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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9944430 No.9944430 [Reply] [Original]

Currently sitting below ICO price, Coinbase Pro (GDAX revamped) listing coming on June 29th, 10 non-crypto partnerships currently under NDA which will eventually be revealed, why aren't you buying more?

>> No.9944719

Because i dont want to lose my money kek

>> No.9944726

>tfw my coinbase eth purchase doesnt come for 8 days

>> No.9944878
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It's below ICO price buddy, heavily oversold as a market overreaction to a shift in the roadmap, and literally the lowest it's been on the ratio since November, and I just pointed out two major factors that will provide catalysts for gains on the current depressed price.

Typical /biz/nessmen like yourselves don't know how to spot obvious buying opportunities in favor of meming but that's fine, you keep doing you.

>> No.9944891

Im buying after friday because the update will be horrible

>> No.9944951

I am already at 50k REQ (25k from ICO, 25k from November), but I won't buy more. Release of main net didn't attract any business and I am a bit wary whether their business case will ever catch on.

>> No.9945054

The team is entirely aware of how much holders have been JUSTd over the last month and how annoyed people were with the shift in the roadmap. I'd say they'd be looking to throw investors a bone in the next update to make up for it, which is easy enough knowing that they're sitting on a lot of juicy partnerships which have not been released yet.

I don't think it's a risk worth taking, given that the project is now less than 10% above the absolute bottom it reached during the latest dip- potential upside to downside doesn't look great.

Vendor adoption has been growing- more importantly BTC and altcoin integration will be on mainnet likely after this project update (it's been working on testnet for a while and they said it would be integrated on mainnet soon), which is pretty vitally important for vendors since most crypto-based e-commerce is paid for with bitcoin.

Honestly the whole crypto-paypal application is cool and all, but I personally think that the real success of this platform will come from the auditing and accounting application, more than anything else. Knowing the excitement that PwC France feels for this project and the fact that they will be shilling it to their network of clients is what truly keeps me comfy at night.

>> No.9945141

its time people realise the lack of proper management means req is now the pets.com rather than the amazon of the crypto space

>> No.9945321

Oh fuck off, why can't /biz/ have a discussion based on arguments instead of memes for once?

Maybe I am jaded, but I don't even think the crypto-paypal application is cool at all anymore. We are now about 7 years into the upcoming disruption of paypal via bitcoin and nothing has happened. Banks are reluctantly improving their e-payment systems while crypto is unable to penetrate the absolutely ginormous network effect fiat enjoys. Even their fiat gateway will IMO not help them - at least I don't see why.

I still hope that crypto could be a way to automate a lot in the invoicing and supply-chain area, so maybe REQ will do what Silicon Valley startups do best: pivot into something similar.

>> No.9945346

The whole Wikimedia fiasco really killed my faith in the teams ability to deliver. I'm sitting on 57k but realize we will be lucky to ever see 30c again

>> No.9945349
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>> No.9945353
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Because I don't have no more cash

>> No.9945371

which company do you know has done this level of pivot and still succeeded. the management sucks 6 months with millions invested and all they have produced is a button and a very THIN codebase.

>> No.9945424
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I think that REQ will certainly do well in the niche of crypto payments, but to the level of regulatory hurdles needed to overcome for fiat integration means that it could take a while for this application to be fully fleshed out, and to become more a true payment processor, not only for crypto.

Like I said, I think that people underestimate the value of their accounting and auditing application. There is a reason why PwC France are so excited to work with them, faggots:

'@ RequestNetwork : We have developed together use cases bridging the gap between the historical business world and the distributed world of # blockchain'

It's been discussed enough on plenty of previous req threads that I'm not going to bother going into more detail- but bottom line is that Request is much more than just a payments platform.

>> No.9945433

OP btw, just came home.

>> No.9945452

Actually I just found a post that outlines precisely what I'm getting at: gonna copy-paste it

Payments is just one application of the REQ platform, besides simply handling the niche of payment with cryptocurrency I believe the end-goal will be to enable fiat-integration with the platform, at which point Request will be able to massively undercut current traditional payment providers on a cost-basis. Obviously this is a huge mountain to climb, and is not something to be taken lightly at all, if this was all there was to Request I would probably not bet on it.

Personally while doing research for the ICO I was much more impressed with the application of the platform to invoicing, accounting and auditing, given its obvious advantages over current traditional methods of doing so, and comparative ease of implementation (i.e. much less government red-tape to deal with) versus the payments application. These are multibillion dollar industries that should in no way be underestimated, hence one can understand PwC's enthusiasm to be working with the REQ team.


In English, from the last project update:

>We have designed together use cases that could exceed expectations of the future customers, bridging the gap between the historical business world and the distributed world of blockchain.” — Marie Line Ricard, Partner, Blockchain Lab Leader, PwC France

So again, payments is just one of the multibillion dollar industries that the REQ platform is looking to disrupt, I would not underestimate it.

>> No.9945476
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Here is a quote taken directly from the PwC France website, from the 'blockchain' section

>Financial institutions such as banks have for a long time embodied the position of "trusted third party" validating the authenticity and accuracy of transactions. Blockchain technology eliminates this trusted third party. The opportunities of the blockchain reside in the guarantee of agreement on the part of all the stakeholders of a transaction. This is made possible thanks to the recording, at all the stages of its realization, of the origin and the property of the transaction. It is precisely because the blockchain allows to register and authenticate each step that it could be used to secure and verify any type of transaction, without interaction with a third stakeholder.

The reason they are so excited to work with the REQ team is that they obviously grasp just how much of an impact the REQ platform could have on the world of auditing and accounting. These are the words of (the French branch of) the top accounting firm in the world, not just anyone, and should not be taken lightly.

Also note the supply chain application on the PwC France blockchain page, and consider the 'coincidence' of the REQ team looking for team members to focus on business development of this use case.

>> No.9945494

PayPal was founded as a P2P mobile payment system, for instance.
I doubt all they (REQ) have is a button - I hope they have something like business developers, have a backend and auditing infrastructure and other non-sexy parts that could actually be vital. Y-Combinator has experience with startup investing and I doubt they would let a startup run around for months achieving nothing.

>> No.9945575

Below ICO price after months of bleeding: like that's a good thing.
Coinbase pro: listed among a lot of other tokens on a dex, with no normie money coming in anymore? A little pnd maybe.
Partnerships: The only light at the end of the tunnel, if they are decent sized firms that are going to use their invoicing/accounting dapps.
But their github and site are dead, not even the new roadmap has been completed, a 1 day work from a solid web dev.
I have a "free" stack of these after having sold most of my tokens at a profit, but I am not bullish anymore about it.

>> No.9945630

>But their github and site are dead

Don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.9945732

Oh nice, it was more than a week since last update, that was a small thing, and some documentation update 2 weeks ago. Should have checked before posting.

>> No.9945853

>judging projects by public github commits

>> No.9945888

Opposed to what, promises and fairy dust?
And the devs are not contributing much to private githubs too, so what is your point?
If they have tons of code on their laptops that they are not committing to at least a private github it's malpractice on their part, not lack of due research on my part.

>> No.9946478
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Have to agree with you. The sentiments for REQ and the market in general are improving once more and with most of the dApp functionality yet to be delivered, I think we're set for a nice run back to 50 cents this summer. The Coinbase listing will certainly help people funnel money into a low cap coin that looks good to normies.

Yeah, the devs have shit the bed lately, but they're hiring and expanding the team.

>> No.9946516

>ore importantly BTC and altcoin integration will be on mainnet likely after this project update (it's been working on testnet for a while and they said it would be integrated on mainnet soon), which is pretty vitally important for vendors since most crypto-based e-commerce is paid for with bitcoin.
>Honestly the whole crypto-paypal application is cool and all, but I personally think that the real success of this platform will come from the auditing and accou

This is also true unfortunately.

They took 30 million dollars worth of ETH from the public and produced fuck all in terms of value so far. I would say they have delivered less than 10% of their promises.

>> No.9946969
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>but I won't buy more.

That is wise Anon. Even wiser to dump what you have in this pump. This bitch is bottoming out at $0.02.

>> No.9946987

>Coinbase Pro (GDAX revamped) listing coming on June 29th
was this confirmed? I thought this was a meme

>> No.9947039

It's not a meme, go look at Coinbases blog page.>>9946969
>File: REQ-bottom.jpg (19 KB, 320x240)
Holy shit man, do you have a life? I see this way too much

>> No.9947402

i dont find it

>> No.9947489

It's literally a useless shitcoin. Nobody is using this French turd for anything.

>> No.9947522

He's a lying delusional faggot who thinks his shitty coins will be worth something. It's generally a good idea to ignore all REQtards and linkfags.

>> No.9947532

Don’t overvalue YC. They are basically playing the VC game - invest in a lot of startups knowing most will fail. Their coinbase investment honestly will pay off probably an entire year of other investments alone. I’m sure this caused them to jump into some others in the crypto space, but I highly doubt they actually give a shit if a bunch fail. They are likely expecting that.

t. Worked at YC backed startup which failed

>> No.9947583

All you posted is good but at what point will they have an auditing program running? They are focusing on the crowd funding app first it seems and haven't mentioned any progress on an auditing app for pwc. Seems like they don't want to use the full potential of their code.

>> No.9947776

In the blog post where they announced their PwC partnership they revealed that they had been working together with PwC for close to six months.

This would indicate that there is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we are not yet aware about.

>> No.9947976
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imagine buying this at >$1 and still holding, it has to 10x before you break even

>> No.9948221

those poor souls
worst performing coin ever
well we should have known that this is a pajeet scam coin since it was so hyped at reddit

>> No.9948256
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$1000 EOY, C-CHECK EM..

>> No.9948273

makes me feel grateful I bought at 3k.

>> No.9948314


Correct. Retards think YC is actually mentoring these French Pajeets.

The fact is, they simply invested early on for less than a penny, and probably dumped their stake in January.

>> No.9948389
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> Promoted by the same people that promoted Bitconnect

You know this is a winner