>comparing some shitty car-making wop to literally one of the most powerful men in history


>> No.9945780
File: 304 KB, 612x810, 049839E2-1656-4B9B-973A-61EA090C48DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9945783

blacks have worn chains since 1590

>> No.9945816

This is unironically a good post.
>inb4 "muh pseudo-intellectual" nigger replies

>> No.9945829

nas on this topic on his newest album:
Future Murcielago driver 'til Lambos got average on me
I started likin' the look like I ain't had no money
Yellow taxi seats over Maybach seats
Just to remind me, just to inspire me
To stay focused, it's a real sick society
Just 'cause I got your support don't mean you're buyin' me
I'm buyin' back the land owned by the slave masters
Where my ancestors lived, just to say a rapper
Made a change; the pants-sagger put plans in action
'Til they claim the Pan-African made it happen

>> No.9945950


interesting post but youre giving these nogs way too much credit

>> No.9945998

4:44 OUT NOW

>> No.9946754

>making sound financial decisions is "hierarchical submission"
>blowing your cash on the newest highly marketed penis extension is "self actualised rebellion"



>> No.9946805

Are you implying that Kanye is the Ubermensch?

>> No.9946848

>translation: I finally ran out of money because Illmatic is my only good album

>> No.9946855

>He doesn't keep gold on him for an emergency situation.

>> No.9946860

They all look jewish.

>> No.9947139
File: 81 KB, 1023x513, 1529165827002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this FUD from NEETs who don't even listen to hip hop
the one NOT constantly shucking, jiving, and showing his teeth for massa is the tom?
kanye wore a MAGA hat and kissed the ring so he's every /pol/tard's favorite rapper, and jay z said black lives matter and wears a black kaepernick jersey so he's /pol/tard enemy number one.
it's so predictable at this point. you're not just stooges, you love based black people as long as they know their place right?

>> No.9947158

>this faggot listens to nigger music


>> No.9947210

he invested in coinbase early
I doubt he lacks funds

>> No.9947236

Each chain on their neck is worth more than ur entire life. No cap

>> No.9947292

bunch of fake ass negros.

>> No.9947516

>larping so hard