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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9942981 No.9942981 [Reply] [Original]

when you understand this. everything will make sense.

>> No.9943077

Lame Fud

>> No.9943837

nice digits but this is the opposite of fud

>> No.9943850

LINK being below $1000 after mainnet release defeats the purpose of the token. It’s literally in the whitepaper you fucking brainlet

>> No.9944131

the value of link is not the price of a single token.
it will be the passive income of earnings from high reputation nodes that people will retire off of

>> No.9944172

but watch and see..

>> No.9944174

1) Institutional adopters will be incentivised with LINK tokens to participate in the network. Institutional adopters will want their LINK tokens, which they got for free, to do a lot of work within the Chainlink ecosystem. The way for those tokens to do a lot of work is to make each one more valuable. If your 500k LINK lets you do $50 million worth of work on the network that's better than the same stack doing $100k worth of work, for obvious reasons.
2) Node operators of all kinds benefit directly from a high token price because it permits them to stake fewer tokens per contract as collateral for bad data feeds. Fewer tokens per contract = more contracts = more income.
3) The company itself benefits from a high token price because, duh, they own 300 million of them and the more that is worth, the more they can expand, diversify, respond to threats, etc.
Every single participant in this network benefits from a high token price. Nobody "loses", because people buying data feeds will be thinking in terms of fiat, not LINK tokens. Someone buying a trustless data feed doesn't care if the $5 fee costs 0.1 LINK or 20 LINK, it makes no difference. The value of staking rewards will have some effect on the demand for link tokens through new node creation, but when you're talking about the world's first blockchain agnostic, fully trustless way to move data on and off chains, and trigger payments, for some reason I don't think demand for nodes is going to be lacking.

>> No.9944187

watch for what?

>> No.9944194


>> No.9944262

fuck you

>> No.9944273
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>> No.9944278

> tokens won't make you rich
> but the people who stake them for income will

In a relative sense, node operators will be wealthy compared to regular hodl sellers. Anyone hodling enough link has made it regardless though.

>> No.9944282
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>> No.9944308

Thank you anon. They don't deserve this.

>> No.9944320
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what is enough my fren?

>> No.9944344

daily reminder


>> No.9944350

I fucked up an posted in the first linklet thread.. But..

Looking at making ETF smart contracts, how can I do this with ChainLink?
Am I seriously going to have to make an account to get access to their docs?
Am I going to end up having to host and oracle?

>> No.9944354

Depends on which country you're in breh. For the U.S I would say 10k linkies. I have 20k and want more though. Half will be for staking, the other half for hodl until $1k minimum.

>> No.9944436

Link gets FUD'd so much because everyone is so used to shitcoin hype pnd methods. People just can't understand an honest project

>> No.9944461

Or you know.. The fact that it is legitmately worthless and no one can tell me how to do something it was created for..

Also most cryptos are FOREX, the sooner you realize that it is zero sum, the sooner you start profiting off actual investments

>> No.9944509

>Also most cryptos are foreign exchanges
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9944593
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I live in europe and getting close to 8k
Hope this sets free me from wageslaving so i can make my parents proud and get them a nice vacation
we gonna make it

>> No.9944627

>FOREX is foreign exchanges
You and everyone on this board are geniunely retarded shills.
Use some inference, usd/eur usd/cny usd/cad, what was traditionally called FOREX before you retards came in, you know currency trading that has a shit ton of regulation by the SEC..
I want my pre-2018 /biz/ back.. Before all this fuckwit shills.

>> No.9944637

Anyone else remember when Vitalik came out and said Ethereum was over valued at $7?

Theres this weird concept, not just in crypto but in every trend I followed dealing with technology, although I imagine it has happened long before the tech boom, where the intelligent people who design these products, the ones who create these ideas are completely clueless on the economic aspect. Its a psychological affect where someone is good at one thing, they will make assumptions and assume they are a genius on every topic.

You are going to ask a chess grand master who he thinks will win the worldcup. You arent going to ask a politician advice on your art work. You aren't searching for musicians to tell you how to fix your car.

>> No.9944644

link is a dead project

>> No.9944706 [DELETED] 

>anonymous devs
>350M corculating
>10B total supply
>3.3% circ supply!

>> No.9944728

Tell that cuck that the price is crashing and if he wants a project that'll still be around in a few months he'll answer every question thrown his way.

>> No.9944735

and nano was originally called raiblocks


kys nigger

>> No.9944739


Can’t be fucked finding it

>> No.9944799

>NYSE is a market for stocks and etfs
>OTC is a market for stocks and etfs
>FOREX is a market for currencies
Seriously? How retarded does this board get?
Slinging nigger words when I am clearly a Jew.

>> No.9944805

Lurk more before u embarrass yourself posting faggot

>> No.9944819

> h-he better answer our babydick retail money questions or he'll sink, for real!
Imagine being so fucking stupid you would ever believe that a company which is dealing with partners like swift should need to play 21 questions with people like you so that you can what, buy a few hundred K with your little girl purse?

>> No.9944831

kys jew

>> No.9944849

mission accomplished then

>> No.9944958

Anyone down to help tie the noose?
Already all in on link and have no way to give it any value..

>> No.9944974
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>Chainlink is the same as Ethereum

>> No.9945022

why did the volume suddenly die mid-may?

>> No.9945082

estimated or "intended" price is nowhere in the whitepaper or from the team.

>> No.9945126
File: 13 KB, 500x212, ED01CABB-62AB-4AEE-9A80-ED4D915C1ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your daily reminder that Sergey himself has said that the token price needs to be as high as possible

>> No.9945589

The whales pretty much finished taking back Link that went to those that were not supposed to have it. Those that held firm with iron fists or continued to accumulate will be rewarded. Patience will be rewarded in a huge way. Not a question of if, a question of when. 2019 and 2020 it will become clear. Hodl boys and ignore the fud, don't let them steal your stack.

>> No.9945600

why did you feel the need to shoop that pic

>> No.9946140

and link have 1 decimals you newfag

>> No.9946273


>> No.9946301

High energy

We're asymptotically approaching full retard on the LINK fud

>> No.9946352
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wut? the link token has 18 decimal places. this is easily verifyable.

>> No.9946473

>no one can tell me
Gotta love the newfrens constantly begging to be spoonfed.

>> No.9946519
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>thinking about making etf smart contracts
>asks 4chan how to do this
>complains nobody is helping him

>> No.9947332

Try to swing trade shitcoins, fren. You will make more money and be able to buy more link

>> No.9947455

I live in S.E Asia. 8.5k linkies. Will have 10k soon. I was thinking about selling half and keeping the other half for staking.. but will a computer brainlet such as myself be able to do this? And how much of passive income could be possible.

>> No.9947560

if it ever becomes worthwhile to stake, linkpoolio will be your friend.

>> No.9947822

How do you verify this? Genuinely curious because I always thought it was 8.

>> No.9947845

its $1000 eoy so if you have 10k right now you'll be a millionaire shortly

>> No.9947904

Really? That’s news to me!

>> No.9948092

fuck all you brainlets


and stop asking stupid questions

>> No.9948495

Oh fuck off, dickhead. I doubt you've read the fucking thing either. I've been following this since before the pre-sale, all I did was politely ask a question.

>> No.9948510

I just want it to reach 3-5$ and ill be really happy

>> No.9948715


I don't understand what you mean?

In either case the value of the LINK token goes up?

>> No.9948729


Aside from accumulating.

I realize it's better for the price to stay low after mainnet. We'll be able to stake and exponentially earn more LINK than it the price was high.

>> No.9948947

sorry fren but 8k is not probably enough

>> No.9949253
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>> No.9949622

what was faggot OP talkin about

>> No.9949644

er... not shopped, sorry, kek

>> No.9949701

OP knows nothing.